Weighted Portfolio (prettier graphs)

On the first trading day of every month, rebalance portfolio to given percentages

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import datetime
from talib.abstract import *

import pinkfish as pf

# format price data
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:0.2f}'.format

%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# set size of inline plots
'''note: rcParams can't be in same cell as import matplotlib
   or %matplotlib inline
   %matplotlib notebook: will lead to interactive plots embedded within
   the notebook, you can zoom and resize the figure
   %matplotlib inline: only draw static images in the notebook
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 7)

Some global data

In [3]:
symbols = ['SPY', 'TLT', 'GLD']
weights = {'SPY': 0.50, 'TLT': 0.40, 'GLD': 0.10}
directions = {'SPY': pf.Direction.LONG, 'TLT': pf.Direction.LONG, 'GLD': pf.Direction.LONG}
capital = 10000
start = datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1)
#start = datetime.datetime.strptime(pf.SP500_BEGIN, '%Y-%m-%d')
end = datetime.datetime.now()

use_cache = False

In [4]:
portfolio = pf.Portfolio()
ts = portfolio.fetch_timeseries(symbols, start, end, use_cache=use_cache)

In [5]:
# add calendar columns
ts = portfolio.calendar(ts)

In [6]:
ts, start = portfolio.finalize_timeseries(ts, start)

In [7]:
portfolio.init_trade_logs(ts, capital)

In [8]:
for i, row in enumerate(ts.itertuples()):

    date = row.Index.to_pydatetime()
    end_flag = pf.is_last_row(ts, i)

    # rebalance on the first trading day of each month
    if row.first_dotm or end_flag:
        #portfolio.print_holdings(date, row)
        for symbol in portfolio.symbols:
            price = getattr(row, symbol + '_close')
            weight = 0 if end_flag else weights[symbol]
            direction = directions[symbol]
            portfolio.adjust_percent(date, price, weight, symbol, row, direction)
    # record daily balance
    portfolio.record_daily_balance(date, row)

In [9]:
rlog, tlog, dbal = portfolio.get_logs()

In [10]:

date price shares entry_exit direction symbol
0 2004-12-01 86.95 57 entry LONG SPY
1 2004-12-01 51.47 77 entry LONG TLT
2 2004-12-01 45.38 22 entry LONG GLD
3 2005-01-03 43.02 1 entry LONG GLD
4 2005-01-03 53.03 1 exit LONG TLT

In [11]:

entry_date entry_price exit_date exit_price pl_points pl_cash qty cumul_total direction symbol
329 2020-04-01 245.07 2020-07-20 323.00 77.93 233.79 3 28705.93 LONG SPY
330 2020-05-01 281.55 2020-07-20 323.00 41.45 207.24 5 28913.17 LONG SPY
331 2020-05-01 167.54 2020-07-20 167.21 -0.32 -1.94 6 28911.23 LONG TLT
332 2020-06-01 162.09 2020-07-20 167.21 5.13 25.63 5 28936.86 LONG TLT
333 2020-07-01 163.42 2020-07-20 167.21 3.79 3.79 1 28940.65 LONG TLT

In [12]:

high low close shares cash leverage state
2020-07-14 38676.89 38676.89 38676.89 174 422.46 1.00 -
2020-07-15 38784.22 38784.22 38784.22 174 422.46 1.00 -
2020-07-16 38757.89 38757.89 38757.89 174 422.46 1.00 -
2020-07-17 38812.06 38812.06 38812.06 174 422.46 1.00 -
2020-07-20 38940.65 38940.65 38940.65 0 38940.65 1.00 X

In [13]:
stats = pf.stats(ts, tlog, dbal, capital)

start                                                  2004-11-18
end                                                    2020-07-20
beginning_balance                                           10000
ending_balance                                           38940.65
total_net_profit                                         28940.65
gross_profit                                             29357.21
gross_loss                                                -416.55
profit_factor                                               70.48
return_on_initial_capital                                  289.41
annual_return_rate                                           9.06
trading_period                           15 years 8 months 2 days
pct_time_in_market                                          99.80
margin                                                          1
avg_leverage                                                 1.00
max_leverage                                                 1.00
min_leverage                                                 1.00
total_num_trades                                              334
trades_per_year                                             21.31
num_winning_trades                                            315
num_losing_trades                                              19
num_even_trades                                                 0
pct_profitable_trades                                       94.31
avg_profit_per_trade                                        86.65
avg_profit_per_winning_trade                                93.20
avg_loss_per_losing_trade                                  -21.92
ratio_avg_profit_win_loss                                    4.25
largest_profit_winning_trade                              1385.06
largest_loss_losing_trade                                 -101.03
num_winning_points                                       19323.56
num_losing_points                                         -290.32
total_net_points                                         19033.24
avg_points                                                  56.99
largest_points_winning_trade                               237.54
largest_points_losing_trade                                -43.19
avg_pct_gain_per_trade                                      64.66
largest_pct_winning_trade                                  403.84
largest_pct_losing_trade                                   -26.83
max_consecutive_winning_trades                                115
max_consecutive_losing_trades                                   3
avg_bars_winning_trades                                   1226.81
avg_bars_losing_trades                                     974.26
max_closed_out_drawdown                                    -24.05
max_closed_out_drawdown_start_date                     2007-12-06
max_closed_out_drawdown_end_date                       2009-03-09
max_closed_out_drawdown_recovery_date                  2010-04-09
drawdown_recovery                                           -1.26
drawdown_annualized_return                                  -2.65
max_intra_day_drawdown                                     -24.05
avg_yearly_closed_out_drawdown                              -6.37
max_yearly_closed_out_drawdown                             -23.78
avg_monthly_closed_out_drawdown                             -1.88
max_monthly_closed_out_drawdown                            -15.71
avg_weekly_closed_out_drawdown                              -0.76
max_weekly_closed_out_drawdown                             -10.47
avg_yearly_closed_out_runup                                 14.02
max_yearly_closed_out_runup                                 29.88
avg_monthly_closed_out_runup                                 2.49
max_monthly_closed_out_runup                                16.84
avg_weekly_closed_out_runup                                  0.93
max_weekly_closed_out_runup                                  9.58
pct_profitable_years                                        90.25
best_year                                                   28.68
worst_year                                                 -21.14
avg_year                                                     8.95
annual_std                                                   7.96
pct_profitable_months                                       67.98
best_month                                                  16.84
worst_month                                                -15.59
avg_month                                                    0.71
monthly_std                                                  2.36
pct_profitable_weeks                                        60.56
best_week                                                    9.58
worst_week                                                  -9.78
avg_week                                                     0.18
weekly_std                                                   1.20
sharpe_ratio                                                 1.03
sortino_ratio                                                1.34
dtype: object

In [14]:
benchmark = pf.Benchmark('SPY', capital, start, end, use_adj=True)

2004-11-18 00:00:00 BUY  115 SPY @ 86.59
2020-07-20 00:00:00 SELL 115 SPY @ 323.00

In [15]:
benchmark.tlog, benchmark.dbal = benchmark.get_logs()

In [16]:
benchmark.stats = benchmark.get_stats()

In [17]:
pf.plot_equity_curve(dbal, benchmark=benchmark.dbal)

In [18]:
pf.plot_trades(dbal, benchmark=benchmark.dbal)

In [19]:
df = pf.summary(stats, benchmark.stats, metrics=pf.currency_metrics)

strategy benchmark
beginning_balance $10,000.00 $10,000.00
ending_balance $38,940.65 $37,186.74
total_net_profit $28,940.65 $27,186.74
gross_profit $29,357.21 $27,186.74
gross_loss -$416.55 $0.00

In [20]:
df = pf.plot_bar_graph(stats, benchmark.stats)

strategy benchmark
annual_return_rate 9.06 8.74
max_closed_out_drawdown -24.05 -55.02
drawdown_annualized_return -2.65 -6.29
drawdown_recovery -1.26 -1.42
best_month 16.84 23.46
worst_month -15.59 -30.95
sharpe_ratio 1.03 0.53
sortino_ratio 1.34 0.63
monthly_std 2.36 4.57

In [21]:
returns = dbal['close']

2020-07-14   38676.89
2020-07-15   38784.22
2020-07-16   38757.89
2020-07-17   38812.06
2020-07-20   38940.65
Name: close, dtype: float64

In [22]:
benchmark_returns = benchmark.dbal['close']

2020-07-14   36717.54
2020-07-15   37054.49
2020-07-16   36932.59
2020-07-17   37039.54
2020-07-20   37186.74
Name: close, dtype: float64

In [23]:
pf.prettier_graphs(returns, benchmark_returns,
                   label1='Strategy', label2='Benchmark',