First, we are implementng a powerlaw parameterization for planet radius and perido/insolation using the PyStan No Uturn MCMC sampler, in order to calculate occurrence rates based off of work by Chris Burke and the open science blog post by Dan Foreman-Mackey: The original exopop.ipynb from Dan Foreman-Mackey, is found at, and the accompanying blog post is at Some parts of this code were developed at the exoplanet population hackathon by Ravi and Joe Catanzarite.
8/15/2016 This PyStan model version uses pre-computed completeness as input, for testing and developement.
In [227]:
# Intialize
# Had to put __future__ before other imports
from __future__ import division, print_function
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 100
rcParams["font.size"] = 20
import os
import requests
import pandas as pd
from cStringIO import StringIO
# The following commands are for use in the notebook environment
# Comment them out if this code is to be run in a python or ipython shell
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = "retina"
In [228]:
# This function downloads and caches a dataset from the exoplanet archive
# into a pandas frame
def get_catalog(name, basepath="data"):
fn = os.path.join(basepath, "{0}.h5".format(name))
if os.path.exists(fn):
return pd.read_hdf(fn, name)
if not os.path.exists(basepath):
print("Downloading {0}...".format(name))
url = (""
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code !=
fh = StringIO(r.content)
df = pd.read_csv(fh)
df.to_hdf(fn, name, format="t")
return df
In [229]:
# Get the stellar catalog and make selection cuts
import numpy as np
#!!!!! Q1-Q17 DR 24 (9.2 pipeline)
stlr = get_catalog("q1_q17_dr24_stellar")
#!!!!! Q1-Q16 (9.1 pipeline)
# stlr = get_catalog("q1_q16_stellar")
# !!!!! Select G dwarfs.
# m = (5300 <= stlr.teff) & (stlr.teff <= 6000)
# !!!!! Select K dwarfs.
m = (3900 <= stlr.teff) & (stlr.teff <= 5300)
# !!!!! Select M dwarfs.
# m = (2400 <= stlr.teff) & (stlr.teff <= 3900)
# stellar radius cut
#m &= stlr.radius <= 1.15
# Only include stars with sufficient data coverage:
# Minimum dataspan of 2 years
m &= stlr.dataspan > 365.25*2.
# Minimum dutycycle of 1/2
m &= stlr.dutycycle > 0.50
# Minimum data coverage of 2 years
m &= stlr.dutycycle*stlr.dataspan > 365.25*2.
# minimum rms cdpp at 7.5 hour pulse
#m &= stlr.rrmscdpp07p5 <= 1000.
# Only select stars with mass estimates.
m &= np.isfinite(stlr.mass)
# put selected data into pandas data frame
base_stlr = pd.DataFrame(stlr)
stlr = pd.DataFrame(stlr[m])
print("Selected {0} targets after cuts".format(len(stlr)))
In [230]:
# Plot an HR diagram of the selected targets
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
pl.plot(base_stlr.teff, base_stlr.logg, ".k", ms=3, alpha=0.5)
pl.plot(stlr.teff, stlr.logg, ".r", ms=3, alpha=0.5)
pl.xlim(9500, 2500)
pl.ylim(5.5, 3)
pl.ylabel("$\log g$");
In [231]:
# !!!!! Get the planet catalog and make selection cuts
# !!!!! Q1-Q17 DR24 (9.2 pipeline)
kois = get_catalog("q1_q17_dr24_koi")
# !!!!! Q1-Q16 planet catalog (9.1 pipeline)
# kois = get_catalog("q1_q16_koi")
# Set insolation and planet radius ranges
# period_rng = (20, 320)
rp_rng = (0.75, 2.5)
insolation_rng = (0.2, 20)
# Join on the stellar list.
kois = pd.merge(kois, stlr[["kepid"]], on="kepid", how="inner")
# Only select the KOIs in the relevant part of parameter space.
m = kois.koi_pdisposition == "CANDIDATE"
base_kois = pd.DataFrame(kois[m])
# Select insolation range instead of period range
m &= (insolation_rng[0] <= kois.koi_insol) & (kois.koi_insol <= insolation_rng[1])
# m &= (period_rng[0] <= kois.koi_period) & (kois.koi_period <= period_rng[1])
m &= np.isfinite(kois.koi_prad) & (rp_rng[0] <= kois.koi_prad) & (kois.koi_prad <= rp_rng[1])
# !!!!! Only include PCs with MES > 15 for 9.2 (Q1-Q17 Dr24)
m &= kois.koi_max_mult_ev > 15
# !!!!! Comment out above statement for 9.1 (Q1-Q16) -- Note all max_mult_ev seem to be NaNs anyyway
# Panda data frame for selected kois
# Note that kois now contains only the selected planet candidates
kois = pd.DataFrame(kois[m])
#print("min insolation = {0} ".format(np.min((kois.koi_insol))))
#print("max insolation = {0} ".format(np.max((kois.koi_insol))))
#print("min period = {0} ".format(np.min(kois.koi_period)))
#print("max period = {0} ".format(np.max(kois.koi_period)))
#print("Selected {0} KOIs after cuts".format(len(kois)))
In [232]:
# Plot the measurements with error bars, in insolation-radius parameter space
yerr = np.abs(np.array(base_kois[["koi_prad_err2", "koi_prad_err1"]])).T
pl.errorbar(base_kois.koi_insol, base_kois.koi_prad, yerr=yerr, fmt=".k", ms=4,
capsize=0, alpha=0.3)
pl.plot(kois.koi_insol, kois.koi_prad, ".k", ms=6)
pl.fill_between(insolation_rng, [rp_rng[1], rp_rng[1]], [rp_rng[0], rp_rng[0]], color="r", alpha=0.2)
pl.xlim(insolation_rng + 0.1 * np.array([-1, 1]))
pl.ylim(rp_rng + 0.5 * np.array([-1, 1]))
pl.xlabel("insolation [Earth units]")
pl.ylabel("$R_p \, [R_\oplus]$");
In [233]:
# Completeness model helper functions (radius and orbital period)
from scipy.stats import gamma
def get_duration(period, aor, e):
Equation (1) from Burke et al. This estimates the transit
duration in the same units as the input period. There is a
typo in the paper (24/4 = 6 != 4).
:param period: the period in any units of your choosing
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param e: the eccentricity of the orbit
return 0.25 * period * np.sqrt(1 - e**2) / aor
def get_a(period, mstar, Go4pi=2945.4625385377644/(4*np.pi*np.pi)):
Compute the semi-major axis of an orbit in Solar radii.
:param period: the period in days
:param mstar: the stellar mass in Solar masses
return (Go4pi*period*period*mstar) ** (1./3)
def get_delta(k, c=1.0874, s=1.0187):
Estimate the approximate expected transit depth as a function
of radius ratio. There might be a typo here. In the paper it
uses c + s*k but in the public code, it is c - s*k:
:param k: the dimensionless radius ratio between the planet and
the star
delta_max = k*k * (c + s*k)
# !!!!! For Q1-Q16 (9.1 pipeline) DFM used a multiplier 0f 0.84 instead of 1.0 in the equation below
# return 0.84*delta_max
# !!!!! for Q1-Q17 DR24 (9.2 pipeline), use a multiplier of 1 ????? Ask Chris
return 1.0* delta_max
# 14 pulse durations
cdpp_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("rrmscdpp")]
cdpp_vals = np.array([k[-4:].replace("p", ".") for k in cdpp_cols], dtype=float)
def get_mes(star, period, rp, tau, re=0.009171):
Estimate the multiple event statistic value for a transit.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param tau: the transit duration in hours
# Interpolate the RMS CDPP corresponding to the transit duration.
cdpp = np.array(star[cdpp_cols], dtype=float)
sigma = np.interp(tau, cdpp_vals, cdpp)
# Compute the radius ratio and estimate the S/N.
k = rp * re / star.radius
snr = get_delta(k) * 1e6 / sigma
# Scale by the estimated number of transits.
ntrn = star.dataspan * star.dutycycle / period
return snr * np.sqrt(ntrn)
# Pre-compute and freeze the gamma function from Equation (5) in
# Burke et al.
# !!!!! Q1-Q16 (9.1 pipeline): DFM used the parameters below
# pgam = gamma(4.65, loc=0., scale=0.98)
# !!!!! But the parameters for FGK are (4.35, 0, 1.05) according to astro-ph 1507.05097 (Christiansen)
# pgam = gamma(4.35, loc=0., scale=1.05)
# !!!!! Parameters for 9.2 pipeline Q1-Q17 DR24 are from Jessie Christiansen
# !!!!! Note that these parameters do not apply to M stars!
pgam = gamma(103.0113, loc=0., scale=0.10583)
# mesthres_cols are column names for the 14 pulse durations
mesthres_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("mesthres")]
# pulse_durations_obs are the 14 pulse durations
pulse_durations_obs = np.array([k[-4:].replace("p", ".") for k in mesthres_cols],
def get_pdet(star, aor, period, rp, e):
Equation (5) from Burke et al. Estimate the detection efficiency
for a transit.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param e: the orbital eccentricity
# mest is the interpolated MES threshold corresponding to the transit duration
# tau is the pulse duration
# pulse_durations_obs are the 14 pulse durations
# np.array(star[mesthres_cols],dtype=float) are the coresponding MES thresholds
tau = get_duration(period, aor, e) * 24.
mes = get_mes(star, period, rp, tau)
mest = np.interp(tau, pulse_durations_obs,
x = mes - 4.1 - (mest - 7.1)
# !!!!! DFM originally used no multiplier in the equation below;
# The multiplier of 0.78442 must be a 'plateau factor' from Jessie, for 9.2
# for the 9.2 Q1-Q17 DR24 data, provided by Jessie
return 0.78442*pgam.cdf(x)
# !!!!! For the 9.1 data
# return pgam.cdf(x)
def get_pwin(star, period):
Equation (6) from Burke et al. Estimates the window function
using a binomial distribution.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties
:param period: the period in days
M = star.dataspan / period
f = star.dutycycle
omf = 1.0 - f
pw = 1 - omf**M - M*f*omf**(M-1) - 0.5*M*(M-1)*f*f*omf**(M-2)
msk = (pw >= 0.0) * (M >= 2.0)
return pw * msk
def get_pgeom(aor, e):
The geometric transit probability.
See e.g. Kipping (2014) for the eccentricity factor
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param e: the orbital eccentricity
return 1. / (aor * (1 - e*e)) * (aor > 1.0)
In [234]:
#%% This cell contains functions and code for calculating completeness in the
# parameter space of [ insolation , planet radius ]
def get_completeness(star, period, rp, e, with_geom=True):
A helper function to combine all the completeness effects.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties (each row is for one star)
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param e: the orbital eccentricity
:param with_geom: include the geometric transit probability?
aor = get_a(period, star.mass) / star.radius
pdet = get_pdet(star, aor, period, rp, e)
pwin = get_pwin(star, period)
if not with_geom:
return pdet * pwin
pgeom = get_pgeom(aor, e)
return pdet * pwin * pgeom
# Construct grid for planet radius
rp2 = np.linspace(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1], 61)
# Construct grid for insolation
insolation = np.linspace(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1], 57)
#insolation_grid, rp_grid2 = np.meshgrid(insolation, rp2, indexing="xy")
insolation_grid, rp_grid2 = np.meshgrid(insolation, rp2, indexing="ij")
#def get_completeness_from_insolation(star, rp_grid2, insolation_grid, e, with_geom=True):
def get_completeness_from_insolation(star, insolation_grid, rp_grid2, e, with_geom=True):
# compute the periods corresponding to an insolation grid
insolation = insolation_grid
period_grid = get_period_from_insolation( star , insolation )
# completeness
completeness = get_completeness(star, period_grid, rp_grid2, e, with_geom=True)
return completeness
# Add a function to compute insolation on the period grid, for a given star
def get_insolation_from_period( star , period ):
# Get needed stellar parameters
teffStar = star.teff
teffSun = 5777
rStar = star.radius
mStar = star.mass
# Semimajor axis of planet in AU
aPlanet = mStar**(1.0/3.0) * (period/365.25)**(2.0/3.0)
# Compute insolation
insolation = (teffStar/teffSun)**4*(rStar/1)**2*(1/aPlanet)**2
return insolation
def get_period_from_insolation( star , insolation ):
# Get needed stellar parameters
teffStar = star.teff
teffSun = 5777
rStar = star.radius
mStar = star.mass
# Get semimajor axis from star properties and insolation, using
# insolation = ( teffStar / teffSun )**4 * ( rStar / 1)**2 * ( 1 / aPlanet )**2
aPlanet = ( ( teffStar / teffSun )**4 * ( rStar / 1)**2 / insolation )**(0.5)
# Get orbit period in days from semimajor axis of planet in AU and start properties, using
# aPlanet = mStar**(1.0/3.0) * (period/365.25)**(2.0/3.0)
period = 365.25 * ( aPlanet/( mStar**(1.0/3.0) ) )**(3.0/2.0)
return period
In [235]:
# Test: compute completeness grid in [ insolation , planet radius ]
# parameter space for the first star in the catalog
# new_completeness_grid_single_star = get_completeness_from_insolation(stlr.iloc[0], insolation_grid, rp_grid2, 0.0, with_geom=True)
# Marginalize detection contours over all selected targets
# including the geometric factor. This takes a few minutes.
new_completeness = np.zeros_like(insolation_grid)
for _, star in stlr.iterrows():
new_completeness += get_completeness_from_insolation(star, insolation_grid, rp_grid2, 0.0, with_geom=True)
#new_completeness += get_completeness_from_insolation(star, rp_grid2, insolation_grid, 0.0, with_geom=True)
In [236]:
# Reproducing Figure 1 from Burke paper, which is the
# completeness contour (not including geometric effect) for an example target
# Repeating for new insolation completeness.
# Choose the first star
# star = stlr[stlr.kepid == 10593626].iloc[0]
# First M star
#star = stlr[stlr.kepid == 10031707].iloc[0]
star = stlr[stlr.kepid == stlr.kepid.iloc[0]].iloc[0]
# Compute the completeness map on a grid.
X, Y = insolation_grid, rp_grid2,
Z = get_completeness_from_insolation(star, X, Y, 0.0, with_geom=False)
# Plot with the same contour levels as the figure. Add some contours at low end of completeness.
c = pl.contour(X, Y, Z, [0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99], colors="k")
pl.clabel(c, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt="%.4f")
pl.xlabel("insolation [Earth units]")
pl.ylabel("$R_p \, [R_\oplus]$")
pl.title("det. eff. for KIC {0}".format(np.min(stlr.kepid.iloc[0])));
In [237]:
# Plot the average new_completeness contour (radius-insolation)
# Include the geometric effect
pl.pcolor(insolation_grid, rp_grid2, new_completeness, cmap="Blues")
c = pl.contour(insolation_grid, rp_grid2, new_completeness / len(stlr),
colors="k", alpha=0.8)
pl.clabel(c, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt="%.3f")
pl.title("mean pipeline detection efficiency")
pl.xlabel("insolation [Earth units]")
pl.ylabel("$R_p \, [R_\oplus]$");
In [238]:
# Population inference with an independent power law model
# Using modified code above that computes
# completeness in the parameter space of [ insolation , planet radius ],
# A double power law model for the population.
def population_model_insolation(theta, insolation, rp):
# Parameters
# lnf0 is normalization,
# beta is exponent of insolation power law,
# alpha is exponent of radius power law
lnf0, beta, alpha = theta
v = np.exp(lnf0) * np.ones_like(insolation)
for x, rng, n in zip((insolation, rp),
(insolation_rng, rp_rng),
(beta, alpha)):
n1 = n + 1
v *= x**n*n1 / (rng[1]**n1-rng[0]**n1)
return v
# The ln-likelihood function given at the top of this post.
# change to insolation from planet catalog
# Insolation and radius for planets in catalog
# koi_periods = np.array(kois.koi_period)
koi_insolation = np.array(kois.koi_insol)
koi_rps = np.array(kois.koi_prad)
# Parameter space volume in each bin of [insolation, radius] grid
# Note the bins are not uniformly spaced in insolation
vol = np.diff(insolation_grid, axis=0)[:, :-1] * np.diff(rp_grid2, axis=1)[:-1, :]
def lnlike(theta):
pop = population_model_insolation(theta, insolation_grid, rp_grid2) * new_completeness
pop = 0.5 * (pop[:-1, :-1] + pop[1:, 1:])
norm = np.sum(pop * vol)
ll = np.sum(np.log(population_model_insolation(theta, koi_insolation, koi_rps))) - norm
return ll if np.isfinite(ll) else -np.inf
# The ln-probability function is just proportional to the ln-likelihood
# since we're assuming uniform priors.
bounds = [(-5, 5), (-5, 5), (-5, 5)]
def lnprob(theta):
# Broad uniform priors.
for t, rng in zip(theta, bounds):
if not rng[0] < t < rng[1]:
return -np.inf
return lnlike(theta)
# The negative ln-likelihood is useful for optimization.
# Optimizers want to *minimize* your function.
def nll(theta):
ll = lnlike(theta)
return -ll if np.isfinite(ll) else 1e15
In [239]:
# Maximum likelihood solution by minimizing negative log-likelihood
from scipy.optimize import minimize
# Initial guess for logF, beta, and alpha
theta_0 = np.array([1, 0.66, -1.5])
r = minimize(nll, theta_0, method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds)
# r.x is the vector of parameters (logF, beta, and alpha) from the maximum likelihood solution
In [240]:
# Plot the maximum likelihood solution
# We'll reuse these functions to plot all of our results.
# This function plots the density of samples of a double power law,
# as a function of the x0 input, marginalized over the y input
def make_plot(pop_comp, x0, x, y, ax):
# pop_comp is a two-dimensional array of completeness values
# pop_comp.shape is 57(insolation) x 61(radius)
# x0 is: bin edges of second variable (radius), for model fitting
# x is rebinning of x0 into a coarser grid for the plots
# y is: bin edges of first variable (insolation), for model fitting
# Mid-bin values of the 2D array pop_comp, along the first dimension -- insolation
pop = 0.5 * (pop_comp[:, 1:] + pop_comp[:, :-1])
# on first call, pop is 56 x 61
# Integrate completeness over the first variable, y, insolation
# np.diff(y)[None, :, None] is the parameter space interval in y
pop = np.sum(pop * np.diff(y)[None, :, None], axis=1)
# After above command, pop is 1D, collapsed onto the radius dimension
# Credible regions in x: radius
# x is used only to get the parameter space interval dx in radius for the plot
# Note: Assumes bin spacing np.diff(x) is uniform
a, b, c, d, e = np.percentile(pop * np.diff(x)[0], [2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], axis=0)
# print(c)
ax.fill_between(x0, a, e, color="k", alpha=0.1, edgecolor="none")
ax.fill_between(x0, b, d, color="k", alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none")
# c is the median value of the distribution over
ax.plot(x0, c, "k", lw=1)
def plot_results(samples):
# Loop through the samples and compute the list of population models.
samples = np.atleast_2d(samples)
# print(samples.shape)
# print(len(samples))
# len(samples) is the length of the MCMC chain
pop = np.empty((len(samples), insolation_grid.shape[0], insolation_grid.shape[1]))
gamma_earth = np.empty((len(samples)))
for i, p in enumerate(samples):
# insolation_grid and rp_grid2 are meshgrids, 57x61
# print(p)
# print(rp_grid2.shape)
# print(insolation_grid.shape)
# print(i)
# power law planet density on insolation, radius grid
pop[i] = population_model_insolation(p, insolation_grid, rp_grid2)
# planet density at the point corresponding to earth (insolation = 1 and radius = 1)
gamma_earth[i] = population_model_insolation(p, 1.0, 1.0) * 1.0
# print(gamma_earth[i])
# Set up 4x4 grid of plots
fig, axes = pl.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
# Histogram of planet radius over a new grid
# Using a coarser grid for the plot
dx = 5*(rp2[1] - rp2[0])
x = np.arange(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1] + dx, dx)
n, _ = np.histogram(koi_rps, x)
# Plot the predicted radius distribution against the observed radius distribution
ax = axes[0, 0]
# Predicted radius distribution
# rp2 is of length 61
# nsolation is of length 57
# pop is 57 x 61 -- so it's insolation x radius
# new_completeness is 1 x 57 x 61
make_plot(pop * new_completeness[None, :, :], rp2, x, insolation, ax)
# Observed radius distribution, with Poisson errors
ax.errorbar(0.5*(x[:-1]+x[1:]), n, yerr=np.sqrt(n), fmt=".k",
ax.set_xlim(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1])
ax.set_ylabel("# of detected planets")
# Plot the true radius distribution.
ax = axes[0, 1]
make_plot(pop, rp2, x, insolation, ax)
ax.set_xlim(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1])
# ax.set_ylim(0, 0.37)
ax.set_ylabel("$\mathrm{d}N / \mathrm{d}R$; $\Delta R = 0.25\,R_\oplus$")
# Histogram of insolation over a new grid.
# Using a coarser grid for the plot
dx = 5*(insolation[1] - insolation[0])
x = np.arange(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1] + dx, dx)
n, _ = np.histogram(koi_insolation, x)
# Plot the predicted insolation distribution against the observed insolation distribution
ax = axes[1, 0]
# Predicted insolation distribution
make_plot(np.swapaxes(pop * new_completeness[None, :, :], 1, 2), insolation, x, rp2, ax)
# Observed insolation distribution, with Poisson errors
ax.errorbar(0.5*(x[:-1]+x[1:]), n, yerr=np.sqrt(n), fmt=".k",
# ax.set_xlim(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1])
ax.set_xlim(0.5, insolation_rng[1])
ax.set_ylim(0, 25)
ax.set_xlabel("insolation, [Earth units]")
ax.set_ylabel("# of detected planets")
# Plot the true insolation distribution.
ax = axes[1, 1]
make_plot(np.swapaxes(pop, 1, 2), insolation, x, rp2, ax)
ax.set_xlim(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1])
ax.set_xlabel("insolation, [Earth units]")
ax.set_ylabel("$\mathrm{d}N / \mathrm{d}I$; $\Delta I = $")
return gamma_earth
In [241]:
# This line calls all the plotting machinery above, and returns the maximum likelihood value of gamma_earth
# Note that r.x is the set of parameters [ lnf0, beta, alpha ] returned by the maximum likelihood fit
# Or, try your own values for the parameters
# thetaTry = np.array([.01, -1.2, -1.1])
# print(plot_results(thetaTry));
In [242]:
# Sample from the posterior probability distribution for the population parameters using emcee
import emcee
ndim, nwalkers = len(r.x), 16
pos = [r.x + 1e-5 * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)]
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob)
# Burn in.
pos, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 1000)
# Production.
pos, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 4000)
In [243]:
# Triangle plot of PDFs using DFMs corner package
import corner
corner.corner(sampler.flatchain, labels=[r"$\ln F$", r"$\beta$", r"$\alpha$"]);
In [244]:
# Plot marginalized posteriors of N and dN/dR
# For Rp, marginalize over P
# For P, marginalize over Rp
# For N, plot also the data and the error bars
# Problem -- plotting all the chains maxes out my PCs memory.
# Solution -- plot only the last 4000 chains
gamma_earth = plot_results(sampler.flatchain[60000:63999,:])
In [245]:
# Plot the PDF of gamma_earth
pl.hist(np.log10(gamma_earth), 50, histtype="step", color="k")
pl.title("the rate of Earth analogs")
pl.xlabel(r"$\log_{10}\Gamma_\oplus $");
#pl.xlabel(r"$\log_{10}\Gamma_\oplus = \left. \log_{10}\mathrm{d}^2 N / \mathrm{d} Insolation \, \mathrm{d} R_p \right |_\oplus$");
In [246]:
# Integrate the planet density over a given range in insolation and radius
# to get the exoplanet occurrence rate predicted by the power law in that region
def integrated_gamma(theta,insolation1,insolation2,radius1,radius2):
lnf0, beta, alpha = theta
# Parameter Space Boundaries for our model
insol_rng = (0.2, 20)
radius_rng = (0.75, 2.5)
# Compute exoplanet occurrence rate integrated over chosen region of [ insolation , radius] parameter space
integral_over_insolation = (insolation2**(beta + 1) - insolation1**(beta + 1))/(insol_rng[1]**(beta + 1) - insol_rng[0]**(beta + 1))
integral_over_radius = (radius2**(alpha + 1) - radius1**(alpha + 1))/(radius_rng[1]**(alpha + 1) - radius_rng[0]**(alpha + 1))
eta = integral_over_insolation*integral_over_radius*np.exp(lnf0)
return eta
#%% Compute and plot the posterior PDF for the exoplanet occurence rate in a
# desired region of period, radius parameter space
# Initialize
int_gamma_samples = np.empty(len(sampler.flatchain))
# !!!!! Choose insolation limits according to stellar type
# Select G dwarfs
# insolation1 = 0.295
# insolation2 = 1.824
# Select K dwarfs
insolation1 = 0.235
insolation2 = 1.681
# Select M dwarfs
# insolation1 = 0.205
# insolation2 = 1.514
# !!!!! Choose radius limits
radius1 = 1.0
radius2 = 1.6
for i, theta in enumerate(sampler.flatchain):
int_gamma_samples[i] = integrated_gamma(theta,insolation1,insolation2,radius1,radius2)
# print result for this parameter space region
print("16, 50, 84 percentile range for integrated gamma = {0} ".format(np.percentile(int_gamma_samples,[16,50,84])))
# Plot the posterior of int gamma_samples over selected planet radius and period range
pl.hist(int_gamma_samples, 50, histtype="step", color="k")
pl.title("Integrated ocurrence rate over radius and insolation")
pl.xlabel(r"integrated $\Gamma$ in parameter space region [insolation1, insolation2, radius1, radius2] = {0}".format([insolation1,insolation2,radius1,radius2]));
# pl.xlabel(r"$\log_{10}\Gamma_\oplus = \left. \log_{10}\mathrm{d}N / \mathrm{d}\ln P \, \mathrm{d}\ln R_p \right |_\oplus$");
In [247]:
import pystan
import numpy as np
import gc
import matplotlib as plt
# Pre-compute some values to be used in the Stan model
# change to column major for PySta version (overwrite old version here)
insolation_grid, rp_grid2 = np.meshgrid(insolation, rp2, indexing="xy")
print(insolation_grid, rp_grid2)
# pre compute completeness for testing PyStan Model.
# Column names for RMS CDPP
cdpp_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("rrmscdpp")]
# Values of RMS CDPP corresponding the the 14 pulse durations for all selected stars (column)
#cdpp_obs = np.array(star[cdpp_cols], dtype=float) # <- for one row (one star) change star for stlr.
cdpp_obs_all = np.array(stlr[cdpp_cols], dtype=float)
# Values for the 14 pulse durations derived from the column names
pulse_durations_obs = np.array([k[-4:].replace("p", ".") for k in mesthres_cols],dtype=float)
nPulses = len(pulse_durations_obs)
# Column names for the 14 MES thresholds
mesthres_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("mesthres")]
# MES threshold values corresponding to the 14 pulse durations
mesthres_obs_all = np.array(stlr[mesthres_cols],dtype=float)
# mest <- np.interp(tau, pulse_durations_obs, mesthres_obs, dtype=float)
# x <- mes - 4.1 - (mest - 7.1);
# Period grid
period_rng = (20, 320)
period_grid = np.linspace(period_rng[0], period_rng[1], 57)
nPeriodGrid = len(period_grid)
# Planet radius grid
planet_radius_rng = (0.75, 2.5)
planet_radius_grid = np.linspace(planet_radius_rng[0], planet_radius_rng[1], 61)
nRadiusGrid = len(planet_radius_grid)
# Insolation grid
insolation_rng = (0.2, 20)
insolation_grid = np.linspace(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1], 57)
nInsolationGrid = len(insolation_grid)
# Make 2D meshgrids for bin edges.
planet_radius_grid_vol, insolation_grid_vol = np.meshgrid(planet_radius_grid, insolation_grid, indexing="xy")
# 2D grid of insolation-radius parameter space bin volumes at bin centers
vol = np.diff(insolation_grid_vol, axis=0)[:, :-1] * np.diff(planet_radius_grid_vol, axis=1)[:-1, :]
volShape = list(vol.shape)
# Stellar parameters (for all stars in the stellar catalog)
teffStar = stlr.teff
teffSun = 5777
rStar = stlr.radius
mStar = stlr.mass
# number of stars in the stellar catalog:
nStar = len(stlr)
# Insolation and radius for planets in the planet catalog
# koi_periods = np.array(kois.koi_period)
koi_insolation = np.array(kois.koi_insol)
koi_rps = np.array(kois.koi_prad)
# Number of planets selected from the KOI catalog
nKois = len(kois)
# Eccentricity is set to zero for now.
e = 0.0
# Dataspan is length of time between first and last observations of each star
star_dataspan = stlr.dataspan
# Dutycycle is the fraction of cadences with valid observations
star_dutycycle = stlr.dutycycle
# print(dataspan)
# print(dutycycle)
# print(koi_rps)
# Garbage collection
In [248]:
# Check that everything is there
In [255]:
from pystan import StanModel
stan_model_occ = """
functions {
// Interpolation Functions: these were copied from the Stan users group
int intFloor(int leftStart, int rightStart, real iReal) {
// This is absurd. Use bisection algorithm to find int floor.
int left;
int right;
// int mid; !!!!! But from below, it looks as though mid won't always be int!!!!!
int mid;
left <- leftStart;
right <- rightStart;
while((left + 1) < right) {
// int mid; -- moved this to the declarations block at the top
// print("left, right, mid, i, ", left, ", ", right, ", ", mid, ", ", iReal);
mid <- left + (right - left) / 2; // is this meant to be 2 (forcing integer division), or 2.?
if(iReal < mid) {
right <- mid;
else {
left <- mid;
return left;
// Interpolate arr using a non-integral index i
// Note: 1 <= i <= length(arr)
real interpolateLinear(real[] arr, real i) {
int iLeft;
real valLeft;
int iRight;
real valRight;
print("interpolating ", i);
// Get i, value at left. If exact time match, then return value.
iLeft <- intFloor(1, size(arr), i);
valLeft <- arr[iLeft];
if(iLeft == i) {
return valLeft;
// Get i, value at right.
iRight <- iLeft + 1;
valRight <- arr[iRight];
// Linearly interpolate between values at left and right.
return valLeft + (valRight - valLeft) * (i - iLeft);
real get_duration(real period, real aor, real e){
Equation (1) from Burke et al. This estimates the transit
duration in the same units as the input period. There is a
typo in the paper (24/4 = 6 != 4).
:param period: the period in any units of your choosing
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param e: the eccentricity of the orbit
//return 0.25 * period * sqrt(1 - exp(2)) / aor; !!!!! 7/5/2016 fixed typo !!!!!
return 0.25 * period * sqrt(1 - e^2) / aor;
real get_a(real period, real mstar) {
Compute the semi-major axis of an orbit in Solar radii.
:param period: the period in days
:param mstar: the stellar mass in Solar masses
real pi;
real Go4pi;
pi <- 3.14159265359;
Go4pi <- 2945.4625385377644/(4*pi*pi);
return (Go4pi*period*period*mstar) ^ (1.0/3.0);
real get_delta(real k) {
Estimate the approximate expected transit depth as a function
of radius ratio. There might be a typo here. In the paper it
uses c + s*k but in the public code, it is c - s*k:
:param k: the dimensionless radius ratio between the planet and
the star
real c;
real s;
real delta_max;
c <- 1.0874;
s <- 1.0187;
delta_max <- k*k * (c + s*k);
/* # !!!!! For Q1-Q16 (9.1 pipeline) DFM used a multiplier 0f 0.84 instead of 1.0 in the equation below
# return 0.84*delta_max
# !!!!! for Q1-Q17 DR24 (9.2 pipeline), use a multiplier of 1
return 1.0* delta_max;
real get_mes(real rStar, real star_dataspan, real star_dutycycle, real period, real rp, real tau, real[] pulse_durations_obs, real[] cdpp_table) {
Estimate the multiple event statistic value for a transit.
This function operates on one star at a time.
:param rStar: stellar properties
:param star_dataspan: stellar properties
:param star_dutycycle: stellar properties
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param tau: the transit duration in hours
:param sigma: the rms cdpp in ppm
This needs to eventually account for MES smearing effect / impact parameter.
real frac_index;
real sigma; // interpolated CDPP at pulse duration of this transit.
real re; // radius of the Earth
real k; // radius ratios
real snr;
real ntrn; // number of transits
int nPulses;
nPulses <- 14;
// Interpolate to the RMS CDPP corresponding to the transit duration.
// Fractional index for interpolation functions.
frac_index <- ((tau - pulse_durations_obs[1])/(pulse_durations_obs[14] - pulse_durations_obs[1])) * nPulses;
// sigma is estimated RMS CDPP in parts per million (ppm)
sigma <- interpolateLinear( cdpp_table, frac_index );
// Compute the radius ratio and estimate the S/N for a single transit
re <- 0.009171; //Stellar units
k <- rp * re / rStar; // planet to star radius ratio
// Signal to noise of a single transit at this target.
// Note transit depth is converted to ppm to be consistent with sigma
// TBD: snr needs to be corrected for impact parameter. Multiply by some scale factor to account
// for the expected impact parameter.
snr <- get_delta(k) * 1e6 / sigma;
// Scale by the estimated number of observed transits to estimate the MES
ntrn <- star_dataspan * star_dutycycle / period ;
return snr * sqrt(ntrn) ;
// TBD: import and use the numerical window function and the one-sigma depth function instead.
real get_pdet(real[] cdpp_table, real star_dataspan, real star_dutycycle, real rStar, real aor, real period, real rp, real e, real[] pulse_durations_obs, real[] mesthres_table) {
Equation (5) from Burke et al. Estimate the detection efficiency
for a transit at a given star.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties !!!!! not needed here
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param e: the eccentricity
:param pulse_durations_obs: a vector of 14 trial pulse durations
:param mesthres_table: a vector of 14 MES thresholds corresponding to the 14 trial pulse durations
:param cdpp_table: a vector of 14 MES thresholds corresponding to the 14 trial pulse durations
// tau is the transit duration in hours
real tau;
real mes;
real frac_index;
real mest;
real x;
tau <- get_duration(period, aor, e) * 24.;
// mes is the Multiple Event Statistic corresponding to this signal; it is like SNR
mes <- get_mes(rStar, star_dataspan, star_dutycycle, period, rp, tau, pulse_durations_obs, cdpp_table );
// Fractional index for interpolation functions.
frac_index <- ((tau - pulse_durations_obs[0])/(pulse_durations_obs[size(pulse_durations_obs)-1] - pulse_durations_obs[0])) * size(pulse_durations_obs);
// Interpolate MES threshold corresponding to transit duration
mest <- interpolateLinear( mesthres_table, frac_index );
// Argument for the gamma CDF model
x <- mes - 4.1 - (mest - 7.1);
/* # !!!!! DFM originally used no multiplier in the equation below;
# The multiplier of 0.78442 must be a 'plateau factor' from Jessie, for 9.2
# for the 9.2 Q1-Q17 DR24 data, provided by Jessie
return 0.78442*gamma_cdf(x,103.0113,0.10583);
real get_pwin(real star_dataspan, real star_dutycycle, real period) {
Equation (6) from Burke et al. Estimates the window function
using a binomial distribution.
This is over a specific scalar period (period_grid using the jth grid element),
and for a given star
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties
:param period: the period in days
real M; // dataspan divided by period
real f; // star dutycycle
real omf; //1 - star dutycycle
real pw; // probability of the window function
real msk; // mas to select the probability bigger than zero and data span greater than two years
M <- star_dataspan / period;
f <- star_dutycycle;
omf <- 1.0 - f;
pw <- 1 - omf^M - M*f*omf^(M-1) - 0.5*M*(M-1)*f*f*omf^(M-2);
msk <- (pw >= 0.0) * (M >= 2.0);
return pw * msk;
real get_pgeom(real aor, real e) {
The geometric transit probability.
See e.g. Kipping (2014) for the eccentricity factor
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param e: the orbital eccentricity
return 1. / (aor * (1 - e*e)) * (aor>1.0);
real[,] get_completeness(int nRadiusGrid, int nPeriodGrid, real[] mesthres_table, real[] pulse_durations_obs, real[] cdpp_table, real mStar, real rStar, real[] period_grid_0, real[] planet_radius_grid, real e, real star_dataspan, real star_dutycycle) {
A helper function to combine all the completeness effects for one star at a time.
The inputs are 1D period and radius grids here.
:param mStar: mass of star in solar units (one star)
:param rStar: radius of star in solar units (one star)
:param star_dataspan: length of observation data set in days (one star)
:param star_dutycycle: fraction of dataspan with valid data (one star)
:param period_grid: the period in days 1D grid (over set of periods for defined grid)
:param planet_radius_grid: the planet radius in Earth radii 1D grid (over set of radii for defined grid)
:param e: the orbital eccentricity (zero for now, over every planet)
real aor[nPeriodGrid];
real pdet[nRadiusGrid, nPeriodGrid];
real pwin[nPeriodGrid];
real pgeom[nPeriodGrid];
real completeness[nRadiusGrid, nPeriodGrid];
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid)
for (j in 1:nPeriodGrid) {
aor[j] <- get_a(period_grid_0[j], mStar) / rStar;
pdet[i,j] <- get_pdet(cdpp_table, star_dataspan, star_dutycycle, rStar, aor[j], period_grid_0[j], planet_radius_grid[i], e, pulse_durations_obs, mesthres_table);
pwin[j] <- get_pwin(star_dataspan, star_dutycycle, period_grid_0[j]);
pgeom[j] <- get_pgeom(aor[j], e);
completeness[i,j] <- pdet[i,j] * pwin[j] * pgeom[j];
return completeness;
real[] get_period_from_insolation(int nInsolationGrid, real teffStar , real teffSun, real rStar, real mStar, real[] insolation ) {
/* Convert 1D insolation grid to 1D period grid, given star properties
:param teffStar:
:param teffSun:
:param rStar:
:param mStar:
:param insolation:
Get semimajor axis from star properties and insolation, using
insolation <- ( teffStar / teffSun )^4 * ( rStar / 1.0)^2 * ( 1 / aPlanet )^2
Get orbit period in days from semimajor axis of planet in AU and start properties, using
aPlanet <- mStar^(1.0/3.0) * (period/365.25)^(2.0/3.0)
real aPlanet[nInsolationGrid];
real period[nInsolationGrid];
for (j in 1:nInsolationGrid) {
aPlanet[j] <- ( ( teffStar / teffSun )^4 * ( rStar / 1.0)^2 / insolation[j] )^(0.5);
// for (j in 1:nInsolationGrid)
period[j] <- 365.25 * ( aPlanet[j]/( mStar^(1.0/3.0) ) )^(3.0/2.0);
return period;
//real get_insolation_from_period( real teffStar , real teffSun, real rStar, real mStar, real period ) {
// /*
// :param teffStar:
// :param teffSun:
// :param rStar:
// :param mStar:
// :param period:
// Leaving this in here for now in order to adapt from insolation to period and vice versa.
// */
// real aPlanet;
// real insolation;
// // Semimajor axis of planet in AU
// aPlanet <- (mStar^(1.0/3.0)) * ((period/365.25)^(2.0/3.0));
// // Insolation
// insolation <- ((teffStar/teffSun)^4)*((rStar/1)^2)*((1/aPlanet)^2);
// return insolation;
// }
real[,] get_completeness_from_insolation(real star_dataspan, real star_dutycycle, real[] cdpp_table, real[] pulse_durations_obs, int nStar, int nRadiusGrid, int nInsolationGrid, real[] mesthres_table, real teffStar, real teffSun, real rStar, real mStar, real[] insolation_grid, real[] planet_radius_grid, real e) {
This function really means "Get completeness using the period computed from the
input 1D insolation grid.
nInsolationGrid equals nPeriodGrid by construction to minimize confusion etc.
:param teffStar:
:param teffSun:
:param rStar:
:param mStar:
:param insolation_grid:
:param planet_radius_grid:
:param e:
real completeness[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
real period_grid_0[nInsolationGrid];
period_grid_0 <- get_period_from_insolation(nInsolationGrid, teffStar, teffSun, rStar, mStar, insolation_grid);
completeness <- get_completeness(nRadiusGrid, nInsolationGrid, mesthres_table, pulse_durations_obs, cdpp_table, mStar, rStar, period_grid_0, planet_radius_grid, e, star_dataspan, star_dutycycle);
return completeness;
real[,] sum_completeness(real[,] mesthres_obs_all, real[,] cdpp_obs_all, real[] pulse_durations_obs, real[] star_dataspan, real[] star_dutycycle, int nStar, int nRadiusGrid, int nInsolationGrid, real[] teffStar, real teffSun, real[] rStar, real[] mStar, real[] insolation_grid, real[] planet_radius_grid, real e) {
/* Marginalize detection contours over all selected targets
including the geometric factor. This takes a few minutes.
This will be a time sink in Stan likely. Future work: figure
clever way to optimize this.
real sum_completeness_temp[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
real temp_completeness[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
real cdpp_table[14];
real mesthres_table[14];
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid)
for (j in 1:nInsolationGrid) {
sum_completeness_temp[i,j] <- 0.0;
for (k in 1:nStar) {
for (m in 1:14) {
cdpp_table[m] <- cdpp_obs_all[k,m];
mesthres_table[m] <- mesthres_obs_all[k,m];
temp_completeness <- get_completeness_from_insolation(star_dataspan[k], star_dutycycle[k], cdpp_table, pulse_durations_obs, nStar, nRadiusGrid, nInsolationGrid, mesthres_table, teffStar[k], teffSun, rStar[k], mStar[k], insolation_grid, planet_radius_grid, e);
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid)
for (j in 1:nInsolationGrid) {
sum_completeness_temp[i,j] <- sum_completeness_temp[i,j] + temp_completeness[i,j];
return sum_completeness_temp;
real[,] population_model_insolation(int nInsolationGrid, int nRadiusGrid,
real lnf0, real alpha, real beta, real[] insolation_grid, real[] planet_radius_grid,
real[] planet_radius_rng, real[] insolation_rng) {
/* Population inference with an independent power law model
Using modified code above that computes
completeness in the parameter space of [ insolation , planet radius ],
A double power law model for the population.
:param nInsolationGrid: size of insolation grid
:param nRadiusGrid: size of radius grid
:param lnf0: normalization,
:param beta: exponent of insolation power law,
:param alpha: exponent of radius power law
:param insolation_grid: //1D grid
:param planet_radius_grid: //1D grid
:param insolation_rng: // lower and upper boundary values of insolation grid
:param radius_rng: // lower and upper boundary values of radius grid
// Declare internal variables
real powerLawNumberDensity[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
// Loop over phase space bins, compute number density in each bin,
// from the power law using the input lnf0, alpha and beta parameters
// for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid)
// for (j in 1:nInsolationGrid) {
for (j in 1:nInsolationGrid)
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid) {
powerLawNumberDensity[i,j] <- ( exp( lnf0 ) * ( alpha+1 ) * ( beta+1 ) * ( planet_radius_grid[i]^alpha ) * ( insolation_grid[j]^beta ) ) / ( ( planet_radius_rng[2]^( alpha+1 ) - ( planet_radius_rng[1]^( alpha+1 ) ) ) * ( ( insolation_rng[2]^( beta+1 ) ) - ( insolation_rng[1]^( beta+1 ) ) ) );
return powerLawNumberDensity;
real lnlike(real alpha, real beta, real lnf0, int nKois, int nStar, real[] planet_radius_rng,
real[] insolation_rng, real[,] mesthres_obs_all, real[,] cdpp_obs_all, real[] pulse_durations_obs,
real[] star_dataspan, real[] star_dutycycle, real[,] vol, real[] insolation_grid, real[] planet_radius_grid,
real[] koi_insolation, real[] koi_rps, int nRadiusGrid, int nInsolationGrid, real[] teffStar,
real teffSun, real[] rStar, real[] mStar, real e, real[,] new_completeness ) {
/* log likelihood function
:param alpha:
:param beta:
:param lnf0:
:param nKois
:param nStar
:param planet_radius_rng
:param insolation_rng
:param mesthres_obs_all
:param cdpp_obs_all
:param pulse_durations_obs
:param star_dataspan
:param star_dutycycle
:param vol:
:param insolation_grid:
:param planet_radius_grid:
:param koi_insolation:
:param koi_rps:
:param nRadiusGrid
:param nInsolationGrid
:param teffStar
:param teffSun
:param rStar
:param mStar
:param e
:param new_completeness
// Declare internal variables
real pop[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
real pop1[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
real pop2[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
real populationDensity[nRadiusGrid-1,nInsolationGrid-1];
real sumExpectedCounts;
real logPop[nKois];
real lnLikelihood;
real sumLogPop;
real lnLikelihood0;
real popModelInsol0[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
real popModelInsol[nKois,nKois];
// Compute the population model for a grid over [ insolation, radius ] parameter space
popModelInsol0 <- population_model_insolation(nInsolationGrid, nRadiusGrid, lnf0, alpha, beta, insolation_grid, planet_radius_grid, planet_radius_rng, insolation_rng);
// Compute the expected density of detections per bin in the [ insolation, radius ] parameter space,
// based on the population model and the completeness
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid)
for (j in 1: nInsolationGrid) {
// for (j in 1: nInsolationGrid)
// for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid) {
//sum_completeness_0[i,j] <- new_completeness[j,i];
pop[i,j] <- popModelInsol0[i,j] * new_completeness[j,i];
// pop[i,j] <- popModelInsol0[i,j] * new_completeness[i,j];
// Initialize
sumExpectedCounts <- 0.0;
sumLogPop <-0.0;
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid-1)
for (j in 1: nInsolationGrid-1) {
// for (j in 1: nInsolationGrid-1)
// for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid-1) {
// Compute the number density of detections on a grid of bin centers
// Figured out the proper syntax for translation of the Python line below into Stan
// pop <- 0.5*(pop[:-1, :-1] + pop[1:, 1:]) is python syntax from DFM notebook.
// Note that indices start with 1 in Stan
pop1[i,j] <- pop[i,j];
pop2[i,j] <- pop[i+1,j+1];
populationDensity[i,j] <- 0.5*(pop1[i,j]+pop2[i,j]);
// Integrate the planet counts over the phase space volume
sumExpectedCounts <- sumExpectedCounts + (populationDensity[i,j]*vol[j,i]);
// Population model evaluated over the list of detected planets
popModelInsol <- population_model_insolation(nKois, nKois, lnf0, alpha, beta, koi_insolation, koi_rps, planet_radius_rng, insolation_rng);
for (k in 1:nKois) {
logPop[k] <- log( popModelInsol[k,k] );
sumLogPop <- sumLogPop + logPop[k];
// Combine the two terms to form the log-likelihood function for the Inhomogeneous Poisson Process
lnLikelihood <- sumLogPop - sumExpectedCounts;
// Catch error: if lnLikelihood has bad value, return a very small number
lnLikelihood0 <- if_else( is_inf(lnLikelihood) || is_nan(lnLikelihood) , -1e15, lnLikelihood );
return lnLikelihood0;
// end function block
data {
// Declare precomputed variables as data
int<lower=1> nKois;
int<lower=1> nPulses;
int<lower=1> nRadiusGrid;
int<lower=1> nInsolationGrid;
int<lower=1> nStar;
real star_dataspan[nStar];
real star_dutycycle[nStar];
real cdpp_obs_all[nStar, nPulses];
real mesthres_obs_all[nStar, nPulses];
real pulse_durations_obs[nPulses];
real insolation_rng[2];
real planet_radius_rng[2];
real insolation_grid[nInsolationGrid];
real planet_radius_grid[nRadiusGrid];
real teffStar[nStar];
real teffSun;
real rStar[nStar];
real mStar[nStar];
// real vol[nRadiusGrid-1,nInsolationGrid-1];
real vol[nInsolationGrid-1,nRadiusGrid-1];
real koi_insolation[nKois];
real koi_rps[nKois];
real e;
real new_completeness[nInsolationGrid,nRadiusGrid];
//real new_completeness[nRadiusGrid,nInsolationGrid];
parameters {
// For v1: only compute population level parameter posteriors.
real<lower=-5,upper=5> alpha;
real<lower=-5,upper=5> beta;
real<lower=-5,upper=5> lnf0;
model {
// Priors
alpha ~ uniform(-5,5);
beta ~ uniform(-5,5);
lnf0 ~ uniform(-5,5);
// Sample using lnLikelihood function
increment_log_prob(lnlike(alpha, beta, lnf0, nKois, nStar, planet_radius_rng, insolation_rng, mesthres_obs_all, cdpp_obs_all, pulse_durations_obs, star_dataspan, star_dutycycle, vol, insolation_grid, planet_radius_grid, koi_insolation, koi_rps, nRadiusGrid, nInsolationGrid, teffStar, teffSun, rStar, mStar, e, new_completeness));
data = {'new_completeness':new_completeness, 'star_dutycycle':star_dutycycle, 'star_dataspan':star_dataspan,
'nStar':nStar, 'nKois':nKois,'nPulses':nPulses,'nRadiusGrid':nRadiusGrid, 'nInsolationGrid':nInsolationGrid,
'cdpp_obs_all':cdpp_obs_all, 'mesthres_obs_all':mesthres_obs_all, 'pulse_durations_obs':pulse_durations_obs,
'insolation_rng':insolation_rng, 'planet_radius_rng':planet_radius_rng,
'insolation_grid':insolation_grid, 'planet_radius_grid':planet_radius_grid,
'vol':vol, 'teffStar':teffStar,'teffSun':teffSun, 'rStar':rStar, 'mStar':mStar,
'koi_insolation':koi_insolation, 'koi_rps':koi_rps, 'e':e}
sm = StanModel(model_code=stan_model_occ)
#init = [{'lnf0':0.82,'alpha':-0.97,'beta':-1.26}]
#fit = sm.sampling(data=data, iter=10, chains=2, init=init, n_jobs=-1)
fit = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_model_occ, data=data, iter=100, chains=5, n_jobs=-1, verbose=True);
#fit = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_model_occ, data=data, iter=100, chains=1, init=init, n_jobs=-1, verbose=True);
la = fit.extract(permuted=True) # return a dictionary of arrays
alpha = la['alpha']
beta = la['beta']
lnf0 = la['lnf0']
a = fit.extract(permuted=False)
In [256]:
corner.corner(np.hstack((lnf0.reshape(-1,1), beta.reshape(-1,1), alpha.reshape(-1,1))), labels=[r"$\ln F$", r"$\beta$", r"$\alpha$"]);
#corner.corner(np.hstack((beta.reshape(-1,1), alpha.reshape(-1,1))), labels=[r"$\beta$", r"$\alpha$"]);
In [ ]:
In [ ]: