Intermediate UNIX Shell

The command line interface in a Linux environment

John Stachurski

In [1]:

Tue Jan 12 14:06:51 EST 2016

This notebook is to familiarize you with the UNIX shell in a Linux environment.

I'm using the Z Shell but most of the following will work on any standard UNIX shell (bash, etc.)

In [2]:
from IPython.display import Image
Image("terminal.png", width=600)


This lesson is written up in a Jupyter notebook because it's an easy way to store a list of commands and their output. In Jupyter, input is treated as a shell command whenever it starts with !. For example

In [3]:
!echo $SHELL


If I forget the ! I get an error because my command is interpreted as a Python command:

In [4]:
echo $SHELL

  File "<ipython-input-4-dd2e812df2f9>", line 1
    echo $SHELL
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

However, there are some IPython magics that mimic shell commands and work without any quanlifier. The next command moves us to my home directory.

In [5]:
cd ~


To show the present working dir use pwd

In [6]:


To list its contents use ls

In [7]:

anaconda3/  Desktop/    sync_dir/       terminator.xcf
backups/    Downloads/  temp/           versioned_dotfiles/
bin/        Music/      terminator.png

We could add the ! but it wouldn't make any difference.

In [8]:


If you're working directly in the shell then of course you should omit the !

File System

The top of the directory tree looks like this on my machine:

In [24]:
ls /

bin/    dev/   initrd.img@  lost+found/  opt/   run/   sys/  var/
boot/   etc/   lib/         media/       proc/  sbin/  tmp/  vmlinuz@
cdrom/  home/  lib64/       mnt/         root/  srv/   usr/

Some comments

  • bin and usr/bin directories are where most executables (applications) live
  • many shared libraries in usr/lib
  • The home directory is where users store personal files
  • etc is home to system wide configuration files
  • var is where logs are written to
  • media is where you'll find your USB stick after you plug it in


I have a paper by Lars Hansen on asset pricing somewhere in my file system but I can't remember where. One quick way to find files is to use the locate command.

In [25]:
!locate hansen


For more sophisticated searches I use find.

For example, let's find all Julia files in /home/john/sync_dir and below that contain the phrase cauchy.

In [26]:
!find ~/sync_dir/ -name "*cauchy*.jl"


The next command finds all files ending in "tex" modified within the last week:

In [2]:
!find /home/john/sync_dir/ -mtime -7 -name "*.tex"


Working with Text Files

When working with specific text files we often use a text editor. However, it's also possible to do a significant amount of work directly from the command line. Here are some examples.

In [50]:
cd ~/temp_dir


In [51]:

We're going to make a text file using the shell redirection operator >

In [52]:
!ls -l ~/sync_dir/books

total 44
drwxrwxr-x 16 john john 20480 Dec 31 10:48 econometric_theory
drwxrwxr-x  5 john john  4096 Jul  3  2015 kn
drwxrwxr-x 12 john john  4096 Jan  8 13:07 quant-econ
drwxrwxr-x 11 john john 12288 Dec 21 09:55 sed
drwxrwxr-x 10 john john  4096 Jul  3  2015 sed2

In [53]:
!ls -l ~/sync_dir/books > list_books.txt

In [54]:


We can read the contents of this text file with cat

In [55]:
!cat list_books.txt

total 44
drwxrwxr-x 16 john john 20480 Dec 31 10:48 econometric_theory
drwxrwxr-x  5 john john  4096 Jul  3  2015 kn
drwxrwxr-x 12 john john  4096 Jan  8 13:07 quant-econ
drwxrwxr-x 11 john john 12288 Dec 21 09:55 sed
drwxrwxr-x 10 john john  4096 Jul  3  2015 sed2

We can search within this file using grep

In [56]:
!grep Dec list_books.txt

drwxrwxr-x 16 john john 20480 Dec 31 10:48 econometric_theory
drwxrwxr-x 11 john john 12288 Dec 21 09:55 sed

We can show just the top of the file using ``head"

In [58]:
!head -2 list_books.txt

total 44
drwxrwxr-x 16 john john 20480 Dec 31 10:48 econometric_theory

We can also append to files using the >> operator

In [59]:
!date > new_file.txt

In [60]:

list_books.txt  new_file.txt

In [61]:
!cat new_file.txt

Tue Jan 12 14:10:55 EST 2016

In [62]:
!date >> new_file.txt

In [63]:
!cat new_file.txt

Tue Jan 12 14:10:55 EST 2016
Tue Jan 12 14:11:03 EST 2016

We can change "Jan" to "January" using the sed line editor

In [64]:
!sed 's/Jan/January/' new_file.txt

Tue January 12 14:10:55 EST 2016
Tue January 12 14:11:03 EST 2016

Putting Commands Together

The command line becomes very powerful when we start linking the commands shown above into compound commands. Most often this is done with a pipe. The symbol for a pipe is |.

Let's look at some examples.

The first command searches for files with the phrase hansen and pipes the output to grep, which filters for lines containing sargent

In [65]:
!locate hansen | grep sargent


Let's do the same but print only the first 5 hits

In [66]:
!locate hansen | grep sargent | head -5


As an exercise, let's see how many Python files I have in /home/john/.

In [67]:
!find ~ -name "*.py" | wc -l


Here wc is a program that counts words, lines or characters, and -l requests the number of lines

Let's see if any Python files in my papers directory contain the phrase bellman_operator. To do this we'll use xargs, which sends a list of files or similar consecutively to the filter on its right.

In [68]:
!find /home/john/sync_dir/papers -name "*.py" | xargs grep bellman_operator

/home/john/sync_dir/papers/policy_iteration/programs/Python/ bellman_operator(m, V, use_bisection=False):
/home/john/sync_dir/papers/policy_iteration/programs/Python/    V, c = bellman_operator(m, V)  
/home/john/sync_dir/papers/policy_iteration/programs/Python/        V, c = bellman_operator(m, V)  
/home/john/sync_dir/papers/policy_iteration/programs/Python/    V, c = bellman_operator(m, V)  

Final Comments

One useful trick with bash and zsh is that CTRL-R implements backwards search through command history. Thus we can recall an earlier command like

mupdf sync_dir/work/referee_reports/JET/JET-D-15-xxx/JET-D-15-xxR1.pdf

by typing CTRL-R and then JET or similar

Another comment is that file names starting with . are hidden by default. To view them use ls -a

In [69]:
cd ~


In [70]:

anaconda3/  Desktop/    sync_dir/  terminator.png
backups/    Downloads/  temp/      terminator.xcf
bin/        Music/      temp_dir/  versioned_dotfiles/

In [71]:
ls -a

./                     .ipynb_checkpoints/        .tmux.conf@
../                    .ipython/                  versioned_dotfiles/
.adobe/                .julia/                    .vim/
anaconda3/             .julia_history             .viminfo
.aws/                  .jupyter/                  .vimrc@
backups/               .latexmkrc@                .Xauthority
.bash_history          .local/                    .Xdefaults
.bash_logout           .macromedia/               .xfigrc
.bashrc@               .mozilla/                  .xscreensaver
.bashrc-anaconda3.bak  Music/                     .xsession-errors
bin/                   .nano/                     .xsession-errors.old
.cache/                .pki/                      .zcompcache/
.config/               .profile@                  .zcompdump
.continuum/            .ptpython/                 .zcompdump.zwc
Desktop/               .python_history            .zhistory
.dmrc                  .ssh/                      .zlogin@
Downloads/             .sudo_as_admin_successful  .zlogout@
.gconf/                sync_dir/                  .zprezto/
.gimp-2.8/             temp/                      .zpreztorc@
.gitconfig             temp_dir/                  .zprofile@
.gnome/                terminator.png             .zshenv@
.hplip/                terminator.xcf             .zshrc@
.ICEauthority          .texmf-var/
.inputrc@              .thumbnails/

Another thing to note is that files have permissions associated with them, so your system can keep track of whether they are executable, who is allowed to read / write to them and so on. To view permissions use ls -l

In [ ]:
ls -l ~/bin

The permissions are the characters on the far left. Here x means executable, r is readable and w is writable, d is directory and l is link. To learn more about permissions try googling linux file permissions. To learn more about links google linux file links.

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