A basic, fast-paced, and hopefully understandable introduction to ideas and applications of topological data analysis (TDA) using Dionysus in Python.
Topological Data Analysis main points, extremely informally:
Famously, "the coffee cup is topologically equivalent to a donut".
Think of rescaling features as a deformation
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
# Local companion package
from topology.data import coffee_mug
from topology.data import pail
from topology.plotting import plot_mug_3D
from topology.plotting import plot_pail_3D
from topology.plotting import plot_circle_2D
%matplotlib notebook
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from IPython.display import Image
from IPython.display import display
Dionysus is a package for analyzing the topology (think holes, circles, handles, and the higher dimensional analogues) of data.
It uses "persistent homology":
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Many dimensional reduction methods will obscure the topological nature of your data. Here is an example of where PCA does a good job of keeping some of the character of a coffee mug, but doesn't do well with a bucket.
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%run pca_demo.py
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%run d_explore.py
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