In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lxml import etree
import pickle
In [9]:
# Make function to compare two series together:
def ppm_matrix(series1, series2):
GOAL - create a matrix of pairwise ppm differences
INPUT - 2 pandas Series, with index
OUTPUT - dataframe with indexes containing pairwise ppm comparisons
format: rows are series1 labels, columns are series2 labels
# do series1-series2 using numpy's broadcasting
# This is faster than using a loop
diff_matrix = abs(series1.values[:,np.newaxis] - series2.values)
# Get max of pairwise comparisons
max_matrix = np.maximum(series1.values[:,np.newaxis],
return (diff_matrix / max_matrix)*10**6
def pairwise_difference(series1, series2):
GOAL - create matrix of pairwise differences
INPUT - 2 pandas series, with index
OUTPUT - dataframe, with indexes,
format: columns are series1 labels, rows are series2 labels
diff_matrix = abs(series1.values[:, np.newaxis] - series2.values)
output = pd.DataFrame(diff_matrix,
return output
s1 = pd.Series({'A': 1, 'B':2}, dtype='float64')
s2 = pd.Series({'X':1, 'Y':2, 'Z':3},
ppm_output = ppm_matrix(s1, s2)
print ppm_output
true_ppm_output = pd.DataFrame({'X':[0.0, (1/2.0)*10**6],
'Y':[(1/2.0)*10**6, 0.0],
'Z':[(2/3.0)*10**6, (1/3.0)*10**6]},
index=['A', 'B'], dtype='float64')
rt_output = pairwise_difference(s1,s2)
true_rt_output = pd.DataFrame({'X':[0.0, 1.0],
'Y':[1.0, 0.0],
'Z':[2.0, 1.0]},
index=['A', 'B'],
print 'ppm should be this:\n', true_ppm_output
print '\n\n Is it?\n', ppm_output
assert (ppm_output.all() == true_ppm_output.as_matrix().all()).all()
assert (rt_output.all() == true_rt_output.all()).all()
In [10]:
### import two datasets
def reindex_xcms_by_mzrt(df):
df.index = (df.loc[:,'mz'].astype('str') +
':' + df.loc[:, 'rt'].astype('str'))
return df
# alzheimers
local_path = '/home/irockafe/Dropbox (MIT)/Alm_Lab/'\
alzheimers_path = local_path + '/revo_healthcare/data/processed/MTBLS72/positive_mode/'\
## Import the data and remove extraneous columns
df_alzheimers = pd.read_csv(alzheimers_path, index_col=0)
df_alzheimers = reindex_xcms_by_mzrt(df_alzheimers)
# malaria
malaria_path = local_path + ('/revo_healthcare/data/processed/MTBLS315/'+
df_malaria = pd.read_csv(malaria_path, index_col=0)
df_malaria = reindex_xcms_by_mzrt(df_malaria)
In [11]:
ppm_alz_v_malaria = ppm_matrix(df_malaria['mz'],
rt_alz_v_malaria = pairwise_difference(df_malaria['rt'],
In [12]:
plt.title('Log10 ppm difference')
In [ ]:
In [13]:
# How many for differences at 30ppm?
ppm_window = 30
within_ppm = (ppm_alz_v_malaria[ppm_alz_v_malaria < 30]
.dropna(axis=0, how='all')
.dropna(axis=1, how='all')
print 'shape', ppm_alz_v_malaria.shape
print ('ppm within {ppm} ppm: '.format(ppm=ppm_window) +
'{num}'.format(num=(ppm_alz_v_malaria < 30).sum().sum()))
# Get indexes
print 'shape of htose within 30ppm:, ', within_ppm.shape
# How many m/z from one dataset could be m/z isomers from
# other dataset?
print ('\n\nMass matches between datasets (isomers and 1:1 matches)',
(within_ppm < 30).sum().sum())
print '\nAlzheimers "isomers" in other dataset that are match >1 feature in other set', ((within_ppm < 30).sum(axis=0)>1).sum()
print 'Alzheimers total', df_alzheimers['rt'].shape
print '\n\nMalaria "isomers in other dataset that match >1 feature in other set', ((within_ppm < 30).sum(axis=1) > 1).sum()
print 'Malaria total', df_malaria['rt'].shape
In [179]:
# Show distribution of # of isomers per feature in both malaria and fever datasets
print (within_ppm < 30).sum(axis=0).hist(bins=30)
plt.title('Alzheimers isomers in malaria dataset')
(within_ppm < 30).sum(axis=1).hist(bins=30)
plt.title('Malaria isomers in alzheimers dataset')
In [3]:
In [3]:
local = '/home/irockafe/Dropbox (MIT)/Alm_Lab/projects/'
xml_file = local + 'revo_healthcare/data/external/toy_database.xml'
xml_file = local + 'revo_healthcare/data/external/serum_metabolites.xml'
#xml_tree = etree.iterparse(xml_file, tag='metabolite')
In [4]:
# namespace - at the top of file. fucks with every tag.
# very annoying, so name all tags ns + tag
ns = '{}'
nsmap = {None : ns}
# If you're within a metabolite tag
count = 0
seen_mass = 0
d = {}
for event, element in etree.iterparse(xml_file, tag=ns+'metabolite'):
tree = etree.ElementTree(element)
# Aggregate info into a dictionary of
# {HMDB_ID: iso_mass}
accession = []
# Get accession number and masses for each metabolite
# Could be multiple accessions. Grab all of them,
# sort to make unique identifier
for elem in tree.iter():
if elem.tag == ns+'accession':
# If you just saw a 'mono_mass' entry,
# get the mass value and reset, saying you
# havent seen 'mono_mass' in the text of next metabolite
if (elem.tag == ns+'value') & (seen_mass == 1):
mass = float(elem.text)
seen_mass = 0
if elem.text == 'mono_mass':
seen_mass = 1
# sort accession numbers and join with '_'
accession_key = '_'.join(sorted(accession))
# add to dictionary
if mass:
d[accession_key] = mass
# reset mass - only add feature if mass listed
mass = None
# reset accession numbers
accession = []
count += 1
if count % 1000 == 0:
print('Made it through ' + str(count) + ' metabolites')
#pickle.dump(d, open('serumdb_dict.p', 'wb'))
print 'Number of metabolites: %s' % len(d.keys())
In [5]:
serumdb_masses = pd.Series(d, dtype='float32')
In [7]:
serumdb_ppm_matrix = ppm_matrix(serumdb_masses, serumdb_masses)*10**6
In [10]:
#df = pd.DataFrame(serumdb_ppm_matrix, index=serumdb_masses.index,
# columns=serumdb_masses.index)*10**6
# Forget about using a dataframe - uses too much memory
In [ ]:
In [23]:
top_ppm = 30
pairs = np.full((top_ppm), np.nan)
for i in range(1,top_ppm):
# div by two, b/c half matrix is redundant
# subtract length of diagonal of matrix, too
num = ((serumdb_ppm_matrix < i).sum() / 2) - serumdb_ppm_matrix.shape[0]
pairs[i] = num
In [29]:
plt.scatter(x=range(1,30), y=pairs[1:])
plt.title('Number of pairs of molecules that could overlap in human serum database\n')
In [37]:
# how to plot the number of overlaps per molecule?
num_below_1ppm = (serumdb_ppm_matrix < 1).sum(axis=1) - 1
plt.hist((serumdb_ppm_matrix < 1).sum(axis=1) - 1 )
plt.title('Pairs of overlapping mz at ppm 1')
In [38]: