Modification modèle Fourcaud 2011

In [1]:
from brian import *

/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/brian/utils/sparse_patch/ UserWarning: Couldn't find matching sparse matrix patch for scipy version 0.10.1, but in most cases this shouldn't be a problem.
  warnings.warn("Couldn't find matching sparse matrix patch for scipy version %s, but in most cases this shouldn't be a problem." % scipy.__version__)



In [2]:
tau_Ein   = 3*msecond
g_Ein0    = 0.5*siemens*meter**-2
sigma_Ein = 2*siemens*meter**-2*second**(-1./2)

Equation input

In [3]:
eq_g_input = Equations('dg_Ein/dt = (g_Ein0 - g_Ein)/tau_Ein + sigma_Ein * xi : siemens*meter**-2')
eq_input   = Equations('I_input = g_Ein*(V - 0*mvolt) : amp*meter**-2') + eq_g_input

In [24]:

dg_Ein/dt = (g_Ein0 - g_Ein)/tau_Ein + sigma_Ein * xi [diffeq]
I_input = g_Ein*(V - 0*mvolt) [eq]



In [4]:
V_E      = 0*mvolt
V_act_E  = 0*mvolt
g_E_low  = 0.7*siemens*meter**-2
g_E_high = 3.5*siemens*meter**-2
sigma_E  = 0.01*mvolt
alpha_E  = 1*msecond**-1
beta_E   = 1./3*msecond**-1

V_I      = -70*mvolt
V_act_I  = -66.4*mvolt
g_I      = 10*siemens*meter**-2
sigma_I  = 0.4*mvolt
alpha_I  = 5*msecond**-1
beta_I   = 1./10*msecond**-1

Fonction décrivant le courant synaptique granule <--> mitrales

In [5]:
def synapse_eq(g_syn, V_post, V_syn, alpha, beta, V_pre, V_act, sigma):
    """Return the synapse equation model"""
    eq_i = 'I_syn = '+g_syn+'*s_syn*('+V_post+' - '+V_syn+') : amp*meter**-2'
    eq_s = 'ds/dt = '+alpha+'*(1 - s)*T - '+beta+'*s : 1'
    eq_T = 'T = 1/(1 + exp(-1*('+V_pre+' - '+V_act+')/'+sigma+')) : 1'
    eq_s_syn = 's_syn : 1'
    eq_syn = Equations(eq_i) + Equations(eq_s) + Equations(eq_T) + Equations(eq_s_syn)
    return eq_syn

def synapseLIF_eq(g_syn, V_post, V_syn, alpha, beta, V_pre, V_act, sigma):
    """Return the synapse equation model"""
    eq_i = 'I_syn = '+g_syn+'*s_syn*('+V_post+' - '+V_syn+') : amp*meter**-2'
    eq_s = 'ds/dt = '+alpha+'*(1 - s)*T - '+beta+'*s : 1'
    eq_T = 'T : 1'
    eq_s_syn = 's_syn : 1'
    eq_syn = Equations(eq_i) + Equations(eq_s) + Equations(eq_T) + Equations(eq_s_syn)
    return eq_syn


Paramètres (g_L et E_L trouvés via le modèle Fourcaud et al. 2011)

In [6]:
N_mitral  = 100

Cm        = 0.01*farad*meter**-2
g_L       = 0.87*siemens*meter**-2
E_L       = -64.5*mvolt
V_r       = E_L # TODO
V_t       = -45*mvolt # TODO
t_refract = 1*msecond

Modèle de mitrale (LIF)

In [7]:
# eq_mitral      = """dV/dt = (-g_L*(V - E_L) - I_syn + I_electrode)/Cm : mvolt
#                     I_electrode : amp*meter**-2""" # pour courbe fI
eq_mitral      = 'dV/dt = (-g_L*(V - E_L) - I_syn - I_input)/Cm : mvolt'
eq_exc_current = synapseLIF_eq('g_I', 'V', 'V_I', 'alpha_E', 'beta_E', 'V', 'V_act_E', 'sigma_E')

In [8]:
eqs_model_mitrales = eq_mitral + eq_exc_current + eq_input

Création du réseau de mitrales

In [9]:
pop_mitrales = NeuronGroup(N=N_mitral, model=eqs_model_mitrales, threshold=V_t, reset=V_r, refractory=t_refract)
pop_mitrales.V = E_L

Initialisation pour courbe fI

In [10]:
# pop_mitrales.I_Electrode = linspace(0.001*amp*meter**-2, 40*0.001*amp*meter**-2, N_mitral)



In [11]:
N_granule = 1

C_m  = 0.01*farad*meter**-2
g_l  = 0.83*siemens*meter**-2
E_l  = -70*mvolt
g_SD = 1*siemens*meter**-2
g_DS = 300*siemens*meter**-2

Equations du modèle de granule

In [12]:
eq_soma          = Equations('dV_S/dt = (-g_l*(V_S - E_l) + g_SD*(V_D - V_S))/C_m : mvolt')
eq_dendrites     = Equations('dV_D/dt = (-g_l*(V_D - E_l) + g_DS*(V_S - V_D) - I_syn)/C_m : mvolt')
eq_inhib_current = synapse_eq('g_E_high', 'V_D', 'V_E', 'alpha_I', 'beta_I', 'V_D', 'V_act_I', 'sigma_I')

In [13]:
eqs_model_granule = eq_soma + eq_dendrites + eq_inhib_current

Création du réseau de neurone

In [14]:
pop_granules = NeuronGroup(N_granule, model=eqs_model_granule, implicit=False)
pop_granules.V_D = E_l
pop_granules.V_S = E_l

Connexions granules--mitrales

In [15]:
connections = np.ones((N_mitral,N_granule))
def graded_synapse():
    pop_granules.s_syn = dot(pop_mitrales.s, connections)
    pop_mitrales.s_syn = dot(pop_granules.s, np.transpose(connections))

def keep_reset():



In [16]:
defaultclock.dt = 0.05*msecond
t_simu = 5000*msecond


In [17]:
monit_granules = {}
monit_mitrales = {}
for pname in ('V_D', 's_syn', 's'):
    monit_granules[pname] = StateMonitor(pop_granules, pname, record=True)
for pname in ('s', 'V'):
    monit_mitrales[pname] = StateMonitor(pop_mitrales, pname, record=0)
monit_mitrales['spikes'] = SpikeMonitor(pop_mitrales, record=True)

Lancement simulation

In [18]:
run(t_simu, report='text')

9% complete, 10s elapsed, approximately 1m 35s remaining.
18% complete, 20s elapsed, approximately 1m 25s remaining.
28% complete, 30s elapsed, approximately 1m 16s remaining.
37% complete, 40s elapsed, approximately 1m 6s remaining.
46% complete, 50s elapsed, approximately 56s remaining.
55% complete, 1m 0s elapsed, approximately 47s remaining.
64% complete, 1m 10s elapsed, approximately 38s remaining.
72% complete, 1m 20s elapsed, approximately 29s remaining.
82% complete, 1m 30s elapsed, approximately 19s remaining.
91% complete, 1m 40s elapsed, approximately 9s remaining.
100% complete, 1m 48s elapsed, approximately 0s remaining.


Dynamique du potentiel membranaire de la granule

In [19]:
plot(monit_granules['V_D'].times/msecond, monit_granules['V_D'][0]/mvolt)
xlabel('time (ms)')
ylabel('membrane potential of granule : V_D (mvolt)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x75831d0>

Spikes de la population de mitrales

In [20]:
plot(monit_mitrales['V'].times / msecond, monit_mitrales['V'][0]/mvolt)
xlabel('time (ms)')
ylabel('membrane potential of mitral : V (mvolt)')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x9a46850>

In [21]:
plot(monit_mitrales['s'].times / msecond, monit_mitrales['s'][0])
plot(monit_granules['s_syn'].times / msecond, monit_granules['s_syn'][0])
plot(monit_granules['s'].times / msecond, monit_granules['s'][0])
xlabel('time (ms)')
ylabel('s mitral & s_syn granule & s granule')

<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x9a74910>

In [22]:
print 'Spikes of', N_mitral, ' mitral:', monit_mitrales['spikes'].nspikes

Spikes of 100  mitral: 1082

In [23]: