In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
data = pd.read_csv('../data/hbv_s_data.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
In [89]:
def simhyd_simulation(data, params):
SIMHYD hydrological model (Chiew, 2009)
data - pandas dataframe with correspondent variables:
'Temp' - daily temperature (Celsium degrees)
'Prec' - daily precipitation (mm/day)
'Evap' - potential evapotraspiration (mm/day)
'INSC' - interception store capacity (mm)
[0, 50]
'COEFF'- maximum infiltration loss
[0, 400]
'SQ' - infiltration loss exponent
[0, 10]
'SMSC' - soil moisture storage capacity
[1, 1000]
'SUB' - constant of proportionality in interflow equation
[0, 1]
'CRAK' - constant of proportionality in groundwater recharge equation
[0, 1]
'K' - baseflow linear recession parameter
[0, 1]
'etmul'- added parameter to convert maxT to PET
[0.1, 3]
Muskinghum routing parameters
'DELAY'- runoff delay
[0.1, 5]
'X_m' - transformation parameter
[0.01, 0.5]
### read parameters ###
INSC, COEFF, SQ, SMSC, SUB, CRAK, K, etmul, DELAY, X_m = params
### read the data ###
#Temp = data['Temp']
Prec = data['Prec']
Evap = data['Evap'] * etmul
### states and parameters initialization ###
# total runoff
U = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# interception store
IMAX = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# interception amount
INT = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# interception runoff
INR = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# infiltration capacity
RMO = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# direct runoff
IRUN = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Soil evaporation
ET = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Saturation excess runoff and interflow
SRUN = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Recharge
REC = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Infiltration into soil store
SMF = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# potential evapotranspiration (PET - interception)
POT = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# baseflow
BAS = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# soil moisture storage
SMS = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# ground water storage
GW = np.zeros(len(Prec))
GWt1, GWt0 = 0, 0
SMSt0 = 0.5
SMSt1 = SMSt0 * SMSC
for t in range(len(Prec)):
# calculate interception store
IMAX[t] = min(INSC, Evap[t])
# then calculate interception
INT[t] = min(IMAX[t], Prec[t])
# calculate runoff after interception
INR[t] = Prec[t] - INT[t]
# calculate infiltration capacity
RMO[t] = min(COEFF*np.exp(-SQ*SMSt1/SMSC), INR[t])
# calculate direct runoff after loading to infiltration capacity
IRUN[t] = INR[t] - RMO[t]
# saturation excess runoff and interflow
SRUN[t] = SUB * SMSt1 / SMSC * RMO[t]
# calculate recharge
REC[t] = CRAK * SMSt1 / SMSC * (RMO[t] - SRUN[t])
# calculate infiltration into soil store
SMF[t] = RMO[t] - SRUN[t] - REC[t]
# calculate potential ET (amount of Evap after loses)
POT[t] = Evap[t] - INT[t]
# calculate soil evaporation
ET[t] = min(10 * SMSt1/SMSC, POT[t])
# calculate soil moisture storage (SMS) overflow
SMS[t] = SMSt1 + SMF[t] - ET[t]
# update states of SMS, REC and SMSt1
if SMS[t] > SMSC:
REC[t] = REC[t] + SMS[t] - SMSC
SMSt1 = SMS[t]
# calculate baseflow
BAS[t] = K * GWt1
# calculate ground water storage
GW[t] = GWt1 + REC[t] - BAS[t]
# update state of GWt1
GWt1 = GW[t]
# final runoff (effective precipitation) calculation
U[t] = IRUN[t] + SRUN[t] + BAS[t]
### Muskinghum routing scheme ###
# initialize transformed runoff
Q = np.zeros(len(U))
# calculate Muskinghum components
if (2*DELAY*X_m < 1) & (2*DELAY*(1-X_m) > 1):
C0 = (-DELAY*X_m+0.5)/(DELAY*(1-X_m)+0.5)
C1 = (DELAY*X_m+0.5)/(DELAY*(1-X_m)+0.5)
C2 = (DELAY*(1-X_m)-0.5)/(DELAY*(1-X_m)+0.5)
C0 = 0
C1 = 1
C2 = 0
# check formal relations
if (C0 + C1 + C2) != 1.0:
C0 = 0
C1 = 1
C2 = 0
# start transformation
Q[0] = U[0]
for t in range(len(U)-1):
Q[t+1] = C0 * U[t+1] + C1 * U[t] + C2 * Q[t]
# control Q
if Q[t+1] < 0: Q[t+1] = 0
return Q
In [90]:
data2 = pd.read_csv('../data/gr4j_data.csv', index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
In [128]:
Qsim = simhyd_simulation(data2, [28.2, 144.37, 0.143, 130.34, 0.581, 1.0,
0.0461, 0.9, 1.817, 0.01])
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.plot(range(len(Qsim)), Qsim,
range(len(data2.Qobs)), data2.Qobs)
In [129]:
# love thing - check nadym basin without snow (snow routine) et al.
Qsim = simhyd_simulation(data, [28.2, 144.37, 0.143, 130.34, 0.581, 1.0,
0.0461, 0.9, 1.817, 0.01])
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.plot(range(len(Qsim)), Qsim,
range(len(data.Qobs)), data.Qobs)
In [141]:
# now with snow routine
Qsim = simhyd_cemaneige(data, [28.2, 144.37, 0.143, 130.34, 0.581, 1.0,
0.0461, 0.9, 1.817, 0.01, 0.5, 3])
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.plot(range(len(Qsim)), Qsim,
range(len(data.Qobs)), data.Qobs)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [135]:
def cemaneige_simulation(data, params):
Cema-Neige snow model
1. Data - pandas dataframe with correspondent timeseries:
'Temp'- mean daily temperature (Celsium degrees)
'Prec'- mean daily precipitation (mm/day)
2. Params - list of model parameters:
'CTG' - dimensionless weighting coefficient of the snow pack thermal state
[0, 1]
'Kf' - day-degree rate of melting (mm/(day*celsium degree))
[1, 10]
Total amount of liquid and melting precipitation daily timeseries
(for coupling with hydrological model)
### reading the data ###
Temp = data['Temp']
Prec = data['Prec']
FraqSolidPrecip = np.where(Temp < -0.2, 1, 0)
CTG, Kf = params
### initialization ###
## constants ##
# melting temperature
Tmelt = 0
# Threshold for solid precip
# function for Mean Annual Solid Precipitation
def MeanAnnualSolidPrecip(data):
annual_vals = [data.Prec.ix[data.Prec.index.year == i][data.Temp < -0.2].sum()\
for i in np.unique(data.index.year)]
return np.mean(annual_vals)
MASP = MeanAnnualSolidPrecip(data)
Gthreshold = 0.9*MASP
MinSpeed = 0.1
## model states ##
G = 0
eTG = 0
PliqAndMelt = 0
### ouput of snow model
PliqAndMelt = np.zeros(len(Temp))
for t in range(len(Temp)):
### solid and liquid precipitation accounting
# liquid precipitation
Pliq = (1 - FraqSolidPrecip[t]) * Prec[t]
# solid precipitation
Psol = FraqSolidPrecip[t] * Prec[t]
### Snow pack volume before melt
G = G + Psol
### Snow pack thermal state before melt
eTG = CTG * eTG + (1 - CTG) * Temp[t]
# control eTG
if eTG > 0: eTG = 0
### potential melt
if (int(eTG) == 0) & (Temp[t] > Tmelt):
PotMelt = Kf * (Temp[t] - Tmelt)
if PotMelt > G: PotMelt = G
PotMelt = 0
### ratio of snow pack cover (Gratio)
if G < Gthreshold:
Gratio = G/Gthreshold
Gratio = 1
### actual melt
Melt = ((1 - MinSpeed) * Gratio + MinSpeed) * PotMelt
### snow pack volume update
G = G - Melt
### Gratio update
if G < Gthreshold:
Gratio = G/Gthreshold
Gratio = 1
### Water volume to pass to the hydrological model
PliqAndMelt[t] = Pliq + Melt
return PliqAndMelt
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [136]:
def simhyd_cemaneige(data, params):
SIMHYD hydrological model (Chiew, 2009)
coupled with Cema-Neige snow model
data - pandas dataframe with correspondent variables:
'Temp' - daily temperature (Celsium degrees)
'Prec' - daily precipitation (mm/day)
'Evap' - potential evapotraspiration (mm/day)
'INSC' - interception store capacity (mm)
[0, 50]
'COEFF'- maximum infiltration loss
[0, 400]
'SQ' - infiltration loss exponent
[0, 10]
'SMSC' - soil moisture storage capacity
[1, 1000]
'SUB' - constant of proportionality in interflow equation
[0, 1]
'CRAK' - constant of proportionality in groundwater recharge equation
[0, 1]
'K' - baseflow linear recession parameter
[0, 1]
'etmul'- added parameter to convert maxT to PET
[0.1, 3]
### Muskinghum routing parameters
'DELAY'- runoff delay
[0.1, 5]
'X_m' - transformation parameter
[0.01, 0.5]
### Cema-Neige parameters
X5 : dimensionless weighting coefficient of the snow pack thermal state
[0, 1]
X6 : day-degree rate of melting (mm/(day*celsium degree))
[1, 10]
### read parameters ###
INSC, COEFF, SQ, SMSC, SUB, CRAK, K, etmul, DELAY, X_m, X5, X6 = params
### read the data ###
#Temp = data['Temp']
#Prec = data['Prec']
Evap = data['Evap'] * etmul
Prec = cemaneige_simulation(data, [X5, X6])
### states and parameters initialization ###
# total runoff
U = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# interception store
IMAX = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# interception amount
INT = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# interception runoff
INR = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# infiltration capacity
RMO = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# direct runoff
IRUN = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Soil evaporation
ET = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Saturation excess runoff and interflow
SRUN = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Recharge
REC = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# Infiltration into soil store
SMF = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# potential evapotranspiration (PET - interception)
POT = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# baseflow
BAS = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# soil moisture storage
SMS = np.zeros(len(Prec))
# ground water storage
GW = np.zeros(len(Prec))
GWt1, GWt0 = 0, 0
SMSt0 = 0.5
SMSt1 = SMSt0 * SMSC
for t in range(len(Prec)):
# calculate interception store
IMAX[t] = min(INSC, Evap[t])
# then calculate interception
INT[t] = min(IMAX[t], Prec[t])
# calculate runoff after interception
INR[t] = Prec[t] - INT[t]
# calculate infiltration capacity
RMO[t] = min(COEFF*np.exp(-SQ*SMSt1/SMSC), INR[t])
# calculate direct runoff after loading to infiltration capacity
IRUN[t] = INR[t] - RMO[t]
# saturation excess runoff and interflow
SRUN[t] = SUB * SMSt1 / SMSC * RMO[t]
# calculate recharge
REC[t] = CRAK * SMSt1 / SMSC * (RMO[t] - SRUN[t])
# calculate infiltration into soil store
SMF[t] = RMO[t] - SRUN[t] - REC[t]
# calculate potential ET (amount of Evap after loses)
POT[t] = Evap[t] - INT[t]
# calculate soil evaporation
ET[t] = min(10 * SMSt1/SMSC, POT[t])
# calculate soil moisture storage (SMS) overflow
SMS[t] = SMSt1 + SMF[t] - ET[t]
# update states of SMS, REC and SMSt1
if SMS[t] > SMSC:
REC[t] = REC[t] + SMS[t] - SMSC
SMSt1 = SMS[t]
# calculate baseflow
BAS[t] = K * GWt1
# calculate ground water storage
GW[t] = GWt1 + REC[t] - BAS[t]
# update state of GWt1
GWt1 = GW[t]
# final runoff (effective precipitation) calculation
U[t] = IRUN[t] + SRUN[t] + BAS[t]
### Muskinghum routing scheme ###
# initialize transformed runoff
Q = np.zeros(len(U))
# calculate Muskinghum components
if (2*DELAY*X_m < 1) & (2*DELAY*(1-X_m) > 1):
C0 = (-DELAY*X_m+0.5)/(DELAY*(1-X_m)+0.5)
C1 = (DELAY*X_m+0.5)/(DELAY*(1-X_m)+0.5)
C2 = (DELAY*(1-X_m)-0.5)/(DELAY*(1-X_m)+0.5)
C0 = 0
C1 = 1
C2 = 0
# check formal relations
if (C0 + C1 + C2) != 1.0:
C0 = 0
C1 = 1
C2 = 0
# start transformation
Q[0] = U[0]
for t in range(len(U)-1):
Q[t+1] = C0 * U[t+1] + C1 * U[t] + C2 * Q[t]
# control Q
if Q[t+1] < 0: Q[t+1] = 0
return Q
In [ ]:
Optimization routine
In [123]:
Qobs = data2.Qobs
Qm = Qobs.mean()
def simhyd_calibr(params):
Qsim = simhyd_simulation(data2, params)
return ((Qobs-Qsim)**2).sum()/((Qobs-Qm)**2).sum()
init_params = [2.5, 250, -0.4, 1.6, 0.6, 0.055, 0.040, 1, 1]
# init parameters bounds
bounds = ((0, 50),
(0, 400),
(0, 10),
(1, 1000),
(0, 1),
(0, 1),
(0, 1),
(0.9, 1.1),
(0.1, 5),
(0.01, 0.5)
init_param = [50, 100, 3, 100, 0, 1, 0.06, 1, 1, 0.1]
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
opt = differential_evolution(simhyd_calibr, bounds, maxiter=5, disp=True)
opt_param = opt.x
In [127]:
Qsim = simhyd_simulation(data2, [28.2, 144.37, 0.143, 130.34, 0.581, 1.0,
0.0461, 0.9, 1.817, 0.01])
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.plot(range(len(Qsim)), Qsim,
range(len(data2.Qobs)), data2.Qobs)
In [ ]:
In [147]:
Qobs = data.Qobs
Qm = Qobs.mean()
def simhyd_cemaneige_calibr(params):
Qsim = simhyd_cemaneige(data, params)
return ((Qobs-Qsim)**2).sum()/((Qobs-Qm)**2).sum()
# init parameters bounds
bounds = ((0, 50),
(0, 400),
(0, 10),
(1, 1000),
(0, 1),
(0, 1),
(0, 1),
(0.9, 1.1),
(0.1, 5),
(0.01, 0.5),
(0, 1),
(1, 10)
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
opt = differential_evolution(simhyd_cemaneige_calibr, bounds, maxiter=5, disp=True)
opt_param = opt.x
In [151]:
Qsim = simhyd_cemaneige(data, opt_param)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.plot(range(len(Qsim)), Qsim, 'r',
range(len(Qobs)), Qobs, 'b')
In [152]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [144]:
import sys
from ipywidgets import interact
from simhyd import interaction
%matplotlib inline
river_name = 'Pur River'
path_to_scheme = '../data/pur_scheme.csv'
path_to_observations = '../data/pur_observations.csv'
In [146]:
# interact with new PE module
INSC=(0,50,5), COEFF=(0,400,10), SQ=(0,10,1), SMSC=(1,1000,50), SUB=(0,1,0.1),
CRAK=(0,1,0.1), K=(0,1,0.1), etmul=(0.9,1.1,0.1), DELAY=(0.1,5,0.1), X_m=(0.01, 0.5, 0.01),
In [1]:
'abc' == 'abc'
In [2]:
'abc' is 'abc'
In [ ]: