In [1]:
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table, join
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, search_around_sky
from IPython.display import clear_output
import pickle
import os
In [2]:
%pylab inline
In [3]:
from mltier1 import (get_center, get_n_m, estimate_q_m, Field, SingleMLEstimator, MultiMLEstimator,
parallel_process, get_sigma, get_q_m, get_threshold)
In [4]:
lofar ="idata/gaus/lofar_m2.fits")
In [5]:
q0_total = 0.67849530821823023
In [6]:
threshold = np.percentile(lofar["lr_2"], 100*(1 - q0_total))
In [8]:
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (15,6)
hist(lofar[lofar["lr_2"] != 0]["lr_2"], bins=200)
vlines([threshold], 0, 1000)
hist(np.log10(lofar[lofar["lr_2"] != 0]["lr_2"]+1), bins=200)
vlines(np.log10(threshold+1), 0, 1000)
ticks, _ = xticks()
xticks(ticks, ["{:.1f}".format(10**t-1) for t in ticks])
In [9]:
lofar["lr_index_sel_2"] = lofar["lr_index_2"]
lofar["lr_index_sel_2"][lofar["lr_2"] < threshold] = np.nan
In [10]:
combined ="pw.fits")
In [12]:
combined["colour"] = combined["i"] - combined["W1mag"]
In [13]:
combined_matched = (~np.isnan(combined["i"]) & ~np.isnan(combined["W1mag"])) # Matched i-W1 sources
combined_panstarrs = (~np.isnan(combined["i"]) & np.isnan(combined["W1mag"])) # Sources with only i-band
combined_wise =(np.isnan(combined["i"]) & ~np.isnan(combined["W1mag"])) # Sources with only W1-band
combined_i = combined_matched | combined_panstarrs
combined_w1 = combined_matched | combined_wise
In [14]:
colour_limits = [-0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25, 2.5, 2.75, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0]
In [15]:
# Start with the W1-only, i-only and "less than lower colour" bins
colour_bin_def = [{"name":"only W1", "condition": combined_wise},
{"name":"only i", "condition": combined_panstarrs},
{"name":"-inf to {}".format(colour_limits[0]),
"condition": (combined["colour"] < colour_limits[0])}]
# Get the colour bins
for i in range(len(colour_limits)-1):
name = "{} to {}".format(colour_limits[i], colour_limits[i+1])
condition = ((combined["colour"] >= colour_limits[i]) &
(combined["colour"] < colour_limits[i+1]))
colour_bin_def.append({"name":name, "condition":condition})
# Add the "more than higher colour" bin
colour_bin_def.append({"name":"{} to inf".format(colour_limits[-1]),
"condition": (combined["colour"] >= colour_limits[-1])})
In [16]:
combined["category"] = np.nan
for i in range(len(colour_bin_def)):
combined["category"][colour_bin_def[i]["condition"]] = i
In [17]:
combined["lr_index_sel_2"] = np.arange(len(combined)).astype(float)
In [18]:
combined["i"].fill_value = 1e+20
combined["W1mag"].fill_value = 1e+20
combined["colour"].fill_value = 1e+20
combined["category"].fill_value = 999999
In [19]:
In [20]:
lofar_combined = join(lofar, combined, join_type='left', keys='lr_index_sel_2')
In [21]:
for col in lofar_combined.colnames:
print(col, lofar_combined[col].fill_value)
except AttributeError:
print(col, "NO_FILL")
In [22]:
lofar_combined.write("lofar_matched_gaus.fits", format="fits")
In [ ]: