First, we are implementng a powerlaw parameterization for planet radius and perido/insolation using the PyStan No Uturn MCMC sampler, in order to calculate occurrence rates based off of work by Chris Burke and the open science blog post by Dan Foreman-Mackey: The original exopop.ipynb from Dan Foreman-Mackey, is found at, and the accompanying blog post is at Some parts of this code were developed at the exoplanet population hackathon by Ravi and Joe Catanzarite.
8/15/2016 This PyStan model version uses pre-computed completeness as input, for testing and developement.
8/18/2016 We now have a working version of the power law occurrence rate model using PyStan that agrees with the results from the Burke calculations and the DFM python notebook blog post implementation. Wahoo. Now we will add uncertanties into the completeness calculations.
8/19/2016 Changing code back to radius period and adding radius uncertainties.
8/22/2016 Code has a switch to select period or insolation.
In [21]:
# Intialize
# Had to put __future__ before other imports
from __future__ import division, print_function
from matplotlib import rcParams
rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 100
rcParams["font.size"] = 20
import os
import requests
import pandas as pd
from cStringIO import StringIO
# The following commands are for use in the notebook environment
# Comment them out if this code is to be run in a python or ipython shell
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = "retina"
In [22]:
# This function downloads and caches a dataset from the exoplanet archive
# into a pandas frame
def get_catalog(name, basepath="data"):
fn = os.path.join(basepath, "{0}.h5".format(name))
if os.path.exists(fn):
return pd.read_hdf(fn, name)
if not os.path.exists(basepath):
print("Downloading {0}...".format(name))
url = (""
r = requests.get(url)
if r.status_code !=
fh = StringIO(r.content)
df = pd.read_csv(fh)
df.to_hdf(fn, name, format="t")
return df
In [23]:
periodInsolationSwitch = raw_input("Period or Insolation: P or I? -- ")
In [24]:
# Get the stellar catalog and make selection cuts
import numpy as np
#!!!!! Q1-Q17 DR 24 (9.2 pipeline)
stlr = get_catalog("q1_q17_dr24_stellar")
#!!!!! Q1-Q16 (9.1 pipeline)
# stlr = get_catalog("q1_q16_stellar")
# !!!!! Select G dwarfs.
# m = (5300 <= stlr.teff) & (stlr.teff <= 6000)
# !!!!! Select K dwarfs.
m = (3900 <= stlr.teff) & (stlr.teff <= 5300)
# !!!!! Select M dwarfs.
# m = (2400 <= stlr.teff) & (stlr.teff <= 3900)
# stellar radius cut
#m &= stlr.radius <= 1.15
# Only include stars with sufficient data coverage:
# Minimum dataspan of 2 years
m &= stlr.dataspan > 365.25*2.
# Minimum dutycycle of 1/2
m &= stlr.dutycycle > 0.50
# Minimum data coverage of 2 years
m &= stlr.dutycycle*stlr.dataspan > 365.25*2.
# minimum rms cdpp at 7.5 hour pulse
#m &= stlr.rrmscdpp07p5 <= 1000.
# Only select stars with mass estimates.
m &= np.isfinite(stlr.mass)
# put selected data into pandas data frame
base_stlr = pd.DataFrame(stlr)
stlr = pd.DataFrame(stlr[m])
print("Selected {0} targets after cuts".format(len(stlr)))
In [25]:
# Plot an HR diagram of the selected targets
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
pl.plot(base_stlr.teff, base_stlr.logg, ".k", ms=3, alpha=0.5)
pl.plot(stlr.teff, stlr.logg, ".r", ms=3, alpha=0.5)
pl.xlim(9500, 2500)
pl.ylim(5.5, 3)
pl.ylabel("$\log g$");
In [26]:
# !!!!! Get the planet catalog and make selection cuts
# !!!!! Q1-Q17 DR24 (9.2 pipeline)
kois = get_catalog("q1_q17_dr24_koi")
# !!!!! Q1-Q16 planet catalog (9.1 pipeline)
# kois = get_catalog("q1_q16_koi")
# Set insolation and planet radius ranges
rp_rng = (0.75, 2.5)
x_rng = insolation_rng = (0.2, 20)
x_rng = period_rng = (20, 320)
# Join on the stellar list.
kois = pd.merge(kois, stlr[["kepid"]], on="kepid", how="inner")
# Only select the KOIs in the relevant part of parameter space.
m = kois.koi_pdisposition == "CANDIDATE"
base_kois = pd.DataFrame(kois[m])
# Select planets based on either insolation or period
# Select based on insolation range instead of period range
m &= (insolation_rng[0] <= kois.koi_insol) & (kois.koi_insol <= insolation_rng[1])
# Select based on period range instead of insolation range
m &= (period_rng[0] <= kois.koi_period) & (kois.koi_period <= period_rng[1])
# Select planet radius range
m &= np.isfinite(kois.koi_prad) & (rp_rng[0] <= kois.koi_prad) & (kois.koi_prad <= rp_rng[1])
# !!!!! Only include PCs with MES > 15 for 9.2 (Q1-Q17 Dr24)
m &= kois.koi_max_mult_ev > 15
# !!!!! Comment out above statement for 9.1 (Q1-Q16) -- Note all max_mult_ev seem to be NaNs anyyway
# Panda data frame for selected kois
# Note that kois now contains only the selected planet candidates
kois = pd.DataFrame(kois[m])
#print("min insolation = {0} ".format(np.min((kois.koi_insol))))
#print("max insolation = {0} ".format(np.max((kois.koi_insol))))
print("min period = {0} ".format(np.min(kois.koi_period)))
print("max period = {0} ".format(np.max(kois.koi_period)))
print("Selected {0} KOIs after cuts".format(len(kois)))
In [27]:
In [28]:
# Plot the measurements with error bars, in insolation-radius parameter space
yerr = np.abs(np.array(base_kois[["koi_prad_err2", "koi_prad_err1"]])).T
pl.errorbar(base_kois.koi_insol, base_kois.koi_prad, yerr=yerr, fmt=".k", ms=4,
capsize=0, alpha=0.3)
pl.plot(kois.koi_insol, kois.koi_prad, ".k", ms=6)
pl.fill_between(x_rng, [rp_rng[1], rp_rng[1]], [rp_rng[0], rp_rng[0]], color="r", alpha=0.2)
pl.xlim(x_rng + 0.1 * np.array([-1, 1]))
pl.ylim(rp_rng + 0.5 * np.array([-1, 1]))
pl.xlabel("insolation [Earth units]")
pl.xlabel("Period [Days]")
pl.ylabel("$R_p \, [R_\oplus]$");
In [29]:
# Completeness model helper functions (radius and orbital period)
from scipy.stats import gamma
def get_duration(period, aor, e):
Equation (1) from Burke et al. This estimates the transit
duration in the same units as the input period. There is a
typo in the paper (24/4 = 6 != 4).
:param period: the period in any units of your choosing
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param e: the eccentricity of the orbit
return 0.25 * period * np.sqrt(1 - e**2) / aor
def get_a(period, mstar, Go4pi=2945.4625385377644/(4*np.pi*np.pi)):
Compute the semi-major axis of an orbit in Solar radii.
:param period: the period in days
:param mstar: the stellar mass in Solar masses
return (Go4pi*period*period*mstar) ** (1./3)
def get_delta(k, c=1.0874, s=1.0187):
Estimate the approximate expected transit depth as a function
of radius ratio. There might be a typo here. In the paper it
uses c + s*k but in the public code, it is c - s*k:
:param k: the dimensionless radius ratio between the planet and
the star
delta_max = k*k * (c + s*k)
# !!!!! For Q1-Q16 (9.1 pipeline) DFM used a multiplier 0f 0.84 instead of 1.0 in the equation below
# return 0.84*delta_max
# !!!!! for Q1-Q17 DR24 (9.2 pipeline), use a multiplier of 1 ????? Ask Chris
return 1.0* delta_max
# 14 pulse durations
cdpp_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("rrmscdpp")]
cdpp_vals = np.array([k[-4:].replace("p", ".") for k in cdpp_cols], dtype=float)
def get_mes(star, period, rp, tau, re=0.009171):
Estimate the multiple event statistic value for a transit.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param tau: the transit duration in hours
# Interpolate the RMS CDPP corresponding to the transit duration.
cdpp = np.array(star[cdpp_cols], dtype=float)
sigma = np.interp(tau, cdpp_vals, cdpp)
# Compute the radius ratio and estimate the S/N.
k = rp * re / star.radius
snr = get_delta(k) * 1e6 / sigma
# Scale by the estimated number of transits.
ntrn = star.dataspan * star.dutycycle / period
return snr * np.sqrt(ntrn)
# Pre-compute and freeze the gamma function from Equation (5) in
# Burke et al.
# !!!!! Q1-Q16 (9.1 pipeline): DFM used the parameters below
# pgam = gamma(4.65, loc=0., scale=0.98)
# !!!!! But the parameters for FGK are (4.35, 0, 1.05) according to astro-ph 1507.05097 (Christiansen)
# pgam = gamma(4.35, loc=0., scale=1.05)
# !!!!! Parameters for 9.2 pipeline Q1-Q17 DR24 are from Jessie Christiansen
# !!!!! Note that these parameters do not apply to M stars!
pgam = gamma(103.0113, loc=0., scale=0.10583)
# mesthres_cols are column names for the 14 pulse durations
mesthres_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("mesthres")]
# pulse_durations_obs are the 14 pulse durations
pulse_durations_obs = np.array([k[-4:].replace("p", ".") for k in mesthres_cols],
def get_pdet(star, aor, period, rp, e):
Equation (5) from Burke et al. Estimate the detection efficiency
for a transit.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param e: the orbital eccentricity
# mest is the interpolated MES threshold corresponding to the transit duration
# tau is the pulse duration
# pulse_durations_obs are the 14 pulse durations
# np.array(star[mesthres_cols],dtype=float) are the coresponding MES thresholds
tau = get_duration(period, aor, e) * 24.
mes = get_mes(star, period, rp, tau)
mest = np.interp(tau, pulse_durations_obs,
x = mes - 4.1 - (mest - 7.1)
# !!!!! DFM originally used no multiplier in the equation below;
# The multiplier of 0.78442 must be a 'plateau factor' from Jessie, for 9.2
# for the 9.2 Q1-Q17 DR24 data, provided by Jessie
return 0.78442*pgam.cdf(x)
# !!!!! For the 9.1 data
# return pgam.cdf(x)
def get_pwin(star, period):
Equation (6) from Burke et al. Estimates the window function
using a binomial distribution.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties
:param period: the period in days
M = star.dataspan / period
f = star.dutycycle
omf = 1.0 - f
pw = 1 - omf**M - M*f*omf**(M-1) - 0.5*M*(M-1)*f*f*omf**(M-2)
msk = (pw >= 0.0) * (M >= 2.0)
return pw * msk
def get_pgeom(aor, e):
The geometric transit probability.
See e.g. Kipping (2014) for the eccentricity factor
:param aor: the dimensionless semi-major axis (scaled
by the stellar radius)
:param e: the orbital eccentricity
return 1. / (aor * (1 - e*e)) * (aor > 1.0)
In [30]:
#%% This cell contains functions and code for calculating completeness in the
# parameter space of [ insolation , planet radius ]
def get_completeness(star, period, rp, e, with_geom=True):
A helper function to combine all the completeness effects.
:param star: a pandas row giving the stellar properties (each row is for one star)
:param period: the period in days
:param rp: the planet radius in Earth radii
:param e: the orbital eccentricity
:param with_geom: include the geometric transit probability?
aor = get_a(period, star.mass) / star.radius
pdet = get_pdet(star, aor, period, rp, e)
pwin = get_pwin(star, period)
if not with_geom:
return pdet * pwin
pgeom = get_pgeom(aor, e)
return pdet * pwin * pgeom
# Construct grid for planet radius
rp2 = np.linspace(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1], 61)
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
# Period grid
period = np.linspace(period_rng[0], period_rng[1], 57)
xLinearGrid = period
x_grid, rp_grid2 = np.meshgrid(period, rp2, indexing="ij")
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
# Construct grid for insolation
insolation = np.linspace(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1], 57)
xLinearGrid = insolation
x_grid, rp_grid2 = np.meshgrid(insolation, rp2, indexing="ij")
#def get_completeness_from_insolation(star, rp_grid2, insolation_grid, e, with_geom=True):
def get_completeness_from_insolation(star, insolation_grid, rp_grid2, e, with_geom=True):
# compute the periods corresponding to an insolation grid
insolation = insolation_grid
period_grid = get_period_from_insolation( star , insolation )
# completeness
completeness = get_completeness(star, period_grid, rp_grid2, e, with_geom=True)
return completeness
# Add a function to compute insolation on the period grid, for a given star
def get_insolation_from_period( star , period ):
# Get needed stellar parameters
teffStar = star.teff
teffSun = 5777
rStar = star.radius
mStar = star.mass
# Semimajor axis of planet in AU
aPlanet = mStar**(1.0/3.0) * (period/365.25)**(2.0/3.0)
# Compute insolation
insolation = (teffStar/teffSun)**4*(rStar/1)**2*(1/aPlanet)**2
return insolation
def get_period_from_insolation( star , insolation ):
# Get needed stellar parameters
teffStar = star.teff
teffSun = 5777
rStar = star.radius
mStar = star.mass
# Get semimajor axis from star properties and insolation, using
# insolation = ( teffStar / teffSun )**4 * ( rStar / 1)**2 * ( 1 / aPlanet )**2
aPlanet = ( ( teffStar / teffSun )**4 * ( rStar / 1)**2 / insolation )**(0.5)
# Get orbit period in days from semimajor axis of planet in AU and start properties, using
# aPlanet = mStar**(1.0/3.0) * (period/365.25)**(2.0/3.0)
period = 365.25 * ( aPlanet/( mStar**(1.0/3.0) ) )**(3.0/2.0)
return period
In [31]:
# Test: compute completeness grid in [ insolation , planet radius ]
# parameter space for the first star in the catalog
# new_completeness_grid_single_star = get_completeness_from_insolation(stlr.iloc[0], insolation_grid, rp_grid2, 0.0, with_geom=True)
# Marginalize detection contours over all selected targets
# including the geometric factor. This takes a few minutes.
new_completeness = np.zeros_like(x_grid)
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
for _, star in stlr.iterrows():
new_completeness += get_completeness(star, x_grid, rp_grid2, 0.0, with_geom=True)
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
for _, star in stlr.iterrows():
new_completeness += get_completeness_from_insolation(star, x_grid, rp_grid2, 0.0, with_geom=True)
In [32]:
# Reproducing Figure 1 from Burke paper, which is the
# completeness contour (not including geometric effect) for an example target
# Repeating for new insolation completeness.
# Choose the first star
# star = stlr[stlr.kepid == 10593626].iloc[0]
# First M star
#star = stlr[stlr.kepid == 10031707].iloc[0]
star = stlr[stlr.kepid == stlr.kepid.iloc[0]].iloc[0]
# Compute the completeness map on a grid.
X, Y = x_grid, rp_grid2
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
Z = get_completeness(star, X, Y, 0.0, with_geom=False)
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
Z = get_completeness_from_insolation(star, X, Y, 0.0, with_geom=False)
# Plot with the same contour levels as the figure. Add some contours at low end of completeness.
c = pl.contour(X, Y, Z, [0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95, 0.99], colors="k")
pl.clabel(c, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt="%.4f")
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
pl.xlabel("insolation [Earth units]")
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
pl.xlabel("period [days]")
pl.ylabel("$R_p \, [R_\oplus]$")
pl.title("det. eff. for KIC {0}".format(np.min(stlr.kepid.iloc[0])));
In [33]:
# Plot the average new_completeness contour (radius-insolation)
# Include the geometric effect
pl.pcolor(x_grid, rp_grid2, new_completeness, cmap="Blues")
c = pl.contour(x_grid, rp_grid2, new_completeness / len(stlr),
colors="k", alpha=0.8)
pl.clabel(c, fontsize=12, inline=1, fmt="%.3f")
pl.title("mean pipeline detection efficiency")
pl.xlabel("insolation [Earth units]")
pl.ylabel("$R_p \, [R_\oplus]$");
In [34]:
# Population inference with an independent power law model
# Using modified code above that computes
# completeness in the parameter space of [ insolation , planet radius ],
# A double power law model for the population.
''' def population_model_insolation(theta, insolation, rp):
# Parameters
# lnf0 is normalization,
# beta is exponent of insolation power law,
# alpha is exponent of radius power law
lnf0, beta, alpha = theta
v = np.exp(lnf0) * np.ones_like(insolation)
for x, rng, n in zip((insolation, rp),
(insolation_rng, rp_rng),
(beta, alpha)):
n1 = n + 1
v *= x**n*n1 / (rng[1]**n1-rng[0]**n1)
return v
# A double power law model for the population.
def population_model(theta, xLinearGrid, rp):
# Parameters
# lnf0 is normalization,
# beta is exponent of insolation power law,
# alpha is exponent of radius power law
lnf0, beta, alpha = theta
v = np.exp(lnf0) * np.ones_like(xLinearGrid)
for x, rng, n in zip((xLinearGrid, rp),
(x_rng, rp_rng),
(beta, alpha)):
n1 = n + 1
v *= x**n*n1 / (rng[1]**n1-rng[0]**n1)
return v
# The ln-likelihood function given at the top of this post.
# change to insolation from planet catalog
# Insolation and radius for planets in catalog
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
koi_x = np.array(kois.koi_period)
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
koi_x = np.array(kois.koi_insol)
koi_rps = np.array(kois.koi_prad)
# Parameter space volume in each bin of [insolation, radius] grid
# Note the bins are not uniformly spaced in insolation
vol = np.diff(x_grid, axis=0)[:, :-1] * np.diff(rp_grid2, axis=1)[:-1, :]
def lnlike(theta):
pop = population_model(theta, x_grid, rp_grid2) * new_completeness
pop = 0.5 * (pop[:-1, :-1] + pop[1:, 1:])
norm = np.sum(pop * vol)
ll = np.sum(np.log(population_model(theta, koi_x, koi_rps))) - norm
return ll if np.isfinite(ll) else -np.inf
# The ln-probability function is just proportional to the ln-likelihood
# since we're assuming uniform priors.
bounds = [(-5, 5), (-5, 5), (-5, 5)]
def lnprob(theta):
# Broad uniform priors.
for t, rng in zip(theta, bounds):
if not rng[0] < t < rng[1]:
return -np.inf
return lnlike(theta)
# The negative ln-likelihood is useful for optimization.
# Optimizers want to *minimize* your function.
def nll(theta):
ll = lnlike(theta)
return -ll if np.isfinite(ll) else 1e15
In [35]:
# Maximum likelihood solution by minimizing negative log-likelihood
from scipy.optimize import minimize
# Initial guess for logF, beta, and alpha
theta_0 = np.array([1, 0.66, -1.5])
r = minimize(nll, theta_0, method="L-BFGS-B", bounds=bounds)
# r.x is the vector of parameters (logF, beta, and alpha) from the maximum likelihood solution
In [36]:
# Plot the maximum likelihood solution
# We'll reuse these functions to plot all of our results.
# This function plots the density of samples of a double power law,
# as a function of the x0 input, marginalized over the y input
def make_plot(pop_comp, x0, x, y, ax):
# pop_comp is a two-dimensional array of completeness values
# pop_comp.shape is 57(insolation) x 61(radius)
# x0 is: bin edges of second variable (radius), for model fitting
# x is rebinning of x0 into a coarser grid for the plots
# y is: bin edges of first variable (insolation), for model fitting
# Mid-bin values of the 2D array pop_comp, along the first dimension -- insolation
pop = 0.5 * (pop_comp[:, 1:] + pop_comp[:, :-1])
# on first call, pop is 56 x 61
# Integrate completeness over the first variable, y, insolation
# np.diff(y)[None, :, None] is the parameter space interval in y
pop = np.sum(pop * np.diff(y)[None, :, None], axis=1)
# After above command, pop is 1D, collapsed onto the radius dimension
# Credible regions in x: radius
# x is used only to get the parameter space interval dx in radius for the plot
# Note: Assumes bin spacing np.diff(x) is uniform
a, b, c, d, e = np.percentile(pop * np.diff(x)[0], [2.5, 16, 50, 84, 97.5], axis=0)
# print(c)
ax.fill_between(x0, a, e, color="k", alpha=0.1, edgecolor="none")
ax.fill_between(x0, b, d, color="k", alpha=0.3, edgecolor="none")
# c is the median value of the distribution over
ax.plot(x0, c, "k", lw=1)
def plot_results(samples):
# Loop through the samples and compute the list of population models.
samples = np.atleast_2d(samples)
# print(samples.shape)
# print(len(samples))
# len(samples) is the length of the MCMC chain
pop = np.empty((len(samples), x_grid.shape[0], x_grid.shape[1]))
gamma_earth = np.empty((len(samples)))
for i, p in enumerate(samples):
# insolation_grid and rp_grid2 are meshgrids, 57x61
# print(p)
# print(rp_grid2.shape)
# print(insolation_grid.shape)
# print(i)
# power law planet density on insolation, radius grid
pop[i] = population_model(p, x_grid, rp_grid2)
# planet density at the point corresponding to earth (insolation = 1 and radius = 1)
gamma_earth[i] = population_model(p, 1.0, 1.0) * 1.0
# print(gamma_earth[i])
# Set up 4x4 grid of plots
fig, axes = pl.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
# Histogram of planet radius over a new grid
# Using a coarser grid for the plot
dx = 5*(rp2[1] - rp2[0])
x = np.arange(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1] + dx, dx)
n, _ = np.histogram(koi_rps, x)
# Plot the predicted radius distribution against the observed radius distribution
ax = axes[0, 0]
# Predicted radius distribution
# rp2 is of length 61
# nsolation is of length 57
# pop is 57 x 61 -- so it's insolation x radius
# new_completeness is 1 x 57 x 61
make_plot(pop * new_completeness[None, :, :], rp2, x, xLinearGrid, ax)
# Observed radius distribution, with Poisson errors
ax.errorbar(0.5*(x[:-1]+x[1:]), n, yerr=np.sqrt(n), fmt=".k",
ax.set_xlim(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1])
ax.set_ylabel("# of detected planets")
# Plot the true radius distribution.
ax = axes[0, 1]
make_plot(pop, rp2, x, xLinearGrid, ax)
ax.set_xlim(rp_rng[0], rp_rng[1])
# ax.set_ylim(0, 0.37)
ax.set_ylabel("$\mathrm{d}N / \mathrm{d}R$; $\Delta R = 0.25\,R_\oplus$")
# Histogram of insolation over a new grid.
# Using a coarser grid for the plot
dx = 5*(xLinearGrid[1] - xLinearGrid[0])
x = np.arange(x_rng[0], x_rng[1] + dx, dx)
n, _ = np.histogram(koi_x, x)
# Plot the predicted insolation distribution against the observed insolation distribution
ax = axes[1, 0]
# Predicted insolation distribution
make_plot(np.swapaxes(pop * new_completeness[None, :, :], 1, 2), xLinearGrid, x, rp2, ax)
# Observed insolation distribution, with Poisson errors
ax.errorbar(0.5*(x[:-1]+x[1:]), n, yerr=np.sqrt(n), fmt=".k",
# ax.set_xlim(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1])
ax.set_xlim(0.5, x_rng[1])
ax.set_ylim(0, 25)
ax.set_xlabel("insolation, [Earth units]")
ax.set_xlabel("period, [Days]")
ax.set_ylabel("# of detected planets")
# Plot the true insolation distribution.
ax = axes[1, 1]
make_plot(np.swapaxes(pop, 1, 2), xLinearGrid, x, rp2, ax)
ax.set_xlim(x_rng[0], x_rng[1])
ax.set_ylabel("$\mathrm{d}N / \mathrm{d}I$; $\Delta I = $")
ax.set_xlabel("insolation, [Earth units]")
ax.set_ylabel("$\mathrm{d}N / \mathrm{d}P$; $\Delta P = $")
ax.set_xlabel("period, [Days]")
return gamma_earth
In [37]:
# This line calls all the plotting machinery above, and returns the maximum likelihood value of gamma_earth
# Note that r.x is the set of parameters [ lnf0, beta, alpha ] returned by the maximum likelihood fit
# Or, try your own values for the parameters
# thetaTry = np.array([.01, -1.2, -1.1])
# print(plot_results(thetaTry));
In [38]:
# Sample from the posterior probability distribution for the population parameters using emcee
import emcee
ndim, nwalkers = len(r.x), 16
pos = [r.x + 1e-5 * np.random.randn(ndim) for i in range(nwalkers)]
sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, ndim, lnprob)
# Burn in.
pos, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 1000)
# Production.
pos, _, _ = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, 4000)
In [39]:
# Triangle plot of PDFs using DFMs corner package
import corner
corner.corner(sampler.flatchain, labels=[r"$\ln F$", r"$\beta$", r"$\alpha$"]);
In [40]:
# Plot marginalized posteriors of N and dN/dR
# For Rp, marginalize over P
# For P, marginalize over Rp
# For N, plot also the data and the error bars
# Problem -- plotting all the chains maxes out my PCs memory.
# Solution -- plot only the last 4000 chains
gamma_earth = plot_results(sampler.flatchain[60000:63999,:])
In [41]:
# Plot the PDF of gamma_earth
pl.hist(np.log10(gamma_earth), 50, histtype="step", color="k")
pl.title("the rate of Earth analogs")
pl.xlabel(r"$\log_{10}\Gamma_\oplus $");
#pl.xlabel(r"$\log_{10}\Gamma_\oplus = \left. \log_{10}\mathrm{d}^2 N / \mathrm{d} Insolation \, \mathrm{d} R_p \right |_\oplus$");
In [42]:
# Integrate the planet density over a given range in insolation and radius
# to get the exoplanet occurrence rate predicted by the power law in that region
def integrated_gamma(theta,insolation1,insolation2,radius1,radius2):
lnf0, beta, alpha = theta
# Parameter Space Boundaries for our model
insol_rng = (0.2, 20)
radius_rng = (0.75, 2.5)
# Compute exoplanet occurrence rate integrated over chosen region of [ insolation , radius] parameter space
integral_over_insolation = (insolation2**(beta + 1) - insolation1**(beta + 1))/(insol_rng[1]**(beta + 1) - insol_rng[0]**(beta + 1))
integral_over_radius = (radius2**(alpha + 1) - radius1**(alpha + 1))/(radius_rng[1]**(alpha + 1) - radius_rng[0]**(alpha + 1))
eta = integral_over_insolation*integral_over_radius*np.exp(lnf0)
return eta
#%% Compute and plot the posterior PDF for the exoplanet occurence rate in a
# desired region of period, radius parameter space
# Initialize
int_gamma_samples = np.empty(len(sampler.flatchain))
# !!!!! Choose insolation limits according to stellar type
# Select G dwarfs
# insolation1 = 0.295
# insolation2 = 1.824
# Select K dwarfs
insolation1 = 0.235
insolation2 = 1.681
# Select M dwarfs
# insolation1 = 0.205
# insolation2 = 1.514
# !!!!! Choose radius limits
radius1 = 1.0
radius2 = 1.6
for i, theta in enumerate(sampler.flatchain):
int_gamma_samples[i] = integrated_gamma(theta,insolation1,insolation2,radius1,radius2)
# print result for this parameter space region
print("16, 50, 84 percentile range for integrated gamma = {0} ".format(np.percentile(int_gamma_samples,[16,50,84])))
# Plot the posterior of int gamma_samples over selected planet radius and period range
pl.hist(int_gamma_samples, 50, histtype="step", color="k")
pl.title("Integrated ocurrence rate over radius and insolation")
pl.xlabel(r"integrated $\Gamma$ in parameter space region [insolation1, insolation2, radius1, radius2] = {0}".format([insolation1,insolation2,radius1,radius2]));
# pl.xlabel(r"$\log_{10}\Gamma_\oplus = \left. \log_{10}\mathrm{d}N / \mathrm{d}\ln P \, \mathrm{d}\ln R_p \right |_\oplus$");
In [43]:
import pystan
import numpy as np
import gc
import matplotlib as plt
# Pre-compute some values to be used in the Stan model
# change to column major for PySta version (overwrite old version here)
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
# Period grid
x_grid, rp_grid2 = np.meshgrid(period, rp2, indexing="xy")
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
# Construct grid for insolation
x_grid, rp_grid2 = np.meshgrid(insolation, rp2, indexing="xy")
#print(x_grid, rp_grid2)
# pre compute completeness for testing PyStan Model.
# Column names for RMS CDPP
cdpp_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("rrmscdpp")]
# Values of RMS CDPP corresponding the the 14 pulse durations for all selected stars (column)
#cdpp_obs = np.array(star[cdpp_cols], dtype=float) # <- for one row (one star) change star for stlr.
cdpp_obs_all = np.array(stlr[cdpp_cols], dtype=float)
# Values for the 14 pulse durations derived from the column names
pulse_durations_obs = np.array([k[-4:].replace("p", ".") for k in mesthres_cols],dtype=float)
nPulses = len(pulse_durations_obs)
# Column names for the 14 MES thresholds
mesthres_cols = [k for k in stlr.keys() if k.startswith("mesthres")]
# MES threshold values corresponding to the 14 pulse durations
mesthres_obs_all = np.array(stlr[mesthres_cols],dtype=float)
# mest <- np.interp(tau, pulse_durations_obs, mesthres_obs, dtype=float)
# x <- mes - 4.1 - (mest - 7.1);
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
# Period grid
x_rng = (20, 320)
x_grid = np.linspace(period_rng[0], period_rng[1], 57)
nxGrid = len(x_grid)
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
# Insolation grid
x_rng = (0.2, 20)
x_grid = np.linspace(insolation_rng[0], insolation_rng[1], 57)
nxGrid = len(x_grid)
# Planet radius grid
planet_radius_rng = (0.75, 2.5)
planet_radius_grid = np.linspace(planet_radius_rng[0], planet_radius_rng[1], 61)
nRadiusGrid = len(planet_radius_grid)
# Make 2D meshgrids for bin edges.
planet_radius_grid_vol, x_grid_vol = np.meshgrid(planet_radius_grid, x_grid, indexing="xy")
# 2D grid of insolation-radius parameter space bin volumes at bin centers
vol = np.diff(x_grid_vol, axis=0)[:, :-1] * np.diff(planet_radius_grid_vol, axis=1)[:-1, :]
volShape = list(vol.shape)
# Stellar parameters (for all stars in the stellar catalog)
teffStar = stlr.teff
teffSun = 5777
rStar = stlr.radius
mStar = stlr.mass
# number of stars in the stellar catalog:
nStar = len(stlr)
# Insolation and radius for planets in the planet catalog
if(periodInsolationSwitch == "P"):
koi_x = np.array(kois.koi_period)
elif(periodInsolationSwitch == "I"):
koi_x = np.array(kois.koi_insol)
koi_rps = np.array(kois.koi_prad)
koi_rps_err1 = np.array(kois.koi_prad_err1)
koi_rps_err2 = np.array(kois.koi_prad_err2)
# Number of planets selected from the KOI catalog
nKois = len(kois)
# Eccentricity is set to zero for now.
e = 0.0
# Dataspan is length of time between first and last observations of each star
star_dataspan = stlr.dataspan
# Dutycycle is the fraction of cadences with valid observations
star_dutycycle = stlr.dutycycle
# print(dataspan)
# print(dutycycle)
# print(koi_rps)
# Garbage collection
In [44]:
# Check that everything is there
In [45]:
from pystan import StanModel
stan_model_occ = """
functions {
real[,] population_model_insolation(int nxGrid, int nRadiusGrid,
real lnf0, real alpha, real beta, real[] x_grid, real[] planet_radius_grid,
real[] planet_radius_rng, real[] x_rng) {
/* Population inference with an independent power law model
Using modified code above that computes
completeness in the parameter space of [ insolation , planet radius ],
A double power law model for the population.
:param nxGrid: size of insolation grid
:param nRadiusGrid: size of radius grid
:param lnf0: normalization,
:param beta: exponent of insolation power law,
:param alpha: exponent of radius power law
:param x_grid: //1D grid
:param planet_radius_grid: //1D grid
:param x_rng: // lower and upper boundary values of insolation grid
:param radius_rng: // lower and upper boundary values of radius grid
// Declare internal variables
real powerLawNumberDensity[nRadiusGrid,nxGrid];
// Loop over phase space bins, compute number density in each bin,
// from the power law using the input lnf0, alpha and beta parameters
for (j in 1:nxGrid)
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid) {
powerLawNumberDensity[i,j] <- ( exp( lnf0 ) * ( alpha+1 ) * ( beta+1 ) * ( planet_radius_grid[i]^alpha ) * ( x_grid[j]^beta ) ) / ( ( planet_radius_rng[2]^( alpha+1 ) - ( planet_radius_rng[1]^( alpha+1 ) ) ) * ( ( x_rng[2]^( beta+1 ) ) - ( x_rng[1]^( beta+1 ) ) ) );
return powerLawNumberDensity;
real lnlike(real alpha, real beta, real lnf0, int nKois, real[] planet_radius_rng,
real[] x_rng, real[,] vol, real[] x_grid, real[] planet_radius_grid,
real[] koi_x, real[] koi_rps, int nRadiusGrid, int nxGrid, real e, real[,] new_completeness ) {
/* log likelihood function
:param alpha:
:param beta:
:param lnf0:
:param nKois
:param planet_radius_rng
:param x_rng
:param vol:
:param x_grid:
:param planet_radius_grid:
:param koi_x:
:param koi_rps:
:param nRadiusGrid
:param nxGrid
:param e
:param new_completeness
// Declare internal variables
real pop[nRadiusGrid,nxGrid];
real pop1[nRadiusGrid,nxGrid];
real pop2[nRadiusGrid,nxGrid];
real populationDensity[nRadiusGrid-1,nxGrid-1];
real sumExpectedCounts;
real logPop[nKois];
real lnLikelihood;
real sumLogPop;
real lnLikelihood0;
real popModelInsol0[nRadiusGrid,nxGrid];
real popModelInsol[nKois,nKois];
// Compute the population model for a grid over [ insolation, radius ] parameter space
popModelInsol0 <- population_model_insolation(nxGrid, nRadiusGrid, lnf0, alpha, beta, x_grid, planet_radius_grid, planet_radius_rng, x_rng);
// Compute the expected density of detections per bin in the [ insolation, radius ] parameter space,
// based on the population model and the completeness
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid)
for (j in 1: nxGrid) {
//sum_completeness_0[i,j] <- new_completeness[j,i];
pop[i,j] <- popModelInsol0[i,j] * new_completeness[j,i];
// Initialize
sumExpectedCounts <- 0.0;
sumLogPop <-0.0;
for (i in 1:nRadiusGrid-1)
for (j in 1: nxGrid-1) {
// Compute the number density of detections on a grid of bin centers
// Figured out the proper syntax for translation of the Python line below into Stan
// pop <- 0.5*(pop[:-1, :-1] + pop[1:, 1:]) is python syntax from DFM notebook.
// Note that indices start with 1 in Stan
pop1[i,j] <- pop[i,j];
pop2[i,j] <- pop[i+1,j+1];
populationDensity[i,j] <- 0.5*(pop1[i,j]+pop2[i,j]);
// Integrate the planet counts over the phase space volume
sumExpectedCounts <- sumExpectedCounts + (populationDensity[i,j]*vol[j,i]);
// Population model evaluated over the list of detected planets
popModelInsol <- population_model_insolation(nKois, lnf0, alpha, beta, koi_x, koi_rps, planet_radius_rng, x_rng);
for (k in 1:nKois) {
logPop[k] <- log( popModelInsol[k,k] );
sumLogPop <- sumLogPop + logPop[k];
// Combine the two terms to form the log-likelihood function for the Inhomogeneous Poisson Process
lnLikelihood <- sumLogPop - sumExpectedCounts;
// Catch error: if lnLikelihood has bad value, return a very small number
lnLikelihood0 <- if_else( is_inf(lnLikelihood) || is_nan(lnLikelihood) , -1e15, lnLikelihood );
return lnLikelihood0;
// end function block
data {
// Declare precomputed variables as data
int<lower=1> nKois;
int<lower=1> nRadiusGrid;
int<lower=1> nxGrid;
real x_rng[2];
real planet_radius_rng[2];
real x_grid[nxGrid];
real planet_radius_grid[nRadiusGrid];
real vol[nxGrid-1,nRadiusGrid-1];
real koi_x[nKois];
real koi_rps_obs[nKois];
real e;
real new_completeness[nxGrid,nRadiusGrid];
parameters {
// For v1: only compute population level parameter posteriors.
real<lower=-5,upper=5> alpha;
real<lower=-5,upper=5> beta;
real<lower=-5,upper=5> lnf0;
model {
// Hyperpriors
alpha ~ uniform(-5,5);
beta ~ uniform(-5,5);
lnf0 ~ uniform(-5,5);
// Sample using lnLikelihood function
increment_log_prob(lnlike(alpha, beta, lnf0, nKois, planet_radius_rng, x_rng, vol, x_grid, planet_radius_grid, koi_x, koi_rps_obs, nRadiusGrid, nxGrid, e, new_completeness));
sm = StanModel(model_code=stan_model_occ)
In [ ]:
'''data = {'new_completeness':new_completeness, 'star_dutycycle':star_dutycycle, 'star_dataspan':star_dataspan,
'nStar':nStar, 'nKois':nKois,'nPulses':nPulses,'nRadiusGrid':nRadiusGrid, 'nxGrid':nxGrid,
'cdpp_obs_all':cdpp_obs_all, 'mesthres_obs_all':mesthres_obs_all, 'pulse_durations_obs':pulse_durations_obs,
'x_rng':x_rng, 'planet_radius_rng':planet_radius_rng,
'x_grid':x_grid, 'planet_radius_grid':planet_radius_grid,
'vol':vol, 'teffStar':teffStar,'teffSun':teffSun, 'rStar':rStar, 'mStar':mStar,
'koi_x':koi_x, 'koi_rps':koi_rps, 'e':e}
data = {'new_completeness':new_completeness, 'nKois':nKois,'nRadiusGrid':nRadiusGrid, 'nxGrid':nxGrid,
'x_rng':x_rng, 'planet_radius_rng':planet_radius_rng,'x_grid':x_grid,
'vol':vol,'koi_x':koi_x, 'koi_rps_obs':koi_rps, 'e':e}
##init = [{'lnf0':0.82,'alpha':-0.97,'beta':-1.26}]
fit = sm.sampling(data=data, iter=10, chains=5, n_jobs=-1)
#fit = sm.sampling(data=data, iter=2000, chains=5, init=init, n_jobs=-1)
#fit = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_model_occ, data=data, iter=100, chains=2, n_jobs=-1, verbose=True);
#fit = pystan.stan(model_code=stan_model_occ, data=data, iter=100, chains=1, init=init, n_jobs=-1, verbose=True);
la = fit.extract(permuted=True) # return a dictionary of arrays
alpha = la['alpha']
beta = la['beta']
lnf0 = la['lnf0']
a = fit.extract(permuted=False)
In [ ]:
corner.corner(np.hstack((lnf0.reshape(-1,1), beta.reshape(-1,1), alpha.reshape(-1,1))), labels=[r"$\ln F$", r"$\beta$", r"$\alpha$"]);
#corner.corner(np.hstack((beta.reshape(-1,1), alpha.reshape(-1,1))), labels=[r"$\beta$", r"$\alpha$"]);
In [ ]:
In [ ]: