This notebook describes the neuron and synapse model proposed by Hill and Tononi in J Neurophysiol 93:1671-1698, 2005 (doi:10.1152/jn.00915.2004) and their implementation in NEST. The notebook also contains some tests.
This description is based on the original publication and publications cited therein, an analysis of the source code of the original Synthesis implementation kindly provided by Sean Hill, and plausiblity arguments.
In what follows, I will refer to the original paper as [HT05].
This notebook was run successfully with NEST Branch HT_NMDA at Commit bec1c52 (15 Dec 2016).
The original Synthesis implementation of the model uses Runge-Kutta integration with fixed 0.25 ms step size, and integrates channels dynamics first, followed by integration of membrane potential and threshold.
NEST, in contrast, integrates the complete 16-dimensional state using a single adaptive-stepsize Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg-4(5) solver from the GNU Science Library (gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45
Membrane potential evolution is governed by [HT05, p 1677]
\begin{equation} \frac{\text{d}V}{\text{d}t} = \frac{-g_{\text{NaL}}(V-E_{\text{Na}}) -g_{\text{KL}}(V-E_{\text{K}})+I_{\text{syn}}+I_{\text{int}}}{\tau_{\text{m}}} -\frac{g_{\text{spike}}(V-E_{\text{K}})}{\tau_{\text{spike}}} \end{equation}The threshold evolves according to [HT05, p 1677]
\begin{equation} \frac{\text{d}\theta}{\text{d}t} = -\frac{\theta-\theta_{\text{eq}}}{\tau_{\theta}} \end{equation}The neuron emits a single spike if
Upon spike emission,
in NEST)The repolarizing current is active during, and only during the refractory period: \begin{equation} g_{\text{spike}} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{neuron is refractory}\\ 0 & \text{else} \end{cases} \end{equation}
During the refractory period, the neuron cannot fire new spikes, but all state variables evolve freely, nothing is clamped.
The model of spiking and refractoriness is based on Synthesis model PulseIntegrateAndFire
Note that not all intrinsic currents are active in all populations of the network model presented in [HT05, p1678f].
Intrinsic currents are based on the Hodgkin-Huxley description, i.e.,
\begin{align} I_X &= g_{\text{peak}, X} m_X(V, t)^N_X h_X(V, t)(V-E_X) \\ \frac{\text{d}m_X}{\text{d}t} &= \frac{m_X^{\infty}-m_X}{\tau_{m,X}(V)}\\ \frac{\text{d}h_X}{\text{d}t} &= \frac{h_X^{\infty}-h_X}{\tau_{h,X}(V)} \end{align}where $I_X$ is the current through channel $X$ and $m_X$ and $h_X$ the activation and inactivation variables for channel $X$.
Synthesis: IhChannel
Note that subscript $h$ in some cases above marks the $I_h$ channel.
Synthesis: ItChannel
Note the following:
This leads to the following equations, which are implemented in Synthesis and NEST.
\begin{align} N_T &= 2 \\ m_T^{\infty}(V) &= \frac{1}{1+\exp\left(-\frac{V+59\text{mV}}{6.2\text{mV}}\right)}\\ \tau_{m,T}(V) &= 0.13\text{ms} + \frac{0.22\text{ms}}{\exp\left(-\frac{V + 132\text{mV}}{16.7\text{mV}}\right) + \exp\left(\frac{V + 16.8\text{mV}}{18.2\text{mV}}\right)} \\ h_T^{\infty}(V) &= \frac{1}{1+\exp\left(\frac{V+83\text{mV}}{4\text{mV}}\right)}\\ \tau_{h,T}(V) &= 8.2\text{ms} + \frac{56.6\text{ms} + 0.27\text{ms} \exp\left(\frac{V + 115.2\text{mV}}{5\text{mV}}\right)}{1 + \exp\left(\frac{V + 86\text{mV}}{3.2\text{mV}}\right)} \end{align}Synthesis: INaPChannel
This model has only activation ($m$) and uses the steady-state value, so the only relevant equation is that for $m$. In the paper, it is given as
\begin{equation} m_{NaP}^{\infty}(V) = 1/[1+\exp(-V+55.7)/7.7] \end{equation}Dimensional analysis indicates that the division by $7.7$ should be in the argument of the exponential, and the minus sign needs to be moved so that the current activates as the neuron depolarizes leading to the corrected equation
\begin{equation} m_{NaP}^{\infty}(V) = \frac{1}{1+\exp\left(-\frac{V+55.7\text{mV}}{7.7\text{mV}}\right)} \end{equation}This equation is implemented in NEST and Synthesis and is the one found in Compte et al (2003), cited by [HT05, p 1679].
According to Compte et al (2003), $N_{NaP}=3$, i.e., \begin{equation} I_{NaP} = g_{\text{peak,NaP}}(m_{NaP}^{\infty}(V))^3(V-E_{NaP}) \end{equation} This equation is also given in a comment in Synthesis, but is missing from the implementation.
Note: NEST implements the equation according to Compte et al (2003) with $N_{NaP}=3$, while Synthesis uses $N_{NaP}=1$.
Synthesis: IKNaChannel
This model also only has a single activation variable $m$, following more complicated dynamics expressed by $D$.
There are several problems with these equations.
In the steady state the first equation becomes \begin{equation} 0 = - D(1-D_{\text{eq}})/\tau_D \end{equation} with solution \begin{equation} D = 0 \end{equation} This contradicts both the statement [HT05, p. 1679] that $D\to D_{\text{eq}}$ in this case, and the requirement that $D>0$ to avoid a singluarity in the equation for $m_{DK}^{\infty}$. The most plausible correction is \begin{equation} dD/dt = D_{\text{influx}} - (D-D_{\text{eq}})/\tau_D \end{equation}
The third equation appears incorrect and logic as well as Wang et al, J Neurophysiol 89:3279–3293, 2003, Eq 9, cited in [HT05, p 1679], indicate that the correct equation is
\begin{equation} m_{DK}^{\infty} = 1/(1 + (d_{1/2} / D)^{3.5}) \end{equation}The equations for this channel implemented in NEST are thus
\begin{align} I_{DK} &= - g_{\text{peak},DK} m_{DK}^{\infty}(V,t) (V - E_{DK})\\ m_{DK}^{\infty} &= \frac{1}{1 + \left(\frac{d_{1/2}}{D}\right)^{3.5}}\\ \frac{dD}{dt} &= D_{\text{influx}}(V) - \frac{D-D_{\text{eq}}}{\tau_D} = \frac{D_{\infty}(V)-D}{\tau_D} \\ D_{\infty}(V) &= \tau_D D_{\text{influx}}(V) + {D_{\text{eq}}}\\ D_{\text{influx}} &= \frac{D_{\text{influx,peak}}}{1+ \exp\left(-\frac{V-D_{\theta}}{\sigma_D}\right)} \end{align}with
$D_{\text{influx,peak}}$ | $D_{\text{eq}}$ | $\tau_D$ | $D_{\theta}$ | $\sigma_D$ | $d_{1/2}$ |
$0.025\text{ms}^{-1}$ | $0.001$ | $1250\text{ms}$ | $-10\text{mV}$ | $5\text{mV}$ | $0.25$ |
Note the following:
Note: The differential equation for $dD/dt$ differs from the one implemented in Synthesis.
These are described in [HT05, p 1678]. Synaptic channels are conductance based with double-exponential time course (beta functions) and normalized for peak conductance. NMDA channels are additionally voltage gated, as described below.
Let $\{t_{(j, X)}\}$ be the set of all spike arrival times, where $X$ indicates the synapse model and $j$ enumerates spikes. Then the total synaptic input is given by
\begin{equation} I_{\text{syn}}(t) = - \sum_{\{t_{(j, X)}\}} \bar{g}_X(t-t_{(j, X)}) (V-E_X) \end{equation}Synthesis: SynChannel
The conductance change due to a single input spike at time $t=0$ through a channel of type $X$ is given by (see below for exceptions)
\begin{align} \bar{g}_X(t) &= g_X(t)\\ g_X(t) &= g_{\text{peak}, X}\frac{\exp(-t/\tau_1) - \exp(-t/\tau_2)}{ \exp(-t_{\text{peak}}/\tau_1) - \exp(-t_{\text{peak}}/\tau_2)} \Theta(t)\\ t_{\text{peak}} &= \frac{\tau_2 \tau_1}{\tau_2 - \tau_1} \ln\frac{ \tau_2}{\tau_1} \end{align}where $t_{\text{peak}}$ is the time of the conductance maximum and $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ are synaptic rise- and decay-time, respectively; $\Theta(t)$ is the Heaviside step function. The equation is integrated using exact integration in Synthesis; in NEST, it is included in the ODE-system integrated using the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 4(5) solver from GSL.
The "indirection" from $g$ to $\bar{g}$ is required for consistent notation for NMDA channels below.
These channels are used for AMPA, GABA_A and GABA_B channels.
Synthesis: SynNMDAChannel
For the NMDA channel we have \begin{equation} \bar{g}_{\text{NMDA}}(t) = m(V, t) g_{\text{NMDA}}(t) \end{equation} with $g_{\text{NMDA}}(t)$ from above.
The voltage-dependent gating $m(V, t)$ is defined as follows (based on textual description, Vargas-Caballero and Robinson J Neurophysiol 89:2778–2783, 2003, doi:10.1152/jn.01038.2002, and code inspection):
\begin{align} m(V, t) &= a(V) m_{\text{fast}}^*(V, t) + ( 1 - a(V) ) m_{\text{slow}}^*(V, t)\\ a(V) &= 0.51 - 0.0028 V \\ m^{\infty}(V) &= \frac{1}{ 1 + \exp\left( -S_{\text{act}} ( V - V_{\text{act}} ) \right) } \\ m_X^*(V, t) &= \min(m^{\infty}(V), m_X(V, t))\\ \frac{\text{d}m_X}{\text{d}t} &= \frac{m^{\infty}(V) - m_X }{ \tau_{\text{Mg}, X}} \end{align}where $X$ is "slow" or "fast". $a(V)$ expresses voltage-dependent weighting between slow and fast unblocking, $m^{\infty}(V)$ the steady-state value of the proportion of unblocked NMDA-channels, the minimum condition in $m_X^*(V,t)$ the instantaneous blocking and the differential equation for $m_X(V,t)$ the unblocking dynamics.
Synthesis uses tabluated values for $m^{\infty}$. NEST uses the best fit of $V_{\text{act}}$ and $S_{\text{act}}$ to the tabulated data for conductance table fNMDA
Note: NEST also supports instantaneous NMDA dynamics using a boolean switch. In that case $m(V, t)=m^{\infty}(V)$.
Synaptic "minis" due to spontaneous release of neurotransmitter quanta [HT05, p 1679] are not included in the NEST implementation of the Hill-Tononi model, because the total mini input rate for a cell was just 2 Hz and they cause PSP changes by $0.5 \pm 0.25$mV only and thus should have minimal effect.
The synapse depression model is implemented in NEST as ht_synapse
, in Synthesis in SynChannel
and VesiclePool
$P\in[0, 1]$ describes the state of the presynaptic vesicle pool. Spikes are transmitted with an effective weight \begin{equation} w_{\text{eff}} = P w \end{equation} where $w$ is the nominal weight of the synapse.
According to [HT05, p 1678], the pool $P$ evolves according to \begin{equation} \frac{\text{d}P}{\text{d}t} = -\:\text{spike}\:\delta_P P+\frac{P_{\text{peak}}-P}{\tau_P} \end{equation} where
In NEST, we modify the equations above to obtain a definite jump in pool size on transmission of a spike, without any dependence on the integration time step (fixing explicitly $P_{\text{peak}}$):
\begin{align} \frac{\text{d}P}{\text{d}t} &= \frac{1-P}{\tau_P} \\ P &\leftarrow ( 1 - \delta_P^*) P \end{align}$P$ is only updated when a spike passes the synapse, in the following way (where $\Delta$ is the time since the last spike through the same synapse):
To achieve approximately the same depletion as in Synthesis, use $\delta_P^*=\Delta t\delta_p$.
In [1]:
import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.optimize as so
import scipy.integrate as si
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nest
%matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12, 3)
Test relaxation of neuron and threshold to equilibrium values in absence of intrinsic currents and input. We then have \begin{align} \tau_m \dot{V}&= \left[-g_{NaL}(V-E_{Na})-g_{KL}(V-E_K)\right] = -(g_{NaL}+g_{KL})V+(g_{NaL}E_{Na}+g_{KL}E_K)\\ \Leftrightarrow\quad \tau_{\text{eff}}\dot{V} &= -V+V_{\infty}\\ V_{\infty} &= \frac{g_{NaL}E_{Na}+g_{KL}E_K}{g_{NaL}+g_{KL}}\\ \tau_{\text{eff}}&=\frac{\tau_m}{g_{NaL}+g_{KL}} \end{align} with solution \begin{equation} V(t) = V_0 e^{-\frac{t}{\tau_{\text{eff}}}} + V_{\infty}\left(1-e^{-\frac{t}{\tau_{\text{eff}}}} \right) \end{equation} and for the threshold \begin{equation} \theta(t) = \theta_0 e^{-\frac{t}{\tau_{\theta}}} + \theta_{eq}\left(1-e^{-\frac{t}{\tau_{\theta}}} \right) \end{equation}
In [2]:
def Vpass(t, V0, gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, I=0):
tau_eff = taum/(gNaL + gKL)
Vinf = (gNaL*ENa + gKL*EK + I)/(gNaL + gKL)
return V0*np.exp(-t/tau_eff) + Vinf*(1-np.exp(-t/tau_eff))
def theta(t, th0, theq, tauth):
return th0*np.exp(-t/tauth) + theq*(1-np.exp(-t/tauth))
In [3]:
nest.SetDefaults('ht_neuron', {'g_peak_NaP': 0., 'g_peak_KNa': 0.,
'g_peak_T': 0., 'g_peak_h': 0.,
'tau_theta': 10.})
hp = nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron')
V_th_0 = [(-100., -65.), (-70., -51.), (-55., -10.)]
T_sim = 20.
nrns = nest.Create('ht_neuron', n=len(V_th_0), params=[{'V_m': V, 'theta': th}
for V, th in V_th_0])
V_th_sim = nest.GetStatus(nrns, ['V_m', 'theta'])
for (V0, th0), (Vsim, thsim) in zip(V_th_0, V_th_sim):
Vex = Vpass(T_sim, V0, hp['g_NaL'], hp['E_Na'], hp['g_KL'], hp['E_K'], hp['tau_m'])
thex = theta(T_sim, th0, hp['theta_eq'], hp['tau_theta'])
print('Vex = {:.3f}, Vsim = {:.3f}, Vex-Vsim = {:.3e}'.format(Vex, Vsim, Vex-Vsim))
print('thex = {:.3f}, thsim = {:.3f}, thex-thsim = {:.3e}'.format(thex, thsim, thex-thsim))
Agreement is excellent.
The equations above hold for input current $I(t)$, but with
V_{\infty}(I) = \frac{g_{NaL}E_{Na}+g_{KL}E_K}{g_{NaL}+g_{KL}} + \frac{I}{g_{NaL}+g_{KL}}
In NEST, we need to inject input current into the ht_neuron
with a dc_generator
, whence the current will set on only at a later time and we need to take this into account. For simplicity, we assume that $V$ is initialized to $V_{\infty}(I=0)$ and that current onset is at $t_I$. We then have for $t\geq t_I$
V(t) = V_{\infty}(0) e^{-\frac{t-t_I}{\tau_{\text{eff}}}} + V_{\infty}(I)\left(1-e^{-\frac{t-t_I}{\tau_{\text{eff}}}} \right)
If we also initialize $\theta=\theta_{\text{eq}}$, the threshold is constant and we have the first spike at
V(t) &= \theta_{\text{eq}}\\
\Leftrightarrow\quad t &= t_I -\tau_{\text{eff}} \ln \frac{\theta_{\text{eq}}-V_{\infty}(I)}{V_{\infty}(0)-V_{\infty}(I)}
In [4]:
def t_first_spike(gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, theq, tI, I):
tau_eff = taum/(gNaL + gKL)
Vinf0 = (gNaL*ENa + gKL*EK)/(gNaL + gKL)
VinfI = (gNaL*ENa + gKL*EK + I)/(gNaL + gKL)
return tI - tau_eff * np.log((theq-VinfI) / (Vinf0-VinfI))
In [5]:
nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': 0.001})
nest.SetDefaults('ht_neuron', {'g_peak_NaP': 0., 'g_peak_KNa': 0.,
'g_peak_T': 0., 'g_peak_h': 0.})
hp = nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron')
I = [25., 50., 100.]
tI = 1.
delay = 1.
T_sim = 40.
nrns = nest.Create('ht_neuron', n=len(I))
dcgens = nest.Create('dc_generator', n=len(I), params=[{'amplitude': dc,
'start': tI} for dc in I])
sdets = nest.Create('spike_detector', n=len(I))
nest.Connect(dcgens, nrns, 'one_to_one', {'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(nrns, sdets, 'one_to_one')
t_first_sim = [ev['events']['times'][0] for ev in nest.GetStatus(sdets)]
for dc, tf_sim in zip(I, t_first_sim):
tf_ex = t_first_spike(hp['g_NaL'], hp['E_Na'], hp['g_KL'], hp['E_K'],
hp['tau_m'], hp['theta_eq'], tI+delay, dc)
print('tex = {:.4f}, tsim = {:.4f}, tex-tsim = {:.4f}'.format(tf_ex,
Agreement is as good as possible: All spikes occur in NEST at then end of the time step containing the expected spike time.
After each spike, $V_m = \theta = E_{Na}$, i.e., all memory is erased. We can thus treat ISIs independently. $\theta$ relaxes according to the equation above. For $V_m$, we have during $t_{\text{spike}}$ after a spike
\begin{align} \tau_m\dot{V} &= {-g_{\text{NaL}}(V-E_{\text{Na}}) -g_{\text{KL}}(V-E_{\text{K}})+I} -\frac{\tau_m}{\tau_{\text{spike}}}({V-E_{\text{K}}})\\ &= -(g_{NaL}+g_{KL}+\frac{\tau_m}{\tau_{\text{spike}}})V+(g_{NaL}E_{Na}+g_{KL}E_K+\frac{\tau_m}{\tau_{\text{spike}}}E_K) \end{align}thus recovering the same for for the solution but with
\begin{align} \tau^*_{\text{eff}} &= \frac{\tau_m}{g_{NaL}+g_{KL}+\frac{\tau_m}{\tau_{\text{spike}}}}\\ V^*_{\infty} &= \frac{g_{NaL}E_{Na}+g_{KL}E_K+I+\frac{\tau_m}{\tau_{\text{spike}}}E_K}{g_{NaL}+g_{KL}+\frac{\tau_m}{\tau_{\text{spike}}}} \end{align}Assuming that the ISI is longer than the refractory period $t_{\text{spike}}$, and we had a spike at time $t_s$, then we have at $t_s+t_{\text{spike}}$
\begin{align} V^* &= V(t_s+t_{\text{spike}}) = E_{Na} e^{-\frac{t_{\text{spike}}}{\tau^*_{\text{eff}}}} + V^*_{\infty}(I)\left(1-e^{-\frac{t_{\text{spike}}}{\tau^*_{\text{eff}}}} \right)\\ \theta^* &= \theta(t_s+t_{\text{spike}}) = E_{Na} e^{-\frac{t_{\text{spike}}}{\tau_{\theta}}} + \theta_{eq}\left(1-e^{-\frac{t_{\text{spike}}}{\tau_{\theta}}} \right)\\ t^* &= t_s+t_{\text{spike}} \end{align}For $t>t^*$, the normal equations apply again, i.e., \begin{align} V(t) &= V^* e^{-\frac{t-t^*}{\tau_{\text{eff}}}} + V_{\infty}(I)\left(1-e^{-\frac{t-t^*}{\tau_{\text{eff}}}} \right)\\ \theta(t) &= \theta^* e^{-\frac{t-t^*}{\tau_{\theta}}} + \theta_{\infty}\left(1-e^{-\frac{t-t^*}{\tau_{\theta}}}\right) \end{align}
The time of the next spike is then given by \begin{equation} V(\hat{t}) = \theta(\hat{t}) \end{equation} which can only be solved numerically. The ISI is then obtained as $\hat{t}-t_s$.
In [6]:
def Vspike(tspk, gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, tauspk, I=0):
tau_eff = taum/(gNaL + gKL + taum/tauspk)
Vinf = (gNaL*ENa + gKL*EK + I + taum/tauspk*EK)/(gNaL + gKL + taum/tauspk)
return ENa*np.exp(-tspk/tau_eff) + Vinf*(1-np.exp(-tspk/tau_eff))
def thetaspike(tspk, ENa, theq, tauth):
return ENa*np.exp(-tspk/tauth) + theq*(1-np.exp(-tspk/tauth))
def Vpost(t, tspk, gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, tauspk, I=0):
Vsp = Vspike(tspk, gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, tauspk, I)
return Vpass(t-tspk, Vsp, gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, I)
def thetapost(t, tspk, ENa, theq, tauth):
thsp = thetaspike(tspk, ENa, theq, tauth)
return theta(t-tspk, thsp, theq, tauth)
def threshold(t, tspk, gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, tauspk, I, theq, tauth):
return Vpost(t, tspk, gNaL, ENa, gKL, EK, taum, tauspk, I) - thetapost(t, tspk, ENa, theq, tauth)
In [7]:
nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': 0.001})
nest.SetDefaults('ht_neuron', {'g_peak_NaP': 0., 'g_peak_KNa': 0.,
'g_peak_T': 0., 'g_peak_h': 0.})
hp = nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron')
I = [25., 50., 100.]
tI = 1.
delay = 1.
T_sim = 1000.
nrns = nest.Create('ht_neuron', n=len(I))
dcgens = nest.Create('dc_generator', n=len(I), params=[{'amplitude': dc,
'start': tI} for dc in I])
sdets = nest.Create('spike_detector', n=len(I))
nest.Connect(dcgens, nrns, 'one_to_one', {'delay': delay})
nest.Connect(nrns, sdets, 'one_to_one')
isi_sim = []
for ev in nest.GetStatus(sdets):
t_spk = ev['events']['times']
isi = np.diff(t_spk)
isi_sim.append((np.min(isi), np.mean(isi), np.max(isi)))
for dc, (isi_min, isi_mean, isi_max) in zip(I, isi_sim):
isi_ex = so.bisect(threshold, hp['t_ref'], 50,
args=(hp['t_ref'], hp['g_NaL'], hp['E_Na'], hp['g_KL'], hp['E_K'],
hp['tau_m'], hp['tau_spike'], dc, hp['theta_eq'], hp['tau_theta']))
print('isi_ex = {:.4f}, isi_sim (min, mean, max) = ({:.4f}, {:.4f}, {:.4f})'.format(
isi_ex, isi_min, isi_mean, isi_max))
In [8]:
class Channel:
Base class for channel models in Python.
def tau_m(self, V):
raise NotImplementedError()
def tau_h(self, V):
raise NotImplementedError()
def m_inf(self, V):
raise NotImplementedError()
def h_inf(self, V):
raise NotImplementedError()
def D_inf(self, V):
raise NotImplementedError()
def dh(self, h, t, V):
return (self.h_inf(V)-h)/self.tau_h(V)
def dm(self, m, t, V):
return (self.m_inf(V)-m)/self.tau_m(V)
In [9]:
def voltage_clamp(channel, DT_V_seq, nest_dt=0.1):
"Run voltage clamp with voltage V through intervals DT."
# NEST part
nest_g_0 = {'g_peak_h': 0., 'g_peak_T': 0., 'g_peak_NaP': 0., 'g_peak_KNa': 0.}
nest_g_0[channel.nest_g] = 1.
nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': nest_dt})
nrn = nest.Create('ht_neuron', params=nest_g_0)
mm = nest.Create('multimeter', params={'record_from': ['V_m', 'theta', channel.nest_I],
'interval': nest_dt})
nest.Connect(mm, nrn)
# ensure we start from equilibrated state
nest.SetStatus(nrn, {'V_m': DT_V_seq[0][1], 'equilibrate': True,
'voltage_clamp': True})
for DT, V in DT_V_seq:
nest.SetStatus(nrn, {'V_m': V, 'voltage_clamp': True})
t_end = nest.GetKernelStatus()['time']
# simulate a little more so we get all data up to t_end to multimeter
nest.Simulate(2 * nest.GetKernelStatus()['min_delay'])
tmp = pd.DataFrame(nest.GetStatus(mm)[0]['events'])
nest_res = tmp[tmp.times <= t_end]
# Control part
t_old = 0.
m_old = channel.m_inf(DT_V_seq[0][1])
except NotImplementedError:
m_old = None
h_old = channel.h_inf(DT_V_seq[0][1])
except NotImplementedError:
h_old = None
D_old = channel.D_inf(DT_V_seq[0][1])
except NotImplementedError:
D_old = None
t_all, I_all = [], []
if D_old is not None:
D_all = []
for DT, V in DT_V_seq:
t_loc = np.arange(0., DT+0.1*nest_dt, nest_dt)
I_loc = channel.compute_I(t_loc, V, m_old, h_old, D_old)
t_all.extend(t_old + t_loc[1:])
if D_old is not None:
m_old = channel.m[-1] if m_old is not None else None
h_old = channel.h[-1] if h_old is not None else None
D_old = channel.D[-1] if D_old is not None else None
t_old = t_all[-1]
if D_old is None:
ctrl_res = pd.DataFrame({'times': t_all, channel.nest_I: I_all})
ctrl_res = pd.DataFrame({'times': t_all, channel.nest_I: I_all, 'D': D_all})
return nest_res, ctrl_res
The $I_h$ current is governed by \begin{align} I_h &= g_{\text{peak}, h} m_h(V, t) (V-E_h) \\ \frac{\text{d}m_h}{\text{d}t} &= \frac{m_h^{\infty}-m_h}{\tau_{m,h}(V)}\\ m_h^{\infty}(V) &= \frac{1}{1+\exp\left(\frac{V+75\text{mV}}{5.5\text{mV}}\right)} \\ \tau_{m,h}(V) &= \frac{1}{\exp(-14.59-0.086V) + \exp(-1.87 + 0.0701V)} \end{align}
We first inspect $m_h^{\infty}(V)$ and $\tau_{m,h}(V)$ to prepare for testing
In [10]:
class Ih(Channel):
nest_g = 'g_peak_h'
nest_I = 'I_h'
def __init__(self, ht_params):
self.hp = ht_params
def tau_m(self, V):
return 1/(np.exp(-14.59-0.086*V) + np.exp(-1.87 + 0.0701*V))
def m_inf(self, V):
return 1/(1+np.exp((V+75)/5.5))
def compute_I(self, t, V, m0, h0, D0):
self.m = si.odeint(, m0, t, args=(V,))
return - self.hp['g_peak_h'] * self.m * (V - self.hp['E_rev_h'])
In [11]:
ih = Ih(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'))
V = np.linspace(-110, 30, 100)
plt.plot(V, ih.tau_m(V));
ax = plt.gca();
ax.set_xlabel('Voltage V [mV]');
ax.set_ylabel('Time constant tau_m [ms]', color='b');
ax2 = ax.twinx()
ax2.plot(V, ih.m_inf(V), 'g');
ax2.set_ylabel('Steady-state m_h^inf', color='g');
We now run a voltage clamp experiment starting from the equilibrium value.
In [12]:
ih = Ih(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'))
nr, cr = voltage_clamp(ih, [(500, -65.), (500, -80.), (500, -100.), (500, -90.), (500, -55.)])
In [13]:
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(nr.times, nr.I_h, label='NEST');
plt.plot(cr.times, cr.I_h, label='Control');
plt.legend(loc='upper left');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('I_h [mV]');
plt.title('I_h current')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(nr.times, (nr.I_h-cr.I_h)/np.abs(cr.I_h));
plt.title('Relative I_h error')
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel. error (NEST-Control)/|Control|');
The corrected equations used for the $I_T$ channel in NEST are \begin{align} IT &= g{\text{peak}, T} m_T^2(V, t) h_T(V,t) (V-E_T) \ mT^{\infty}(V) &= \frac{1}{1+\exp\left(-\frac{V+59\text{mV}}{6.2\text{mV}}\right)}\ \tau{m,T}(V) &= 0.13\text{ms}
In [14]:
class IT(Channel):
nest_g = 'g_peak_T'
nest_I = 'I_T'
def __init__(self, ht_params):
self.hp = ht_params
def tau_m(self, V):
return 0.13 + 0.22/(np.exp(-(V+132)/16.7) + np.exp((V+16.8)/18.2))
def tau_h(self, V):
return 8.2 + (56.6 + 0.27 * np.exp((V+115.2)/5.0)) /(1 + np.exp((V+86.0)/3.2))
def m_inf(self, V):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-(V+59.0)/6.2))
def h_inf(self, V):
return 1/(1+np.exp((V+83.0)/4.0))
def compute_I(self, t, V, m0, h0, D0):
self.m = si.odeint(, m0, t, args=(V,))
self.h = si.odeint(self.dh, h0, t, args=(V,))
return - self.hp['g_peak_T'] * self.m**2 * self.h * (V - self.hp['E_rev_T'])
In [15]:
iT = IT(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'))
V = np.linspace(-110, 30, 100)
plt.plot(V, 10 * iT.tau_m(V), 'b-', label='10 * tau_m');
plt.plot(V, iT.tau_h(V), 'b--', label='tau_h');
ax1 = plt.gca();
ax1.set_xlabel('Voltage V [mV]');
ax1.set_ylabel('Time constants [ms]', color='b');
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax2.plot(V, iT.m_inf(V), 'g-', label='m_inf');
ax2.plot(V, iT.h_inf(V), 'g--', label='h_inf');
ax2.set_ylabel('Steady-state', color='g');
ln1, lb1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
ln2, lb2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
plt.legend(ln1+ln2, lb1+lb2, loc='upper right');
In [16]:
iT = IT(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'))
nr, cr = voltage_clamp(iT, [(200, -65.), (200, -80.), (200, -100.), (200, -90.), (200, -70.),
(200, -55.)],
In [17]:
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(nr.times, nr.I_T, label='NEST');
plt.plot(cr.times, cr.I_T, label='Control');
plt.legend(loc='upper left');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('I_T [mV]');
plt.title('I_T current')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(nr.times, (nr.I_T-cr.I_T)/np.abs(cr.I_T));
plt.title('Relative I_T error')
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel. error (NEST-Control)/|Control|');
In [18]:
class INaP(Channel):
nest_g = 'g_peak_NaP'
nest_I = 'I_NaP'
def __init__(self, ht_params):
self.hp = ht_params
def m_inf(self, V):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-(V+55.7)/7.7))
def compute_I(self, t, V, m0, h0, D0):
return self.I_V_curve(V * np.ones_like(t))
def I_V_curve(self, V):
self.m = self.m_inf(V)
return - self.hp['g_peak_NaP'] * self.m**3 * (V - self.hp['E_rev_NaP'])
In [19]:
iNaP = INaP(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'))
V = np.arange(-110., 30., 1.)
nr, cr = voltage_clamp(iNaP, [(1, v) for v in V], nest_dt=0.1)
In [20]:
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
plt.plot(nr.times, nr.I_NaP, label='NEST');
plt.plot(cr.times, cr.I_NaP, label='Control');
plt.legend(loc='upper left');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('I_NaP [mV]');
plt.title('I_NaP current')
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
plt.plot(nr.times, (nr.I_NaP-cr.I_NaP));
plt.title('I_NaP error')
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Error (NEST-Control)');
Equations for this channel are
\begin{align} I_{DK} &= - g_{\text{peak},DK} m_{DK}^{\infty}(V,t) (V - E_{DK})\\ m_{DK}^{\infty} &= \frac{1}{1 + \left(\frac{d_{1/2}}{D}\right)^{3.5}}\\ \frac{dD}{dt} &= D_{\text{influx}}(V) - \frac{D-D_{\text{eq}}}{\tau_D} = \frac{D_{\infty}(V)-D}{\tau_D} \\ D_{\infty}(V) &= \tau_D D_{\text{influx}}(V) + {D_{\text{eq}}}\\ D_{\text{influx}} &= \frac{D_{\text{influx,peak}}}{1+ \exp\left(-\frac{V-D_{\theta}}{\sigma_D}\right)} \end{align}with
$D_{\text{influx,peak}}$ | $D_{\text{eq}}$ | $\tau_D$ | $D_{\theta}$ | $\sigma_D$ | $d_{1/2}$ |
$0.025\text{ms}^{-1}$ | $0.001$ | $1250\text{ms}$ | $-10\text{mV}$ | $5\text{mV}$ | $0.25$ |
Note the following:
In [21]:
class IDK(Channel):
nest_g = 'g_peak_KNa'
nest_I = 'I_KNa'
def __init__(self, ht_params):
self.hp = ht_params
def m_inf(self, D):
return 1/(1+(0.25/D)**3.5)
def D_inf(self, V):
return 1250. * self.D_influx(V) + 0.001
def D_influx(self, V):
return 0.025 / ( 1 + np.exp(-(V+10)/5.) )
def dD(self, D, t, V):
return (self.D_inf(V) - D)/1250.
def compute_I(self, t, V, m0, h0, D0):
self.D = si.odeint(self.dD, D0, t, args=(V,))
self.m = self.m_inf(self.D)
return - self.hp['g_peak_KNa'] * self.m * (V - self.hp['E_rev_KNa'])
In [22]:
iDK = IDK(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'))
In [23]:
D=np.linspace(0.01, 1.5,num=200);
V=np.linspace(-110, 30, num=200);
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 9), (0, 0), colspan=4);
ax2 = ax1.twinx()
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 9), (0, 6), colspan=3);
ax1.plot(V, -iDK.m_inf(iDK.D_inf(V))*(V - iDK.hp['E_rev_KNa']), 'g');
ax1.set_ylabel('Current I_inf(V)', color='g');
ax2.plot(V, iDK.m_inf(iDK.D_inf(V)), 'b');
ax2.set_ylabel('Activation m_inf(D_inf(V))', color='b');
ax1.set_xlabel('Membrane potential V [mV]');
ax2.set_title('Steady-state activation and current');
ax3.plot(D, iDK.m_inf(D), 'b');
ax3.set_ylabel('Activation m_inf(D)', color='b');
ax3.set_title('Activation as function of D');
In [24]:
nr, cr = voltage_clamp(iDK, [(500, -65.), (500, -35.), (500, -25.), (500, 0.), (5000, -70.)],
In [25]:
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 9), (0, 0), colspan=4);
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((1, 9), (0, 6), colspan=3);
ax1.plot(nr.times, nr.I_KNa, label='NEST');
ax1.plot(cr.times, cr.I_KNa, label='Control');
ax1.legend(loc='lower right');
ax1.set_xlabel('Time [ms]');
ax1.set_ylabel('I_DK [mV]');
ax1.set_title('I_DK current');
ax2.plot(nr.times, (nr.I_KNa-cr.I_KNa)/np.abs(cr.I_KNa));
ax2.set_title('Relative I_DK error')
ax2.set_xlabel('Time [ms]');
ax2.set_ylabel('Rel. error (NEST-Control)/|Control|');
In [26]:
class SynChannel:
Base class for synapse channel models in Python.
def t_peak(self):
return self.tau_1 * self.tau_2 / (self.tau_2 - self.tau_1) * np.log(self.tau_2/self.tau_1)
def beta(self, t):
val = ( ( np.exp(-t/self.tau_1) - np.exp(-t/self.tau_2) ) /
( np.exp(-self.t_peak()/self.tau_1) - np.exp(-self.t_peak()/self.tau_2) ) )
val[t < 0] = 0
return val
In [27]:
def syn_voltage_clamp(channel, DT_V_seq, nest_dt=0.1):
"Run voltage clamp with voltage V through intervals DT with single spike at time 1"
spike_time = 1.0
delay = 1.0
nest.SetKernelStatus({'resolution': nest_dt})
nrn = nest.Create('ht_neuron', params={'theta': 1e6, 'theta_eq': 1e6,
'instant_unblock_NMDA': channel.instantaneous})
nrn = nest.Create('ht_neuron', params={'theta': 1e6, 'theta_eq': 1e6})
mm = nest.Create('multimeter',
params={'record_from': ['g_'+channel.receptor],
'interval': nest_dt})
sg = nest.Create('spike_generator', params={'spike_times': [spike_time]})
nest.Connect(mm, nrn)
nest.Connect(sg, nrn, syn_spec={'weight': 1.0, 'delay': delay,
'receptor_type': channel.rec_code})
# ensure we start from equilibrated state
nest.SetStatus(nrn, {'V_m': DT_V_seq[0][1], 'equilibrate': True,
'voltage_clamp': True})
for DT, V in DT_V_seq:
nest.SetStatus(nrn, {'V_m': V, 'voltage_clamp': True})
t_end = nest.GetKernelStatus()['time']
# simulate a little more so we get all data up to t_end to multimeter
nest.Simulate(2 * nest.GetKernelStatus()['min_delay'])
tmp = pd.DataFrame(nest.GetStatus(mm)[0]['events'])
nest_res = tmp[tmp.times <= t_end]
# Control part
t_old = 0.
t_all, g_all = [], []
m_fast_old = (channel.m_inf(DT_V_seq[0][1])
if channel.receptor == 'NMDA' and not channel.instantaneous else None)
m_slow_old = (channel.m_inf(DT_V_seq[0][1])
if channel.receptor == 'NMDA' and not channel.instantaneous else None)
for DT, V in DT_V_seq:
t_loc = np.arange(0., DT+0.1*nest_dt, nest_dt)
g_loc = channel.g(t_old+t_loc-(spike_time+delay), V, m_fast_old, m_slow_old)
t_all.extend(t_old + t_loc[1:])
m_fast_old = channel.m_fast[-1] if m_fast_old is not None else None
m_slow_old = channel.m_slow[-1] if m_slow_old is not None else None
t_old = t_all[-1]
ctrl_res = pd.DataFrame({'times': t_all, 'g_'+channel.receptor: g_all})
return nest_res, ctrl_res
In [28]:
class PlainChannel(SynChannel):
def __init__(self, hp, receptor):
self.hp = hp
self.receptor = receptor
self.rec_code = hp['receptor_types'][receptor]
self.tau_1 = hp['tau_rise_'+receptor]
self.tau_2 = hp['tau_decay_'+receptor]
self.g_peak = hp['g_peak_'+receptor]
self.E_rev = hp['E_rev_'+receptor]
def g(self, t, V, mf0, ms0):
return self.g_peak * self.beta(t)
def I(self, t, V):
return - self.g(t) * (V-self.E_rev)
In [29]:
ampa = PlainChannel(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'), 'AMPA')
am_n, am_c = syn_voltage_clamp(ampa, [(25, -70.)], nest_dt=0.1)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1);
plt.plot(am_n.times, am_n.g_AMPA, label='NEST');
plt.plot(am_c.times, am_c.g_AMPA, label='Control');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.title('AMPA Channel');
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plt.plot(am_n.times, (am_n.g_AMPA-am_c.g_AMPA)/am_c.g_AMPA);
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel error');
plt.title('AMPA rel error');
In [30]:
ampa = PlainChannel(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'), 'AMPA')
am_n, am_c = syn_voltage_clamp(ampa, [(25, -70.)], nest_dt=0.001)
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1);
plt.plot(am_n.times, am_n.g_AMPA, label='NEST');
plt.plot(am_c.times, am_c.g_AMPA, label='Control');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.title('AMPA Channel');
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plt.plot(am_n.times, (am_n.g_AMPA-am_c.g_AMPA)/am_c.g_AMPA);
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel error');
plt.title('AMPA rel error');
In [31]:
gaba_a = PlainChannel(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'), 'GABA_A')
ga_n, ga_c = syn_voltage_clamp(gaba_a, [(50, -70.)])
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1);
plt.plot(ga_n.times, ga_n.g_GABA_A, label='NEST');
plt.plot(ga_c.times, ga_c.g_GABA_A, label='Control');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.title('GABA_A Channel');
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plt.plot(ga_n.times, (ga_n.g_GABA_A-ga_c.g_GABA_A)/ga_c.g_GABA_A);
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel error');
plt.title('GABA_A rel error');
In [32]:
gaba_b = PlainChannel(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'), 'GABA_B')
gb_n, gb_c = syn_voltage_clamp(gaba_b, [(750, -70.)])
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1);
plt.plot(gb_n.times, gb_n.g_GABA_B, label='NEST');
plt.plot(gb_c.times, gb_c.g_GABA_B, label='Control');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.title('GABA_B Channel');
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plt.plot(gb_n.times, (gb_n.g_GABA_B-gb_c.g_GABA_B)/gb_c.g_GABA_B);
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel error');
plt.title('GABA_B rel error');
The equations for this channel are
\begin{align} \bar{g}_{\text{NMDA}}(t) &= m(V, t) g_{\text{NMDA}}(t) m(V, t)\\ &= a(V) m_{\text{fast}}^*(V, t) + ( 1 - a(V) ) m_{\text{slow}}^*(V, t)\\ a(V) &= 0.51 - 0.0028 V \\ m^{\infty}(V) &= \frac{1}{ 1 + \exp\left( -S_{\text{act}} ( V - V_{\text{act}} ) \right) } \\ m_X^*(V, t) &= \min(m^{\infty}(V), m_X(V, t))\\ \frac{\text{d}m_X}{\text{d}t} &= \frac{m^{\infty}(V) - m_X }{ \tau_{\text{Mg}, X}} \end{align}where $g_{\text{NMDA}}(t)$ is the beta functions as for the other channels. In case of instantaneous unblocking, $m=m^{\infty}$.
In [33]:
class NMDAInstantChannel(SynChannel):
def __init__(self, hp, receptor):
self.hp = hp
self.receptor = receptor
self.rec_code = hp['receptor_types'][receptor]
self.tau_1 = hp['tau_rise_'+receptor]
self.tau_2 = hp['tau_decay_'+receptor]
self.g_peak = hp['g_peak_'+receptor]
self.E_rev = hp['E_rev_'+receptor]
self.S_act = hp['S_act_NMDA']
self.V_act = hp['V_act_NMDA']
self.instantaneous = True
def m_inf(self, V):
return 1. / ( 1. + np.exp(-self.S_act*(V-self.V_act)))
def g(self, t, V, mf0, ms0):
return self.g_peak * self.m_inf(V) * self.beta(t)
def I(self, t, V):
return - self.g(t) * (V-self.E_rev)
In [34]:
nmdai = NMDAInstantChannel(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'), 'NMDA')
ni_n, ni_c = syn_voltage_clamp(nmdai, [(50, -60.), (50, -50.), (50, -20.), (50, 0.), (50, -60.)])
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1);
plt.plot(ni_n.times, ni_n.g_NMDA, label='NEST');
plt.plot(ni_c.times, ni_c.g_NMDA, label='Control');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.title('NMDA Channel (instant unblock)');
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plt.plot(ni_n.times, (ni_n.g_NMDA-ni_c.g_NMDA)/ni_c.g_NMDA);
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel error');
plt.title('NMDA (inst) rel error');
In [35]:
class NMDAChannel(SynChannel):
def __init__(self, hp, receptor):
self.hp = hp
self.receptor = receptor
self.rec_code = hp['receptor_types'][receptor]
self.tau_1 = hp['tau_rise_'+receptor]
self.tau_2 = hp['tau_decay_'+receptor]
self.g_peak = hp['g_peak_'+receptor]
self.E_rev = hp['E_rev_'+receptor]
self.S_act = hp['S_act_NMDA']
self.V_act = hp['V_act_NMDA']
self.tau_fast = hp['tau_Mg_fast_NMDA']
self.tau_slow = hp['tau_Mg_slow_NMDA']
self.instantaneous = False
def m_inf(self, V):
return 1. / ( 1. + np.exp(-self.S_act*(V-self.V_act)) )
def dm(self, m, t, V, tau):
return ( self.m_inf(V) - m ) / tau
def g(self, t, V, mf0, ms0):
self.m_fast = si.odeint(, mf0, t, args=(V, self.tau_fast))
self.m_slow = si.odeint(, ms0, t, args=(V, self.tau_slow))
a = 0.51 - 0.0028 * V
m_inf = self.m_inf(V)
mfs = self.m_fast[:]
mfs[mfs > m_inf] = m_inf
mss = self.m_slow[:]
mss[mss > m_inf] = m_inf
m = np.squeeze(a * mfs + ( 1 - a ) * mss)
return self.g_peak * m * self.beta(t)
def I(self, t, V):
raise NotImplementedError()
In [36]:
nmda = NMDAChannel(nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron'), 'NMDA')
nm_n, nm_c = syn_voltage_clamp(nmda, [(50, -70.), (50, -50.), (50, -20.), (50, 0.), (50, -60.)])
plt.subplot(1, 2, 1);
plt.plot(nm_n.times, nm_n.g_NMDA, label='NEST');
plt.plot(nm_c.times, nm_c.g_NMDA, label='Control');
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.title('NMDA Channel');
plt.subplot(1, 2, 2);
plt.plot(nm_n.times, (nm_n.g_NMDA-nm_c.g_NMDA)/nm_c.g_NMDA);
plt.xlabel('Time [ms]');
plt.ylabel('Rel error');
plt.title('NMDA rel error');
In [37]:
sp = nest.GetDefaults('ht_synapse')
P0 = sp['P']
dP = sp['delta_P']
tP = sp['tau_P']
spike_times = [10., 12., 20., 20.5, 100., 200., 1000.]
expected = [(0., P0, P0)]
for idx, t in enumerate(spike_times):
tlast, Psend, Ppost = expected[idx]
Psend = 1 - (1-Ppost)*math.exp(-(t-tlast)/tP)
expected.append((t, Psend, (1-dP)*Psend))
expected_weights = list(zip(*expected[1:]))[1]
sg = nest.Create('spike_generator', params={'spike_times': spike_times})
n = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', 2)
wr = nest.Create('weight_recorder')
nest.SetDefaults('ht_synapse', {'weight_recorder': wr[0], 'weight': 1.0})
nest.Connect(sg, n[:1])
nest.Connect(n[:1], n[1:], syn_spec='ht_synapse')
rec_weights = nest.GetStatus(wr)[0]['events']['weights']
print('Recorded weights:', rec_weights)
print('Expected weights:', expected_weights)
print('Difference :', np.array(rec_weights) - np.array(expected_weights))
Perfect agreement, synapse model looks fine.
In [38]:
nrn = nest.Create('ht_neuron')
ppg = nest.Create('pulsepacket_generator', n=4,
params={'pulse_times': [700., 1700., 2700., 3700.],
'activity': 700, 'sdev': 50.})
pr = nest.Create('parrot_neuron', n=4)
mm = nest.Create('multimeter',
params={'interval': 0.1,
'record_from': ['V_m', 'theta',
'g_AMPA', 'g_NMDA',
'g_GABA_A', 'g_GABA_B',
'I_NaP', 'I_KNa', 'I_T', 'I_h']})
weights = {'AMPA': 25., 'NMDA': 20., 'GABA_A': 10., 'GABA_B': 1.}
receptors = nest.GetDefaults('ht_neuron')['receptor_types']
nest.Connect(ppg, pr, 'one_to_one')
for p, (rec_name, rec_wgt) in zip(pr, weights.items()):
nest.Connect([p], nrn, syn_spec={'model': 'ht_synapse',
'receptor_type': receptors[rec_name],
'weight': rec_wgt})
nest.Connect(mm, nrn)
In [39]:
data = nest.GetStatus(mm)[0]['events']
t = data['times']
def texify_name(name):
return r'${}_{{\mathrm{{{}}}}}$'.format(*name.split('_'))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,10))
Vax = fig.add_subplot(311)
Vax.plot(t, data['V_m'], 'k', lw=1, label=r'$V_m$')
Vax.plot(t, data['theta'], 'r', alpha=0.5, lw=1, label=r'$\Theta$')
Vax.set_ylabel('Potential [mV]')
Vax.set_title('ht_neuron driven by sinousiodal Poisson processes')
Iax = fig.add_subplot(312)
for iname, color in (('I_h', 'blue'), ('I_KNa', 'green'),
('I_NaP', 'red'), ('I_T', 'cyan')):
Iax.plot(t, data[iname], color=color, lw=1, label=texify_name(iname))
#Iax.set_ylim(-60, 60)
Iax.set_ylabel('Current [mV]')
Gax = fig.add_subplot(313)
for gname, sgn, color in (('g_AMPA', 1, 'green'), ('g_GABA_A', -1, 'red'),
('g_GABA_B', -1, 'cyan'), ('g_NMDA', 1, 'magenta')):
Gax.plot(t, sgn*data[gname], lw=1, label=texify_name(gname), color=color)
#Gax.set_ylim(-150, 150)
Gax.set_xlabel('Time [ms]');
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