
  • Modeling a theoretical diffusive boundary layer (DBL).
    • A DBL may be contributing to 'smearing' observed in 16S rRNA MiSeq data from real experiments.


In [2]:
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
%load_ext rpy2.ipython

workDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/theory/'

In [3]:

/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/functions.py:106: UserWarning: 
Attaching package: ‘dplyr’

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/functions.py:106: UserWarning: The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’:

    filter, lag

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
/opt/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpy2/robjects/functions.py:106: UserWarning: The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

  res = super(Function, self).__call__(*new_args, **new_kwargs)

In [4]:
if not os.path.isdir(workDir):
%cd $workDir


Setting parameters

In [5]:
# tube characteristics (cm)
tube_diam = 1.3   
tube_height = 4.8
tube_round_bottom_height = 0.65
tube_capacity__ml = 4.7
tube_composition = 'polypropylene'

# rotor (cm)
rotor_id = 'TLA-110'
r_min = 2.6
r_ave = 3.72
r_max = 4.85
frac_tube_angle = 90 

# cfg run
## rpm of run
rpm = 55000
## angular velocity (w^2)
angular_velocity = 17545933.74
## average particle density
ave_gradient_density = 1.70
## beta^o  
BetaO = 1.14e9  # CsCl at density of 1.70
## position of particle at equilibrium 
particle_at_eq = 3.78 
## max 13C shift
max_13C_shift_in_BD = 0.036
## min BD (that we care about)
min_GC = 13.5
min_BD = min_GC/100.0 * 0.098 + 1.66
## max BD (that we care about)
max_GC = 80
max_BD = max_GC / 100.0 * 0.098 + 1.66    # 80.0% G+C
max_BD = max_BD + max_13C_shift_in_BD

# diffusive boundary layer (DBL)
DBL_size_range__micron = c(10,100)

# misc
fraction_vol__cm3 = 0.1

In [6]:
# rotor angle
## sin(x) = opp / hypo
## x = sin**-1(opp/hypo)

rad2deg = function(rad) {
    return((180 * rad) / pi)
deg2rad = function(deg){
    return(deg * pi / 180)

x = r_max - r_min
hyp = tube_height
rotor_tube_angle = rad2deg(asin(x / hyp))
cat("Tube angle from axis of rotation:", rotor_tube_angle, "\n")

Tube angle from axis of rotation: 27.95319 

In [7]:
rad2deg = function(rad) {
    return((180 * rad) / pi)
deg2rad = function(deg){
    return(deg * pi / 180)

x = r_max - r_min
hyp = tube_height
rotor_tube_angle = rad2deg(asin(x / hyp))
cat("Tube angle from axis of rotation:", rotor_tube_angle, "\n")

Tube angle from axis of rotation: 27.95319 

In [8]:
# calc tube angle from tube params
calc_tube_angle = function(r_min, r_max, tube_height){
    x = r_max - r_min
    hyp = tube_height
    rotor_angle = rad2deg(asin(x / hyp))

# test
## angled tube
ret = calc_tube_angle(r_min, r_max, tube_height)
## vertical tube
r_min_v = 7.47 
r_max_v = 8.79 
ret = calc_tube_angle(r_min_v, r_max_v, tube_height)

[1] 27.95319
[1] 15.96201

In [9]:
# isoconcentration point
## Formula 6.7 in Birnine and Rickwood 1978
I = sqrt((r_min**2 + r_min * r_max + r_max**2)/3)

cat('Isoconcentration point:', I, '(cm)\n')

Isoconcentration point: 3.781204 (cm)

ratio of DBL size : fraction size as a function of DBL size

Rough approximation

In [10]:

DBL_rel_size = function(DBL_size, tube_diam, frac_size){
    # sizes in cm
    tube_radius = tube_diam / 2
    frac_vol = pi * tube_radius**2 * frac_size
    nonDBL_vol = pi * (tube_radius - DBL_size)**2 * frac_size
    DBL_vol = frac_vol - nonDBL_vol
    DBL_to_frac = DBL_vol / frac_vol * 100

# in cm
frac_size = 0.01
tube_diam = 1.3
#DBL_size = 0.01
DBL_sizes = seq(0, 0.07, 0.005)

DBL_perc = sapply(DBL_sizes, DBL_rel_size, tube_diam=tube_diam, frac_size=frac_size)

df = data.frame('DBL_size' = DBL_sizes, 'DBL_perc' = DBL_perc)

ggplot(df, aes(DBL_size, DBL_perc)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_line() +
    labs(x='DBL size (cm)', y='% tube volume that is DBL') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)


  • Assuming cfg tube is just a cylinder

Determining DBL from fragment G+C content

  • fragment GC -->
    • BD (diffusive boundary layer) -->
      • angled tube position of DBL -->
        • vertical tube position range of DBL (min, mid, max)

Functions for calculating DBL

GC to BD

In [11]:
GC2BD = function(GC){ 
    # GC = percent G+C
    GC / 100.0 * 0.098 + 1.66 

# test
GC = seq(0, 100, 10)
sapply(GC, GC2BD)

 [1] 1.6600 1.6698 1.6796 1.6894 1.6992 1.7090 1.7188 1.7286 1.7384 1.7482
[11] 1.7580

BD to distance from the axis of rotation

\begin{align} x = \sqrt{( ({\rho}-p_m) \frac{2B^{\circ}}{w^2}) + r_c^2} \end{align}

In [12]:
BD2distFromAxis = function(BD, D, BetaO, w2, I){
    # converting BD to distance from axis of rotation
    # BD  = density at a given radius
    # w^2 = angular velocity
    # \beta^o = beta coef
    # I = isocencentration point (cm)
    # D = average density of gradient
    sqrt(((BD-D)*2*BetaO/w2) + I^2)

# test
min_BD_r = BD2distFromAxis(min_BD, ave_gradient_density, BetaO, angular_velocity, I)
max_BD_r = BD2distFromAxis(max_BD, ave_gradient_density, BetaO, angular_velocity, I)

cat('radius range for BD-min to BD-max: ', min_BD_r, 'to', max_BD_r, '\n')

radius range for BD-min to BD-max:  3.289207 to 4.895445 

distance from axis of rotation to tube height of BD 'band'

  • The band is angled in the tube, so the BD band in the gradient (angled tube) will touch the wall of the tube at a min/max height of h1 and h2. This function determines those tube height values.
\begin{align} y_t = \end{align}
  • x = a distance from the axis of rotation
  • r = radius of cfg tube
  • D = max tube distance from axis of rotation
  • A = angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)

In [13]:

distFromAxis2angledTubePos = function(x, r, D, A){
  # converting distance from axis of rotation to cfg tube position (min & max of tube height)
  # x = a distance from the axis of rotation
  # r = radius of cfg tube
  # D = max tube distance from axis of rotation
  # A = angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
  # Equation for finding the lower point of the band  
  if(x >= D-(r*aspace::cos_d(A))-r) {
    d = x-(D-r)
    a = A-aspace::asin_d(d/r)
    LowH = r-r*aspace::cos_d(a)
    #print(LowH)                ## This band will be in the rounded part
    d = D-(r*aspace::cos_d(A))-r-x
    hc = d/aspace::sin_d(A)
    LowH = r+hc
  # print(LowH)                 ## This band will be in the cylinder part

  # Equation for finding the upper band
  if(x > D-(r-r*aspace::cos_d(A))) {
    d = x-(D-r)
    a = (A)-(180-aspace::asin_d(d/r))
    HighH = r-r*aspace::cos_d(a)
    #print(HighH)                ## This band will be in the rounded part
    d = D-(r-r*aspace::cos_d(A))-x
  hc = d/aspace::sin_d(A)
  HighH = r+hc
  #print(HighH)                ## This band will be in the cylinder part
  return(c(LowH, HighH))

# test
r = 0.65   # radius of tube (cm)
D = 4.85   # distance from axis of rotation to furthest part of tube (cm)
A = 27.95  # angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
x = 3.5    # some distance from axis of rotation (from equation)

pos = distFromAxis2angledTubePos(x, r, D, A)
pos %>% print
delta = pos[2] - pos[1]
delta %>% print

[1] 0.9184398 3.3685399
[1] 2.4501

Python version

In [14]:
sin_d = lambda d : np.sin(np.deg2rad(d))    
cos_d = lambda d : np.cos(np.deg2rad(d))    
asin_d = lambda x : np.arcsin(x) * 180/np.pi  #np.arcsin(np.deg2rad(d))
acos_d = lambda x : np.arccos(x) * 180/np.pi  #np.arccos(np.deg2rad(d))

def axisDist2angledTubePos(x, tube_radius, r_max, A):
    if np.isnan(x):
        return (x, x)
    if(x >= r_max - (tube_radius * cos_d(A)) - tube_radius):
        # band in rounded bottom of cfg tube
        d = x - (r_max - tube_radius)
        a = A - asin_d(d / tube_radius)
        LowH = tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(a)
        #print LowH
        # band in cylinder of cfg tube
        d = r_max - (tube_radius * cos_d(A)) - tube_radius - x
        h_c = d/sin_d(A)
        LowH = tube_radius + h_c
        # print LowH
    if(x > r_max - (tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(A))):
        # Equation for finding the upper band
        d = x - (r_max - tube_radius)
        a = A - (180 - asin_d(d/tube_radius))
        HighH = tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(a)
        #print HighH
        # This band will be in the cylinder part
        d = r_max - (tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(A)) - x
        h_c = d/sin_d(A)
        HighH = tube_radius + h_c
    return(LowH, HighH)

# test
r = 0.65   # radius of tube (cm)
D = 4.85   # distance from axis of rotation to furthest part of tube (cm)
A = 27.95  # angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
x = 3.5    # some distance from axis of rotation (from equation)

ret = axisDist2angledTubePos(x, r, D, A)
delta = ret[1] - ret[0]

(0.91843983608861524, 3.3685399170895249)

Converting distance from axis of rotation to angled tube volume


In [15]:
def _SphVol(t, r, p2, R12):                     
    # helper function for axisDist2angledTubeVol
    v1 = t*((2*r)-t)/2                          
    v2 = 2*np.pi*((p2-t)/R12)                   
    v3 = np.sin(2*np.pi*((p2-t)/R12))           
    return v1 * (v2 - v3)                       
def _CylWedVol(t, r, b, h):                     
    # helper function for axisDist2angledTubeVol
    return 2*(h*(t-r+b)/ b) * np.sqrt(r**2-t**2)

def axisDist2angledTubeVol(x, r, D, A):
    """Convert distance from axis of rotation to volume of gradient
    where the BD is >= to the provided BD.

    x : float
        distance from axis of rotation (cm)
    r : float
        cfg tube radius (cm)
    D : float
        max distance from axis of rotation (cm)
    A : float
        cdf tube angle in rotor (degrees)

    volume (ml) occupied by gradient heavier or as heavy as at that point.
    Note: nan returned if x = nan
    # return nan if nan provided
    if np.isnan(x):
        return x

    a = np.deg2rad(A)
    p1 = r-(r*np.cos(a))
    p2 = r+(r*np.cos(a))
    R12 = p2-p1
    d = D-x
    D1 = D-p1
    D2 = D-p2
    if x < D2:
        if a == 0:
            z = 1
            z = np.sin(a)
        h1 = (D2-x)/z
        h2 = (D1-x)/z
        volume1 = (2/3.0)*np.pi*r**3
        volume2 = (0.5)*np.pi*r**2*(h1+h2)
        volume = volume1+volume2
    elif D1 >= x >= D2:
        volume1 = (1/3.0)*np.pi*p1**2*(3*r-p1)
        volume2 = quad(_SphVol, p1, d, args=(r, p2, R12))
        b = (d-p1)/np.cos(a)
        if a == 0:
            h = b
            h = b/np.tan(a)
        volume3 = quad(_CylWedVol, r-b, r, args=(r, b, h))
        volume = volume1+volume2[0]+volume3[0]
    elif D >= x > D1:
        volume = (1/3.0)*np.pi*d**2*(3*r-d)
    elif x > D:
        volume = np.nan
        volume = np.nan

    # status
    if np.isnan(volume):
        lmsg = 'axisDist2angledTubeVol: nan returned for x value: {}\n'

    return volume

# test
## fixed-angle rotor
r = 0.65   # radius of tube (cm)
D = 4.85   # distance from axis of rotation to furthest part of tube
A = 27.95  # angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
x = 3.5    # some distance from axis of rotation (from equation)

ret = axisDist2angledTubeVol(x, r, D, A)

## vertical rotor
#x = 7.66
x = 8.5
r = 0.65
D = 8.79
A = 0

ret = axisDist2angledTubeVol(x, r, D, A)


Converting tube volume to vertical tube height


In [16]:
# converting cylinder volume to height
def cylVol2height(v, r): 
    # v = volume (ml)
    # r = tube radius (cm)
    h = v / (np.pi * r**2)
    return h

# test
cylVol2height(0.1, 0.65)


In [17]:
# converting sphere cap volume to sphere height
from scipy import optimize
def sphereCapVol2height(v, r):
    # v = volume (ml)
    # r = tube radius (cm)
    # h**3 - 3*r*h**2 + (3v / pi) = 0
    f = lambda x : x**3 - 3*r*x**2 + 3*v/np.pi
        root = optimize.brentq(f, 0, r*2, maxiter=1000)
    except ValueError:
        msg = 'WARNING: not roots for volume {}\n'
        root = np.nan

# test
sphereCapVol2heightV = np.vectorize(sphereCapVol2height)
heights = np.arange(0, 0.65**2, 0.1)
sphereCapVol2heightV(heights, 0.65)

array([ 0.        ,  0.23603985,  0.34495023,  0.43482548,  0.51613246])

In [18]:
# convert liquid volume in vertical cfg tube to tube height
def tubeVol2height(v, r):
    # v = volume (ml)
    # r = tube radius (cm)
    sphere_cap_vol = (4/3 * np.pi * r**3)/2
    if v <= sphere_cap_vol:
        # height does not extend to cylinder
        h = sphereCapVol2height(v, r)
        # height = sphere_cap + cylinder
        sphere_cap_height = sphereCapVol2height(sphere_cap_vol, r)
        h =  sphere_cap_height + cylVol2height(v - sphere_cap_vol, r)


# test
vol = 0.1   # 100 ul
vols = np.arange(0, 4+vol, vol)
tubeVol2heightV = np.vectorize(tubeVol2height)
tubeVol2heightV(vols, r=0.65)

array([ 0.        ,  0.23603985,  0.34495023,  0.43482548,  0.51613246,
        0.59233273,  0.66767235,  0.74301197,  0.81835158,  0.8936912 ,
        0.96903082,  1.04437044,  1.11971006,  1.19504967,  1.27038929,
        1.34572891,  1.42106853,  1.49640815,  1.57174776,  1.64708738,
        1.722427  ,  1.79776662,  1.87310624,  1.94844585,  2.02378547,
        2.09912509,  2.17446471,  2.24980433,  2.32514394,  2.40048356,
        2.47582318,  2.5511628 ,  2.62650242,  2.70184203,  2.77718165,
        2.85252127,  2.92786089,  3.00320051,  3.07854012,  3.15387974,

Test run of SIPSim DBL

Angled rotor

In [24]:
runDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/'
!cd $runDir; \
    SIPSim DBL \
        --np 4 \
        ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_kde.pkl \
        > ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_DBL_kde.pkl

DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Nocardia_nova_SH22a
Processing: Myxococcus_stipitatus_DSM_14675
Processing: Aeromonas_salmonicida_subsp_salmonicida_A449
Processing: Sulfurihydrogenibium_azorense_Az-Fu1
Processing: Geobacillus_thermoleovorans_CCB_US3_UF5
Processing: Bradyrhizobium_diazoefficiens_USDA_110
Processing: Spiroplasma_culicicola_AES-1
Processing: Vibrio_furnissii_NCTC_11218
Processing: Thermincola_potens_JR
Processing: Kangiella_koreensis_DSM_16069
Processing: Oceanithermus_profundus_DSM_14977
Processing: Haemophilus_influenzae_PittEE
Processing: Mycoplasma_bovoculi_M165_69
Processing: Leptospira_borgpetersenii_serovar_Hardjo-bovis_str_L550
Processing: Aeromonas_veronii_B565
Processing: Mycobacterium_abscessus_subsp_bolletii_50594
Processing: Mycoplasma_yeatsii_GM274B
Processing: Kosmotoga_olearia_TBF_19_5_1
Processing: Planktomarina_temperata_RCA23
Processing: Capnocytophaga_canimorsus_Cc5
Processing: Pseudonocardia_dioxanivorans_CB1190
Processing: Bacillus_subtilis_PY79
Processing: Dehalogenimonas_lykanthroporepellens_BL-DC-9
Processing: Candidatus_Liberibacter_asiaticus_str_Ishi-1
Processing: Clostridium_perfringens_str_13
Processing: Vibrio_tasmaniensis_LGP32
Processing: Caldicellulosiruptor_saccharolyticus_DSM_8903
Processing: Desulfosporosinus_orientis_DSM_765
Processing: Cronobacter_turicensis_z3032
Processing: Rhodoferax_ferrireducens_T118
Processing: Oscillibacter_valericigenes_Sjm18-20
Processing: Haemophilus_somnus_129PT
Processing: Desulfovibrio_africanus_str_Walvis_Bay
Processing: Desulfosporosinus_acidiphilus_SJ4
Processing: Propionibacterium_avidum_44067
Processing: Desulfotomaculum_carboxydivorans_CO-1-SRB
Processing: _Cellvibrio_gilvus_ATCC_13127
Processing: Candidatus_Zinderia_insecticola_CARI
Processing: Campylobacter_fetus_subsp_venerealis_cfvi03_293
Processing: Denitrovibrio_acetiphilus_DSM_12809
Processing: Sulfuricurvum_kujiense_DSM_16994
Processing: Halobacillus_halophilus_DSM_2266
Processing: Rickettsia_australis_str_Cutlack
Processing: Eubacterium_rectale_ATCC_33656
Processing: Chromohalobacter_salexigens_DSM_3043
Processing: Thermodesulfobium_narugense_DSM_14796
Processing: Shewanella_baltica_OS117
Processing: Halomonas_elongata_DSM_2581
Processing: Lactobacillus_ruminis_ATCC_27782
Processing: Thermodesulfovibrio_yellowstonii_DSM_11347
Processing: Borrelia_garinii_PBi
Processing: Vibrio_cholerae_MJ-1236
Processing: Granulicella_mallensis_MP5ACTX8
Processing: Cardinium_endosymbiont_cEper1_of_Encarsia_pergandiella
Processing: Streptococcus_anginosus_C238
Processing: Nocardiopsis_alba_ATCC_BAA-2165
Processing: Lysinibacillus_sphaericus_C3-41
Processing: Melissococcus_plutonius_DAT561
Processing: Brevibacillus_brevis_NBRC_100599
Processing: Corynebacterium_pseudotuberculosis_FRC41
Processing: Clostridiales_genomosp_BVAB3_str_UPII9-5
Processing: Marinithermus_hydrothermalis_DSM_14884
Processing: Tropheryma_whipplei_str_Twist
Processing: Clostridium_cellulovorans_743B
Processing: Herbaspirillum_seropedicae_SmR1
Processing: Desulfocapsa_sulfexigens_DSM_10523
Processing: Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1
Processing: Serratia_symbiotica_str_Cinara_cedri
Processing: Alicyclobacillus_acidocaldarius_subsp_acidocaldarius_DSM_446
Processing: Kocuria_rhizophila_DC2201
Processing: Bartonella_grahamii_as4aup
Processing: Campylobacter_coli_RM1875
Processing: Bifidobacterium_dentium_Bd1
Processing: Gordonia_polyisoprenivorans_VH2
Processing: Desulfovibrio_magneticus_RS-1
Processing: Candidatus_Solibacter_usitatus_Ellin6076
Processing: Stackebrandtia_nassauensis_DSM_44728
Processing: Edwardsiella_ictaluri_93-146
Processing: Cyanobacterium_stanieri_PCC_7202
Processing: Ignavibacterium_album_JCM_16511
Processing: Granulicella_tundricola_MP5ACTX9
Processing: Cronobacter_sakazakii_SP291
Processing: Ilumatobacter_coccineus_YM16-304
Processing: Croceibacter_atlanticus_HTCC2559
Processing: Caldicellulosiruptor_kristjanssonii_I77R1B
Processing: Staphylococcus_haemolyticus_JCSC1435
Processing: Isoptericola_variabilis_225
Processing: Mycobacterium_avium_subsp_avium_2285_R
Processing: Sulfurimonas_denitrificans_DSM_1251
Processing: Pseudomonas_mandelii_JR-1
Processing: Edwardsiella_piscicida_C07-087
Processing: Anaplasma_centrale_str_Israel
Processing: Nocardia_farcinica_IFM_10152
Processing: Mycobacterium_intracellulare_1956
Processing: Corynebacterium_casei_LMG_S-19264
Processing: Mycobacterium_africanum_GM041182
Processing: Dyadobacter_fermentans_DSM_18053
Processing: Crinalium_epipsammum_PCC_9333
Processing: Polymorphum_gilvum_SL003B-26A1
Processing: Erwinia_amylovora_LA636

In [39]:
%%R -w 600 -h 450
inFile = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/DBL_index.txt'
df = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t') %>%
    gather(pos, vert_grad_BD, vert_gradient_BD_low, vert_gradient_BD_high)

# example
df.ex = data.frame('DBL_BD' = c(1.675, 1.769), 'vert_grad_BD' = c(1.75, 1.75))

# plot
p.TLA = ggplot(df, aes(DBL_BD, vert_grad_BD, color=pos, group=DBL_BD)) +
    geom_line(color='black', size=1) +
    geom_point(data=df.ex, color='red', size=4) +
    geom_line(data=df.ex, aes(group=vert_grad_BD), color='red', linetype='dashed', size=1.2) +
    #geom_vline(xintercept=1.774, linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5, color='blue') +  # theoretical max fragment BD
    #scale_y_reverse(limits=c(1.85, 1.50)) +
    scale_x_continuous(limits=c(1.55, 1.80)) +
    labs(x='BD of DBL', 
         y='BD of vertical gradient\n(during fractionation)',
         title='TLA-110, Beckman fixed-angle rotor') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

In [40]:
%%R -i workDir
# saving figure
F = file.path(workDir, 'DBL_TLA110.pdf')
ggsave(F, p.TLA, width=6, height=4.5)
cat('File written:', F, '\n')

File written: /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/theory//DBL_TLA110.pdf 


  • The dashed line provides an example of the 'true' BD of fragments contained in the DBL at the gradient density of 1.7 when the gradient is in the vertically oriented during fractionation.

Vertical rotor

  • VTi 65.2, Beckman rotor
    • Refs:
    • params:
      • tube width = 1.3 cm
      • tube height = 5.1 cm
      • tube volume = 5.1 ml
      • r_min = 7.47 cm
      • r_max = 8.79 cm
      • final density = 1.725
      • speed = 177000 g_av (42500 rpm)
      • angular velocity = $((2 * 3.14159 * R)/60)^2$ = 19807714
      • time = 40 hr

In [41]:
runDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/'
!cd $runDir; \
    SIPSim DBL \
        -D 1.725 \
        -w 19807714 \
        --tube_height 5.1 \
        --r_min 7.47 \
        --r_max 8.79 \
        --vertical \
        --np 4 \
        ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_kde.pkl \
        > ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_DBL_kde_VERT.pkl

DBL_index file written: "DBL_index.txt"
Processing: Nocardia_nova_SH22a
Processing: Myxococcus_stipitatus_DSM_14675
Processing: Aeromonas_salmonicida_subsp_salmonicida_A449
Processing: Bradyrhizobium_diazoefficiens_USDA_110
Processing: Sulfurihydrogenibium_azorense_Az-Fu1
Processing: Geobacillus_thermoleovorans_CCB_US3_UF5
Processing: Vibrio_furnissii_NCTC_11218
Processing: Kangiella_koreensis_DSM_16069
Processing: Spiroplasma_culicicola_AES-1
Processing: Thermincola_potens_JR
Processing: Haemophilus_influenzae_PittEE
Processing: Mycobacterium_abscessus_subsp_bolletii_50594
Processing: Oceanithermus_profundus_DSM_14977
Processing: Mycoplasma_bovoculi_M165_69
Processing: Aeromonas_veronii_B565
Processing: Capnocytophaga_canimorsus_Cc5
Processing: Leptospira_borgpetersenii_serovar_Hardjo-bovis_str_L550
Processing: Mycoplasma_yeatsii_GM274B
Processing: Planktomarina_temperata_RCA23
Processing: Dehalogenimonas_lykanthroporepellens_BL-DC-9
Processing: Kosmotoga_olearia_TBF_19_5_1
Processing: Pseudonocardia_dioxanivorans_CB1190
Processing: Candidatus_Liberibacter_asiaticus_str_Ishi-1
Processing: Clostridium_perfringens_str_13
Processing: Bacillus_subtilis_PY79
Processing: Vibrio_tasmaniensis_LGP32
Processing: Caldicellulosiruptor_saccharolyticus_DSM_8903
Processing: Desulfosporosinus_orientis_DSM_765
Processing: Cronobacter_turicensis_z3032
Processing: Rhodoferax_ferrireducens_T118
Processing: Haemophilus_somnus_129PT
Processing: Oscillibacter_valericigenes_Sjm18-20
Processing: Desulfosporosinus_acidiphilus_SJ4
Processing: Desulfovibrio_africanus_str_Walvis_Bay
Processing: Propionibacterium_avidum_44067
Processing: _Cellvibrio_gilvus_ATCC_13127
Processing: Desulfotomaculum_carboxydivorans_CO-1-SRB
Processing: Sulfuricurvum_kujiense_DSM_16994
Processing: Halobacillus_halophilus_DSM_2266
Processing: Campylobacter_fetus_subsp_venerealis_cfvi03_293
Processing: Denitrovibrio_acetiphilus_DSM_12809
Processing: Candidatus_Zinderia_insecticola_CARI
Processing: Chromohalobacter_salexigens_DSM_3043
Processing: Thermodesulfobium_narugense_DSM_14796
Processing: Eubacterium_rectale_ATCC_33656
Processing: Rickettsia_australis_str_Cutlack
Processing: Lactobacillus_ruminis_ATCC_27782
Processing: Halomonas_elongata_DSM_2581
Processing: Shewanella_baltica_OS117
Processing: Borrelia_garinii_PBi
Processing: Thermodesulfovibrio_yellowstonii_DSM_11347
Processing: Cardinium_endosymbiont_cEper1_of_Encarsia_pergandiella
Processing: Granulicella_mallensis_MP5ACTX8
Processing: Vibrio_cholerae_MJ-1236
Processing: Nocardiopsis_alba_ATCC_BAA-2165
Processing: Streptococcus_anginosus_C238
Processing: Brevibacillus_brevis_NBRC_100599
Processing: Lysinibacillus_sphaericus_C3-41
Processing: Melissococcus_plutonius_DAT561
Processing: Tropheryma_whipplei_str_Twist
Processing: Clostridiales_genomosp_BVAB3_str_UPII9-5
Processing: Corynebacterium_pseudotuberculosis_FRC41
Processing: Clostridium_cellulovorans_743B
Processing: Marinithermus_hydrothermalis_DSM_14884
Processing: Herbaspirillum_seropedicae_SmR1
Processing: Acidovorax_citrulli_AAC00-1
Processing: Serratia_symbiotica_str_Cinara_cedri
Processing: Desulfocapsa_sulfexigens_DSM_10523
Processing: Gordonia_polyisoprenivorans_VH2
Processing: Kocuria_rhizophila_DC2201
Processing: Bartonella_grahamii_as4aup
Processing: Candidatus_Solibacter_usitatus_Ellin6076
Processing: Alicyclobacillus_acidocaldarius_subsp_acidocaldarius_DSM_446
Processing: Desulfovibrio_magneticus_RS-1
Processing: Edwardsiella_ictaluri_93-146
Processing: Campylobacter_coli_RM1875
Processing: Bifidobacterium_dentium_Bd1
Processing: Stackebrandtia_nassauensis_DSM_44728
Processing: Granulicella_tundricola_MP5ACTX9
Processing: Ignavibacterium_album_JCM_16511
Processing: Cyanobacterium_stanieri_PCC_7202
Processing: Caldicellulosiruptor_kristjanssonii_I77R1B
Processing: Ilumatobacter_coccineus_YM16-304
Processing: Cronobacter_sakazakii_SP291
Processing: Sulfurimonas_denitrificans_DSM_1251
Processing: Pseudomonas_mandelii_JR-1
Processing: Staphylococcus_haemolyticus_JCSC1435
Processing: Croceibacter_atlanticus_HTCC2559
Processing: Mycobacterium_avium_subsp_avium_2285_R
Processing: Isoptericola_variabilis_225
Processing: Anaplasma_centrale_str_Israel
Processing: Edwardsiella_piscicida_C07-087
Processing: Nocardia_farcinica_IFM_10152
Processing: Corynebacterium_casei_LMG_S-19264
Processing: Mycobacterium_intracellulare_1956
Processing: Dyadobacter_fermentans_DSM_18053
Processing: Crinalium_epipsammum_PCC_9333
Processing: Mycobacterium_africanum_GM041182
Processing: Polymorphum_gilvum_SL003B-26A1
Processing: Erwinia_amylovora_LA636

In [47]:
%%R -w 600
inFile = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/DBL_index.txt'
df = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t') %>%
    gather(pos, vert_grad_BD, vert_gradient_BD_low, vert_gradient_BD_high)

# example
df.ex = data.frame('DBL_BD' = c(1.638, 1.769), 'vert_grad_BD' = c(1.75, 1.75))

# plot
p.VTi = ggplot(df, aes(DBL_BD, vert_grad_BD, color=pos, group=DBL_BD)) +
    geom_line(color='black', size=1) +
    geom_point(data=df.ex, color='red', size=4) +
    geom_line(data=df.ex, aes(group=vert_grad_BD), color='red', linetype='dashed', size=1.2) +
    #scale_y_reverse() +
    scale_y_reverse(limits=c(1.85, 1.50)) +
    labs(x='BD of DBL', y='BD of vertical gradient\n(during fractionation)', 
         title='VTi 65.2, Beckman vertical rotor') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

In [48]:
%%R -i workDir
# saving figure
F = file.path(workDir, 'DBL_VTi65.2.pdf')
ggsave(F, p.VTi, width=6, height=4.5)
cat('File written:', F, '\n')

File written: /home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/theory//DBL_VTi65.2.pdf 


  • The dashed line provides an example of the 'true' BD of fragments contained in the DBL at the gradient density of 1.7 when the gradient is in the vertically oriented during fractionation.
  • WARNING: the DBL simulation makes the simplifying assumption of a 2d tube object and finds the vertical distance that a band spans in the tube, which sets the span of DBL contamination in a fixed-angle rotor. However, for vertical tubes, the DBL would probably be more accurately modeled from a 3d representation of the tube.
    • Regardless, there would be substantially more DBL 'smearing' with a vertical rotor than a fixed-angle rotor.


DNA diffusion

  • sedimentation coefficient of DNA (S)
    • $S = 2.8 + (0.00834 * M^{0.479})$
      • where
        • M = molecular weight of DNA
    • OR $S = 2.8 + (0.00834 * (L*666)^{0.479})$
      • where
        • L = length of DNA
  • Svedberg's equation
    • $s/D = \frac{M(1-\bar{V}p)}{RT}$
    • where
      • s = sedimentation coefficient
      • D = diffusion coefficient
      • M = molecular weight
      • $\bar{V} = 1/\rho_p$
        • $\rho_p$ = density of the sphere
      • p = density of the liquid
      • R = universal gas constant
      • T = absolute temperature
  • Finding diffusion coefficient of DNA in CsCl ($\mu m^2 / s$)
    • $D = \frac{RT}{M(1-\bar{V}p)}*s$
      • where
        • R = 8.3144598 (J mol^-1 K^-1)
        • T = 293.15 (K)
        • p = 1.7 (Buckley lab gradients)
        • $\bar{V} = 1/\rho_p$
          • $\rho_p$ = 1.99
        • $s = 2.8 + (0.00834 * (L*666)^{0.479})$
          • L = DNA length (bp)

In [13]:
%%R -h 300

length2MW = function(L){ L * 666 }

length2sedCoef = function(L){
    2.8 + (0.00834 * (L*666)**0.479)

MW2diffuseCoef = function(L, p, R=8.3144598, T=293.15){
    V = 1/1.99
    M = length2MW(L)
    s = length2sedCoef(L)
    (R*T)/(M*(1-V*p)) * s

# test
L = seq(100, 50000, 100)
p = 1.7
D = sapply(L, MW2diffuseCoef, p=p)
df = data.frame('L' = L, 'D' = D)

# plotting
ggplot(df, aes(L, D)) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_line(alpha=0.5) +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

Calculating diffusion from DBL

  • Einstein-Smoluchowski relation
    • $t = \frac{z^2}{0.9 * D}$
      • where
        • t = time (sec)
        • z = mean deviation of molecules from starting position
        • D = diffusion coefficient (cm^2 s^-1)
    • rewritten: $z = \sqrt{0.9*D*t}$

In [54]:

# converting D to cm^2/s
df$D_cm = df$D * 1e-5

# time periods (sec)
t = seq(1, 300, 10) 

# calculating z (cm)
ES = function(D, t){
    sqrt(0.9 * D * t)
df2 = expand.grid(df$D_cm, t)
colnames(df2) = c('D_cm', 't')
df2$z = mapply(ES, df2$D_cm, df2$t)
tmp = expand.grid(df$L, t)

# adding variable
df2$L = tmp$Var1
df2$t_min = df2$t / 60
df2$z_uM = df2$z / 1e-5

## plotting
ggplot(df2, aes(t_min, z_uM, color=L, group=L)) +
    #geom_point(size=1.5) +
    geom_line() +
    labs(x='Time (minutes)', 
         y='mean deviation of molecules\nfrom starting position (uM)') +
    scale_color_continuous('DNA fragment\nlength (bp)') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)

In [55]:
%%R -w 800
## plotting
ggplot(df2, aes(L, z_uM, color=t_min, group=t_min)) +
    #geom_point(size=1.5) +
    geom_line() +
    labs(x='DNA fragment length (bp)', 
         y='mean deviation of molecules\nfrom starting position (uM)') +
    scale_color_continuous('Time\n(minutes)') +
    theme_bw() +
        text = element_text(size=16)