In [1]:
#general imports
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pygslib
#make the plots inline
%matplotlib inline
You can use Pandas to import your data from csv, MS Excel, sql database, json, html, among others. If the data is in GSLIB format you can use the function pygslib.gslib.read_gslib_file(filename)
to import the data into a Pandas DataFrame.
In [2]:
#get the data in GSLIB format into a pandas Dataframe
mydata= pygslib.gslib.read_gslib_file('../datasets/true.dat')
In [3]:
# This is a 2D grid file with two variables in addition we need a
# dummy BHID = 1 (this is like domain to avoid creating pairs from apples and oranges)
# printing to verify results
print (' \n **** 5 first rows in my datafile \n\n ', mydata.tail(n=5))
This is the example in the book GSLIB User Guide (Problem set two: variograms). The variogram parameter file (modified) may look like this in gslib:
Parameters for GAM
true.dat -file with data
2 1 2 - number of variables, column numbers
-1.0e21 1.0e21 - trimming limits
gam.out -file for variogram output
1 -grid or realization number
50 0.5 1.0 -nx, xmn, xsiz
50 0.5 1.0 -ny, ymn, ysiz
1 0.5 1.0 -nz, zmn, zsiz
2 10 -number of directions, number of lags
1 0 0 -ixd(1),iyd(1),izd(1)
0 1 0 -ixd(2),iyd(2),izd(2)
1 -standardize sill? (0=no, 1=yes)
4 -number of variograms
1 1 1 -tail variable, head variable, variogram type
1 1 3 -tail variable, head variable, variogram type
2 2 1 -tail variable, head variable, variogram type
2 2 3 -tail variable, head variable, variogram type
Reamember this is GSLIB... use this code to define variograms
type 1 = traditional semivariogram
2 = traditional cross semivariogram
3 = covariance
4 = correlogram
5 = general relative semivariogram
6 = pairwise relative semivariogram
7 = semivariogram of logarithms
8 = semimadogram
Note: The indicator variograms are not implemented in the fortran module. The user may define externally the indicator variables and run variogram (type 1) for indicator variography
In [4]:
# these are the parameters we need. Note that at difference of GSLIB this dictionary also stores
# the actual data
#important! python is case sensitive 'bhid' is not equal to 'BHID'
# the program gam (fortran code) use flatten array of 2D arrays (unlike gamv which
# works with 2D arrays). This is a work around to input the data in the right format
# WARNING: this is only for GAM and make sure you use FORTRAN order.
vr=mydata[['Primary', 'Secondary']].values.flatten(order='FORTRAN')
U_var= mydata[['Primary']].var()
V_var= mydata[['Secondary']].var()
parameters = {
'nx' : 50, # number of rows in the gridded data
'ny' : 50, # number of columns in the gridded data
'nz' : 1, # number of levels in the gridded data
'xsiz' : 1, # size of the cell in x direction
'ysiz' : 1, # size of the cell in y direction
'zsiz' : 1, # size of the cell in z direction
'bhid' : mydata['bhid'], # bhid for downhole variogram, array('i') with bounds (nd)
'vr' : vr, # Variables, array('f') with bounds (nd,nv), nv is number of variables
'tmin' : -1.0e21, # trimming limits, float
'tmax' : 1.0e21, # trimming limits, float
'nlag' : 10, # number of lags, int
'ixd' : [1,0], # direction x
'iyd' : [0,1], # direction y
'izd' : [0,0], # direction z
'isill' : 1, # standardize sills? (0=no, 1=yes), int
'sills' : [U_var, V_var], # variance used to std the sills, array('f') with bounds (nv)
'ivtail' : [1,1,2,2], # tail var., array('i') with bounds (nvarg), nvarg is number of variograms
'ivhead' : [1,1,2,2], # head var., array('i') with bounds (nvarg)
'ivtype' : [1,3,1,3]} # variogram type, array('i') with bounds (nvarg)
#check the variogram is ok
#TODO: assert gslib.check_gam_par(parameters)==1 , 'sorry this parameter file is wrong'
In [5]:
#Now we are ready to calculate the veriogram
pdis,pgam, phm,ptm,phv,ptv,pnump= pygslib.gslib.gam(parameters)
The output is a set of 3d arrays (pdis,pgam, phm,ptm,phv,ptv,pnump) with dimensions (nvarg, ndir, nlag+2), representing the experimental variograms output, and 1D array (cldi, cldj, cldg, cldh) representing variogram cloud for first variogram/direction.
This structure is complex but is like the standalone GSLIB gamv program.
To plot the variograms we need to use pdis (pair distances) and pgam (variogram values). Remember this arrays are 3D, to use the right values keep in mind that:
the number of variograms, directions and lags can be calculated as follows:
In [6]:
nvrg = pdis.shape[0]
ndir = pdis.shape[1]
nlag = pdis.shape[2]-2
print ('nvrg: ', nvrg, '\nndir: ', ndir, '\nnlag: ', nlag)
This is the first variogram output from gslib (direction 1 and 2)
Semivariogram tail:U head:U direction 1
1 1.000 0.49119 2450 2.53364 2.53909
2 2.000 0.62754 2400 2.49753 2.52300
3 3.000 0.75987 2350 2.46945 2.50771
4 4.000 0.81914 2300 2.45293 2.49312
5 5.000 0.83200 2250 2.46641 2.49146
6 6.000 0.88963 2200 2.48491 2.50075
7 7.000 0.93963 2150 2.50757 2.52079
8 8.000 0.96571 2100 2.53510 2.53821
9 9.000 1.00641 2050 2.55013 2.56459
10 10.000 0.99615 2000 2.57868 2.55968
Semivariogram tail:U head:U direction 2
1 1.000 0.49560 2450 2.61572 2.51775
2 2.000 0.63327 2400 2.64921 2.45918
3 3.000 0.67552 2350 2.68369 2.37889
4 4.000 0.72309 2300 2.72356 2.34000
5 5.000 0.75444 2250 2.75722 2.31314
6 6.000 0.83449 2200 2.79176 2.30304
7 7.000 0.85967 2150 2.78771 2.27861
8 8.000 0.89283 2100 2.78614 2.25039
9 9.000 0.87210 2050 2.79200 2.17433
10 10.000 0.89131 2000 2.81165 2.15231
In [7]:
import pandas as pd
pd.DataFrame({'dis1': pdis[variogram, dir1, : -2],
'gam1': pgam[variogram, dir1, : -2],
'npr1': pnump[variogram, dir1, : -2],
'dis2': pdis[variogram, dir2, : -2],
'gam2': pgam[variogram, dir2, : -2],
'npr2': pnump[variogram, dir2, : -2]})
In [8]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#plotting the variogram 1 only
# in all the directions calculated
for d in range(ndir):
plt.plot (pdis[v, d, :-2], pgam[v, d, :-2], '-o', label=str(ixd) + '/' + str(iyd) + '/' + str(izd))
# adding nice features to the plot
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