In [39]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from numpy import array
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

In [40]:
# read in dataset
xl = pd.ExcelFile("data/130N_Cycles_1-47.xlsx")
df = xl.parse("Specimen_RawData_1")

Time Load
0 0.0000 0.06729
1 0.0018 0.07128
2 0.1000 0.05453
3 0.2000 0.00621
4 0.3000 0.00352
5 0.4000 0.02063
6 0.5000 -0.00168
7 0.6000 -0.01183
8 0.7000 -0.00167
9 0.8000 -0.00656
10 0.9000 -0.02108
11 1.0000 -0.03623
12 1.1000 -0.02316
13 1.2000 -0.05095
14 1.3000 -0.07705
15 1.4000 -0.05499
16 1.5000 -0.04504
17 1.6000 -0.06794
18 1.7000 -0.10153
19 1.8000 -0.05887
20 1.9000 -0.06541
21 2.0000 -0.07291
22 2.1000 -0.03818
23 2.2000 -0.04398
24 2.3000 0.00392
25 2.4000 -0.02976
26 2.5000 0.01042
27 2.6000 0.02127
28 2.7000 -0.01094
29 2.8000 0.00993
... ... ...
170071 16768.0000 -0.13978
170072 16768.1000 -0.12339
170073 16768.1990 -0.15841
170074 16768.2990 -0.12322
170075 16768.4000 -0.11189
170076 16768.5000 -0.12804
170077 16768.6000 -0.11056
170078 16768.6990 -0.09291
170079 16768.7990 -0.08599
170080 16768.9000 -0.10398
170081 16769.0000 -0.08131
170082 16769.1000 -0.05598
170083 16769.1990 -0.07377
170084 16769.2990 -0.09031
170085 16769.4000 -0.04457
170086 16769.5000 -0.03088
170087 16769.6000 -0.03074
170088 16769.6990 -0.04886
170089 16769.7990 -0.01057
170090 16769.9000 -0.03553
170091 16770.0000 -0.01936
170092 16770.1000 0.00220
170093 16770.1990 0.02822
170094 16770.2990 0.02014
170095 16770.4000 0.02088
170096 16770.5000 0.05239
170097 16770.6000 0.03399
170098 16770.6990 0.05024
170099 16770.7990 0.06006
170100 16770.9000 0.09558

170101 rows × 2 columns

This is what the dataset currently looks like - it has 170,101 rows and two columns.

The dataset contains data from 47 cycles following an experiment. The output of these experiments form the two columns:

  • time (seconds)
  • load (exerted force, in Newtons)

    My task is to predict the load for cycles 48, 49, and 50.

    I will:
  • derive the time for each cycle
  • heating time for each cycle
  • cooling time for each cycle
  • number of cycles (I can do this my finding the local maxima and minima throughout the data)

In [41]:
# append data from time column to list
time = []
for item in df.index:

# append data from load column to list
load = []
for item in df.index:

In [42]:
# convert time array to np array for further processing
np_time = array(time)

In [43]:
# for local maxima
max = argrelextrema(np_time, np.greater)
print("local maxima array for time is:", max, "\n")

# for local minima
min = argrelextrema(np_time, np.less)
print("local minima array for time is:", min)

local maxima array for time is: (array([], dtype=int64),) 

local minima array for time is: (array([], dtype=int64),)

The arrays above actually look empty...

After further research into Python's numpy library, I realized that argrelextrema with np.greater or np.less does NOT consider repeated values to be relative maxima (

A strict inequality is required to satisfy both sides of the point.

In [44]:
# for local maxima
max_ = argrelextrema(np_time, np.greater_equal)
print("local maxima array for time is:", max_, "\n")

# for local minima
min_ = argrelextrema(np_time, np.less_equal)
print("local minima array for time is:", min_)

local maxima array for time is: (array([ 31934,  47151,  55544,  58516,  61698,  84166,  87735,  91038,
       104427, 120421, 129657, 133953, 155582, 164994, 170100]),) 

local minima array for time is: (array([     0,  31935,  47152,  55545,  58517,  61699,  84167,  87736,
        91039, 104428, 120422, 129658, 133954, 155583, 164995]),)

I applied the _equal parameter to my argrelextrema function and notice that no duplicate values have occurred, which is a good sign so far.

In [45]:
print("The length of the max array for time is:",np.size(max_), "\n")
print("The length of the min array for time is:",np.size(min_), "\n")

The length of the max array for time is: 15 

The length of the min array for time is: 15 

However, it's odd that the numbers returned from each array is only 15...considering there are 47 cycles present in the dataset. So, I will try another method instead (

In [46]:
row_wise_merging = np.r_[True, np_time[1:] < np_time[:-1]] & np.r_[np_time[:-1] < np_time[1:], True]

In [47]:
# print side of row_wise_merging
size = np.size(row_wise_merging)

[ True False False ..., False False False]

In [48]:
count = 0
for i in np.nditer(row_wise_merging):
    if i == True:
        count +=1 


The output of numpy's row wise merging method does not prove to be helpful as well.

Since I am not familiar with how to compute local maxima and minima manually on my own, I will need to do further research on that.

As of now, I am planning to proceed with other calculations based on the array returned from argrelextrema. When I retrieve the right array for time, I believe I can modify my presented algorithm below.

In [49]:
# places indices returned from local maxima into a list
local_max_indices = []
for idx in np.nditer(max_):

[array(31934), array(47151), array(55544), array(58516), array(61698), array(84166), array(87735), array(91038), array(104427), array(120421), array(129657), array(133953), array(155582), array(164994), array(170100)]

In [50]:
# create a list of sums of time and load up until
# index in local_max_indices list
concat_data = []
for idx, (t, l) in enumerate(zip(time, load)):
   # print(idx, t, l)
    for item in local_max_indices:
        if idx == item:

for item in range(len(concat_data)):
    print("Cycle", item)
    print("Time:", concat_data[item][0])
    print("Load:", concat_data[item][1])

Cycle 0
Time: 50090330.3853
Load: 886827.10324

Cycle 1
Time: 109224942.15
Load: 1336267.88375

Cycle 2
Time: 151578795.284
Load: 1544432.4858

Cycle 3
Time: 168237161.8
Load: 1634193.77493

Cycle 4
Time: 187035884.677
Load: 1731646.36961

Cycle 5
Time: 348122651.618
Load: 2427467.38261

Cycle 6
Time: 378284414.766
Load: 2573697.19744

Cycle 7
Time: 407315820.051
Load: 2683299.27422

Cycle 8
Time: 536007570.556
Load: 3108964.80223

Cycle 9
Time: 712921430.822
Load: 3680416.99285

Cycle 10
Time: 826598329.026
Load: 4024847.81762

Cycle 11
Time: 882348975.542
Load: 4191389.98264

Cycle 12
Time: 1190793342.17
Load: 5124183.32977

Cycle 13
Time: 1339483600.32
Load: 5513159.5854

Cycle 14
Time: 1423820416.46
Load: 5761623.5985

As mentioned before, the results above are unrealistic since we know that there are 47 cycles (rather than the 15 that were outputted) that exist. Once I have the correct values returned from the local maxima function, I can proceed with modifying my code for that array.

My next step: to implement an algorithm that would make the actual predictions.

In [ ]:

In [ ]: