In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from IPython.display import HTML

import latools as la

from comparison_tools import helpers, stats, plots

%matplotlib inline

Data Collection Parameters

In [2]:

Parameter Value
Laser Instrument Photon Machines G2
Energy 0.87-1.04 J cm-2
Wavelength 193 nm
Pulse Length 4 ns
Repetition Rate 5-7 Hz
Spot Size 50x50 μm square
Beam Optics Beam homogeniser
Optical attenuator
Interface Sample Cell Type 2 Volume Helex
Gas Flows 1 L min-1 He
Transfer Devices Squid
Mass Spec Type Agilent 7700x ICP-MS
11B 10-50 ms
24Mg 10-50 ms
25Mg 10-50 ms
27Al 10-50 ms
43Ca 10-50 ms
44Ca 10-50 ms
86Sr 10-50 ms
87Sr 10-50 ms
88Sr 10-50 ms
138Ba 10-50 ms
Cycle Time 348 ms

NB: Per-element dwell times not recorded.

Process Data

In [3]:
dat = la.analyse('raw_data/cultured_foram/', srm_identifier='STD')

Loading Data:  30%|██▉       | 8/27 [00:00<00:00, 77.55it/s]
Starting analysis using "UCD-AGILENT" configuration:
Loading Data: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:00<00:00, 120.20it/s]
  27 Data Files Loaded: 2 standards, 25 samples
  Analytes: B11 Mg24 Mg25 Al27 Ca43 Ca44 Sr86 Sr87 Sr88 Ba138
  Internal Standard: Ca43

In [4]:
sample = 'C3_A'  # modify to change which is plotted throughout.
_ =[sample].tplot()

Data Processing

In [5]:

Despiking: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:00<00:00, 544.23it/s]

In [6]:
_ =[sample].tplot()

In [7]:
dat.autorange(on_mult=[2, 1], off_mult=[1, 3])

AutoRange: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:01<00:00, 15.62it/s]

In [8]:
_ =[sample].tplot(ranges=True)

In [9]:
dat.bkg_calc_weightedmean(weight_fwhm=800, n_min=60, bkg_filter=True)

In [10]:

Plotting backgrounds: 100%|██████████| 10/10 [00:01<00:00,  9.09it/s]
(<Figure size 540x360 with 1 Axes>,
 <matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes at 0x7f69f07d5ba8>)

Sr backgrounds a little odd - check autorange isn't erroneously including 'signal' in the background regions:

In [11]:
_ =['E6-F1_A'].tplot(ranges=True)

Looks fine - proceed with background correction

In [12]:

Background Subtraction: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:04<00:00,  8.39it/s]

In [13]:
_ =[sample].tplot(ranges=True)

In [14]:

Ratio Calculation: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:00<00:00, 32.97it/s]

In [15]:
_ =[sample].tplot(ranges=True)

In [16]:
dat.calibrate(srms_used=['NIST610', 'NIST612', 'NIST614'])

Applying Calibrations: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:02<00:00,  7.84it/s]

In [17]:
_ = dat.calibration_plot()

The Sr87 calibration has a non-zero intercept, suggesting a possible isobaric interference. As we are not seeking to quantitatively determine Sr87 in these samples (it is used as a marker only), we will continue using a calibration line with a non-zero intercept.

In [18]:
dat.calibrate('Sr87', srms_used=['NIST610', 'NIST612', 'NIST614'], zero_intercept=False)

Applying Calibrations: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:00<00:00, 82.25it/s]

In [49]:
_ = dat.calibration_plot()


In [20]:

These data contain analyses of O. universa and N. dutertreii. These need to be treated separately during filtering, so we divide the data into two subsets.

In [21]:
# subsets
dat.make_subset([s for s in dat.samples if (s[0] == 'B') | (s[0] == 'C') | (s[0] == 'E')], 'dut')
dat.make_subset([s for s in dat.samples if (s[0] != 'B') & (s[0] != 'C') & (s[0] != 'E') & (s[0] != 'S')], 'orb')


O. universa

In [22]:
_ =['LN1_A'].tplot(filt=False)

In [23]:
_ = dat.crossplot(subset='orb')

Drawing Plots: 100%|██████████| 36/36 [00:00<00:00, 302.93it/s]

The data look fairly clean. High Al27 values are indicative of the carbon tape used to mount the specimens, and should be removed.

The two clusters in Sr87/Sr88 indicate material grown in or out of culture conditions, which were elevated in Sr86.

In [24]:
dat.filter_threshold('Al27', 0.2e-3, subset='orb')
dat.filter_on('below', subset='orb', show_status=True)

Threshold Filter: 100%|██████████| 6/6 [00:00<00:00, 1361.35it/s]
Subset: orb
Samples: LN1_A, LN3_A, LN4_A, LN5_A, JF2-A_A, AR5-8A

n  Filter Name          B11    Mg24   Mg25   Al27   Ca43   Ca44   Sr86   Sr87   Sr88   Ba138  
0  Al27_thresh_below    True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   
1  Al27_thresh_above    False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  

In [25]:
_ =['LN1_A'].tplot(filt=True)

N. dutertrei

In [26]:
_ =['C4-F_A'].tplot(filt=False)

In [27]:
_ = dat.crossplot(subset='dut')

Drawing Plots: 100%|██████████| 36/36 [00:00<00:00, 272.69it/s]

Similarly, the dutertrei data look relatively clean, with two distinct data populations representing culture grown and wild-grown calcite.

Apply a few threshold filters to remove some of the high outliers.

In [28]:
dat.filter_threshold('Al27', 0.1e-3, subset='dut')
dat.filter_threshold('Ba138', 6e-6, subset='dut')
dat.filter_threshold('Mg24', 15e-3, subset='dut')
dat.filter_on('Ba138_thresh_below', subset='dut')
dat.filter_on('below', subset='dut', show_status=True)

Threshold Filter: 100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 1482.55it/s]
Threshold Filter: 100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 1802.00it/s]
Threshold Filter: 100%|██████████| 19/19 [00:00<00:00, 2149.82it/s]
Subset: dut
Samples: C3_A, C3-F_A, C1-F_A, C4-F_A, C4-F1_A, C5-F1_A, C7-F_A, C8-F_A, C9-F_A, E6-F1_A, E7-F_A, E9-F_A, B12-F_A, B11-F_A, B10-F_A, B10-F1_A, B8-F_B, B3-F_A, B4-F_A

n  Filter Name           B11    Mg24   Mg25   Al27   Ca43   Ca44   Sr86   Sr87   Sr88   Ba138  
0  Al27_thresh_below     True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   
1  Al27_thresh_above     False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  
2  Ba138_thresh_below    True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   
3  Ba138_thresh_above    False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  
4  Mg24_thresh_below     True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   True   
5  Mg24_thresh_above     False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  False  

In [29]:
_ =['C4-F_A'].tplot(filt=True)

In [30]:
dat.filter_exclude_downhole(5, subset='dut')
dat.filter_on('downhole', subset='dut')

In [31]:
_ =['C4-F_A'].tplot(filt=True)

In [32]:
dat.sample_stats(stats=['mean', 'std', 'stderr'])

Calculating Stats: 100%|██████████| 27/27 [00:00<00:00, 65.61it/s]

In [33]:
ld = dat.getstats().loc['mean'] * 1e3

Save minimal export

This produces a .zip file containing all the raw data, the SRM values you used, and a record of everything you did to the data.

the zip file can be opened with latools.reproduce, to recreate your entire analysis.

In [34]:

Saved to: raw_data/cultured_foram_export/minimal_export/../

Compare Data

In [35]:
rd = helpers.load_reference_data('culture_reference')
td = helpers.load_reference_data('culture_test')
# ld = helpers.read_latools_data('Jenn_Data_export/clean_Alfilt.csv')

# combine all data
df = rd.join(td, lsuffix='_r', rsuffix='_t')
df = df.join(ld)

In [36]:
# number of unique samples


Characterise Inter-Replicate Reproducibility

In [37]:
_ = stats.pairwise_reproducibility(ld, plot=True)

In [38]:
_ = stats.pairwise_reproducibility(td, plot=True)

In [39]:
_, rep_dists, rep_stats, _ = stats.pairwise_reproducibility(rd, plot=True)

In [40]:
rep = pd.DataFrame(rep_stats).T
rep.columns = ['50%', '95%']
rep = rep.loc[['Mg/Ca', 'Sr/Ca', 'Ba/Ca', 'Al/Ca'],:]

In [41]:

Compare Data

In [42]:
# fig, axs = plots.comparison_plots(df, els=['Mg', 'Sr', 'Ba', 'Al'])

In [43]:
# fig, axs = plots.residual_plots(df, rep_stats, els=['Mg', 'Sr', 'Ba', 'Al'])

In [44]:
fig, axs = plots.bland_altman_plots(df, rep_stats=rep_stats, els=['Mg', 'Sr', 'Ba', 'Al'])

fig.savefig('Figures/culture_comparison.png', dpi=200)

Comparison Stats

In [45]:
stat = stats.comparison_stats(df, els=['Mg', 'Sr', 'Ba', 'Al'])

In [46]:

In [47]:
stat['Test User']

Residual Summary Residual Regression Kolmogorov-Smirnov
N Median LQ IQR UQ Slope Slope t Slope p Intercept Intercept t Intercept p R2 KS p
Mg/Ca 58 0.110929 -0.209317 0.589884 0.380567 0.0251354 0.75898 0.451047 0.0071223 0.0524345 0.958369 0.0101819 0.137931 0.606755
Sr/Ca 58 0.0126133 -0.134795 0.19071 0.055915 -0.0109954 -0.0616828 0.951035 -0.00204797 -0.00913788 0.992742 6.79377e-05 0.189655 0.222094
Ba/Ca 58 -0.00175805 -0.173678 0.237852 0.064174 0.0401601 0.362272 0.718513 0.0548817 0.19363 0.847166 0.0023381 0.137931 0.606755
Al/Ca 58 -0.00979209 -0.0191629 0.0137064 -0.00545648 -0.354314 -6.10224 1.03594e-07 -0.0062644 -2.24782 0.0285442 0.399382 0.517241 1.60669e-07

In [48]:

Residual Summary Residual Regression Kolmogorov-Smirnov
N Median LQ IQR UQ Slope Slope t Slope p Intercept Intercept t Intercept p R2 KS p
Mg/Ca 59 0.282552 0.0903516 0.504096 0.594447 0.0273888 1.03187 0.30649 0.220157 2.0297 0.0470648 0.0183375 0.220339 0.0981537
Sr/Ca 59 0.0225862 0.00359267 0.0379265 0.0415191 -0.380113 -5.46408 1.06537e-06 0.500033 5.73641 3.87084e-07 0.343743 0.20339 0.153254
Ba/Ca 59 0.0301793 -0.0650995 0.146865 0.0817658 -0.262719 -6.40346 3.11563e-08 0.470945 4.48169 3.62211e-05 0.418393 0.135593 0.617954
Al/Ca 59 -0.000224888 -0.00998352 0.0147826 0.00479908 -0.282028 -6.22127 6.22776e-08 -5.30286e-05 -0.0245569 0.980494 0.404415 0.237288 0.0606463