Characteristics of Axons and Dendrites

one 'X' means claim exists, two 'XX' means verified

3 Cylinder Volume (neuron channel is masked to this volume)

  • [X ] 1600 different neurons within this small region of mammalian brain (several billionths of the whole brain)
  • [X ] 193 dendrites, 92% spiny and purportedly excitatory (177/193), remainder smooth
  • [X ] 1407 unmyelinated axons, 93% excitatory (1308/1407); most of remaining are inhibitory, 5 have no/ambiguous connections
  • [X ] We also observed astrocytic processes, myelinated axons, oligodendrocyte processes and 20 entities we could not easily classify

Red Cylinder Volume

  • [X ] In 500 um^3 cylinder, no axonal or dendritic orphans, 568 spines and 601 terminal axon branches
  • [X ] Neuronal processes (axons and dendrites) occupy 92% of the cellular volume with glial processes occupying much of the remaining 8%
  • [X ] The non-cellular (extracellular) space accounts for 6% of the total volume, less than half the space estimates from living brains
  • [X ] Axons extend into a 7 fold greater volume than dendrites on average.

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import ndio.remote.neurodata as neurodata
import ndio.ramon as ramon
import time
import ndio

start = time.time()

token = 'kasthuri2015_ramon_v4'
channel = 'neurons'
res = 3

In [2]:
Identify available objects: 
1600 different neurons within this small region of mammalian brain (several billionths of the whole brain)
nd = neurodata()

id_segment = nd.get_ramon_ids(token, channel, ramon_type=ramon.RAMONSegment)
id_neuron = nd.get_ramon_ids(token, channel, ramon_type=ramon.RAMONNeuron)
print 'Number of RAMON segments (unique objects) is: ' + str(len(id_segment))
print 'In the 3 volume cylinder we identified {} (RAMON) neurons'.format(len(id_neuron))

Number of RAMON segments (unique objects) is: 3945
In the 3 volume cylinder we identified 1907 (RAMON) neurons

In [3]:
# Retrieve metadata for all objects

# Get all segments
token = 'kasthuri2015_ramon_v4'
channel = 'neurons'
segAll = nd.get_ramon(token,channel,id_segment)
print '\ntime elapsed so far: ' + str(time.time()-start)

time elapsed so far: 417.420284033

In [4]:
z = []
for x in segAll:
print np.unique(z)

[u'' u'excitatory' u'glia_astrocyte' u'glia_oligodendrocyte' u'inhibitory'
 u'myelinated' u'other' u'smooth' u'spiny']

In [5]:
Count Dendrite Things
193 dendrites, 92% spiny and purportedly excitatory (177/193), remainder smooth

# TODO:  Maybe count difference based on cylinder of interest

dendrite_neurites = []
dendrite_neurons = []
dendrite_excitatory = []
dendrite_smooth = []
spine = 0
spine_id = []
for x in segAll:
    if x.segmentclass == 2:
        if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'spiny':
        if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'smooth':

    if x.kvpairs['is_spine'] == '1':
        spine += 1

print 'The total number of dendrite neurites in the three cylinders is: ' + str(len(dendrite_neurites))
print 'The total number of dendrites in the three cylinders is: ' + str(len(np.unique(dendrite_neurons)))
print 'The total number of excitatory dendrites in the three cylinders is: {}'.format(len(np.unique(dendrite_excitatory)))
print 'The percentage of excitatory dendrites is: ' + \
print 'The percentage of smooth dendrites is: ' + \
print 'The total number of spines in the three cylinders is: ' + str(spine)

The total number of dendrite neurites in the three cylinders is: 1807
The total number of dendrites in the three cylinders is: 306
The total number of excitatory dendrites in the three cylinders is: 290
The percentage of excitatory dendrites is: 95.0
The percentage of smooth dendrites is: 5.0
The total number of spines in the three cylinders is: 1295

In [6]:
Count Axon Things
1407 unmyelinated axons, 93% excitatory (1308/1407); most of remaining are inhibitory, 5 have no/ambiguous

axon_neurites = []
axon_neurons = []
axon_excitatory = []
axon_inhibitory = []

for x in segAll:
    if x.segmentclass == 1:
        if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'excitatory':
        if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'inhibitory':

n_axons = len(np.unique(axon_neurons))
n_excitatory_axon = len(np.unique(axon_excitatory))
n_inhibitory_axon = len(np.unique(axon_inhibitory))
print 'The total number of axon neurites in the three cylinders is: ' + str(len(axon_neurites))
print 'The total number of axons in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_axons)
print 'The total number of excitatory axons in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_excitatory_axon)
print 'The percentage of excitatory axons is: {}'.format(round(100.0*n_excitatory_axon/n_axons,0))
print 'The total number of inhibitory axons in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_inhibitory_axon)
print 'The percentage of inhibitory axons is: {}'.format(round(100.0*n_inhibitory_axon/n_axons,0))

The total number of axon neurites in the three cylinders is: 1766
The total number of axons in the three cylinders is: 1423
The total number of excitatory axons in the three cylinders is: 1310
The percentage of excitatory axons is: 92.0
The total number of inhibitory axons in the three cylinders is: 99
The percentage of inhibitory axons is: 7.0

In [7]:
Count Other Things
We also observed astrocytic processes, myelinated axons, oligodendrocyte processes and 20 entities we could not easily classify

axon_myelinated_neurites = []
axon_myelinated_neurons = []
glia_astrocytes = []
glia_oligo = []
other_obj = []
c = 0
for x in segAll:
    if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'myelinated':
        # all myelinated objects are axons in this dataset
    if x.segmentclass == 0:
        if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'glia_oligodendrocyte':    
        if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'glia_astrocyte':    
        if x.kvpairs['segment_subtype'] == 'other':    
        c += 1

n_myelinated_neurons = len(np.unique(axon_myelinated_neurons))
n_glia_astrocytes = len(glia_oligo)
n_glia_oligo = len(glia_astrocytes)
n_glia = n_glia_astrocytes + n_glia_oligo
n_other = len(other_obj) + c-n_myelinated_neurons-n_glia_astrocytes-n_glia_oligo

print 'Not counted or other objects in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_other)
print 'The total number of myelinated axons in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_myelinated_neurons)
print 'The total number of astrocytes in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_glia_astrocytes)
print 'The total number of oligodendrocytes in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_glia_oligo)
print 'The total number of glia in the three cylinders is: ' + str(n_glia)

Not counted or other objects in the three cylinders is: 21
The total number of myelinated axons in the three cylinders is: 8
The total number of astrocytes in the three cylinders is: 10
The total number of oligodendrocytes in the three cylinders is: 333
The total number of glia in the three cylinders is: 343

In [8]:
# A priori known bounds for cylinders.  Alternatively we could sweep over entire volume - this is more efficient.
# TODO:  assume that all synapses are inside cylinders, which we know to be true - should do with manual masking or a 
# RAMONId predicate query

token = 'kasthuri2015_ramon_v4'
channel = 'neurons'
res = 3

xbox = [694,1794]; 
ybox = [1750, 2460];
zbox = [1004, 1379];

# These calls take about 60 seconds to execute
rcyl = nd.get_volume('kat11redcylinder','annotation', xbox[0], xbox[1], ybox[0], ybox[1], zbox[0], zbox[1], resolution = res)

seg_masked = nd.get_volume(token, channel, xbox[0], xbox[1], ybox[0], ybox[1], zbox[0], zbox[1], resolution = res)

mask = rcyl.cutout > 0

seg = seg_masked.cutout
seg[mask == 0] = 0

In [9]:
Area calculations based on all 3 cylinders
- Neuronal processes (axons and dendrites) occupy 92% of the cellular volume with glial processes occupying much of the remaining 8%
- The non-cellular (extracellular) space accounts for 6% of the total volume, less than half the space estimates from living brains
- Axons extend into a 7 fold greater volume than dendrites on average.

def ismember(A, B):
    return [ np.sum(a == B) for a in A ]

import skimage.measure as measure
seg = np.asarray(seg, dtype='uint32')
rp = measure.regionprops(seg,intensity_image=None)
dendrite_neurites = np.asarray(dendrite_neurites,dtype='int')
axon_neurites = np.asarray(axon_neurites,dtype='int')
glia = np.concatenate([glia_astrocytes, glia_oligo])
glia = np.asarray(glia, dtype='int')

glia_area = 0
dendrite_area = 0
axon_area = 0

for x in rp:
    #print x
    if np.sum(x.label == axon_neurites):
           axon_area += x.area
    if np.sum(x.label == dendrite_neurites):
           dendrite_area += x.area
    if np.sum(x.label == glia):
           glia_area += x.area

mask_area = np.count_nonzero(seg)
neurite_area = axon_area + dendrite_area

cellular_volume = neurite_area + glia_area

print 'Total voxel area of axons in volume: ' + str(axon_area)
print 'Total voxel area of dendrites in volume: ' + str(dendrite_area)
print 'Total voxel area of neurites in volume: ' + str(neurite_area)
print 'Total voxel area of glia in volume: ' + str(glia_area)
print 'Total voxel area of masked region: ' + str(mask_area)

print 'Percentage of voxels that are neurites in cellular volume: ' + str(round(1.0*neurite_area/cellular_volume,2))
print 'Percentage of voxels that are glia in cellular volume: ' + str(round(1.0*glia_area/cellular_volume,2))
print 'Percentage of voxels that are extracellular space: ' + str(round(1.0-1.0*(cellular_volume)/mask_area,4))

Total voxel area of axons in volume: 14676088
Total voxel area of dendrites in volume: 18343562
Total voxel area of neurites in volume: 33019650
Total voxel area of glia in volume: 2780602
Total voxel area of masked region: 35953525
Percentage of voxels that are neurites in cellular volume: 0.92
Percentage of voxels that are glia in cellular volume: 0.08
Percentage of voxels that are extracellular space: 0.0043

In [10]:
Axons v. Dendrites
Axons extend into a 7 fold greater volume than dendrites on average.

ratio_voxel_axon_dendrite = 1.0*axon_area / dendrite_area
ratio_count_axon_dendrite = 1.0*len(np.unique(axon_neurons))/ len(np.unique(dendrite_neurons))
print 'The voxel ratio of axons to dendrites is: ' + str(ratio_voxel_axon_dendrite)
print 'The neuron ratio of axons to dendrites is: ' + str(ratio_count_axon_dendrite)

The voxel ratio of axons to dendrites is: 0.800067511424
The neuron ratio of axons to dendrites is: 4.65032679739

In [11]:
Looking for Orphans
In 500 um^3 cylinder, no axonal or dendritic orphans, 568 spines and 601 terminal axon branches

import copy
import scipy.ndimage.morphology as morpho

mask2 = morpho.binary_erosion(mask, structure=np.ones((3,3,1)))

seg2 = copy.deepcopy(seg)

all_inside_obj = np.unique(seg2[mask2])
all_obj = np.unique(seg)

# Orphans are objects that don't hit a boundary
print 'Number of orphans is: ' + str(len(all_obj)-len(all_inside_obj))

# Count spines
spine_rc = 0
spine_id = np.asarray(spine_id,dtype='int')
for x in all_obj:
    if x in spine_id:
        spine_rc += 1

print 'Total number of spines in volume: ' + str(spine_rc)

# Count objects that are axon neurites
axon_rc = 0
axon_neurites = np.asarray(axon_neurites,dtype='int')
for x in all_obj:
    if x in axon_neurites:
        axon_rc += 1
print 'Total number of axon neurites in volume: ' + str(axon_rc)

# Count terminal axons TODO: requires more thought
# Take seg2, split into connected components for each id
# If axon has two or more hits assume passing through - 1 hit = terminal

Number of orphans is: 25
Total number of spines in volume: 753
Total number of axon neurites in volume: 923

In [12]:
print 'timing for this notebook: ' + str(time.time()-start)
print 'ndio version used: ' + str(ndio.version)

timing for this notebook: 721.805158138
ndio version used: 1.0.0

In [ ]: