In [47]:
import requests

dan_access_token = 'USE_YOUR_OWN_TOKEN!'

github_sample_pub_url = ''
github_sample_priv_url = ''

api_pub_url = ''
api_priv_url = ''

$ # Sample curl that works with access token
$ curl -H "Authorization: token xxxxxx"

$ # using httpie tool
$ http -v access_token==xxxxx  
$ http -v 'Authorization: Token xxxxx'

In [34]:
# r = requests.get(api_priv_url, headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + dan_access_token})

In [40]:
# r.status_code

In [69]:
since_date = '2016-08-01'
q_this_month = '?since=' + since_date

In [70]:
r = requests.get(api_priv_url + q_this_month, headers={'Authorization': 'token ' + dan_access_token})

In [71]:

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   u'html_url': u'',
   u'id': 462827,
   u'login': u'tucotuco',
   u'organizations_url': u'',
   u'received_events_url': u'',
   u'repos_url': u'',
   u'site_admin': False,
   u'starred_url': u'{/owner}{/repo}',
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   u'type': u'User',
   u'url': u''}}]

In [68]:


In [73]:
print "ISSUES updated since", since_date, ":"
for each in r.json():
    if "title" in each:
        print each["html_url"], each["title"]

ISSUES updated since 2016-08-01 : KU Mammals -- Remove Records UCRC Ento ANSP Mammals ANSP Fish ANSP Birds ANSP Herps PBDB - Paleobiology DataBase RBMR (Raffles) Herps Charleston Museum Verts and More NBMB Vertebrates ZISP Herps BYU Mammals UAZ Mammals LSUMZ Bird Tissues MCNB Tissue ISM Birds ISM Herps ISM Mammals Harvest CRCM vertebrates - monthly ISM Fish TCWC Invertebrates UAZ Herps UMNH Birds RM Herps MWFB Vertebrates MMNS Fish USNM Vert Paleo CRCM Vertebrates UMMZ Birds BPBM Vertebrates

In [74]:
print "NEW issues since", since_date, ":"
for each in r.json():
    if "title" in each:
        for labels in each["labels"]:
            if "name" in labels:
                if labels["name"] == "new":
                    print each["html_url"], each["title"]

NEW issues since 2016-08-01 : UCRC Ento PBDB - Paleobiology DataBase Charleston Museum Verts and More NBMB Vertebrates BYU Mammals LSUMZ Bird Tissues RM Herps

In [ ]: