1. User Input

In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2

In [2]:
api_key = "API_KEY"
rh_user = "user"
rh_pass = "pass"
demo_run = True

2. Downloading Robinhood orders

It will prompt MFA (if you have it enabled). Run again if you want refreshed Robinhood data.

In [3]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

In [4]:
from pyrh import Robinhood
if not demo_run:
    client = Robinhood(username=rh_user, password=rh_pass)
    client = None

In [5]:
from backend.robinhood_data import RobinhoodData
rh = RobinhoodData('data/', client)
if demo_run:
    demo_orders = rh.demo_orders()
    demo_dividends= rh.demo_dividends()
    demo_orders = None
    demo_dividends= None
dividends, orders, open_positions, closed_positions = rh.download(demo_orders, demo_dividends)

3. Download stock prices and market index

Rerun if you want fresh market data

In [6]:
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)

from backend.market_data import download_save_market_data

market = download_save_market_data(
    end_date=pd.Timestamp("today", tz='UTC'))

4. Portfolio Models

In [7]:
from backend.portfolio_models import PortfolioModels
import empyrical as emp

In [8]:
# main calculations section
ptf = PortfolioModels('data')
summary = ptf.portfolio_summary()
stocks = ptf.stocks_risk()
df_corr, df_cov = ptf.stocks_correlation()
ptf_stats = ptf.portfolio_stats()
markowitz = ptf.markowitz_portfolios()
investment, dividends = ptf.portfolio_returns()

5. Results

5.1 Portfolio summary

In [9]:

Shares Portfolio weight Current cost basis Current value Realized P/L Dividends Unrealized P/L Total return Total return rate
AAPL 100 29.04% 10,000.00 38,823.00 0.00 30.00 28,823.00 28,853.00 288.53%
BA 100 13.46% 10,000.00 17,996.00 0.00 80.00 7,996.00 8,076.00 80.76%
BAC 100 1.81% 10,000.00 2,414.00 0.00 100.00 -7,586.00 -7,486.00 -74.86%
BND 100 6.63% 10,000.00 8,869.00 0.00 60.00 -1,131.00 -1,071.00 -10.71%
CAT 100 10.24% 10,000.00 13,688.00 0.00 70.00 3,688.00 3,758.00 37.58%
CVX 100 6.61% 10,000.00 8,835.00 0.00 40.00 -1,165.00 -1,125.00 -11.25%
JPM 100 7.35% 10,000.00 9,821.00 0.00 110.00 -179.00 -69.00 -0.69%
MSFT 80 12.47% 8,000.00 16,668.00 400.00 20.00 8,668.00 9,088.00 113.60%
SPY 0 0.00% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -0.69%
TIF 100 9.11% 10,000.00 12,174.00 0.00 90.00 2,174.00 2,264.00 22.64%
XOM 100 3.30% 10,000.00 4,407.00 0.00 50.00 -5,593.00 -5,543.00 -55.43%
Portfolio 980 100.00% 98,000.00 133,695.00 400.00 650.00 35,695.00 36,745.00 37.49%

In [10]:
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
MY_DPI = 450

f, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 4), dpi=MY_DPI)
ax2 = ax1.twinx()

ax1.plot(investment, linewidth=1, color='#67a9cf')
ax1.axhline(y=0, color='#ca0020', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5)
ax1.set_ylabel("Portfolio returns")

ax2.plot(dividends, linewidth=0.5, color='#ef8a62')

# format y-axis
    ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: '${:.0f}'.format(x)))

    ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, p: '${:.0f}'.format(x)))

# format dates and grids
date_fmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%b-%Y')

ax1.grid(False, axis='both', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5, color="#deebf7")
ax1.grid(b=None, axis='y')

ax2.grid(False, axis='both', linestyle='-', linewidth=0.5, color="#deebf7")
ax2.grid(b=None, axis='y')


5.2 Portfolio Stats

In [11]:

Total return           0.374949
Market return          0.186591
Annual return         -0.016760
Annual volatility      0.341516
Sharpe ratio           0.124115
Calmar ratio          -0.034203
Stability              0.060215
Max drawdown          -0.490007
Omega ratio            1.024068
Sortino ratio          0.163251
Skew                  -1.082623
Kurtosis               9.264294
Tail ratio             0.859260
Daily value at risk   -0.031676
Alpha                 -0.052195
Beta                   1.300359
dtype: float64

5.3 Stocks performance

In [12]:

Annual return Annual volatility Sharpe ratio Calmar ratio Stability Max drawdown Omega ratio Sortino ratio Skew Kurtosis Tail ratio Daily value at risk Alpha Beta
AAPL 0.226396 0.342056 0.769797 0.538901 0.373297 -0.420107 1.157103 1.055386 -0.783518 7.819217 0.928482 -0.031956 0.243828 1.165671
BA -0.422184 0.587732 -0.622644 -0.494355 0.443259 -0.854010 0.871487 -0.796956 -1.511642 17.468480 0.804067 -0.049218 -0.350604 1.693029
BAC -0.217185 0.399469 -0.409566 -0.378743 0.411156 -0.573437 0.919397 -0.538833 -0.767005 12.036453 0.757915 -0.041442 -0.195344 1.388642
BND 0.030548 0.064281 0.500542 0.338381 0.761663 -0.090277 1.138037 0.650201 -3.374275 83.973079 1.086752 -0.003274 0.031424 0.031933
CAT -0.174659 0.370707 -0.329231 -0.298308 0.735219 -0.585500 0.942474 -0.427625 -0.964579 5.862426 0.849551 -0.038000 -0.154176 1.173834
CVX -0.271144 0.410713 -0.551648 -0.388724 0.504410 -0.697524 0.880372 -0.685546 -2.701228 35.749722 0.948608 -0.031822 -0.241166 1.275100
JPM -0.156240 0.363374 -0.282651 -0.302915 0.209642 -0.515789 0.942777 -0.374297 -0.865874 14.189775 0.919735 -0.031696 -0.140574 1.261753
MSFT 0.274730 0.327157 0.907718 0.792046 0.851694 -0.346862 1.191459 1.263576 -0.777422 12.009987 0.897665 -0.031228 0.285302 1.186969
SPY 0.008823 0.242611 0.159211 0.023105 0.006886 -0.381868 1.034678 0.206748 -1.334136 15.018970 0.658203 -0.023897 0.000000 1.000000
TIF -0.067181 0.348914 -0.029543 -0.133597 0.131591 -0.502867 0.993257 -0.044995 2.298117 35.534581 0.825820 -0.027700 -0.030173 0.526258
XOM -0.313132 0.339217 -0.934260 -0.443842 0.634193 -0.705502 0.832697 -1.193202 -0.902126 9.099367 0.827866 -0.033730 -0.301658 1.084089

5.4 Correlations

In [13]:
import seaborn as sns
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,10))
sns.heatmap(ax=ax, data=df_corr, center=0, annot=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11f250350>

5.5 Markowitz

In [14]:
for l in markowitz:

Minimum variance portfolio
AAPL    6.648165e-11
BA      4.138511e-11
BAC     2.738030e-10
BND     9.736285e-01
CAT     1.286203e-02
CVX     3.572508e-11
JPM     3.938554e-03
MSFT    6.615183e-10
TIF     9.570914e-03
XOM     5.064078e-11
dtype: float64

Target: more than 50% of stock returns
AAPL    6.440468e-11
BA      3.811872e-11
BAC     2.712212e-10
BND     9.736285e-01
CAT     1.286203e-02
CVX     3.377226e-11
JPM     3.938555e-03
MSFT    6.809876e-10
TIF     9.570914e-03
XOM     4.838471e-11
dtype: float64

Target: more than 75% of stock returns
AAPL    6.452477e-11
BA      3.864678e-11
BAC     2.705161e-10
BND     9.736285e-01
CAT     1.286203e-02
CVX     3.410858e-11
JPM     3.938555e-03
MSFT    6.709637e-10
TIF     9.570914e-03
XOM     4.885041e-11
dtype: float64

Target: more than 90% of stock returns
AAPL   -3.887644e-10
BA     -3.413824e-10
BAC    -1.437104e-10
BND     1.143824e-01
CAT    -1.516481e-10
CVX    -1.967346e-10
JPM     7.868181e-11
MSFT    8.856176e-01
TIF    -2.275622e-10
XOM    -2.768545e-10
dtype: float64

Tangency portfolio
AAPL    1.465237e-10
BA      9.424539e-10
BAC     6.294913e-10
BND     7.918413e-01
CAT     8.502519e-10
CVX     6.002940e-11
JPM     2.923768e-11
MSFT    2.081587e-01
TIF     4.236671e-11
XOM     5.572075e-10
dtype: float64