In [156]:
from IPython.display import HTML
HTML('''<script> code_show=true;
function code_toggle() {
if (code_show){ $('div.input').hide();
} else { $('div.input').show(); }
code_show = !code_show
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The raw code for this IPython notebook is by default hidden for easier reading.
To toggle on/off the raw code, click <a href="javascript:code_toggle()">here</a>.''')
In [10]:
cd ..
In [6]:
from datetime import datetime, date
In [7]:
from IPython.html.widgets import interact, interactive, fixed
In [8]:
%reload_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [92]:
from model import *
In [12]:
from cytoolz import sliding_window, count, pipe, thread_first
In [13]:
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib notebook
In [23]:
from bokeh.plotting import *
from bokeh.models import TapTool
In [18]:
rf1 = RiskFactor.from_blaze("data/db2.bcolz")
rfeurusd = CurrencyRiskFactor.from_blaze("data/eurusd.bcolz")
In [22]:
scenarios = rf1.fhs()
df = pd.DataFrame(scenarios, index=rf1.ts.index)
In [20]:
metric = VaR(99)
In [180]:
def setup_results(df):
results = pd.DataFrame({'neutral': df.icol(0),
'realized': df.shift(-1).icol(0)},
index=df.index )
return results
def quantile_results(results, df, level):
n_scenarios = len(df.columns) - 1
results['q_upper'] = df.icol(np.arange(1,n_scenarios+1)).apply(np.percentile, axis=1, q=level)
results['q_lower'] = df.icol(np.arange(1,n_scenarios+1)).apply(np.percentile, axis=1, q=100.-level)
results.eval('shortfall = q_lower - realized')
results.eval('shortfall_mid = shortfall * 0.5')
return results
def mark_outliers(df, level):
is_outlier = df.eval('(q_lower > realized)')
df.loc[is_outlier,'bad'] = df[is_outlier]['realized']
is_outlier = df.eval('q_upper < realized')
df.loc[is_outlier,'good'] = df[is_outlier]['realized']
n_outliers = pd.stats.moments.rolling_count(df.bad, 250)
df['outliers'] = n_outliers
m = VaR(level/100.)
stat = m.likelihood_statistic(n_outliers, 250)
df['lights'] = VaR.traffic_light(m.confidence(stat))
return df
In [181]:
def process_full(df, level=99, start='2010-01-01'):
df_restricted = df[df.index > start]
return thread_first(df_restricted,
(quantile_results, df_restricted, level),
(mark_outliers, level),
lambda x: x.ix[:-2])
In [182]:
def append_reverse(a, b):
return np.append(a, np.flipud(b))
def make_envelope_ds(df, coordinates='relative'):
""" construct data source """
src = ColumnDataSource()
d = df.index.tolist()
src.add(append_reverse(d,d), 'date')
return src
def update_envelope_ds(df, src, coordinates='relative'):
""" update data source """
factor = 0. if coordinates == 'absolute' else df.neutral
y = append_reverse((df.q_lower - factor).values,
(df.q_upper - factor).values)
src.add(y.tolist(), 'var')
src.add((df.good - factor).values, 'good')
src.add((df.bad - factor).values, 'bad')
src.add((df.realized - factor).values, 'realized')
return src
def make_outlier_ds(df):
src = ColumnDataSource()
src.add( df.index.tolist(), 'date')
return src
def update_outlier_ds(df, src):
src.add( df.outliers, 'outliers')
src.add( df.outliers * 0.5, 'outliers_mids')
colors = np.array(['green', 'yellow', 'red'])
src.add(colors[df.lights], 'lights')
return src
In [183]:
def make_envelope_plot(src):
p = figure(title="Backtesting outliers", plot_height=400, plot_width=900, x_axis_type="datetime")
p.patch('date', 'var', source=src, color='grey', fill_alpha=0.2)
p.line('date', 'realized', source=src, line_width=1, color='steelblue')
p.scatter(x='date', y='good', source=src, size=10, color='green', fill_alpha=0.2, )
p.scatter(x='date', y='bad', source=src, size=10, color='red', fill_alpha=0.2, )
return p
In [184]:
def make_outlier_plot(src, range_obj):
p = figure(plot_height=200, plot_width=900, x_axis_type="datetime", x_range=range_obj)
w = 20*60*60*1000 # half day in ms
p.rect(x="date", y='outliers_mids', width=w, height='outliers', color='lights', fill_alpha=0.3, source=src)
return p
In [185]:
df_res = process_full(df)
In [187]:
ds_envelope = make_envelope_ds(df_res)
ds_envelope = update_envelope_ds(df_res, ds_envelope)
In [190]:
ds_outliers = make_outlier_ds(df_res)
ds_outliers = update_outlier_ds(df_res, ds_outliers)
In [191]:
p = make_envelope_plot(ds_envelope)
p2 = make_outlier_plot(ds_outliers, p.x_range)
show(gridplot( [[p],[p2]]))
In [199]:
interact(update_confidence_level, confidence_level=(90, 99, 1));
interact(update_lambda, _lambda=(0.80, 0.99, 0.01));
In [197]:
def update_confidence_level(confidence_level=94, cfg=fixed(c)):
cfg['confidence_level'] = confidence_level
df_res = process_full(df, level=cfg['confidence_level'])
# print( df_res.tail())
ds = update_envelope_ds(df_res, cfg['src'])
ds_outliers = update_outlier_ds(df_res, cfg['src_out'])
# propagate changes to plot
In [198]:
def update_lambda(_lambda=0.94, cfg=fixed(c)):
cfg['l'] = 1. - _lambda
rf1.devol(_lambda=1. - _lambda)
df = pd.DataFrame(rf1.fhs(), index=rf1.ts.index)
cfg['df'] = df
df_res = process_full(df, level=cfg['confidence_level'])
ds = update_envelope_ds(df_res, cfg['src'])
ds_outliers = update_outlier_ds(df_res, cfg['src_out'])
# propagate changes to plot
In [196]:
# import collections
# Config = collections.namedtuple('Config', 'l confidence_level src df')
c = dict(confidence_level=99, l=0.94, src=ds_envelope, src_out=ds_outliers, df=df)
In [98]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [119]:
pos = pd.Panel({'eurusd': rfeurusd.ts, 'db': rf1.ts})
In [120]:
In [162]:
indexer = (pos.major_axis > to_dt( '2010-01-01')) & (pos.major_axis < to_dt( '2015-01-01'))
pp = pos.take(indexer, axis='major')
# pos.take( indexer, axis='major')
In [178]:
pos.iloc[:, indexer,:]