In [1]:
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
import scipy as sp
import os
import csv
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import OrderedDict
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize
from sklearn.neighbors import DistanceMetric
from scipy.linalg import svd
from scipy.linalg import norm
np.random.seed(12345678) # for reproducibility, set random seed
In [11]:
path = '/Users/gkiar/code/ocp/ndmg-paper/data/cloud/'
# All
# dsets = ['BNU1', 'BNU3', 'HNU1', 'KKI2009', 'MRN1313', 'NKI1', 'NKIENH', 'SWU4', 'Templeton114', 'Templeton255']
# Sans Philips Scanner
# dsets = ['BNU1', 'BNU3', 'HNU1', 'MRN1313', 'NKI1', 'NKIENH', 'SWU4', 'Templeton114', 'Templeton255']
# Sans Philips and GE Scanners
dsets = ['BNU1', 'BNU3', 'MRN1313', 'NKI1', 'NKIENH', 'SWU4', 'Templeton114', 'Templeton255']
dir_names = [path + '/' + d for d in dsets]
N = 70
fs = OrderedDict()
for idx, dd in enumerate(dsets):
fs[dd] = [root + "/" + fl for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_names[idx])
for fl in files if fl.endswith(".gpickle") and "ses-1_" in fl]
ps = {os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fl))[0] : root + "/" + fl
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path+'phenotypes')
for fl in files if fl.endswith(".csv") }
print "Datasets: " + ", ".join([fkey + ' (' + str(len(fs[fkey])) + ')'
for fkey in fs])
S = sum([len(fs[key]) for key in fs])
print "Total Subjects: %d" % (S)
In [12]:
def loadGraphs(filenames, verb=False):
Given a list of files, returns a dictionary of graphs
Required parameters:
- List of filenames for graphs
Optional parameters:
- Toggles verbose output statements
# Initializes empty dictionary
gstruct = OrderedDict()
for idx, files in enumerate(filenames):
if verb:
print "Loading: " + files
# Adds graphs to dictionary with key being filename
fname = os.path.basename(files)
gstruct[fname] = nx.read_gpickle(files)
return gstruct
def constructGraphDict(names, fs, verb=False):
Given a set of files and a directory to put things, loads graphs.
Required parameters:
- List of names of the datasets
- Dictionary of lists of files in each dataset
Optional parameters:
- Toggles verbose output statements
# Loads graphs into memory for all datasets
graphs = OrderedDict()
for idx, name in enumerate(names):
if verb:
print "Loading Dataset: " + name
# The key for the dictionary of graphs is the dataset name
graphs[name] = loadGraphs(fs[name], verb=verb)
return graphs
def rdf(dist, ids):
N = dist.shape[0]
assert(N == len(ids))
uniqids = list(set(ids))
countvec = [ids.count(uniqid) for uniqid in uniqids]
scans = np.max(countvec)
rdf = []
for i in np.arange(0, N):
ind = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(ids) if x == ids[i]]
for j in ind:
if i != j:
di = deepcopy(dist[i,:])
di[ind] = np.inf
d = dist[i,j]
diff = di[np.where(~np.isinf(di))]
rdf += [1.0 - ((np.sum(diff < d) + 0.5*np.sum(diff == d)) / (1.0*(N-len(ind))))]
return rdf
def partial_disc(D, labels, subject, trial1, trial2):
enum = np.arange(D.shape[0])
idx1 = [i for i, x in enumerate(labels) if x == subject]
t1 = enum[idx1][trial1]
t2 = enum[idx1][trial2]
d_t1_t2 = D[t1][t2]
idx2 = [i for i, x in enumerate(labels) if x != subject]
d_ra = [D[t1][x] for x in enum[idx2]]
return np.mean(d_t1_t2 < d_ra)
def distance_matrix(data, metric, symmetric = True):
n = data.shape[2]
dist_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))
if symmetric:
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i):
tmp = metric(data[:,:,i] - data[:,:,j])
dist_matrix[i][j] = tmp
dist_matrix[j][i] = tmp
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
dist_matrix[i][j] = metric(data[i] - data[j])
return dist_matrix
def discriminibility(data, labels, metric):
dist_matrix = distance_matrix(data, metric)
partials = []
for s in list(set(labels)):
num = ids.count(s)
for t in range(num):
for tt in range(num):
if tt != t:
p = partial_disc(dist_matrix, labels, s, t, tt)
return dist_matrix, np.mean(partials)
In [13]:
graphs = constructGraphDict(dsets, fs, verb=False)
In [14]:
mat = np.zeros((N, N, S))
ids = []
c = 0
for dset in graphs.keys():
for subj in graphs[dset].keys():
# ids += [subj.split("_")[1]]
ids += [dset]
tmpg = np.array(nx.adj_matrix(graphs[dset][subj]).todense())
ratio = np.sum(tmpg > 0)*1.0 / N / N
mat[:, :, c] = tmpg
c += 1
print "Shape after minor pruning: ", mat.shape, len(ids)
In [15]:
In [16]:
dist = distance_matrix(mat, norm)
In [17]:
In [18]:
rdfs = rdf(dist, ids)
disc = np.mean(rdfs)
print disc
In [19]:
# np.savez(path+'distance_matrix_2266.npz', distance=dist, discriminability=disc, ids=ids)
# np.savez(path+'distance_matrix_2245.npz', distance=dist, discriminability=disc, ids=ids)
np.savez(path+'distance_matrix_2215.npz', distance=dist, discriminability=disc, ids=ids)
In [ ]:
In [108]:
def permutation_test(disc, dist, ids, n=100):
tests = []
for i in np.arange(n):
tmp_rdf = rdf(dist, ids)
tmp_disc = np.mean(tmp_rdf)
tests += [tmp_disc]
p = np.sum(tests > disc)/1.0/n
return tests, p
tests, p = permutation_test(disc, dist, ids, n=100)
print p
In [10]:
np.savez(path+'distance_matrix_2266.npz', distance=dist, discriminability=disc, ids=ids)
In [134]:
fil = np.load(path+'distance_matrix_2266.npz')
dist = fil['distance']
disc = fil['discriminability']
ids = ids
In [ ]:
In [136]:
f = open('disc_by_dset_ids.csv', 'wb')
f.write("\n".join([i for i in ids]))
# np.savetxt('ids_all.csv', ids, delimiter=",")
In [20]:
np.savetxt("disc_by_dset_dists.csv", dist, delimiter=",")
In [135]:
disc, dist.shape
In [17]:
import ndmg.stats.plotly_helper as plh
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, iplot, plot
from plotly.graph_objs import *
sizes = [len(graphs[dset].keys()) for dset in graphs.keys()]
cumul = [0] + [np.sum(sizes[:i+1])-1 for i in range(len(sizes))]
ticks = [np.mean((cumul[idx], cumul[idx+1])) for idx in range(len(cumul)-1)]
ticks = [[tick-S/110.0, tick+S/110.0] for tick in ticks]
ticks = np.array([t for tick in ticks for t in tick])
ticks[4:6] -= S*0.01
ticks[6:8] += S*0.01
ticks[18:20] -= S*0.01
logdist = np.log10(dist)
locs = logdist == np.double('-inf')
logdist[locs] = None
diag = np.reshape(np.repeat(None, dist.shape[0]*dist.shape[1]), dist.shape)
diag[locs] = 1
# myplot = plh.plot_heatmap(logdist)
data = [Heatmap(z=logdist,
colorbar=dict(tickvals=[5], ticktext=[''],
myplot = Figure(data=data)
diagonal = {
"z": diag,
"colorscale": [ [0, "darkblue"], [1, "darkblue"] ],
"showscale": False,
"type": "heatmap",
"zmax": 1.5,
"zmin": 0.5
} += [diagonal]
def add_box(start, stop):
box = [Scatter(
x=[start, start],
y=[start, stop],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=2),
x=[stop, stop],
y=[start, stop],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=2),
x=[start, stop],
y=[start, start],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=2),
x=[start, stop],
y=[stop, stop],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=2),
return box
# myplot.layout.title = "Multi-Study Distance Plot Using Desikan Atlas\nDiscriminability: {}".format(disc)
myplot.layout.width = 1000
myplot.layout.height = 1000
myplot.layout.yaxis.autorange = 'reversed'
myplot.layout.yaxis.tickvals = ticks
myplot.layout.xaxis.tickvals = [] #cumul
myplot.layout.yaxis.ticktext = [graphs.keys()[idx/2]
if idx % 2 == 0 else "(N={})".format(len(graphs.values()[(idx-1)/2]))
for idx, name in enumerate(ticks)]
myplot.layout.xaxis.ticktext = [] #['' for i in range(len(cumul))]
myplot.layout.yaxis.tickfont = dict(size=14, color='#28282e')
myplot.layout.yaxis.ticklen = 0 #15
myplot.layout.xaxis.ticklen = 0 #15
myplot.layout.yaxis.tickwidth = 0 #3
myplot.layout.xaxis.tickwidth = 0 #3
anno = [dict(x=0.5, y=1.01, xref='paper', yref='paper',
text="Multi-Study Distance Plot Using Desikan Atlas",
showarrow=False, font=dict(color="#28282e", size=18)),
dict(x=0.5, y=0.985, xref='paper', yref='paper',
text="N=%d, MNR=%.4f" % (S, disc),
showarrow=False, font=dict(color="#28282e", size=18))]
boxes = []
for idx in range(len(cumul)-1):
start, stop = cumul[idx], cumul[idx+1]
lent = stop - start + 1
if idx == len(cumul)-2:
stop -= 0.5
elif idx == 0:
start -= 0.5
boxes += add_box(start+0.5, stop+0.5) += boxes
myplot.layout.annotations = anno
# iplot(myplot)
plot(myplot, validate=False, filename='/Users/gkiar/code/ocp/ndmg-paper/code/discriminability/discriminability_full.html')
In [6]:
subN = 20
D = len(dsets)
mat = np.zeros((N, N, D*subN))
ids = []
c = 0
import random
for dset in graphs.keys():
subset = random.sample(range(len(graphs[dset].keys())), k=subN)
for idx in subset:
ids += [dset]
tmpg = np.array(nx.adj_matrix(graphs[dset].values()[idx]).todense())
ratio = np.sum(tmpg > 0)*1.0 / N / N
mat[:, :, c] = tmpg
c += 1
print "Shape after minor pruning: ", mat.shape, len(ids)
In [114]:
dist = distance_matrix(mat, norm)
tmp_rdf = rdf(dist, ids)
disc = np.mean(tmp_rdf)
print disc
In [115]:
np.savez(path+'distance_matrix_dsets{}.npz'.format(subN), distance=dist, ids=ids)
In [7]:
subN = 20
dat = np.load(path+'distance_matrix_dsets{}.npz'.format(20))
dist = dat['distance']
ids = dat['ids']
In [8]:
In [9]:
fil = np.load(path+'distance_matrix_2266.npz')
big_dist = fil['distance']
ids = ids
nsubs = [len(fs[key]) for key in fs]
cumul_full = [0] + [np.sum(nsubs[:i+1])-1 for i in range(len(nsubs))]
print cumul_full
mean_mat = np.empty((len(dsets), len(dsets)))
var_mat = np.empty((len(dsets), len(dsets)))
for i in np.arange(len(dsets)):
for j in np.arange(i, len(dsets)):
i1 = cumul_full[i]
i2 = cumul_full[i+1]
j1 = cumul_full[j]
j2 = cumul_full[j+1]
# print i1, i2, j1, j2
tmat = big_dist[i1:i2, j1:j2]
mean_mat[i,j] = np.mean(tmat)
mean_mat[j,i] = mean_mat[i,j]
var_mat[i,j] = np.std(tmat)
var_mat[j,i] = var_mat[i,j]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))
plt.imshow(mean_mat, interpolation='none')
plt.imshow(var_mat, interpolation='none')
mean_mat = np.log10(mean_mat)
var_mat = np.log10(var_mat)
logdist = np.log10(dist)
locs = logdist == np.double('-inf')
logdist[locs] = np.nan
print np.min(mean_mat), np.max(mean_mat)
print np.min(var_mat), np.max(var_mat)
print np.nanmin(logdist), np.nanmax(logdist)
zmin = np.min([np.min(mean_mat), np.min(var_mat), np.nanmin(logdist)])
zmax = np.max([np.max(mean_mat), np.max(var_mat), np.nanmax(logdist)])
print zmin, zmax
In [10]:
import ndmg.stats.plotly_helper as plh
from plotly.offline import download_plotlyjs, init_notebook_mode, iplot, plot
from plotly.graph_objs import *
from plotly import tools
sizes = [subN for dset in graphs.keys()]
cumul = [0] + [np.sum(sizes[:i+1])-1 for i in range(len(sizes))]
ticks = [np.mean((cumul[idx], cumul[idx+1])) for idx in range(len(cumul)-1)]
diag = np.reshape(np.repeat(None, dist.shape[0]*dist.shape[1]), dist.shape)
diag[locs] = 1
tickvals = [zmin+0.1, np.mean((zmin, zmax)), zmax-0.1]
print logdist.shape, tickvals
data = [Heatmap(z=logdist,
zmin = zmin,
zmax = zmax,
ticktext=[np.round(tickv,1) for tickv in tickvals],
title="Distance (log10)",
# myplot['showscale'] = True
# tickvals = [zmin, np.mean((zmin, zmax)), zmax]
# plots['Variance'][0]['colorbar'] = dict(tickvals=tickvals,
# ticktext=[np.round(tickv,1) for tickv in tickvals],
# title='Edge Weight (log2)', titlefont=dict(size=14),
# ypad=70)
myplot = Figure(data=data)
diagonal = {
"z": diag,
"colorscale": [ [0, "black"], [1, "black"] ],
"showscale": False,
"type": "heatmap",
"zmax": 1.5,
"zmin": 0.5
} += [diagonal]
def add_box(start, stop):
box = [Scatter(
x=[start, start],
y=[start, stop],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=3),
x=[stop, stop],
y=[start, stop],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=3),
x=[start, stop],
y=[start, start],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=3),
x=[start, stop],
y=[stop, stop],
line=Line(color="#28282e", width=3),
return box
myplot.layout.width = 1000
myplot.layout.height = 1000
myplot.layout.yaxis.autorange = 'reversed'
myplot.layout.yaxis.tickvals = ticks
myplot.layout.xaxis.tickvals = [] #cumul
myplot.layout.yaxis.ticktext = [graphs.keys()[idx] for idx, name in enumerate(ticks)]
myplot.layout.xaxis.ticktext = [] #['' for i in range(len(cumul))]
myplot.layout.yaxis.tickfont = dict(size=14, color='#28282e')
myplot.layout.yaxis.ticklen = 0 #15
myplot.layout.xaxis.ticklen = 0 #15
myplot.layout.yaxis.tickwidth = 0 #3
myplot.layout.xaxis.tickwidth = 0 #3
myplot.layout.margin = Margin(l=100)
anno = [dict(x=0.5, y=1.01, xref='paper', yref='paper',
text="Multi-Study Discriminability Using Desikan Atlas",
showarrow=False, font=dict(color="#28282e", size=18))]
boxes = []
for idx in range(len(cumul)-1):
start, stop = cumul[idx], cumul[idx+1]
lent = stop - start + 1
if idx == 0:
start -= 0.5
if idx == 9:
stop -= 0.5
boxes += add_box(start+0.5, stop+0.5) += boxes
myplot.layout.annotations = anno
# iplot(myplot)
# plot(myplot, validate=False, filename='/Users/gkiar/code/ocp/ndmg-paper/code/discriminability/discriminability.html')
In [39]:
import ndmg.stats.plotly_helper as pp
specs=[[{'colspan': 9, 'rowspan': 9}, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[{'colspan': 4, 'rowspan': 4}, None, None, None, {'colspan': 4, 'rowspan': 4}, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]]
tits = ['Multi-Study Discriminability Using Desikan Atlas' , 'Block Means', 'Block Standard Deviations']
multi = tools.make_subplots(rows=13, cols=9, subplot_titles=tits, specs=specs,
horizontal_spacing=0.04, vertical_spacing=0.01)
locie = [(1,1), (10,1), (10,5)]
# specs=[[{'colspan': 6, 'rowspan': 2}, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
# [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
# [{'colspan': 3, 'rowspan': 1}, None, None, {'colspan': 3, 'rowspan': 1}, None, None, None, None],]
# tits = ['Multi-Study Discriminability Using Desikan Atlas' , 'Block Means', 'Block Standard Deviations']
# multi = tools.make_subplots(rows=3, cols=8, subplot_titles=tits, specs=specs,
# horizontal_spacing=0.04, vertical_spacing=0.01)
# locie = [(1,1), (3,1), (3,4)]
plties = OrderedDict()
plties['biggie'] = pp.fig_to_trace(myplot)
plties['biggie'][0]['colorbar']['len'] = 0.45
plties['biggie'][0]['colorbar']['y'] = 0.16
plties['biggie'][0]['colorbar']['x'] = 0.89
plties['thingy1'] = pp.fig_to_trace(pp.plot_heatmap(mean_mat))
plties['thingy1'][0]['zmin'] = zmin
plties['thingy1'][0]['zmax'] = zmax
plties['thingy2'] = pp.fig_to_trace(pp.plot_heatmap(var_mat))
plties['thingy2'][0]['zmin'] = zmin
plties['thingy2'][0]['zmax'] = zmax
for idx, tmpie in enumerate(plties):
for comp in plties[tmpie]:
multi.append_trace(comp, *locie[idx])
# multi.layout.width = 950
# multi.layout.height = 1100
multi.layout.yaxis1.autorange = 'reversed'
multi.layout.yaxis2.autorange = 'reversed'
multi.layout.yaxis3.autorange = 'reversed'
multi.layout.yaxis1.tickvals = ticks
multi.layout.yaxis2.tickvals = np.arange(len(dsets))
multi.layout.yaxis3.tickvals = []
multi.layout.xaxis1.tickvals = []
multi.layout.xaxis2.tickvals = []
multi.layout.xaxis3.tickvals = []
multi.layout.yaxis1.ticktext = [graphs.keys()[idx] for idx, name in enumerate(ticks)]
multi.layout.xaxis1.ticktext = [] #['' for i in range(len(cumul))]
multi.layout.yaxis1.tickfont = dict(size=16, color='#28282e')
multi.layout.yaxis2.ticktext = [graphs.keys()[idx] for idx, name in enumerate(ticks)]
multi.layout.xaxis2.ticktext = [] #['' for i in range(len(cumul))]
multi.layout.yaxis2.tickfont = dict(size=16, color='#28282e')
multi.layout.yaxis1.ticklen = 0 #15
multi.layout.xaxis1.ticklen = 0 #15
multi.layout.yaxis1.tickwidth = 0 #3
multi.layout.xaxis1.tickwidth = 0 #3
multi.layout.yaxis2.ticklen = 0 #15
multi.layout.xaxis2.ticklen = 0 #15
multi.layout.yaxis2.tickwidth = 0 #3
multi.layout.xaxis2.tickwidth = 0 #3
multi.layout.margin = Margin(l=110)
# anno = [dict(x=0.5, y=1.01, xref='paper', yref='paper',
# text="Multi-Study Discriminability Using Desikan Atlas",
# showarrow=False, font=dict(color="#28282e", size=18))]
# multi.layout.annotations = anno
# iplot(multi)
plot(multi, validate=False, filename='/Users/gkiar/code/ocp/ndmg-paper/code/discriminability/discriminability_blocks.html')
In [16]:
In [70]:
plties['thingy1'][0]['zmin'] = zmin