Processing micro RM datasets

Extracts run information from input file (format defined below) and runs pathoqc, map, and id. includes code for running the three python modules.

Parameter File Description

Parameters and values seperated by '=', with each one individual lines in a file

  • qc_loc - path to pathoqc
  • path_loc - path to
  • ref - location of reference sequence file
  • index_dir - directory with indexed reference files
  • analysis_out_dir - output directory for analysis
  • datasets - comma seperated list of SRR:plat for each dataset to run
  • n - number of threads to use
  • root_dir - project root directors - full system path


  • fix code to define the number of threads
  • Parallelize pathoid - possibly need second loop?

In [1]:
import sys
import re
import subprocess
from pathoscope_pipeline import * #need to place in directory

In [2]:
def define_run_params(run_info,parameters):
    # hash for storing run specific information
    from collections import defaultdict
    run_params = defaultdict(str)
    run_info_list = run_info.split(":")
    run_params['plat'] = run_info_list[1]
    run_params['run_id'] = run_info_list[0]
    fastq_root = parameters['root_dir'] + parameters['fastq_dir'] + run_info_list[1] + '/'+ 'fastq'+'/'
    if run_info_list[1] == "MiSeq":
        run_params['fastq1'] = fastq_root + run_info_list[0] + "_1.fastq"
        run_params['fastq2'] = fastq_root + run_info_list[0] + "_2.fastq"
        run_params['fastq1'] = fastq_root + run_info_list[0] + ".fastq"
        run_params['fastq2'] = None
    run_params['out_dir'] = parameters['root_dir'] + parameters['analysis_out_dir'] + '/' + run_params['run_id']
    return run_params

In [8]:
def run_pathoscope(run_params,patho_params):
    import glob
    # creating run directory['mkdir',run_params['out_dir']])
    # creating file with run parameters
    run_log_file = open(run_params['out_dir']+"/run_parameters.txt", 'w')
    for i in run_params.keys():
        run_log_file.write("%s\t%s\n" % (i, run_params[i]))
    for i in patho_params.keys():
        run_log_file.write("%s\t%s\n" % (i, patho_params[i]))
    ## running pathoqc
                    out_dir=run_params['out_dir'],path_pathoqc=patho_params['root_dir']+ \
                    patho_params['qc_loc'],thread_num= 8)

    ## running pathomap
    if run_params['fastq2'] != None:
        trimmed_fastq1 = run_params['out_dir'] + '/' + run_params['run_id'] + '_1_tr.fq'
        trimmed_fastq2 = run_params['out_dir'] + '/' + run_params['run_id'] + '_2_tr.fq'
        trimmed_fastq1 = run_params['out_dir'] + '/' + run_params['run_id'] + '_tr.fq'
        trimmed_fastq2 = None
                     exptag = run_params['run_id'], fastq1=trimmed_fastq1, fastq2=trimmed_fastq2, 
                     out_dir=run_params['out_dir'], path_pathoscope=patho_params['root_dir']+patho_params['patho_loc'])
    ## cleaning up pathomap files- removes find combined in appendAlign
    cleanup_log = open(run_params['out_dir']+"/"+"cleanup.log",'w')
    sam_files = glob.glob(run_params['out_dir']+"/"+run_params['run_id']+"-"+ \
    cleanup_command = ['rm'] + sam_files, stdout=cleanup_log)
    ## running pathoid
    if run_params['fastq2'] != None:
        sam_suffix = "_1_tr.sam"
        sam_suffix = "_tr.sam"
    pathomap_sam = run_params['out_dir']+"/" + run_params['run_id']+sam_suffix
    pathoid_command(path_pathoscope=patho_params['root_dir']+patho_params['patho_loc'], input_sam=pathomap_sam, out_dir = run_params['out_dir'], exptag = run_params['run_id'])

In [9]:
def read_dat(filename):
    #process input file with configuration information
    from collections import defaultdict
    parameters = defaultdict(str)
    with open(filename,'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            param = line.strip().split("=")
            parameters[param[0]] = param[1]
    return parameters

In [10]:
def main(filename):
    #read run parameters from input file and process using pathoscope
    parameters = read_dat(filename)
    for i in parameters['datasets'].split(","):
        run_params = define_run_params(i,parameters)
        run_pathoscope(run_params, parameters)

In [11]:
# main("pathoscope_pipeline_params_test.txt")

Run started 12/5/2014 at 9:20 PM
On Monday check and make sure it ran then start full pipeline - error with appending map files, removed cleanup command
run_parameters not written to file Revised code using test2 below and restarted run of two test files

  • remaining issues lack of parallelization of pathoid and removing intermediate sam files Run started 12/8/2014 at 10:30 AM
  • fixed issue with files not being removed, issue with shell processing wildcards and subprocess not running running through the shell

Will refrain from running pathoid in parallel now as I would need to restructure the code.

Run started 12/9/2014 at 9:50 AM making sure code works for single and paired end checking file names passed correctly and intermediate sam files are removed.

In [12]:

To test for error with pathomap - appending the files removed cleanup command and created a 10000 line PGM fastq file file create using the command head -n 10000 SRR1393710.fastq >> SRR1393710_trim.fastq

In [ ]:
if __name__ == '__main__':