In [2]:
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import quad
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
workDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/dev/theory/'
In [3]:
In [4]:
if not os.path.isdir(workDir):
%cd $workDir
In [5]:
# tube characteristics (cm)
tube_diam = 1.3
tube_height = 4.8
tube_round_bottom_height = 0.65
tube_capacity__ml = 4.7
tube_composition = 'polypropylene'
# rotor (cm)
rotor_id = 'TLA-110'
r_min = 2.6
r_ave = 3.72
r_max = 4.85
frac_tube_angle = 90
# cfg run
## rpm of run
rpm = 55000
## angular velocity (w^2)
angular_velocity = 17545933.74
## average particle density
ave_gradient_density = 1.70
## beta^o
BetaO = 1.14e9 # CsCl at density of 1.70
## position of particle at equilibrium
particle_at_eq = 3.78
## max 13C shift
max_13C_shift_in_BD = 0.036
## min BD (that we care about)
min_GC = 13.5
min_BD = min_GC/100.0 * 0.098 + 1.66
## max BD (that we care about)
max_GC = 80
max_BD = max_GC / 100.0 * 0.098 + 1.66 # 80.0% G+C
max_BD = max_BD + max_13C_shift_in_BD
# diffusive boundary layer (DBL)
DBL_size_range__micron = c(10,100)
# misc
fraction_vol__cm3 = 0.1
In [6]:
# rotor angle
## sin(x) = opp / hypo
## x = sin**-1(opp/hypo)
rad2deg = function(rad) {
return((180 * rad) / pi)
deg2rad = function(deg){
return(deg * pi / 180)
x = r_max - r_min
hyp = tube_height
rotor_tube_angle = rad2deg(asin(x / hyp))
cat("Tube angle from axis of rotation:", rotor_tube_angle, "\n")
In [7]:
rad2deg = function(rad) {
return((180 * rad) / pi)
deg2rad = function(deg){
return(deg * pi / 180)
x = r_max - r_min
hyp = tube_height
rotor_tube_angle = rad2deg(asin(x / hyp))
cat("Tube angle from axis of rotation:", rotor_tube_angle, "\n")
In [8]:
# calc tube angle from tube params
calc_tube_angle = function(r_min, r_max, tube_height){
x = r_max - r_min
hyp = tube_height
rotor_angle = rad2deg(asin(x / hyp))
# test
## angled tube
ret = calc_tube_angle(r_min, r_max, tube_height)
## vertical tube
r_min_v = 7.47
r_max_v = 8.79
ret = calc_tube_angle(r_min_v, r_max_v, tube_height)
In [9]:
# isoconcentration point
## Formula 6.7 in Birnine and Rickwood 1978
I = sqrt((r_min**2 + r_min * r_max + r_max**2)/3)
cat('Isoconcentration point:', I, '(cm)\n')
In [10]:
DBL_rel_size = function(DBL_size, tube_diam, frac_size){
# sizes in cm
tube_radius = tube_diam / 2
frac_vol = pi * tube_radius**2 * frac_size
nonDBL_vol = pi * (tube_radius - DBL_size)**2 * frac_size
DBL_vol = frac_vol - nonDBL_vol
DBL_to_frac = DBL_vol / frac_vol * 100
# in cm
frac_size = 0.01
tube_diam = 1.3
#DBL_size = 0.01
DBL_sizes = seq(0, 0.07, 0.005)
DBL_perc = sapply(DBL_sizes, DBL_rel_size, tube_diam=tube_diam, frac_size=frac_size)
df = data.frame('DBL_size' = DBL_sizes, 'DBL_perc' = DBL_perc)
ggplot(df, aes(DBL_size, DBL_perc)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
labs(x='DBL size (cm)', y='% tube volume that is DBL') +
theme_bw() +
text = element_text(size=16)
In [11]:
GC2BD = function(GC){
# GC = percent G+C
GC / 100.0 * 0.098 + 1.66
# test
GC = seq(0, 100, 10)
sapply(GC, GC2BD)
In [12]:
BD2distFromAxis = function(BD, D, BetaO, w2, I){
# converting BD to distance from axis of rotation
# BD = density at a given radius
# w^2 = angular velocity
# \beta^o = beta coef
# I = isocencentration point (cm)
# D = average density of gradient
sqrt(((BD-D)*2*BetaO/w2) + I^2)
# test
min_BD_r = BD2distFromAxis(min_BD, ave_gradient_density, BetaO, angular_velocity, I)
max_BD_r = BD2distFromAxis(max_BD, ave_gradient_density, BetaO, angular_velocity, I)
cat('radius range for BD-min to BD-max: ', min_BD_r, 'to', max_BD_r, '\n')
In [13]:
distFromAxis2angledTubePos = function(x, r, D, A){
# converting distance from axis of rotation to cfg tube position (min & max of tube height)
# x = a distance from the axis of rotation
# r = radius of cfg tube
# D = max tube distance from axis of rotation
# A = angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
# Equation for finding the lower point of the band
if(x >= D-(r*aspace::cos_d(A))-r) {
d = x-(D-r)
a = A-aspace::asin_d(d/r)
LowH = r-r*aspace::cos_d(a)
#print(LowH) ## This band will be in the rounded part
d = D-(r*aspace::cos_d(A))-r-x
hc = d/aspace::sin_d(A)
LowH = r+hc
# print(LowH) ## This band will be in the cylinder part
# Equation for finding the upper band
if(x > D-(r-r*aspace::cos_d(A))) {
d = x-(D-r)
a = (A)-(180-aspace::asin_d(d/r))
HighH = r-r*aspace::cos_d(a)
#print(HighH) ## This band will be in the rounded part
d = D-(r-r*aspace::cos_d(A))-x
hc = d/aspace::sin_d(A)
HighH = r+hc
#print(HighH) ## This band will be in the cylinder part
return(c(LowH, HighH))
# test
r = 0.65 # radius of tube (cm)
D = 4.85 # distance from axis of rotation to furthest part of tube (cm)
A = 27.95 # angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
x = 3.5 # some distance from axis of rotation (from equation)
pos = distFromAxis2angledTubePos(x, r, D, A)
pos %>% print
delta = pos[2] - pos[1]
delta %>% print
In [14]:
sin_d = lambda d : np.sin(np.deg2rad(d))
cos_d = lambda d : np.cos(np.deg2rad(d))
asin_d = lambda x : np.arcsin(x) * 180/np.pi #np.arcsin(np.deg2rad(d))
acos_d = lambda x : np.arccos(x) * 180/np.pi #np.arccos(np.deg2rad(d))
def axisDist2angledTubePos(x, tube_radius, r_max, A):
if np.isnan(x):
return (x, x)
if(x >= r_max - (tube_radius * cos_d(A)) - tube_radius):
# band in rounded bottom of cfg tube
d = x - (r_max - tube_radius)
a = A - asin_d(d / tube_radius)
LowH = tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(a)
#print LowH
# band in cylinder of cfg tube
d = r_max - (tube_radius * cos_d(A)) - tube_radius - x
h_c = d/sin_d(A)
LowH = tube_radius + h_c
# print LowH
if(x > r_max - (tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(A))):
# Equation for finding the upper band
d = x - (r_max - tube_radius)
a = A - (180 - asin_d(d/tube_radius))
HighH = tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(a)
#print HighH
# This band will be in the cylinder part
d = r_max - (tube_radius - tube_radius * cos_d(A)) - x
h_c = d/sin_d(A)
HighH = tube_radius + h_c
return(LowH, HighH)
# test
r = 0.65 # radius of tube (cm)
D = 4.85 # distance from axis of rotation to furthest part of tube (cm)
A = 27.95 # angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
x = 3.5 # some distance from axis of rotation (from equation)
ret = axisDist2angledTubePos(x, r, D, A)
delta = ret[1] - ret[0]
In [15]:
def _SphVol(t, r, p2, R12):
# helper function for axisDist2angledTubeVol
v1 = t*((2*r)-t)/2
v2 = 2*np.pi*((p2-t)/R12)
v3 = np.sin(2*np.pi*((p2-t)/R12))
return v1 * (v2 - v3)
def _CylWedVol(t, r, b, h):
# helper function for axisDist2angledTubeVol
return 2*(h*(t-r+b)/ b) * np.sqrt(r**2-t**2)
def axisDist2angledTubeVol(x, r, D, A):
"""Convert distance from axis of rotation to volume of gradient
where the BD is >= to the provided BD.
x : float
distance from axis of rotation (cm)
r : float
cfg tube radius (cm)
D : float
max distance from axis of rotation (cm)
A : float
cdf tube angle in rotor (degrees)
volume (ml) occupied by gradient heavier or as heavy as at that point.
Note: nan returned if x = nan
# return nan if nan provided
if np.isnan(x):
return x
a = np.deg2rad(A)
p1 = r-(r*np.cos(a))
p2 = r+(r*np.cos(a))
R12 = p2-p1
d = D-x
D1 = D-p1
D2 = D-p2
if x < D2:
if a == 0:
z = 1
z = np.sin(a)
h1 = (D2-x)/z
h2 = (D1-x)/z
volume1 = (2/3.0)*np.pi*r**3
volume2 = (0.5)*np.pi*r**2*(h1+h2)
volume = volume1+volume2
elif D1 >= x >= D2:
volume1 = (1/3.0)*np.pi*p1**2*(3*r-p1)
volume2 = quad(_SphVol, p1, d, args=(r, p2, R12))
b = (d-p1)/np.cos(a)
if a == 0:
h = b
h = b/np.tan(a)
volume3 = quad(_CylWedVol, r-b, r, args=(r, b, h))
volume = volume1+volume2[0]+volume3[0]
elif D >= x > D1:
volume = (1/3.0)*np.pi*d**2*(3*r-d)
elif x > D:
volume = np.nan
volume = np.nan
# status
if np.isnan(volume):
lmsg = 'axisDist2angledTubeVol: nan returned for x value: {}\n'
return volume
# test
## fixed-angle rotor
r = 0.65 # radius of tube (cm)
D = 4.85 # distance from axis of rotation to furthest part of tube
A = 27.95 # angle of tube to axis of rotation (degrees)
x = 3.5 # some distance from axis of rotation (from equation)
ret = axisDist2angledTubeVol(x, r, D, A)
## vertical rotor
#x = 7.66
x = 8.5
r = 0.65
D = 8.79
A = 0
ret = axisDist2angledTubeVol(x, r, D, A)
In [16]:
# converting cylinder volume to height
def cylVol2height(v, r):
# v = volume (ml)
# r = tube radius (cm)
h = v / (np.pi * r**2)
return h
# test
cylVol2height(0.1, 0.65)
In [17]:
# converting sphere cap volume to sphere height
from scipy import optimize
def sphereCapVol2height(v, r):
# v = volume (ml)
# r = tube radius (cm)
# h**3 - 3*r*h**2 + (3v / pi) = 0
f = lambda x : x**3 - 3*r*x**2 + 3*v/np.pi
root = optimize.brentq(f, 0, r*2, maxiter=1000)
except ValueError:
msg = 'WARNING: not roots for volume {}\n'
root = np.nan
# test
sphereCapVol2heightV = np.vectorize(sphereCapVol2height)
heights = np.arange(0, 0.65**2, 0.1)
sphereCapVol2heightV(heights, 0.65)
In [18]:
# convert liquid volume in vertical cfg tube to tube height
def tubeVol2height(v, r):
# v = volume (ml)
# r = tube radius (cm)
sphere_cap_vol = (4/3 * np.pi * r**3)/2
if v <= sphere_cap_vol:
# height does not extend to cylinder
h = sphereCapVol2height(v, r)
# height = sphere_cap + cylinder
sphere_cap_height = sphereCapVol2height(sphere_cap_vol, r)
h = sphere_cap_height + cylVol2height(v - sphere_cap_vol, r)
# test
vol = 0.1 # 100 ul
vols = np.arange(0, 4+vol, vol)
tubeVol2heightV = np.vectorize(tubeVol2height)
tubeVol2heightV(vols, r=0.65)
In [24]:
runDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/'
!cd $runDir; \
--np 4 \
ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_kde.pkl \
> ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_DBL_kde.pkl
In [39]:
%%R -w 600 -h 450
inFile = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/DBL_index.txt'
df = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t') %>%
gather(pos, vert_grad_BD, vert_gradient_BD_low, vert_gradient_BD_high)
# example
df.ex = data.frame('DBL_BD' = c(1.675, 1.769), 'vert_grad_BD' = c(1.75, 1.75))
# plot
p.TLA = ggplot(df, aes(DBL_BD, vert_grad_BD, color=pos, group=DBL_BD)) +
geom_line(color='black', size=1) +
geom_point(data=df.ex, color='red', size=4) +
geom_line(data=df.ex, aes(group=vert_grad_BD), color='red', linetype='dashed', size=1.2) +
#geom_vline(xintercept=1.774, linetype='dashed', alpha=0.5, color='blue') + # theoretical max fragment BD
#scale_y_reverse(limits=c(1.85, 1.50)) +
scale_x_continuous(limits=c(1.55, 1.80)) +
labs(x='BD of DBL',
y='BD of vertical gradient\n(during fractionation)',
title='TLA-110, Beckman fixed-angle rotor') +
theme_bw() +
text = element_text(size=16)
In [40]:
%%R -i workDir
# saving figure
F = file.path(workDir, 'DBL_TLA110.pdf')
ggsave(F, p.TLA, width=6, height=4.5)
cat('File written:', F, '\n')
Neufeld JD, Vohra J, Dumont MG, Lueders T, Manefield M, Friedrich MW, et al. (2007). DNA stable-isotope probing. Nat Protocols 2: 860–866.
In [41]:
runDir = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/'
!cd $runDir; \
-D 1.725 \
-w 19807714 \
--tube_height 5.1 \
--r_min 7.47 \
--r_max 8.79 \
--vertical \
--np 4 \
ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_kde.pkl \
> ampFrag_skewN90-25-n5-nS_dif_DBL_kde_VERT.pkl
In [47]:
%%R -w 600
inFile = '/home/nick/notebook/SIPSim/t/genome100/DBL_index.txt'
df = read.delim(inFile, sep='\t') %>%
gather(pos, vert_grad_BD, vert_gradient_BD_low, vert_gradient_BD_high)
# example
df.ex = data.frame('DBL_BD' = c(1.638, 1.769), 'vert_grad_BD' = c(1.75, 1.75))
# plot
p.VTi = ggplot(df, aes(DBL_BD, vert_grad_BD, color=pos, group=DBL_BD)) +
geom_line(color='black', size=1) +
geom_point(data=df.ex, color='red', size=4) +
geom_line(data=df.ex, aes(group=vert_grad_BD), color='red', linetype='dashed', size=1.2) +
#scale_y_reverse() +
scale_y_reverse(limits=c(1.85, 1.50)) +
labs(x='BD of DBL', y='BD of vertical gradient\n(during fractionation)',
title='VTi 65.2, Beckman vertical rotor') +
theme_bw() +
text = element_text(size=16)
In [48]:
%%R -i workDir
# saving figure
F = file.path(workDir, 'DBL_VTi65.2.pdf')
ggsave(F, p.VTi, width=6, height=4.5)
cat('File written:', F, '\n')
In [13]:
%%R -h 300
length2MW = function(L){ L * 666 }
length2sedCoef = function(L){
2.8 + (0.00834 * (L*666)**0.479)
MW2diffuseCoef = function(L, p, R=8.3144598, T=293.15){
V = 1/1.99
M = length2MW(L)
s = length2sedCoef(L)
(R*T)/(M*(1-V*p)) * s
# test
L = seq(100, 50000, 100)
p = 1.7
D = sapply(L, MW2diffuseCoef, p=p)
df = data.frame('L' = L, 'D' = D)
# plotting
ggplot(df, aes(L, D)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(alpha=0.5) +
theme_bw() +
text = element_text(size=16)
In [54]:
# converting D to cm^2/s
df$D_cm = df$D * 1e-5
# time periods (sec)
t = seq(1, 300, 10)
# calculating z (cm)
ES = function(D, t){
sqrt(0.9 * D * t)
df2 = expand.grid(df$D_cm, t)
colnames(df2) = c('D_cm', 't')
df2$z = mapply(ES, df2$D_cm, df2$t)
tmp = expand.grid(df$L, t)
# adding variable
df2$L = tmp$Var1
df2$t_min = df2$t / 60
df2$z_uM = df2$z / 1e-5
## plotting
ggplot(df2, aes(t_min, z_uM, color=L, group=L)) +
#geom_point(size=1.5) +
geom_line() +
labs(x='Time (minutes)',
y='mean deviation of molecules\nfrom starting position (uM)') +
scale_color_continuous('DNA fragment\nlength (bp)') +
theme_bw() +
text = element_text(size=16)
In [55]:
%%R -w 800
## plotting
ggplot(df2, aes(L, z_uM, color=t_min, group=t_min)) +
#geom_point(size=1.5) +
geom_line() +
labs(x='DNA fragment length (bp)',
y='mean deviation of molecules\nfrom starting position (uM)') +
scale_color_continuous('Time\n(minutes)') +
theme_bw() +
text = element_text(size=16)