In this notebook we explore the minimum distance between stiffness/compliance of different symmetry clases; namely, transverse isotropic and isotropic. The former is defined by 5 elstic moduli, while the latter just 2. Stating this in an intuitive way: for a given transverse isotropic material we want to find an isotropic equivalent one. We want to isotropize the material XD.
Tha main idea is to find the minimum of
$$\min d(C_\text{iso}, C_\text{trans}) \enspace ,$$being $d(A, B)$ a distance function between $A$ and $B$. The distance functions used are:
where $\Vert M\Vert = [\text{tr}{M^T M}]^{1/2}$. The last two are of interest since they are invariant under inversion, i.e., $d_{F/L}(A^{-1}, B^{-1}) = d_{F/L}(A, B)$, a property that is of interest for the physical nature of the tensors.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.linalg import sqrtm, fractional_matrix_power
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from numba import jit
In [2]:
%matplotlib notebook
In [3]:
Distance functions for 4th order tensors, equivalently it can be
used for (6,6) positive definite symmetric matrices.
def voigt_to_mandel(A):
r"""Convert from Voigt to Mandel notation
In Voigt notation the tensor is represented as
.. math::
C = \begin{pmatrix}
C_{11} & C_{12} & C_{13} & C_{14} & C_{15} & C_{16}\\
C_{12} & C_{22} & C_{23} & C_{24} & C_{25} & C_{26}\\
C_{13} & C_{23} & C_{33} & C_{34} & C_{35} & C_{36}\\
C_{14} & C_{24} & C_{34} & C_{44} & C_{45} & C_{46}\\
C_{15} & C_{25} & C_{35} & C_{45} & C_{55} & C_{56}\\
C_{16} & C_{26} & C_{36} & C_{46} & C_{56} & C_{66}
and, ind Mandel notation it is represented as
.. math::
\hat{C} = \begin{pmatrix}
C_{11} & C_{12} & C_{13} & \sqrt{2}C_{14} & \sqrt{2}C_{15} & \sqrt{2}C_{16}\\
C_{12} & C_{22} & C_{23} & \sqrt{2}C_{24} & \sqrt{2}C_{25} & \sqrt{2}C_{26}\\
C_{13} & C_{23} & C_{33} & C_{34} & C_{35} & C_{36}\\
\sqrt{2}C_{14} & \sqrt{2}C_{24} & \sqrt{2}C_{34} & 2C_{44} & 2C_{45} & 2C_{46}\\
\sqrt{2}C_{15} & \sqrt{2}C_{25} & \sqrt{2}C_{35} & 2C_{45} & 2C_{55} & 2C_{56}\\
\sqrt{2}C_{16} & \sqrt{2}C_{26} & \sqrt{2}C_{36} & 2C_{46} & 2C_{56} & 2C_{66}
A : (6,6) array_like
Positive-semidefinite matrix representing stiffness/compliance
.. [1] Voigt notation. (2015, January 9). In Wikipedia, The Free
Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 12, 2015, from
.. [2] M. Mehrabadi, S.C Cowin. "Eigentensor of linear anisotropic
elastic materials". Q.J. Mech. Appl. math, 43 (1990), 15-41.
.. [3] P. Helnwein (2001). Some Remarks on the Compressed Matrix
Representation of Symmetric Second-Order and Fourth-Order
Tensors. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering,
Let us test with a matrix of ones.
>>> A = np.ones((6,6))
>>> print np.round(voigt_to_mandel(A), 4)
[[ 1. 1. 1. 1.4142 1.4142 1.4142]
[ 1. 1. 1. 1.4142 1.4142 1.4142]
[ 1. 1. 1. 1.4142 1.4142 1.4142]
[ 1.4142 1.4142 1.4142 2. 2. 2. ]
[ 1.4142 1.4142 1.4142 2. 2. 2. ]
[ 1.4142 1.4142 1.4142 2. 2. 2. ]]
B = A.copy()
B[0:3,3:6] = np.sqrt(2)*B[0:3,3:6]
B[3:6,0:3] = np.sqrt(2)*B[3:6,0:3]
B[3:6,3:6] = 2*B[3:6,3:6]
return B
def mat_norm(A):
r"""Compute the norm of a matrix
The norm is given by
.. math::
\Vert A\Vert = [\text{tr}{A^T A}]^{1/2}
A : (n,n) ndarray
Real matrix.
norm : float, nonnegative
Norm of the matrix.
The following matrix has as Frobenius norm $\sqrt{10}$.
>>> A = np.array([[2,-1],
... [-1,2]])
>>> print np.round(mat_norm(A), 6)
>>> A = np.array([
... [-3, 5, 7],
... [2, 6, 4],
... [0, 2, 8]])
>>> print np.round(mat_norm(A), 6)
norm = np.sqrt(np.trace(, A)))
return norm
def elastic_tensor_dist(A, B, dist="riemman"):
r"""Compute the distant function for the tensor `A` and `B`
The distance functions are
.. math::
&d_F(A,B) = \Vert A - B\Vert\\
&d_L(A,B) = \Vert \log{A} - \log{B}\Vert\\
&d_R(A,B) = \Vert \log{A^{-1/2}BA^{1/2}}\Vert
where :math:`\Vert M\Vert = [\text{tr}{M^T M}]^{1/2}`.
.. [1] Norris, Andrew. "The isotropic material closest to a given
anisotropic material." Journal of Mechanics of Materials and
Structures 1.2 (2006): 223-238.
.. [2] Moakher, Maher, and Andrew N. Norris. "The closest elastic
tensor of arbitrary symmetry to an elasticity tensor of lower
symmetry." Journal of Elasticity 85.3 (2006): 215-263.
>>> import homogenization as homog
>>> C_Ag = homog.cubic_stiff(43.75, 46.1, 0.43)
>>> C_W = homog.cubic_stiff(407.43, 160.8, 0.28)
>>> print np.round(elastic_tensor_dist(C_Ag, C_W), 6)
>>> print np.round(elastic_tensor_dist(C_Ag, C_W, 'log'), 6)
>>> print np.round(elastic_tensor_dist(C_Ag, C_W, 'frob'), 6)
A = voigt_to_mandel(A)
B = voigt_to_mandel(B)
if dist=="frob":
C = A - B
if dist=="riemman":
C =, sqrtm(A))
C =, -0.5), C)
C = scipy.linalg.logm(C)
if dist=="log":
C = scipy.linalg.logm(A) - scipy.linalg.logm(B)
return mat_norm(C)
def trans2iso(props, tensor_type="compliance"):
"""Return the closest isotropic tensor to an transverse isotropic one
props : list, [Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt]
Material properties:
- Ep : float, >0
Young modulus in perpendicular to the axis of symmetry, i.e.,
in the plane of isotropy.
- Et : float, >0
Young modulus in the direction of the axis of symmetry.
- nu_p : float, (-1, 1)
Poisson ratio in the plane of isotropy.
- nu_tp : float, (-1, 1)
Poisson ratio characterizing transverse cotnraction in the plane
of isotropy when tension is applied normal to the plane.
- Gt : float, >0
Shear modulus for the plane perpendicular to the symmetry plane.
tensor_type : string (optional)
String showing the type of tensor used for the minimization:
`stiffness` or `compliance`.
E : float, >0
Young modulus for the istropic solid.
nu : float, (-0.5, 1)
Poisson ratio for the istropic solid.
Let us consider a transverse isotropic solid given by
`Ep = 9.7e9`, ``Et = 153.75e9``, ``nu_p = 0.672, ``nu_tp = 0.344``,
``Gt = 5.79e9``.
>>> Ep = 9.7e9
>>> Et = 153.75e9
>>> nu_p = 0.672
>>> nu_tp = 0.344
>>> Gt = 5.79e9
>>> props = [Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt]
Minimizing the Frobenius distance for the compliance tensor we should
``E = 1.225269e10`` and ``nu = 0.3682``.
>>> E, nu = trans2iso(props)
>>> np.abs(E - 1.225269e10)/1.225269e10 < 0.01
>>> np.abs(nu - 0.3682)/0.3682 < 0.01
In the case of stiffnes tensor, the values are ``E = 5.136497e10`` and
``nu = 0.2112``.
>>> E, nu = trans2iso(props, tensor_type="stiffness")
>>> np.abs(E - 5.136497e10)/5.136497e10 < 0.01
>>> np.abs(nu - 0.2112)/0.2112 < 0.01
Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt = props
if tensor_type=="compliance":
E = -21*Et*Ep*Gt/(((8*nu_tp - 3)*Ep - 10*Et)*Gt - 4*Et*Ep)
nu = -(((10*nu_tp - 2)*Ep + (7*nu_p - 2)*Et)*Gt + 2*Et*Ep)/(
((8*nu_tp - 3)*Ep - 10*Et)*Gt - 4*Et*Ep)
if tensor_type=="stiffness":
E = -((((96*nu_tp**3 + 48*nu_tp**2)*nu_p + 96*nu_tp**3 + 48*nu_tp**2)
*Et*Ep**2 + ((-24*nu_tp**2 + 48*nu_tp + 24)*nu_p**2 + 24*nu_tp**2-
48*nu_tp-24)*Et**2*Ep + (-12*nu_p**3 + 12*nu_p**2 + 12*nu_p-12)*Et**3)
*Gt + (120*nu_tp**3 + 60*nu_tp**2)*Et*Ep**3 + ((34*nu_tp**2 + 76*nu_tp
+ 22)*nu_p + 94*nu_tp**2-44*nu_tp-38)*Et**2*Ep**2 +
((16*nu_tp + 5)*nu_p**2 + 30*nu_p-16*nu_tp-35)*Et**3*Ep +
(-8*nu_p**3 + 8*nu_p**2 + 8*nu_p-8)*Et**4)/(((48*nu_tp**4*nu_p
+ 48*nu_tp**4)*Ep**2 + (48*nu_tp**2*nu_p**2-48*nu_tp**2)*Et*Ep
+ (12*nu_p**3-12*nu_p**2-12*nu_p + 12)*Et**2)*Gt + 60*nu_tp**4*Ep**3 +
+ ((60*nu_tp**2-72*nu_tp-33)*nu_p**2-30*nu_p-60*nu_tp**2 + 72*nu_tp
+ 63)*Et**2*Ep + (30*nu_p**3-30*nu_p**2-30*nu_p + 30)*Et**3)
nu = -(((8*nu_tp**2*nu_p + 8*nu_tp**2)*Ep + (4*nu_p**2-4)*Et)*Gt
+ 10*nu_tp**2*Ep**2 + ((20*nu_tp + 11)*nu_p + 20*nu_tp + 1)*Et*Ep
+ (1-nu_p**2)*Et**2)/(((8*nu_tp**2*nu_p + 8*nu_tp**2)*Ep
+ (4*nu_p**2-4)*Et)*Gt + 10*nu_tp**2*Ep**2
+ ((-24*nu_tp-11)*nu_p-24*nu_tp-21)*Et*Ep + (10*nu_p**2-10)*Et**2)
return E, nu
In [4]:
def iso_stiff(E, nu):
r"""Form the stiffness tensor in Voigt notation.
E : float
Young modulus.
nu : float
Poisson's ratio.
stiff : (6,6) ndarray
Stiffness tensor in Voigt notation.
Let us consider `E=200` GPa and `nu=0.285`, like in steel, the
units are GPa to have small numbers.
>>> from homogenization import iso_stiff
>>> E = 200
>>> nu = 0.285
>>> C = iso_stiff(E, nu)
>>> print np.round(C,4)
[[ 258.8001 103.1581 103.1581 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 103.1581 258.8001 103.1581 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 103.1581 103.1581 258.8001 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 77.821 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 77.821 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 77.821 ]]
See Also
mu = E / (2.0 * (1.0 + nu))
lam = E * nu / (1.0 + nu) / (1.0 - 2.0 * nu)
stiff = np.zeros((6, 6))
stiff[0, 0] = 2.0 * mu + lam
stiff[1, 1] = 2.0 * mu + lam
stiff[2, 2] = 2.0 * mu + lam
stiff[0, 1] = lam
stiff[0, 2] = lam
stiff[1, 0] = lam
stiff[1, 2] = lam
stiff[2, 0] = lam
stiff[2, 1] = lam
stiff[3, 3] = mu
stiff[4, 4] = mu
stiff[5, 5] = mu
return stiff
In [5]:
def transiso_stiff(Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt):
"""Form the stiffness tensor for transverse isotropic cases.
Ep : float
Young modulus in the plane of isotropy.
Et : float
Young modulus perpendicular to the plane of isotropy.
nu_p : float
Poisson's ratio in the plane of isotropy.
nu_tp : float
Poisson's ration perpendicular to the plane of isotropy.
G_t : float
Shear modulus for the plane perpendicular to the symmetry
stiff : (6,6) ndarray
Compliance tensor in Voigt notation.
The axis of symmetry in this case is x3 (z).
Let us consider a homogeneous material first `E=70` GPa and
`nu=0.33`, like in aluminum, the units are GPa to have small
>>> from homogenization import transiso_stiff
>>> Ep = 70
>>> Et = 70
>>> nu_p = 0.33
>>> nu_tp = 0.33
>>> Gt = Ep/(2*(1 + nu_p))
>>> C = transiso_stiff(Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt)
>>> print np.round(C,4)
[[ 103.7152 51.0836 51.0836 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 51.0836 103.7152 51.0836 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 51.0836 51.0836 103.7152 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 26.3158 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 26.3158 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 26.3158]]
Now, let us consider apatite that has as parameters
`Ep = 133.50` GPa, `Et = 91.63` GPa, `nu_p = -0.133`,
`nu_tp = 0.366` and `Gt = 66.3` GPa.
>>> from homogenization import transiso_stiff
>>> Ep = 133.498
>>> Et = 91.6269
>>> nu_p = -0.1326
>>> nu_tp = 0.3665
>>> Gt = 66.3
>>> C = transiso_stiff(Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt)
>>> print np.round(C,4)
[[ 167.0093 13.1033 66.0113 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 13.1033 167.0093 66.0113 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 66.0113 66.0113 140.0132 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 66.3 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 66.3 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 76.953 ]]
C11 = (Ep**2 * nu_tp**2 - Ep * Et) / (Ep * (2 * nu_p + 2) * nu_tp**2 +
Et * (nu_p**2 - 1.0))
C12 = (-Ep**2 * nu_tp**2 - Ep * Et * nu_p) / \
(Ep * (2 * nu_p + 2) * nu_tp**2 + Et * (nu_p**2 - 1.0))
C13 = -(Ep * Et * nu_tp) / (2 * Ep * nu_tp**2 + Et * (nu_p - 1.0))
C33 = (Et**2 * (nu_p - 1.0)) / (2 * Ep * nu_tp**2 + Et * (nu_p - 1.0))
stiff = np.array([
[C11, C12, C13, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[C12, C11, C13, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[C13, C13, C33, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Gt, 0.0, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Gt, 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, Ep / (2 * nu_p + 2)]
return stiff
In [6]:
def compute_dist(props, E_vec, nu_vec):
Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt = props
Ctr = transiso_stiff(Ep,Et,nu_p,nu_tp,Gt)
N = len(E_vec)
dL = np.zeros((N, N))
dR = np.zeros((N, N))
dF = np.zeros((N, N))
for row, E in enumerate(E_vec):
for col, nu in enumerate(nu_vec):
Ciso = iso_stiff(E,nu)
dL[row,col] = elastic_tensor_dist(Ciso, Ctr, dist="log")
dR[row,col] = elastic_tensor_dist(Ciso, Ctr, dist="riemman")
dF[row,col] = elastic_tensor_dist(Ciso, Ctr, dist="frob")
return dL, dR, dF
In [7]:
def plot_setup(nu_vec, E_vec, props, dFun, levels):
N = len(E_vec)
# Contour plot
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.contourf(nu_vec, E_vec, dFun, levels, cmap='YlGn', extend="max")
plt.contour(nu_vec, E_vec, dFun, levels, colors="k")
Em, num = trans2iso(props)
plt.plot(num, Em, 'ob', label="Compliance based")
Em2, num2 = trans2iso(props, tensor_type="stiffness")
plt.plot(num2, Em2, 'sr', label="Stiffness based")
argmin = np.argmin(dFun)
plt.plot(nu_vec[argmin%N], E_vec[argmin//N], '*k', label="Minimum")
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 2, 2, projection='3d')
surf = ax.plot_surface(nu_vec, E_vec, dFun, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap='YlGn',
linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
In [8]:
# Carbon-epoxy
Ep = 9.7
Et = 153.75
nu_p = 0.672
nu_tp = 0.344
Gt = 5.79
props = [Ep, Et, nu_p, nu_tp, Gt]
tol = 1e-3
npts = 50
E_vec = np.linspace(tol, npts, npts)
nu_vec = np.linspace(-1 + tol, 0.5 - tol, npts)
dL, dR, dF = compute_dist(props, E_vec, nu_vec)
In [9]:
levels = np.linspace(np.min(dL), 10, 10)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,2))
plot_setup(nu_vec, E_vec, props, dL, levels)
levels = np.linspace(np.min(dR), 10, 10)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,2))
plot_setup(nu_vec, E_vec, props, dR, levels)
levels = np.linspace(np.min(dF), 500, 10)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,2))
plot_setup(nu_vec, E_vec, props, dF, levels)
In [10]:
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css_styling():
styles = open('./styles/custom_barba.css', 'r').read()
return HTML(styles)