Robot Dynamics

  • How is the motion of a manipulator affected by external forces?
  • What joints torques are generated from external forces applied to the manipulator?
  • The following example will demonstrate how to calculate the joint torques required to counteract a given TCP wrench.

Create the Robot Model

In [1]:
from pybotics.robot import Robot
from pybotics.predefined_models import ur10

robot = Robot.from_parameters(ur10())

Define the Forces/Torques Acting on the TCP

  • Aka the "wrench"

In [2]:
forces = [0, 0, 10]
torques = [0, 0, 0]
wrench = [*forces, *torques]

Calculate Joint Torques

  • What are the joint torques required to counteract this payload?
  • This calculation can be repeated at each discrete pose in a trajectory for trajectory dynamics

In [5]:
import numpy as np

robot.joints = np.deg2rad([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
j_torques = robot.compute_joint_torques(wrench)
print(f'Robot Joints: {robot.joints}')
print(f'Joint Torques: {j_torques}')

robot.joints = np.deg2rad([0, -90, -90, 0, -90, 0])
j_torques = robot.compute_joint_torques(wrench)
print(f'Robot Joints: {robot.joints}')
print(f'Joint Torques: {j_torques}')

Robot Joints: [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
Joint Torques: [11843.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.]
Robot Joints: [ 0.         -1.57079633 -1.57079633  0.         -1.57079633  0.        ]
Joint Torques: [-1639.  7284.  1157.  1157.     0.     0.]