In [8]:
from utilities import css_styles


IOOS System Test - Theme 1 - Scenario D - Description/Discussion

Exploring Dissolved Oxygen Data


  1. Can we discover, access, and overlay dissolved oxygen information?
  2. Is data from different sensors or sources directly comparable?
  3. If not, how much work is necessary to aggregate these streams?
  4. Is metadata for these data intelligable?

Q1 - Can we discover, access, and overlay dissolved oxygen information?

In [27]:
from pylab import *
from owslib.csw import CatalogueServiceWeb
from owslib import fes
import random
import netCDF4
import pandas as pd
#import datetime as dt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pyoos.collectors.coops.coops_sos import CoopsSos
from pyoos.collectors.nerrs.nerrs_soap import NerrsSoap
import cStringIO
import iris
import urllib2
import parser
from lxml import etree

import numpy as np

#generated for csw interface
#from fes_date_filter_formatter import fes_date_filter  #date formatter (R.Signell)
import requests              #required for the processing of requests
from utilities import * 

from IPython.display import HTML
import folium #required for leaflet mapping
import calendar #used to get number of days in a month and year

Define space and time constraints

Kachemak Bay, because I know there's a DO sensor on a NERRS station on the Homer Spit.

In [28]:
#bounding box of interest,[bottom right[lon,lat], top left[lon,lat]]
#bounding_box_type = "box"
#bounding_box = [[-152.0,59.25],[-150.6,60.00]]

Atlantic Coast, Eric Bridger says NeraCOOS has DO measurements (yellow squares on their real-time data portal).

In [29]:
#bounding box of interest,[bottom right[lon,lat], top left[lon,lat]]
bounding_box_type = "box" 
bounding_box = [[-72.5,41.0],[-68.5,44.0]]

#temporal range
#I'm just interested in this year
start_date = datetime(2014,1,1).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00')
end_date = datetime(2014,7,13).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:00')
time_date_range = [start_date,end_date]  #start_date_end_date

print bounding_box
print start_date,'to',end_date

[[-72.5, 41.0], [-68.5, 44.0]]
2014-01-01 00:00 to 2014-07-13 00:00

Define the web-service endpoints to check

This next line fails - for USGS Coastal and Marine Program and the CKAN testing site - Cannot load/process capabilities. All the other CSWs work.

In [30]:
endpoint = '' # NGDC Geoportal
#endpoint = ''   # NODC Geoportal: granule level
#endpoint = ''  # NODC Geoportal: collection level   
#endpoint = ''  # NRCAN CUSTOM
#endpoint = '' # USGS Woods Hole GI_CAT
#endpoint = '' # USGS CIDA Geonetwork
#endpoint = '' # USGS Coastal and Marine Program
#endpoint = '' # USGS Woods Hole Geoportal 
#endpoint = ''  # CKAN testing site for new
#endpoint = ''  # EPA
#endpoint = ''  # CWIC

csw = CatalogueServiceWeb(endpoint,timeout=60)

for oper in csw.operations:
    if == 'GetRecords':
        #print '\nISO Queryables:\n',oper.constraints['SupportedISOQueryables']['values']

Define what possible variables we're looking for using CF standard names. I also added 'oxygen_concentration_in_sea_water' because I know that's what NERRS uses (even though it is not CF standard). Adding 'oxygen' alone does return some results via CSWs.

In [31]:
#put the names in a dict for ease of access 
data_dict = {}
data_dict["doxygen"] = {"names":['fractional_saturation_of_oxygen_in_sea_water',

Set up OWSlib and it's FES filter capabilities. This puts our bounding box and data_dict into a form that OWSLib can use to hit our OGC web-service endpoints.

In [32]:
def fes_date_filter(start_date='1900-01-01',stop_date='2100-01-01',constraint='overlaps'):
    if constraint == 'overlaps':
        start = fes.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='apiso:TempExtent_begin', literal=stop_date)
        stop = fes.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='apiso:TempExtent_end', literal=start_date)
    elif constraint == 'within':
        start = fes.PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='apiso:TempExtent_begin', literal=start_date)
        stop = fes.PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo(propertyname='apiso:TempExtent_end', literal=stop_date)
    return start,stop

In [33]:
# convert User Input into FES filters
start,stop = fes_date_filter(start_date,end_date)
box = []
bbox = fes.BBox(box)

#use the search name to create search filter
or_filt = fes.Or([fes.PropertyIsLike(propertyname='apiso:AnyText',literal=('*%s*' % val),
                    escapeChar='\\',wildCard='*',singleChar='?') for val in data_dict["doxygen"]["names"]])
#not sure if I need this or not
val = 'Averages'
not_filt = fes.Not([fes.PropertyIsLike(propertyname='apiso:AnyText',literal=('*%s*' % val),
The filter creation below fails - with Woods Hole GII-CAT, Woods Hole Geoportal, NRCAN CUSTOM, nor CWIC. The others work.

In [34]:
filter_list = [fes.And([bbox, start, stop, or_filt, not_filt]) ]
# connect to CSW, explore it's properties
# try request using multiple filters "and" syntax: [[filter1,filter2]]

In [35]:
def service_urls(records,service_string='urn:x-esri:specification:ServiceType:odp:url'):
    extract service_urls of a specific type (DAP, SOS) from records
    for key,rec in records.iteritems():        
        #create a generator object, and iterate through it until the match is found
        #if not found, gets the default value (here "none")
        url = next((d['url'] for d in rec.references if d['scheme'] == service_string), None)
        if url is not None:
    return urls

What's in the result set?

In [36]:
#print records that are available
print endpoint
print "number of datasets available: ",len(csw.records.keys())
number of datasets available:  0
Conclusions - Using only the CF standard names for dissolved oxygen return zero results. The NERRS stations are Add the ambiguous 'oxygen' search term returns 34 results, but none of these are the NERRS stations that I know exist. This may mean that NERRS stations aren't registered in any CSW, even though their website says they partner with IOOS. I've checked all the catalogs that work and accept filters: NGDC, NODC granule-level, NODC collection-level, USGS CIDA, and EPA.

In [ ]: