Thrust, Shear, Moment Diagrams

Compact representation of the complete axial, shear and moment diagrams of a member.

  • allows complete accurate plotting
  • allows determination of extremes and locations
  • allows determination of regions with values exceeding limits

In [1]:
# uses frame sign convention, not beam sign convention

class TVMSegment(object):
    def __init__(self,l,t0,v0,m0,w0,w1=None,p0=0.,p1=0.):
        self.l = l    # length of segment
        self.t0 = t0  # thrust at start of segment
        self.v0 = v0  # shear at start of segment
        self.m0 = m0  # moment at start of segment
        self.w0 = w0  # transverse distributed load intenstity at start of segment
        self.w1 = w1 if w1 is not None else w0  # at end of segment
        self.p0 = p0  # parallel distributed load at start
        self.p1 = p1  # parallel distributed load at end
    def t1(self):
        return -self.t0 - (self.p0+self.p1)*self.l/2.
    def v1(self):
        return -self.v0 - (self.w0+self.w1)*self.l/2.
    def m1(self):
        return -self.m0 + self.v0*self.l + (self.w0*self.l*self.l/2.) + ((self.w1-self.w0)*self.l*self.l/6.)

In [2]:
class TVMPoint(object):
    def __init__(self,t0,v0,m0,N=0.,P=0.,M=0.):
        self.l = 0.
        self.t0 = t0      # thust before the point
        self.v0 = v0      # shear before the point
        self.m0 = m0      # moment before the point
        self.N = N        # applied normal force
        self.P = P        # applied transverse force
        self.M = M        # applied moment
    def t1(self):
        return -self.t0 - self.T
    def v1(self):
        return -self.v0 - self.P
    def m1(self):
        return -self.m0 - self.M

Now need a class to represent end-to-end lists of these things, with operations:

  • change a segment to segment-point-segment (eg add a point load to udl, 'splitting' it)
  • the left values of one segment are always the neg of the right value of the previous segment

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