parm@frosst-y to SMIRNOFF

This notebook provides examples/utility functionality to assist with conversion of parm@frosst or relatives to SMIRNOFF format. Particularly, Christopher Bayly is generating modified AMBER frcmod files where the first entry for each parameter (i.e. CT-CT-CT) is replaced by the relevant SMIRKS pattern, for conversion into SMIRNOFF FFXML format.

This notebook will:

  1. Convert a specified smirks-frcmod file to SMIRNOFF FFXML
  2. Generate (or take in) a set of molecules in OpenEye oemol format
  3. Use the SMIRNOFF ForceField class to determine (a) which parameters are used in which molecules; (b) which molecules contain a specified parameter; and (c) which molecules do NOT contain a specified parameter.

Bayly has also updates the notebook with visualization for 3(b) and 3(c).

Bannan added printed current atom types to make looking up references easier


  • David L. Mobley (UCI)
  • Contributions from Christopher I. Bayly (OpenEye Scientific Software Inc.) and Caitlin C. Bannan (UCI)

In [2]:
# Imports
from __future__ import print_function
from convert_frcmod import *
import openeye.oechem as oechem
import openeye.oeiupac as oeiupac
import openeye.oeomega as oeomega
import openeye.oedepict as oedepict
from IPython.display import display
from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff.forcefield import *
from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff.forcefield_utils import get_molecule_parameterIDs
from openforcefield.utils import *
% matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import IPython
import pickle
import glob

Relevant methods

Relevant methods

In [3]:
def depictAtomByIdx(mol_copy, atomIdxList, supH = True, width=900, height=500):
    mol = oechem.OEMol(mol_copy)
    atomBondSet = oechem.OEAtomBondSet()
    for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
        if atom.GetIdx() in atomIdxList:
            atomBondSet.AddAtom( atom)
            for bond in atom.GetBonds():
                nbrAtom = bond.GetNbr(atom)
                nbrIdx = nbrAtom.GetIdx()
                if (nbrIdx in atomIdxList) and nbrIdx>atom.GetIdx():
                    atomBondSet.AddBond( bond)
    from IPython.display import Image
    dopt = oedepict.OEPrepareDepictionOptions()
    dopt.SetDepictOrientation( oedepict.OEDepictOrientation_Horizontal)
    oedepict.OEPrepareDepiction(mol, dopt)
    opts = oedepict.OE2DMolDisplayOptions(width, height, oedepict.OEScale_AutoScale)
    disp = oedepict.OE2DMolDisplay(mol, opts)
    aroStyle = oedepict.OEHighlightStyle_Color
    aroColor = oechem.OEColor(oechem.OEGrey)
    oedepict.OEAddHighlighting(disp, aroColor, aroStyle, 
                               oechem.OEIsAromaticAtom(), oechem.OEIsAromaticBond() )
    hstyle = oedepict.OEHighlightStyle_BallAndStick
    hcolor = oechem.OEColor(oechem.OELightGreen)
    oedepict.OEAddHighlighting(disp, hcolor, hstyle, atomBondSet)
    #ofs = oechem.oeosstream()
    img = oedepict.OEImage(width, height)
    oedepict.OERenderMolecule(img, disp)
    #oedepict.OERenderMolecule(ofs, 'png', disp)
    #return Image(data = "".join(ofs.str()))
    return Image(oedepict.OEWriteImageToString("png",img))

In [4]:
def getMolParamIDToAtomIndex( oemol, ff):
    """Take an OEMol and a SMIRNOFF forcefield object and return a dictionary,
    keyed by parameter ID, where each entry is a tuple of
    ( smirks, [[atom1, ... atomN], [atom1, ... atomN]) giving the SMIRKS
    corresponding to that parameter ID and a list of the atom groups in that
    molecule that parameter is applied to.

    oemol : OEMol
        OpenEye OEMol with the molecule to investigate.
    ff : ForceField
        SMIRNOFF ForceField object (obtained from an ffxml via ForceField(ffxml)) containing FF of interest.

    param_usage : dictionary
        Dictionary, keyed by parameter ID, where each entry is a tuple of
        ( smirks, [[atom1, ... atomN], [atom1, ... atomN]) giving the SMIRKS
        corresponding to that parameter ID and a list of the atom groups in
        that molecule that parameter is applied to.

    labels = ff.labelMolecules([oemol])
    param_usage = {}
    for mol_entry in range(len(labels)):
        for force in labels[mol_entry].keys():
            for (atom_indices, pid, smirks) in labels[mol_entry][force]:
                if not pid in param_usage:
                    param_usage[pid] = (smirks, [atom_indices])
                    param_usage[pid][1].append( atom_indices )

    return param_usage

In [5]:
def GetAtomInfo(mol, indices, skip_atoms = []):
    atoms_by_index = dict()
    charges_by_index = dict()
    for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
        idx = atom.GetIdx()
        if idx in indices:
            atoms_by_index[idx] = atom
            charge = atom.GetFormalCharge()
            if charge == 0:
                charges_by_index[idx] = ''
            elif charge > -1:
                charges_by_index[idx] = '+%i' % charge
                charges_by_index[idx] = str(charge)
    atoms = [(atoms_by_index[idx],charges_by_index[idx]) for idx in indices]
    types = [atom.GetType() for (atom,charge) in atoms]
    atom_smarts = ['[#%i%s]' % (atom.GetAtomicNum(),charge) for (atom,charge) in atoms]
    smarts = '~'.join(atom_smarts)
    types = '~'.join(types)
    for (atom, charge) in atoms:
        if atom.GetAtomicNum() in skip_atoms:
            return (True, smarts, types)

    return (False, smarts, types)
def DepictMolWithParam(mol, indice_list, supH = False, print_atoms = True, skip_atoms = []):
    skip_count = 0
    for IdxByOccurrence in indice_list:
        skip_it, approx_smarts, types = GetAtomInfo(mol, IdxByOccurrence, skip_atoms)
        if skip_it:
            skip_count += 1
        if print_atoms:
            print("Approximate SMARTS: %s" % approx_smarts)
            print("Current Atom Types: %s" % types)
        display(depictAtomByIdx(mol, IdxByOccurrence, supH = supH))
    if skip_count > 0:
        skips = ','.join([str(i) for i in skip_atoms])
        print("This molecule contains %i fragment(s) with at least one atom in (%s)" % (skip_count, skips))

In [6]:
def make_param_histogram(param_id_counts, param_ids, letter, title):
    # Graph occurrences of bond parameters
    parm_ids = [ pid for pid in param_ids if pid[0]==letter]
    counts_parms = [param_id_counts[parm_id] for parm_id in parm_ids]
    #print( parm_ids)
    #print( counts_parms)
    split = int(len(parm_ids)/2)
    indices = np.arange(len(parm_ids))
    fix, ax = plt.subplots(2,1,figsize=(16,5))
    ax[0].set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
    ax[1].set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
    rects2 = ax[0].bar(indices[0:split], counts_parms[0:split] )
    ax[0].set_xticks( indices[0:split])
    ax[0].set_xticklabels( parm_ids[0:split], rotation=-60, ha='left')
    ax[0].set_xlim(indices[0], indices[split])
    rects2 = ax[1].bar(indices[split:], counts_parms[split:])
    ax[1].set_xticks( indices[split:])
    ax[1].set_xticklabels( parm_ids[split:], rotation=-60, ha='left')
    ax[1].set_xlim(indices[split], indices[-1]+1)

In [7]:
def check_valence(mol):
    Checks for hypervalency
    mol - OEMol()

    boolean - True (no inappropriate valency)
              False (an atom with atomic number < 10 has > 4 Valence)
    for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
        atomNum = atom.GetAtomicNum()
        # find number of neighbors to this atom
        valence = atom.GetValence()
        if atomNum <= 10: # first row elements
            if valence > 4:
                print("Found a #%i atom with valence %i in molecule %s" % (atomNum, valence, oechem.OECreateIsoSmiString(mol)))
                return False
    return True

1. Convert specified SMIRKS frcmod file to SMIRNOFF FFXML

In [8]:
# Input and output info
#infile = 'example.frcmod' # smirnoffish frcmod file to convert
infile = 'smirnoffishFrcmod.parm99Frosst.txt' # smirnoffish frcmod file to convert
ffxmlFile = 'smirnoff99FrosstFrcmod.offxml'
template = 'template.offxml' # Template FFXML file without parameters (but with remainder of contents)

In [9]:
# Convert
# Already converted
convert_frcmod_to_ffxml( infile, template, ffxmlFile)

In [10]:
ff = ForceField(ffxmlFile) # We will use this below to access details of parameters

2. Generate or take in a set of molecules in OpenEye OEMol format

Here we will take a set of molecules from openforcefield (or elsewhere), read in all molecules and then uncomment any filters you want.

Here are some examples of molecule sets in openforcefield (at /openforcefield/data/molecules/):

  • AlkEthOH_test_filt1_ff.mol2 - 42 alkanes, ethers, and alcohols with parm@frosst atom types
  • DrugBank_atyped.oeb - DrugBank database with parm@frosst atom types (including "untypable" atoms)
  • zinc-subset-parm@frosst.mol2.gz - ZINC parm@frosst subset from CCL

In [10]:
# Un-comment this section if you want to use a local directory with individual mol2 files 
#DBpath = "path/to/molecules/*.mol2"
#DBpath = "/Users/bannanc/gitHub/FreeSolv/mol2files_sybyl/*mol2"
#DB_files = glob.glob(DBpath)
#molecules = list()
#for f in DB_files:
#    molecules += read_molecules(f, verbose=False)

# These are atoms you don't want in your set, in this case metaloids or nobel gases
skip_atoms = [2, 5, 14,33, 34, 52, 54] 

# Molecules file in openforcefield/data/molecules/ 
# OR any relative/absolute path
mol_File = 'DrugBank_atyped.oeb'
#mol_File = "zinc-subset-parm@frosst.mol2.gz"
#mol_File = "/Users/bannanc/Google Drive/RESEARCH/OFF_draftAndTestSpace/eMolecules_missingParameters/output.mol2"
molecules = read_molecules(mol_File)
# For use later, generate isomeric SMILES for these so we can easily look up molecules by smiles
isosmiles_to_mol = dict()
repeat = 0
skipped = 0

for mol in molecules:
    c_mol = OEMol(mol)
    # Get the smiles string for this molecule
    smi = oechem.OECreateIsoSmiString(c_mol)
    # uncomment to skip molecules with > n heavy atoms
    if OECount(c_mol, OEIsHeavy()) > n:
    # uncomment to skip molecules with metals
    #if OECount(c_mol, OEIsMetal()) > 0:
        #skipped +=1
    #    continue
    # uncomment to skip molecules containing the skip_atoms
    has_skip_atom = False
    for n in skip_atoms:
        if OECount(c_mol, OEHasAtomicNum(n)) > 0:
            has_skip_atom = True
    #if has_skip_atom:
        #skipped += 1
    #    continue
    # uncomment to skip molecules with 5 bonds to atoms with atomic number < 10 (i.e. pentavalent nitrogen)
    #if not check_valence(c_mol):
        #skipped += 1
    #    continue
    # uncomment to skip single molecules that contain > 1 molecule
    #if '.' in smi:
    #    skipped +=1 
    #    continue
    if smi in isosmiles_to_mol:
        repeat += 1
    isosmiles_to_mol[smi] = c_mol

oemols = [mol for smi, mol in isosmiles_to_mol.items()]
print("\nAfter filtering %i molecules there were %i repeated SMILES.\nThe final set has %i/%i molecules"\
      % (skipped, repeat, len(oemols), len(molecules)))

Loading molecules from '/Users/bannanc/Google Drive/RESEARCH/OFF_draftAndTestSpace/eMolecules_missingParameters/output.mol2'...
18 molecules read
0.005 s elapsed

After filtering 0 molecules there were 0 repeated SMILES.
The final set has 18/18 molecules

3. Determine parameter usage in molecules

Here we will use the SMIRNOFF ForceField class to determine (a) which parameters are used in which molecules; (b) which molecules contain a specified parameter; and (c) which molecules do NOT contain a specified parameter. We begin by just loading the SMIRNOFF forcefield we generated in section 1.

3(a). Determine which parameters are used in which molecules

Here we determine which parameters are actually used in which molecules, and make a couple example plots of the frequency of parameter occurrences for some of our example parameters.

In [11]:
# Track time
init_time = time.time()
# label molecules
labels = ff.labelMolecules(oemols, verbose = False)
elapsed = (time.time() - init_time) / 60.0
print("Assigned labels took %.2f minutes" % (elapsed))

Assigned labels took 0.03 minutes

In [12]:
# organize dictionaries to reference information 
init_time = time.time()
parameters_by_molecule = dict()
parameters_by_ID = dict()
param_ids = set()
param_id_counts = dict()
for idx, mol_dict in enumerate(labels):
    smi = OECreateIsoSmiString(oemols[idx])
    parameters_by_molecule[smi] = dict()
    for force_type, label_set in mol_dict.items():
        for (indices, pid, smirks) in label_set:
            if not pid in parameters_by_molecule[smi]:
                parameters_by_molecule[smi][pid] = list()
            if not pid in parameters_by_ID:
                parameters_by_ID[pid] = set()

for pid in param_ids:
    param_id_counts[pid] = 0
for smi, pid_dict in parameters_by_molecule.items():
    for pid, ind_list in pid_dict.items():
        param_id_counts[pid] += len(ind_list)   

elapsed = (time.time() - init_time) / 60.0
print("Organizing dictionaries took %.2f minutes" % (elapsed))

Organizing dictionaries took 0.00 minutes

For fun/info, do a quick graph of frequency of occurrence of particular parameters. Here, let's just do bond parameters

In [13]:
# Create Hisogram for each type of parameter
# VdW
make_param_histogram(param_id_counts, param_ids, 'n', "VdW for DrugBank Molecules")
# Bonds
make_param_histogram(param_id_counts, param_ids, 'b', "Bonds for DrugBank Molecules")
# Angles
make_param_histogram(param_id_counts, param_ids, 'a', "Angles for DrugBank Molecules")
# Torsions
make_param_histogram(param_id_counts, param_ids, 't', "Torsions for DrugBank Molecules")
#make_param_histogram(param_id_counts, param_ids, 'i', "Impropers for DrugBank Molecules")

3(b)-3(c). Determine which molecules do/do not contain selected parameter

Determine which molecules do and do not contain a specified parameter; give access to isomeric smiles and OEMol for each molecule in each case.

In [16]:
# INPUT: Pick what parameter to look at
parameter_id = 'n1' 

# For info, get details of that parameter
params = ff.getParameter(paramID=parameter_id)
print("For parameter %s, the relevant parameters are:" % parameter_id)

# Find molecules which do/do not use that parameter
mols_with_param = []
mols_wo_param = []
for isosmi in parameters_by_molecule:
    # Store a tuple of (isomeric smiles, oemol) for each
    if parameter_id in parameters_by_molecule[isosmi].keys():
        mols_with_param.append( (isosmi, isosmiles_to_mol[isosmi] ))
        mols_wo_param.append( (isosmi, isosmiles_to_mol[isosmi] ))

print("\nThere are %s molecules containing that parameter and %s which do not, out of %s.\n" % 
      (len(mols_with_param), len(mols_wo_param), len(isosmiles_to_mol)))

# Print first 10 molecules not containing parameter
not_containing = min(10, len(mols_wo_param))
if not_containing == 0:
    print("\nAll molecules conatin parameter '%s'" % parameter_id)
elif not_containing <= 10:
    print("\nThe %i molecule(s) that do(es) not contain parameter '%s'" % (not_containing, parameter_id))
    print("First 10 molecules not containing '%s' parameter:" % parameter_id)
for i in range(not_containing):
    print("   %s" % mols_wo_param[i][0])

# Print first 10 molecules containing parameter
containing = min(10,len(mols_with_param))
if containing == 0:
    print("\nNO molecules contain '%s' parameter" % parameter_id)
elif containing <= 10:
    print("\nThe %i molecule(s) containing '%s' parameter:" % (containing, parameter_id))
    print("\nFirst 10 molecules containing '%s' parameter:" % parameter_id)

for i in range(containing):
    print("   %s" % mols_with_param[i][0])

For parameter n1, the relevant parameters are:
{'smirks': '[*:1]', 'epsilon': '0.25', 'id': 'n1', 'rmin_half': '4.'}

There are 18 molecules containing that parameter and 0 which do not, out of 18.

All molecules conatin parameter 'n1'

The 10 molecule(s) containing 'n1' parameter:

In [1]:
lowerlimit = 0
upperlimit = 100

# Skip showing molecule if the highlighted parameter 
# includes an element we know we don't have parameters for
skip_atoms = [2, 5, 14,33, 34, 52] 

# Correct with list of molecules is less than upper limit
if len(mols_with_param) < upperlimit:
    upperlimit = len(mols_with_param)

print("\nDepicting molecules %i to %i with parameter '%s'\n\n" % (lowerlimit,upperlimit-1, parameter_id))    

# Show molecules form lower to upper limit highlighting fragment with the parameter_id
for idx in range(lowerlimit, upperlimit):
    smiles = mols_with_param[idx][0]
    mol = mols_with_param[idx][1]
    skip_it = False
    indice_list = parameters_by_molecule[smiles][parameter_id]
    print("looking at molecule %i" % idx)
    print('Selected smiles is %s' % smiles)
    print('Selected IUPAC name guessed: %s' % oeiupac.OECreateIUPACName(mol) )
    print( 'mol title and NumAtoms: ', mol.GetTitle(), mol.NumAtoms() )
    print( "Number of times '%s' appears:   %i" % (parameter_id, len(indice_list))) 
    DepictMolWithParam( mol, indice_list, supH = False, skip_atoms=skip_atoms)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-c291a44856f4> in <module>()
      9 # Correct with list of molecules is less than upper limit
---> 10 if len(mols_with_param) < upperlimit:
     11     upperlimit = len(mols_with_param)

NameError: name 'mols_with_param' is not defined

In [ ]: