Testing for qnmfit and related classes

In [9]:
# Low-level import 
from numpy import array,loadtxt,linspace,zeros,exp,ones,unwrap,angle,pi
# Setup ipython environment
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib inline
# Import useful things from kerr
from kerr import qnmfit,rgb
# Import usefult things from nrutils
from nrutils import scsearch,gwylm,scbuild,jf14067295,Mf14067295
# Setup plotting backend
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['lines.linewidth'] = 0.8
mpl.rcParams['font.family'] = 'serif'
mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 12
mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 20
from matplotlib.pyplot import *

The autoreload extension is already loaded. To reload it, use:
  %reload_ext autoreload

Find a Simulation

In [177]:
# A = scsearch(keyword='hrq',verbose=True,unique=True,validate_remnant=True,q=1.2)
A = scsearch(keyword=('q18a0aM04c05v4_et05_2_T_80'),nonprecessing=True,verbose=True,unique=True,validate_remnant=True)
# A = scsearch(keyword='D11_q2.50_a-0.2_m200',verbose=True,unique=True,validate_remnant=True)
# for e in A:
#     e.mf,e.xf = Mf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2)),jf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2))

[scsearch]>> Found keyword (='q18a0aM04c05v4_et05_2_T_80') keyword.
[scsearch]>> Found nonprecessing (=True) keyword.
[scsearch]>> Found unique (=True) keyword.
[scsearch]>> Found validate_remnant (=True) keyword.
[scsearch]>> Found verbose (=True) keyword.
(scsearch)>> List of keywords or string keyword found: ALL scentry objects matching will be passed. To pass ANY entries matching the keywords, input the keywords using an iterable of not of type list.
## Found 1 unique simulations:
[0001][silures] BAM: 1chi0.40-saa-q18.00	(q18a0aM04c05v4_et05_2_T_80)

In [178]:
e = A[0]
print e.simdir()
print e.simname
print e.mf,e.xf
print Mf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2)),jf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2))
e.mf,e.xf = Mf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2)),jf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2))

0.899757623874 0.224200494264
0.994498750894 0.502071803042

In [181]:
a = A[0]
ll,mm = 2,1
Y = gwylm( a, lm=[ll,mm], clean=True, dt=0.5, verbose=True )
print a.mf,a.xf
a.mf,a.xf = Mf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2)),jf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2))
# Y.brute_masspin(apply_result=True)
# Y = gwylm( a, lm=[(ll,mm)], clean=True, dt=0.35 )

(gwylm)>> Found clean (=True) keyword.
(gwylm)>> Found dt (=0.5) keyword.
(gwylm)>> Found lm (=[2, 1]) keyword.
(gwylm)>> Found scentry_obj (=<nrutils.core.nrsc.scentry instance at 0x13c23a5f0>) keyword.
(gwylm)>> Found verbose (=True) keyword.
(gwylm)>> The (extraction_parameter,level) is (2,5), which differs from the config values of (5,5). You have either manually input the non-config values, or the handler has set them by looking at the contents of the simulation directory. 
(gwylm!)>> The l=m=2 multipole will be loaded in order to determine important characteristice of all modes such as noise floor and junk radiation location.
(__make_lmlist__)>> The following spherical multipoles will be loaded:[(2, 1), (2, 2)]
(load)>> Loading: psi3col.r2.l5.l2.m1.gz
[ 0.  0.  0.]
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-181-22900deeb0ec> in <module>()
      1 a = A[0]
      2 ll,mm = 2,1
----> 3 Y = gwylm( a, lm=[ll,mm], clean=True, dt=0.5, verbose=True )
      4 print a.mf,a.xf
      5 a.mf,a.xf = Mf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2)),jf14067295(e.m1,e.m2,e.S1[-1]/(e.m1**2),e.S2[-1]/(e.m2**2))

/Users/book/JOKI/Libs/KOALA/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in __init__(this, scentry_obj, lm, lmax, dt, load, clean, extraction_parameter, level, w22, lowpass, calcstrain, verbose)
   1726         # Load the waveform data
-> 1727         if load==True: this.__load__(lmax=lmax,lm=lm,dt=dt)
   1729         # Characterize the waveform's start and store related information to this.preinspiral

/Users/book/JOKI/Libs/KOALA/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in __load__(this, lmax, lm, extraction_parameter, level, dt, verbose)
   1880         # Load all values in __lmlist__
   1881         for lm in this.__lmlist__:
-> 1882             this.load(lm=lm,dt=dt,extraction_parameter=extraction_parameter,level=level,verbose=verbose)
   1884         # Ensuer that all modes are the same length

/Users/book/JOKI/Libs/KOALA/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in load(this, lm, file_location, dt, extraction_parameter, level, output, verbose)
   2030             #
-> 2031             y_ = mkgwf(wfarr)
   2033             # ---------------------------------------------------- #

/Users/book/JOKI/Libs/KOALA/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in mkgwf(wfarr_)
   2026                             label = this.label,
   2027                             ref_scentry = this.__scentry__,
-> 2028                             kind='$rM\psi_{%i%i}$'%(l,m) )
   2030             #

/Users/book/JOKI/Libs/KOALA/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/nrsc.pyc in __init__(this, wfarr, dt, ref_scentry, l, m, extraction_parameter, kind, friend, mf, xf, m1, m2, label, preinspiral, postringdown, verbose)
    892         # Fix nans, nonmonotinicities and jumps in time series waveform array
--> 893         wfarr = straighten_wfarr( wfarr, verbose=this.verbose )
    895         # use the raw waveform data to define all fields

/Users/book/JOKI/Libs/KOALA/nrutils_dev/nrutils/core/basics.py in straighten_wfarr(wfarr, verbose)
   1835     print wfarr.shape
   1836     print wfarr
-> 1837     finite_mask = isfinite( sum( wfarr, 1 ) )
   1838     if sum(finite_mask)!=len(finite_mask):
   1839         if verbose: alert('Non-finite values found in waveform array. Corresponding rows will be removed.',thisfun)

/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/fromnumeric.pyc in sum(a, axis, dtype, out, keepdims)
   1838     else:
   1839         return _methods._sum(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype,
-> 1840                              out=out, keepdims=keepdims)

/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/_methods.pyc in _sum(a, axis, dtype, out, keepdims)
     31 def _sum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False):
---> 32     return umr_sum(a, axis, dtype, out, keepdims)
     34 def _prod(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None, keepdims=False):

ValueError: 'axis' entry is out of bounds

In [ ]:
ax,fig = Y.lm[ll,mm]['strain'].plot(domain='freq')
# ax[0].set_xlim([2620,2780])
# ax[0].set_yscale('log')
# ax[0].set_ylim([1e-4,0.1])
# from kerr import leaver
for a in ax:
    a.axvline( leaver(Y.xf,2,2,Mf=Y.mf)[0].real/(2*pi),color='r',linestyle='--', label='(2,2)' )
    a.axvline( leaver(Y.xf,3,3,Mf=Y.mf)[0].real/(2*pi),color='b',linestyle='--', label='(3,3)' )
    a.axvline( leaver(Y.xf,4,4,Mf=Y.mf)[0].real/(2*pi),color='g',linestyle='--', label='(4,4)' )
    a.axvline( leaver(Y.xf,5,5,Mf=Y.mf)[0].real/(2*pi),color='m',linestyle='--', label='(5,5)' )
ax[0].legend(frameon=False,loc='upper left')

In [ ]:

hh = Y.lm[2,2]['strain']
# print h.intrp_t_amp_max

ff = Y.lm[2,2]['news']
print hh.intrp_t_amp_max-ff.intrp_t_amp_max

Try to fit the ringdown using the qnmfit class

In [ ]:
dtfh = hh.intrp_t_amp_max-ff.intrp_t_amp_max
y = Y.ringdown(T0=20,T1=None,use_peak_strain=not True,verbose=True)

# print Y.xf,Y.mf
g = y.lm[ll,mm]['psi4']

f = qnmfit( g, verbose=True, greedy=True, prange=None )
# f.plot_beta_arr()

# print f.homez
print abs(f.iamap[f.homez])
print f.xf
print f.homez


In [ ]: