In [1]:
using StochasticEuler
using PyPlot


In [2]:



Solve an SDE using the implicit stochastic euler method and return the states xs at each point in the time grid ts. The method also returns the noise increments dWs for each integration interval. The SDE is assumed to be given by

\begin{align} dx(t) = f(t,x(t)) dt + g(t,x(t)) dW \end{align}

where the type of the SDE (Ito/Stratonovich) must be specified as the the first function argument.

The sde is passed as a function sde!(t, x, f, gdW, dW, compute_f, compute_gdW) that writes the drift term of x at time t into a vector f and the diffusion term into a vector gdW. The noise increments at time t are passed as a vector dW. Two additional boolean flags compute_f and compute_gdW specify whether to compute f or gdW in a given sde!() call. This allows to save work. The solver also calls sde! after each success integration step with both compute_f=compute_gdW=false. The sde! function can use this as a callback mechanism to carry out useful cleanup work on x itself before x is appended to the result.

The initial state is x0. The time grid at which the states are returned is ts, the maximum stepsize to be used is hmax.

At each time step the method solves the following non-linear system of equations for x(t+h):

\begin{align} x(t+h) == x(t) + [(1-ν) f(t, x(t)) + ν f(t+h, x(t+h))] h + ΔB(x(t),ΔW(t)) \end{align}

where the diffusion term is given by:

ΔB(x(t),ΔW) := g(t, x(t)) ΔW                         (for Ito SDEs)
ΔB(x(t),ΔW) := (1/2)[g(t, x(t)) + g(t, y(t))] ΔW     (for Stratonovich SDEs)
  where y(t) := x(t) + g(t,x(t)) ΔW

This is achieved by a damped pseudo-Newton iteration with the initial guess provided by the standard forward Euler step. Optional keyword parameters are:

  • ν: relative weight of start / end-point combination (default ν=.5)
  • κ: damping factor for pseudo-Newton iteration (default κ=.8)
  • ϵ_rel: relative error tol. in pseudo-Newton iteration (default ϵ_rel=1e-3)
  • max_iter: maximum number of Newton iterations (default max_iter=5)
  • verbose: print messages (default = true)
  • rng: An AbstractRNG instance to sample the noise increments from
  • seed: A seed for the RNG.
  • verbose: Print status messages (default = false)
  • return_metrics: Whether to return integrator metrics
ieuler_sde ieuler_heun ieuler_mayurama


Testcase 1: Ornstein Uhlenbeck

In [3]:
σ = 1.
θ = 2.
μ = 3.

function ornstein_uhlenbeck!(t, x, xdot, gdW, dW, compute_xdot, compute_gdW)
    if compute_xdot
    if compute_gdW
        gdW[1] = σ*dW[1]
    xdot, gdW

ts = linspace(t0,t1,501)

h = .001
x0 = [1.]

# Since the diffusion coefficient is constant, the Ito and Stratonovich SDEs are identical
ts, xs1, dWs = ieuler_heun(ornstein_uhlenbeck!, x0, ts, h, 1)
ts, xs2, dWs = ieuler_mayurama(ornstein_uhlenbeck!, x0, ts, h, 1)

expmtht = exp(-θ*ts)
sol = x0[1] *expmtht - μ*(expmtht-1) +  σ*expmtht .* cumsum([0;dWs']./expmtht);

plot(ts, xs1')
plot(ts, xs2')
plot(ts, sol)
ylabel(L"Solution $x(t)$")
title("Ornstein Uhlenbeck Process")
plot(ts, xs1'-sol)
plot(ts, xs2'-sol)
xlabel(L"Time $t$")

PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x318f0eef0>

Testcase 2: General linear SDE

In [4]:
a, b, c, d = [1,2,3,4,7]

function linear_sde_ito!(t, x, xdot, gdW, dW, compute_xdot, compute_gdW)
    if compute_xdot
        xdot[1]=(a*x[1] + c)
    if compute_gdW
        gdW[1] = (b*x[1] + d) * dW[1]
    xdot, gdW

function linear_sde_strat!(t, x, xdot, gdW, dW, compute_xdot, compute_gdW)
    if compute_xdot
        xdot[1]=((a-.5*b^2)*x[1] + c - .5*b*d)
    if compute_gdW
        gdW[1] = (b*x[1]+d)*dW[1]
    xdot, gdW

ts = linspace(t0, t1, 1001)
h = 1./(2<<16)
x0 = [1.]
ts, xs1, dWs, iters1 = ieuler_heun(linear_sde_strat!, x0, ts, h, 1; return_metrics=true, ϵ_rel=1e-10, max_iter=20)
ts, xs2, dWs, iters2 = ieuler_mayurama(linear_sde_ito!, x0, ts, h, 1; return_metrics=true, ϵ_rel=1e-10, max_iter=20)

dts = diff(ts)
dWs = dWs'
Φtt0 = exp(cumsum((a-.5*b^2) * dts + b*dWs))
xtsol = [x0[1]; Φtt0 .* (x0[1] + cumsum((c) *dts ./ Φtt0)  + cumsum(d * dWs ./ Φtt0))]

title("General linear SDE")
plot(ts, xs1')
plot(ts, xs2')
plot(ts, xtsol)
ylabel(L"Solution $x(t)$")

plot(ts, xs1'-xtsol, label="Stratonovich")
plot(ts, xs2'-xtsol, label="Ito")
xlabel(L"Time $t$")

PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x3191a69b0>

Testcase 3: Exponential SDE

In [5]:
function exp_sde_ito!(t, x, xdot, gdW, dW, compute_xdot, compute_gdW)
    if compute_xdot
        xdot[1]= -x[1]*(2*log(x[1]) + 1)
    if compute_gdW
        gdW[1] = -2x[1]*sqrt(-log(x[1]))*dW[1]
    xdot, gdW

function exp_sde_strat!(t, x, xdot, gdW, dW, compute_xdot, compute_gdW)
    if compute_xdot
        xdot[1]= 0.
    if compute_gdW
        gdW[1] = -2x[1]*sqrt(-log(x[1]))*dW[1]
    xdot, gdW

ts = linspace(t0, t1, 1001)
h = .00001
x0 = [.5]

ts, xs1, dWs = ieuler_heun(exp_sde_strat!, x0, ts, h, 1; ν=.5)
ts, xs2, dWs = ieuler_mayurama(exp_sde_ito!, x0, ts, h, 1; ν=.5)

dts = diff(ts)
dWs = dWs'
Wts = cumsum(dWs)

xtsol = [x0[1]; exp(-(Wts + sqrt(-log(x0[1]))).^2)]

title("Exponential SDE")
plot(ts, xs1')
plot(ts, xs2')
plot(ts, xtsol)
ylabel(L"Solution $x(t)$")

plot(ts, xs1'-xtsol, label="Stratonovich")
plot(ts, xs2'-xtsol, label="Ito")
legend(loc="lower left")
xlabel(L"Time $t$")

PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x319bbd160>

Stochastic convergence

In [6]:



Helper type for sampling coarse grained realizations of a d-dimensional Brownian motion. It takes as an existing rng whose samples corresponds to the minimum grid size and yields sums over N variables sampled from rng spaced at a dimension D and renormalizes them.

This type is not optimized for efficiency and should only be used to verify stochastic convergence properties.

For convenience, complex random normals are supported as well. A CumulativeNormal rng should only be used to generate fixed length vectors of real or complex normal variables [x1,...,xD] at a time.

When the type parameter is N, it sums N random variables for every output variable such that if the underlying rng samples

[ x11 x12 ... x1N  
  x21 x22 ... x2N  
  xD1 xD2 ... XDN ]

then the CumulativeNormal rng sums over each row and renormalizes by 1/sqrt(N) to produce a D dimensional vector of real/complex normal variables.


Test the CumulativeNormal RNG

In [7]:
d = 5
rng = MersenneTwister()

# averages over 2 samples
cnrng2 = CumulativeNormal(rng, 2,d)

# averages over 4 samples
cnrng4 = CumulativeNormal(rng, 4,d)

vec = zeros(d)
srand(rng, 0)
full_grid = hcat([randn(rng, d) for j=1:4]...)
srand(rng, 0)
half_grid = hcat([randn(cnrng2, d) for j=1:2]...)
srand(rng, 0)
quarter_grid = hcat([randn!(cnrng4, vec) for j=1:1]...)

# Verify that block summing works correctly
@assert norm(full_grid * kron(eye(2), ones(2))/sqrt(2) - half_grid) < 10*eps(Float64)
@assert norm(full_grid * ones(4)/sqrt(4) - quarter_grid) < 10*eps(Float64)
@assert norm(half_grid * ones(2)/sqrt(2) - quarter_grid) < 10*eps(Float64)

Simulate SDE for same stochastic realization at different grid sizes

In [8]:
ts = linspace(t0, t1, 2049)
h = 1./(2<<17) 
x0 = [1.]

grid_sizes = [1,2,4,8,16,32,64, 128]

d = 1
rngs = AbstractRNG[MersenneTwister()]
for gs = grid_sizes[2:end]
    push!(rngs, CumulativeNormal(rngs[1], gs, d))

seed = 2
allxs = zeros(length(ts), length(grid_sizes))
alldWs = zeros(length(ts)-1, length(grid_sizes))
alliters = zeros(Int64, length(ts)-1, length(grid_sizes))

for k=1:length(grid_sizes)
    println("Grid size: $(grid_sizes[k]*h)")
    @time ts, xs, dWs, iters = ieuler_heun(
        linear_sde_strat!, x0, ts, h*grid_sizes[k], 1; 
        rng=rngs[k], ν=.5, κ=.5, seed=seed, ϵ_rel=1e-10, max_iter=20, return_metrics=true)
    allxs[:,k] = xs[:]
    alldWs[:,k] = dWs[:]
    alliters[:,k] = iters[:]

dWs = alldWs[:,1]
dts = diff(ts)

Φtt0 = exp(cumsum((a-.5*b^2) * dts + b*dWs))
xtsol = [x0[1]; Φtt0 .* (x0[1] + cumsum((c) *dts ./ Φtt0)  + cumsum(d * dWs ./ Φtt0))];

Grid size: 3.814697265625e-6
  3.624847 seconds (52.86 M allocations: 853.269 MB, 2.48% gc time)
Grid size: 7.62939453125e-6
  2.518748 seconds (32.11 M allocations: 567.685 MB, 2.36% gc time)
Grid size: 1.52587890625e-5
  1.503324 seconds (18.60 M allocations: 338.597 MB, 2.56% gc time)
Grid size: 3.0517578125e-5
  0.884329 seconds (10.92 M allocations: 215.593 MB, 2.88% gc time)
Grid size: 6.103515625e-5
  0.666528 seconds (6.55 M allocations: 145.828 MB, 2.13% gc time)
Grid size: 0.0001220703125
  0.474237 seconds (4.09 M allocations: 106.750 MB, 3.36% gc time)
Grid size: 0.000244140625
  0.432218 seconds (2.72 M allocations: 85.184 MB, 3.56% gc time)
Grid size: 0.00048828125

In [9]:

# plot(ts, xs1', label="h=$h")
# plot(ts, xs2', label="h=$(2h)")
# # plot(ts, xs3', label="h=$(3h)")
# plot(ts, xs4', label="h=$(4h)")
# plot(ts, xs8', label="h=$(8h)")
plot(ts, allxs)
plot(ts, xtsol, label="exact")
xtsol_wide = sub(xtsol,1:length(xtsol), 1)
# legend(loc="upper right")
title("Convergence test for Linear SDE")
ylabel(L"Solution $x(t)$")
rel_errs = abs(broadcast((/), allxs, xtsol+eps(Float64)) - 1) 

semilogy(ts, abs(broadcast((-), allxs, xtsol)))
ylabel("Absolute error")

semilogy(ts, rel_errs)
xlabel(L"Time $t$")
ylabel("Relative error")

0.354080 seconds (1.97 M allocations: 73.345 MB, 3.17% gc time)
PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x31a2ec400>

In [10]:
loglog(grid_sizes, 2*sum(alliters, 1)')
ylabel("Number of SDE calls")
xlabel(L"Step size $h/h_0$")

PyObject <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x31a8019b0>