Tutorial 3: Training a Conditional RBM on Timeseries Data

In this tutorial, we train a Conditional RBM (CRBM) on timeseries data. The main task of the model in this setting is to predict the next data frame given a short sequence of previous data frames.

The CRBM Model

As you can see in the image above, besides the bi-directional hidden-visible connections, CRBM has directional connections from its condition data layer to its visible and hidden layers.

We organize our training data into pairs of condition/output: $\langle c_t, o_t \rangle$. The goal is that, given the conditon, predict the output. In modelling timeseries $D = \{d_1, d_2, ..., d_T\}$, to predict the next data-frame $d_t$, we use a sequence of previous data-frames as the condition: $c_t = \{d_{t-N}, ..., d_{t-2}, d_{t-1}\}$. In this setting, the length of the condition represents the order of the model.

The Imports

First, we import the usual tensorflow, numpy, and pyplot packges:

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

#Uncomment the below lines if you didn't install xRBM using pip and want to use the local code instead 
#import sys

We import the xrbm.models module, which contains the CRBM model class, as well as the xrbm.train module, which contains the CD-k approximation algorithm that we use for training our CRBM. Also, we use the xrbm.losses module contains the utility loss functions that we use to monitor the learning process:

In [2]:
import xrbm.models
import xrbm.train
import xrbm.losses

Creating the Training Data

To demonestrate using CRBM, we create a simple, artificial 4-dimensional timesries data using sin waves of different frequencies and amplitudes. We add a little bit of noise to this artificial data so that each instance is a bit different from the others.

The main parameter to note here is the TIMESTEPS, which represents how many frames the model needs to look at in order to predict the next frame (the model's order). In this example we use 3.

In [3]:

NUM_DIM   = 4
FREQS     = [20, 35, 50, 70]
AMPS      = [4, 1, 0.5, 2.5]
NSAMPLE   = 100
SEQ_LEN   = 2000

time_data = np.arange(SEQ_LEN) / 50

X_train   = []

print('Making dummy time series...')
for i in range(NSAMPLE):
    x = [np.float32(
            np.sin(freq * time_data + np.random.rand()/2) *  
         for freq, amp in zip(FREQS, AMPS)]
    x = np.asarray(x)
    x = x + np.random.rand(x.shape[0], x.shape[1]) * 1.2

X_train = np.asarray(X_train)


Making dummy time series...
(100, 2000, 4)

Note that we made 100 series, each with 2000 frames. So, our data (X_train) has the shape of (100, 2000, 4).

Now, let's look at the first 80 frames of the first series in our training data:

In [4]:

As mentioned before, we added some noise to each sequence. Let's draw each dimension of 5 series individually to get an idea of how much variations we have (not much!):

In [5]:

plt.ylim(-6, 6)

plt.ylim(-6, 6)

plt.ylim(-6, 6)

plt.ylim(-6, 6)

(-6, 6)

Before feeding the data to CRBM, we have to normalize it so that it has zero mean and unit variance:

In [6]:
X_train_flat = np.concatenate([m for m in X_train], axis=0)
data_mean = np.mean(X_train_flat, axis=0)
data_std = np.std(X_train_flat, axis=0)

X_train_normalized = [(d - data_mean) / data_std for d in X_train]

We organize the training set into pairs of condition data (the input) and visible data (the output which the model predicts). The condition data has the shape of (TIMESTEPS, 4) and the visible data has the shape of (1, 4).

CRBM expects each instance of its condition data to have a shape of (1, _). Therefore, we concatenate (flatten) each sample in the condition data to have the shape of (1 , 4*3).

In [7]:
condition_data = []
visible_data = []

for m in X_train_normalized:
    for i in range(len(m)-TIMESTEPS):
condition_data = np.asarray(condition_data)
visible_data = np.asarray(visible_data)

Create a CRBM Instance

We create a CRBM model, set the number of visible, condition, and hidden units. Since our data is real-valued, we set the vis_type to gaussian. We also use the Xavier initializer.

In [8]:
num_vis         = visible_data.shape[1]
num_cond        = condition_data.shape[1]
num_hid         = 50
learning_rate   = 0.01
batch_size      = 100
training_epochs = 30

In [9]:
# Let's reset the tensorflow graph in case we want to rerun the code

crbm = xrbm.models.CRBM(num_vis=num_vis,

We then create the mini-batches:

In [10]:
batch_idxs = np.random.permutation(range(len(visible_data)))
n_batches  = len(batch_idxs) // batch_size

We create a placeholder for the mini-batch data (both conditions and visible data) and the momentum:

In [11]:
batch_vis_data     = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, num_vis), name='batch_data')
batch_cond_data    = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, num_cond), name='cond_data')
momentum           = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=())

We use the CD-k algorithm for training the CRBM. For this, we create an instance of the CDApproximator from the xrbm.train module and pass the learning rate, momentum, and the number of gibbs iterations to it.

We then define our training op using the CDApproximator's train method, passing the CRBM model and the placeholder for the data.

In [12]:
cdapproximator     = xrbm.train.CDApproximator(learning_rate=learning_rate,
                                           k=1) # perform 1 step of gibbs sampling

train_op           = cdapproximator.train(crbm, vis_data=batch_vis_data, in_data=[batch_cond_data])

In order to monitor the training process, we calculate the reconstruction cost of the model at each epoch using the cross-entropy loss:

In [13]:
reconstructed_data,_,_,_ = crbm.gibbs_sample_vhv(batch_vis_data, [batch_cond_data])
xentropy_rec_cost  = xrbm.losses.cross_entropy(batch_vis_data, reconstructed_data)

Creatng a generation loop

Once the model is trained, we can use it to predict the next frame given its previous 3 frames using the crbm.predict() method. In order to make things easier, we can create a function that can repeat this operation and generate a new timeseries of arbitrary length. The following function basically takes in 3 dataframes as the initial data, predicts a new data frame, and uses the generated data to predict the next frames.

In [14]:
def generate(crbm, gen_init_frame = 100, num_gen = 200):
    gen_sample = []
    gen_hidden = []
    initcond = []

    gen_cond = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, num_cond], name='gen_cond_data')
    gen_init = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[1, num_vis], name='gen_init_data')
    gen_op = crbm.predict(gen_cond, gen_init, 2) # 2 stands for the number of gibbs sampling iterations

    for f in range(TIMESTEPS):
        gen_sample.append(np.reshape(visible_data[gen_init_frame+f], [1, num_vis]))

    print('Generating %d frames: '%(num_gen))

    for f in range(num_gen):
        initcond = np.asarray([gen_sample[s] for s in range(f,f+TIMESTEPS)]).ravel()

        initframes = gen_sample[f+TIMESTEPS-1] 
        feed = {gen_cond: np.reshape(initcond, [1,num_cond]).astype(np.float32),
                gen_init: initframes }
        s, h = sess.run(gen_op, feed_dict=feed)


    gen_sample = np.reshape(np.asarray(gen_sample), [num_gen+TIMESTEPS,num_vis])
    gen_hidden = np.reshape(np.asarray(gen_hidden), [num_gen,num_hid])

    gen_sample = gen_sample * data_std + data_mean
    return gen_sample, gen_hidden

Finally, we are ready to run everything and see the results:

In [15]:
sess = tf.Session()

#     gen_sample, gen_hidden = generate(crbm, num_gen=70)
#     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
#     _ = plt.plot(gen_sample)
#     display.display(fig)

for epoch in range(training_epochs):

    if epoch < 5: # for the first 5 epochs, we use a momentum coeficient of 0 
        epoch_momentum = 0
    else: # once the training is stablized, we use a momentum coeficient of 0.9
        epoch_momentum = 0.9

    for batch_i in range(n_batches):
        # Get just minibatch amount of data
        idxs_i = batch_idxs[batch_i * batch_size:(batch_i + 1) * batch_size]

        feed = {batch_vis_data: visible_data[idxs_i],
                batch_cond_data: condition_data[idxs_i],
                momentum: epoch_momentum}

        # Run the training step
        sess.run(train_op, feed_dict=feed)

    reconstruction_cost = sess.run(xentropy_rec_cost, feed_dict=feed)

    print('Epoch %i / %i | Reconstruction Cost = %f'%
            (epoch+1, training_epochs, reconstruction_cost))

Epoch 1 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.123559
Epoch 2 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.101495
Epoch 3 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.107217
Epoch 4 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.098005
Epoch 5 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.081172
Epoch 6 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.102014
Epoch 7 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.095633
Epoch 8 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.092236
Epoch 9 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.066589
Epoch 10 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.072362
Epoch 11 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.087117
Epoch 12 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.111628
Epoch 13 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.084620
Epoch 14 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.083101
Epoch 15 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.081064
Epoch 16 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.088945
Epoch 17 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.074577
Epoch 18 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.080325
Epoch 19 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.092590
Epoch 20 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.034990
Epoch 21 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.101673
Epoch 22 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.055692
Epoch 23 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.091940
Epoch 24 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.095356
Epoch 25 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.073043
Epoch 26 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.041471
Epoch 27 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.094212
Epoch 28 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.059173
Epoch 29 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.097683
Epoch 30 / 30 | Reconstruction Cost = -3.059448

In [16]:
gen_sample, gen_hidden = generate(crbm, num_gen=70)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 0.5))
_= plt.imshow(gen_hidden.T, cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest', aspect='auto')
plt.title('Hidden Units Activities')

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
_ = plt.plot(gen_sample)        
plt.title('The Generated Timeseries')


Generating 70 frames: 

In [ ]: