Indexing, Selecting and Assigning

Import the LArray library:

In [ ]:
from larray import *

Import the test array population:

In [ ]:
# let's start with
population = load_example_data('demography_eurostat').population

Selecting (Subsets)

The Array class allows to select a subset either by labels or indices (positions)

Selecting by Labels

To take a subset of an array using labels, use brackets [ ].

Let's start by selecting a single element:

In [ ]:
population['Belgium', 'Female', 2017]

As long as there is no ambiguity (i.e. axes sharing one or several same label(s)), the order of indexing does not matter. So you usually do not care/have to remember about axes positions during computation. It only matters for output.

In [ ]:
# order of index doesn't matter
population['Female', 2017, 'Belgium']

Selecting a subset is done by using slices or lists of labels:

In [ ]:
population[['Belgium', 'Germany'], 2014:2016]

Slices bounds are optional: if not given, start is assumed to be the first label and stop is the last one.

In [ ]:
# select all years starting from 2015

In [ ]:
# select all first years until 2015

Slices can also have a step (defaults to 1), to take every Nth labels:

In [ ]:
# select all even years starting from 2014
**Warning:** Selecting by labels as in above examples works well as long as there is no ambiguity. When two or more axes have common labels, it leads to a crash. The solution is then to precise to which axis belong the labels.

In [ ]:
immigration = load_example_data('demography_eurostat').immigration

# the 'immigration' array has two axes (country and citizenship) which share the same labels

In [ ]:
# LArray doesn't use the position of the labels used inside the brackets 
# to determine the corresponding axes. Instead LArray will try to guess the 
# corresponding axis for each label whatever is its position.
# Then, if a label is shared by two or more axes, LArray will not be able 
# to choose between the possible axes and will raise an error.
    immigration['Belgium', 'Netherlands']
except Exception as e:
    print(type(e).__name__, ':', e)

In [ ]:
# the solution is simple. You need to precise the axes on which you make a selection
immigration[['Belgium'], immigration.citizenship['Netherlands']]

Ambiguous Cases - Specifying Axes Using The Special Variable X

When selecting, assigning or using aggregate functions, an axis can be referred via the special variable X:

  • population[X.time[2015:]]
  • population.sum(X.time)

This gives you access to axes of the array you are manipulating. The main drawback of using X is that you lose the autocompletion available from many editors. It only works with non-anonymous axes for which names do not contain whitespaces or special characters.

In [ ]:
# the previous example can also be written as
immigration[['Belgium'], X.citizenship['Netherlands']]

Selecting by Indices

Sometimes it is more practical to use indices (positions) along the axis, instead of labels. You need to add the character i before the brackets: .i[indices]. As for selection with labels, you can use a single index, a slice or a list of indices. Indices can be also negative (-1 represent the last element of an axis).

**Note:** Remember that indices (positions) are always **0-based** in Python. So the first element is at index 0, the second is at index 1, etc.

In [ ]:
# select the last year

In [ ]:
# same but for the last 3 years

In [ ]:
# using a list of indices
population[X.time.i[0, 2, 4]]
**Warning:** The end *indice* (position) is EXCLUSIVE while the end label is INCLUSIVE.

In [ ]:
year = 2015

# with labels

In [ ]:
# with indices (i.e. using the .i[indices] syntax)
index_year = population.time.index(year)

You can use .i[] selection directly on array instead of axes. In this context, if you want to select a subset of the first and third axes for example, you must use a full slice : for the second one.

In [ ]:
# select first country and last three years
population.i[0, :, -3:]

Using Groups In Selections

In [ ]:
even_years = population.time[2014::2]


Boolean Filtering

Boolean filtering can be used to extract subsets. Filtering can be done on axes:

In [ ]:
# select even years
population[X.time % 2 == 0]

or data:

In [ ]:
# select population for the year 2017
population_2017 = population[2017]

# select all data with a value greater than 30 million
population_2017[population_2017 > 30e6]
**Note:** Be aware that after boolean filtering, several axes may have merged.

Arrays can also be used to create boolean filters:

In [ ]:
start_year = Array([2015, 2016, 2017],

In [ ]:
population[X.time >= start_year]

Iterating over an axis

Iterating over an axis is straightforward:

In [ ]:
for year in population.time:

Assigning subsets

Assigning A Value

Assigning a value to a subset is simple:

In [ ]:
population[2017] = 0

Now, let's store a subset in a new variable and modify it:

In [ ]:
# store the data associated with the year 2016 in a new variable
population_2016 = population[2016]

In [ ]:
# now, we modify the new variable
population_2016['Belgium'] = 0

# and we can see that the original array has been also modified

One very important gotcha though...

**Warning:** Storing a subset of an array in a new variable and modifying it after may also impact the original array. The reason is that selecting a contiguous subset of the data does not return a copy of the selected subset, but rather a view on a subset of the array. To avoid such behavior, use the ``.copy()`` method.


  • taking a contiguous subset of an array is extremely fast (no data is copied)
  • if one modifies that subset, one also modifies the original array
  • .copy() returns a copy of the subset (takes speed and memory) but allows you to change the subset without modifying the original array in the same time

The same warning apply for entire arrays:

In [ ]:
# reload the 'population' array
population = load_example_data('demography_eurostat').population

# create a second 'population2' variable
population2 = population

In [ ]:
# set all data corresponding to the year 2017 to 0
population2[2017] = 0

In [ ]:
# and now take a look of what happened to the original array 'population'
# after modifying the 'population2' array
**Warning:** The syntax ``new_array = old_array`` does not create a new array but rather an 'alias' variable. To actually create a new array as a copy of a previous one, the ``.copy()`` method must be called.

In [ ]:
# reload the 'population' array
population = load_example_data('demography_eurostat').population

# copy the 'population' array and store the copy in a new variable
population2 = population.copy()

# modify the copy
population2[2017] = 0

In [ ]:
# the data from the original array have not been modified

Assigning Arrays And Broadcasting

Instead of a value, we can also assign an array to a subset. In that case, that array can have less axes than the target but those which are present must be compatible with the subset being targeted.

In [ ]:
# select population for the year 2015
population_2015 = population[2015]

# propagate population for the year 2015 to all next years
population[2016:] = population_2015

**Warning:** The array being assigned must have compatible axes (i.e. same axes names and same labels) with the target subset.

In [ ]:
# replace 'Male' and 'Female' labels by 'M' and 'F'
population_2015 = population_2015.set_labels('gender', 'M,F')

In [ ]:
# now let's try to repeat the assignement operation above with the new labels.
# An error is raised because of incompatible axes
    population[2016:] = population_2015
except Exception as e:
    print(type(e).__name__, ':', e)