Team Reflection

Consider printing out this reflection so you have a reference of what a Python class looks like in the future.

Process Analyst:

Other Team Members:

Record the name of the Process Analyst from your team (likely 4 people) and record their name and the other team members names above.

The Process Analyst should lead the group in a team reflection discussion and type in answers to the following questions:

1. Discuss as a team what your team could do better during the team activity and reflection to make it easier to complete the individual assignment later.

2. List the order in which you developed the Atom Class today. Be sure to include when you wrote instance variables, set methods, get methods, constructors, and additional methods.

3. Copy and paste the Atom Class that you developed today during class time. Only include working code (it's okay if it is most, but not all, of the code from the team activity). Be sure to comment the sections so it will serve as a helpful reference in the future when writing new Classes.