Combining Machine Learning and Optimization

With Gurobi and sklearn

Machine Learning topics

Touching the elephant here, but not there

Supervised Learning

  • Algorithm selection and hyper-parametric optimization
  • KFold assessment vs overfitting
  • Separating training from prediction

Unsupervised Learning

Time Series Data

Deep Learning

Optimization topics

  • Exploratory programming to application deployment
  • Coping with the combinatorial explosion
  • Validating optimization with simulation

All Under the Banner of Python!

The Soda Promotion Problem

We have the challenge of designing the upcoming promotion campaign for a Soda Company. The intended objective is to bolster sales while at the same time obeying various business constraints.

The First Challenge

We need to predict impact of different price points on the expected sales for each type of soda.

To do this, we need to train a soda sales predictor from a historical data table.

Examine historical data

In [1]:
import pandas
df_hist = pandas.read_excel("soda_sales_historical_data.xlsx")

Product Sales Cost Per Unit Easter Included Super Bowl Included Christmas Included Other Holiday 4 Wk Avg Temp 4 Wk Avg Humidity Sales M-1 weeks Sales M-2 weeks Sales M-3 weeks Sales M-4 Weeks Sales M-5 weeks
0 11 Down 51.9 1.6625 No No Yes No 80.69 69.19 17.0 22.4 13.5 14.5 28.0
1 Alpine Stream 55.8 2.2725 No No Yes No 80.69 69.19 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.4 0.5
2 Bright 3385.6 1.3475 No No Yes No 80.69 69.19 301.8 188.8 101.4 81.6 213.8
3 Crisp Clear 63.5 1.6600 No No Yes No 80.69 69.19 73.8 69.4 72.8 75.4 57.4
4 Popsi Kola 181.1 1.8725 No No Yes No 80.69 69.19 23.1 22.6 22.1 19.9 23.2

In [2]:

(596, 14)

Convert categorical columns to numeric

In [3]:
from pandas import DataFrame, get_dummies
categorical_columns = ['Product','Easter Included','Super Bowl Included', 
                       'Christmas Included', 'Other Holiday']
df_hist = get_dummies(df_hist, prefix={k:"dmy_%s"%k for k in categorical_columns},
                      columns = list(categorical_columns))

Sales Cost Per Unit 4 Wk Avg Temp 4 Wk Avg Humidity Sales M-1 weeks Sales M-2 weeks Sales M-3 weeks Sales M-4 Weeks Sales M-5 weeks dmy_Product_11 Down ... dmy_Product_Koala Kola dmy_Product_Mr. Popper dmy_Product_Popsi Kola dmy_Easter Included_No dmy_Easter Included_Yes dmy_Super Bowl Included_No dmy_Super Bowl Included_Yes dmy_Christmas Included_No dmy_Christmas Included_Yes dmy_Other Holiday_No
0 51.9 1.6625 80.69 69.19 17.0 22.4 13.5 14.5 28.0 1 ... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
1 55.8 2.2725 80.69 69.19 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.4 0.5 0 ... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
2 3385.6 1.3475 80.69 69.19 301.8 188.8 101.4 81.6 213.8 0 ... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
3 63.5 1.6600 80.69 69.19 73.8 69.4 72.8 75.4 57.4 0 ... 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1
4 181.1 1.8725 80.69 69.19 23.1 22.6 22.1 19.9 23.2 0 ... 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1

5 rows × 25 columns

Picking the right predictor algorithm is of upmost importance

Hence we examine our choices here in great deal.

In [4]:
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingRegressor
from sklearn import model_selection
experiments = {"Algorithm":["Ordinary Least Squares", "Regression Tree", 
                            "Big Random Forest", "Random Forest", 
               "Objects" : [lambda : LinearRegression(), 
                            lambda : DecisionTreeRegressor(), 
                            lambda : RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100), 
                            lambda : RandomForestRegressor(), 
                            lambda : BaggingRegressor()], 
               "Predictions":[[] for _ in range(5)]}
actuals = []

Resist the temptation to overfit!

Instead, split the samples into train, test subsections.

In [5]:
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
[_.shape for _ in  train_test_split(df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1), 
                                    df_hist["Sales"], test_size=0.25)]

[(447, 24), (149, 24), (447,), (149,)]

By repeatedly splitting, training, and testing, you can create a realistic simulation of prediction accuracy.

In [6]:
for _ in range (4):
    train_X, test_X, train_y, test_y = (
        train_test_split(df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1), 
                         df_hist["Sales"], test_size=0.25))
    for i, obj_factory in enumerate(experiments["Objects"]):
        obj = obj_factory(),X=train_X)
        experiments["Predictions"][i] += list(obj.predict(test_X))
    actuals += list(test_y)
actuals = pandas.Series(actuals)
experiments["Predictions"] = list(map(pandas.Series, experiments["Predictions"]))

In [7]:
len(actuals), map(len, experiments["Predictions"])

(596, [596, 596, 596, 596, 596])

Now lets visualize our results

In [8]:
%matplotlib inline 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
for _, row in DataFrame(experiments).iterrows():
    plt.plot(actuals, row["Predictions"],'o',c=next(color),
plt.title('Scatter Plot Prediction v/s Data')

More visualizations

In [9]:
for index, row in DataFrame(experiments).iterrows():
    relative_error = (row["Predictions"] - actuals) / (1 + abs(actuals))
plt.title('Relative Error Prediction v/s Data')
plt.ylabel('Relative Error')

Even more visualizations

In [10]:
def boxplot(algorithm):
    prediction = (experiments["Predictions"]
    plt.boxplot( (prediction - actuals) / (1 + abs(actuals))  )

In [11]:

In [12]:
boxplot("Big Random Forest")

Visualizations only take us so far

Let's use model_selection.cross_val_score to automate the process of train/test split based assessment. (K-Fold Cross Validation)

In [13]:
experiments["Results"] = []
for o in experiments["Objects"]:
        model_selection.cross_val_score(o(), y=df_hist['Sales'], 
                                        X=df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1),

In [14]:
DataFrame(experiments).drop(["Objects", "Predictions"], 

Ordinary Least Squares 0.536984
Regression Tree 0.573443
Big Random Forest 0.844174
Random Forest 0.831225
Bagging 0.808155

Now use the complete historical table to create a predictor object with the best algorithm

In [15]:
fitted = (experiments["Objects"]
          [experiments["Algorithm"].index("Big Random Forest")]().
          fit(y=df_hist["Sales"], X=df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1)))

We will make predictions for the "Sales"-less table of current data

In [16]:
df_superbowl_original = pandas.read_excel("super_bowl_promotion_data.xlsx")
df_superbowl = get_dummies(df_superbowl_original, 
                           prefix={k:"dmy_%s"%k for k in categorical_columns},
                           columns = list(categorical_columns))
assert "Sales" not in df_superbowl.columns 
assert {"Sales"}.union(df_superbowl.columns).issubset(set(df_hist.columns))


Note that the current data table might have less categorical range than the historical data.

In [17]:
for fld in set(df_hist.columns).difference(df_superbowl.columns, {"Sales"}):
    assert fld.startswith("dmy_")
    df_superbowl[fld] = 0

Take care!! sklearn has no concept of columns. We make sure that the df_superbowl columns are ordered consistently with the df_hist independent column sub-matrix.

In [18]:
df_superbowl = df_superbowl[list(df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1).columns)]

In [19]:
predicted = fitted.predict(df_superbowl)

Prediction in hand, we commence optimization!

LaTeX summary of family of equations

$$ \begin{array}{ll} \max & sales\\ s.t. & X_{b,p}\in\{0,1\}\quad\forall (b,p)\in Prod\\ & \sum\left(X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod} \right)=1\quad\forall b\in Soda\\ & \sum\left(X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod, p\neq p_o, T(b)=t} \right) \leq max_t\quad\forall t\\ & sales = \sum\left(f_{b,p} X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod}\right)\\ & revenue = \sum\left(f_{b,p} p X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod} \right)\\ & investment = \sum\left(\left(f_{b,p} - f_{b,p_o}\right)_+ p_o X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod} \right)\\ & investment <= max_{investment} \end{array} $$

Putting the optimization input set together

In [20]:
forecast_sales = df_superbowl_original[["Product", "Cost Per Unit"]].copy()
forecast_sales["Sales"] = predicted
forecast_sales.set_index(['Product','Cost Per Unit'], inplace=True)

In [21]:
soda_family = {'11 Down': 'Clear', 'AB Root Beer': 'Dark', 
               'Alpine Stream': 'Clear', 'Bright': 'Clear', 
               'Crisp Clear': 'Clear', 'DC Kola': 'Dark',
               'Koala Kola': 'Dark', 'Mr. Popper': 'Dark', 
               'Popsi Kola': 'Dark'}
family  = set(soda_family[j] for j in soda_family)
soda    = set(j for j in soda_family)
max_prom = {f:2 for f in family}
max_investment = 750

In [22]:
product_prices = set(forecast_sales.index.values)
normal_price = {b:0 for b in soda}
for b,p in product_prices:
    normal_price[b] = max(normal_price[b],p)

Note that not all estimated discounts yield a boost in sales.

In [23]:
meaningful_discounts = 0
for b,p in product_prices:
    if forecast_sales.Sales[b,p] > forecast_sales.Sales[b,normal_price[b]]:
        meaningful_discounts += 1
meaningful_discounts, len(forecast_sales) - len(soda)

(23, 27)

Building a MIP model

$$ \begin{array}{l} X_{b,p}\in\{0,1\}\quad\forall (b,p)\in Prod\\ 0 \leq sales\\ 0 \leq revenue\\ 0 \leq investment \leq max_{investment} \end{array} $$

In [24]:
import gurobipy as gu
model = gu.Model()
select_price = model.addVars(product_prices,vtype=gu.GRB.BINARY,name='X')
sales        = model.addVar(name='sales')
revenue      = model.addVar(name='revenue')
investment   = model.addVar(ub=max_investment, name='investment')
gusum = gu.quicksum
$$ sales = \sum\left(f_{b,p} X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod}\right)\\ revenue = \sum\left(f_{b,p} p X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod} \right)\\ investment = \sum\left(\left(f_{b,p} - f_{b,p_o}\right)_+ p_o X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod} \right) $$

In [25]:
model.addConstr(sales ==, name='sales')
model.addConstr(revenue == gusum(forecast_sales.Sales[b,p] * p * 
                                 select_price[b,p] for b,p in product_prices), 
model.addConstr(investment == 
                gusum(max(0,forecast_sales.Sales[b,p] - 
                            forecast_sales.Sales[b,normal_price[b]]) *
                        normal_price[b] * select_price[b,p] 
                        for b,p in product_prices),
$$ \sum\left(X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod} \right)=1\quad\forall b\in Soda\\ \sum\left(X_{b,p}:{(b,p)\in Prod, p\neq p_o, T(b)=t} \right) \leq max_t $$

In [26]:
model.addConstrs((select_price.sum(b,'*') == 1 for b in soda), name='OnePrice')
model.addConstrs((gusum(select_price[b,p] for b,p in product_prices if 
                        soda_family[b] == f and p != normal_price[b] ) 
                  <= max_prom[f] for f in family),

Optimize and results

In [27]:
model.setObjective(sales, sense=gu.GRB.MAXIMIZE)

Optimize a model with 14 rows, 39 columns and 161 nonzeros
Variable types: 3 continuous, 36 integer (36 binary)
Coefficient statistics:
  Matrix range     [4e-01, 5e+03]
  Objective range  [1e+00, 1e+00]
  Bounds range     [1e+00, 8e+02]
  RHS range        [1e+00, 2e+00]
Found heuristic solution: objective 5552.39
Presolve removed 4 rows and 19 columns
Presolve time: 0.00s
Presolved: 10 rows, 20 columns, 59 nonzeros
Variable types: 0 continuous, 20 integer (20 binary)

Root relaxation: objective 5.916272e+03, 14 iterations, 0.00 seconds

    Nodes    |    Current Node    |     Objective Bounds      |     Work
 Expl Unexpl |  Obj  Depth IntInf | Incumbent    BestBd   Gap | It/Node Time

     0     0 5916.27182    0    2 5552.38700 5916.27182  6.55%     -    0s
H    0     0                    5832.5490000 5916.27182  1.44%     -    0s
H    0     0                    5856.0410000 5916.27182  1.03%     -    0s
     0     0 5872.39720    0    3 5856.04100 5872.39720  0.28%     -    0s
     0     0 5866.50365    0    5 5856.04100 5866.50365  0.18%     -    0s
     0     0 5865.80582    0    9 5856.04100 5865.80582  0.17%     -    0s
     0     0 5864.27694    0    6 5856.04100 5864.27694  0.14%     -    0s
     0     0 5863.51309    0    8 5856.04100 5863.51309  0.13%     -    0s
     0     0 5863.32942    0   10 5856.04100 5863.32942  0.12%     -    0s
     0     0 5857.50538    0    8 5856.04100 5857.50538  0.03%     -    0s
     0     0 5857.24185    0    2 5856.04100 5857.24185  0.02%     -    0s

Cutting planes:
  Cover: 2
  Clique: 5
  MIR: 1
  GUB cover: 3

Explored 0 nodes (53 simplex iterations) in 0.05 seconds
Thread count was 4 (of 4 available processors)

Solution count 3: 5856.04 5832.55 5552.39 
Pool objective bound 5856.04

Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 5.856041000000e+03, best bound 5.856041000000e+03, gap 0.0000%

In [28]:
model.status == gu.GRB.OPTIMAL


Only the paranoid survive

Carefully sanity check the solution.

In [29]:
sales.X, revenue.X, investment.X

(5856.041, 11162.34181, 744.4546924999985)

In [30]:
price_selections = {"Product":[], "Price":[], "Is Discount":[], "Family":[]}
for b, p in product_prices:
    if abs(select_price[b,p].X -1) < 0.0001: # i.e. almost one
        price_selections["Is Discount"].append(p < normal_price[b])
 [["Price", "Is Discount", "Family"]].sort_values("Family"))

Price Is Discount Family
11 Down 1.5600 False Clear
Bright 1.2900 False Clear
Alpine Stream 2.2275 False Clear
Crisp Clear 1.4700 False Clear
Mr. Popper 2.8475 True Dark
DC Kola 1.8900 True Dark
AB Root Beer 3.8425 False Dark
Popsi Kola 1.7500 False Dark
Koala Kola 2.5650 False Dark

Create a range of predictions to simulate the behavior of our solution under a range of conditions.

In [31]:
simulated_KPI = {'Sales':[],'Revenue':[],'Investment':[]}
Z = select_price
num_infeas = 0
for i in range(100):
    fitted = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100,
                                                 X=df_hist.drop("Sales", axis=1))
    forecast = df_superbowl_original[['Product', 'Cost Per Unit']].copy()
    forecast["Sales"] = fitted.predict(df_superbowl)
    forecast = forecast.set_index(['Product','Cost Per Unit'])
    sales, revenue, investment = 0, 0, 0
    for b,p in product_prices:
        sales   += forecast.Sales[b,p] * Z[b,p].X
        revenue += forecast.Sales[b,p] * p * Z[b,p].X
        investment += (max(0,forecast.Sales[b,p] - 
                             forecast.Sales[b,normal_price[b]]) * 
                       normal_price[b] * Z[b,p].X)
    if investment > max_investment:
        num_infeas += 1

In [32]:
data = {'Sales','Revenue','Investment'}
for t in data:
    plt.hist(simulated_KPI[t],50,normed=1,color=next(color), alpha=0.75)

In [33]:


Thank you for joining us

Some extra references for Stochastic, Robust, and Risk optimization

After the webinar we received a lot of requests for further material on this topic. The following list is an (incomplete) list of sources for these topics, but a good starting point for it.


  • Stochastic Programming, Peter Kall, Stein W. Walace, 1994
  • Optimization Methods in Finance, Gerard Cornuejols and Reha Tütüncü, 2006
  • Lectures on Stochastic Programming: Modeling and Theory, Alexander Shapiro, Darinka Dentcheva, Andrzej Ruszczy&nacuteski, 2009
  • Robust Optimization, Aharon Ben-Tal, Laurent El Ghaoui, Arkadi Nemirovski, 2009
  • Introduction to Stochastic Programming, John Birge, François Louveaux, 2011
  • Modeling with Stochastic Programming, Alan J. King, Stein W. Walace, 2012

Some papers

  • Optimization of Conditional Value-at-Risk, R. Tyrrell Rockafellar, Stanislav Uryasev, 2000
  • Supplier-Retailer Flexible Commitments Contracts: A Robust Optimization Approach, Aharon Ben Tal , Boaz Golany, Arcadi Nemirovskiy, Jean-Philippe Vial, 2003
  • Tractable Approximations to Robust Conic Optimization Problems,Dimitris Bertsimas, Melvyn Sim, 2006
  • Modeling and optimization of risk, Pavlo Krokhmal, Michael Zabarankin,Stan Uryasev, 2011

Other resources

The stochastic optimization society in their web site has several tutorials and further links.

Special Thanks

I would like to specially thank (in alphabetic order) to Shabbir Ahmed, Georgia Tech, Tito Homem-de-mello, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, Jim Luedtke, University of Wisconsin-Madison, David Morton, Northwestern University, and Bernardo Pagnoncelli, Universidad Adolfo Ibañez, for suggesting books, links and papers. Any omission or error is my fault.

Daniel Espinoza,
Senior Developer,
Gurobi Optimization Inc.