Data Analysis

In [1]:
# standard packages
import sys
import pickle
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

# custom packages
from import df_check_stats, game, sam_pickle_save, sam_pickle_load
from import df_check_stats, MarkdownMagics
from scripts.sam_value_counts import sam_dataframe_cols_value_count_analysis, sam_dataframe_markup_value_counts
from scripts.sam_confusion_matrix import sam_plot_confusion_matrix, sam_confusion_maxtrix

# extension - %%asmarkdown
from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython

%matplotlib inline'ggplot')

crazy_list = ()

Load Data

Here we are going to see for a top level overview of how data looks like.

In [2]:
RAW_X = pd.read_csv('data/traning_set_values.csv', index_col='id')
RAW_y = pd.read_csv('data/training_set_labels.csv', index_col='id')
RAW_TEST_X = pd.read_csv('data/test_set_values.csv', index_col='id')

In [3]:
df_check_stats(RAW_X, RAW_TEST_X, RAW_y)

# 39 Features, 59K Records

Data Frame Shape: (59400, 39) TotColumns: 39 ObjectCols: 0
Data Frame Shape: (14850, 39) TotColumns: 39 ObjectCols: 0
Data Frame Shape: (59400, 1) TotColumns: 1 ObjectCols: 0

In [4]:
RAW_y.status_group.value_counts() / RAW_y.size

# We can see that its a multi class supervised learning

functional                 0.543081
non functional             0.384242
functional needs repair    0.072677
Name: status_group, dtype: float64

In [5]:

# We can already see that cols like water_quality, quality_group pairs with good correlation

amount_tsh date_recorded funder gps_height installer longitude latitude wpt_name num_private basin ... payment_type water_quality quality_group quantity quantity_group source source_type source_class waterpoint_type waterpoint_type_group
69572 6000.0 2011-03-14 Roman 1390 Roman 34.938093 -9.856322 none 0 Lake Nyasa ... annually soft good enough enough spring spring groundwater communal standpipe communal standpipe
8776 0.0 2013-03-06 Grumeti 1399 GRUMETI 34.698766 -2.147466 Zahanati 0 Lake Victoria ... never pay soft good insufficient insufficient rainwater harvesting rainwater harvesting surface communal standpipe communal standpipe
34310 25.0 2013-02-25 Lottery Club 686 World vision 37.460664 -3.821329 Kwa Mahundi 0 Pangani ... per bucket soft good enough enough dam dam surface communal standpipe multiple communal standpipe
67743 0.0 2013-01-28 Unicef 263 UNICEF 38.486161 -11.155298 Zahanati Ya Nanyumbu 0 Ruvuma / Southern Coast ... never pay soft good dry dry machine dbh borehole groundwater communal standpipe multiple communal standpipe
19728 0.0 2011-07-13 Action In A 0 Artisan 31.130847 -1.825359 Shuleni 0 Lake Victoria ... never pay soft good seasonal seasonal rainwater harvesting rainwater harvesting surface communal standpipe communal standpipe

5 rows × 39 columns

In [6]:

# gps_height has -tive mean height.

amount_tsh gps_height longitude latitude num_private region_code district_code population construction_year
count 59400.000000 59400.000000 59400.000000 5.940000e+04 59400.000000 59400.000000 59400.000000 59400.000000 59400.000000
mean 317.650385 668.297239 34.077427 -5.706033e+00 0.474141 15.297003 5.629747 179.909983 1300.652475
std 2997.574558 693.116350 6.567432 2.946019e+00 12.236230 17.587406 9.633649 471.482176 951.620547
min 0.000000 -90.000000 0.000000 -1.164944e+01 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 0.000000 0.000000 33.090347 -8.540621e+00 0.000000 5.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 0.000000 369.000000 34.908743 -5.021597e+00 0.000000 12.000000 3.000000 25.000000 1986.000000
75% 20.000000 1319.250000 37.178387 -3.326156e+00 0.000000 17.000000 5.000000 215.000000 2004.000000
max 350000.000000 2770.000000 40.345193 -2.000000e-08 1776.000000 99.000000 80.000000 30500.000000 2013.000000

In [7]:

# we have lots of object columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 59400 entries, 69572 to 26348
Data columns (total 39 columns):
amount_tsh               59400 non-null float64
date_recorded            59400 non-null object
funder                   55765 non-null object
gps_height               59400 non-null int64
installer                55745 non-null object
longitude                59400 non-null float64
latitude                 59400 non-null float64
wpt_name                 59400 non-null object
num_private              59400 non-null int64
basin                    59400 non-null object
subvillage               59029 non-null object
region                   59400 non-null object
region_code              59400 non-null int64
district_code            59400 non-null int64
lga                      59400 non-null object
ward                     59400 non-null object
population               59400 non-null int64
public_meeting           56066 non-null object
recorded_by              59400 non-null object
scheme_management        55523 non-null object
scheme_name              31234 non-null object
permit                   56344 non-null object
construction_year        59400 non-null int64
extraction_type          59400 non-null object
extraction_type_group    59400 non-null object
extraction_type_class    59400 non-null object
management               59400 non-null object
management_group         59400 non-null object
payment                  59400 non-null object
payment_type             59400 non-null object
water_quality            59400 non-null object
quality_group            59400 non-null object
quantity                 59400 non-null object
quantity_group           59400 non-null object
source                   59400 non-null object
source_type              59400 non-null object
source_class             59400 non-null object
waterpoint_type          59400 non-null object
waterpoint_type_group    59400 non-null object
dtypes: float64(3), int64(6), object(30)
memory usage: 18.1+ MB

In [8]:
aa = RAW_X.isnull().sum()
bb = RAW_X.dtypes
cc = pd.DataFrame({'null_values': aa, 'data_types': bb})


# We can see that `scheme name` has 28K records mission data.

data_types null_values
amount_tsh float64 0
date_recorded object 0
funder object 3635
gps_height int64 0
installer object 3655
longitude float64 0
latitude float64 0
wpt_name object 0
num_private int64 0
basin object 0
subvillage object 371
region object 0
region_code int64 0
district_code int64 0
lga object 0
ward object 0
population int64 0
public_meeting object 3334
recorded_by object 0
scheme_management object 3877
scheme_name object 28166
permit object 3056
construction_year int64 0
extraction_type object 0
extraction_type_group object 0
extraction_type_class object 0
management object 0
management_group object 0
payment object 0
payment_type object 0
water_quality object 0
quality_group object 0
quantity object 0
quantity_group object 0
source object 0
source_type object 0
source_class object 0
waterpoint_type object 0
waterpoint_type_group object 0

In [9]:
cc[cc.null_values > 0]

# Taking a closer look at the columns with missing data.

data_types null_values
funder object 3635
installer object 3655
subvillage object 371
public_meeting object 3334
scheme_management object 3877
scheme_name object 28166
permit object 3056

Note: As you can see scheme_name has too many null values to fill in. Also public_meeting and permit are shown as object due to presence of None( values.

In [10]:
# INT(Date/Float)
cols_ints = '''amount_tsh

cols_bool = 'public_meeting permit'.split()

cols_date = ['date_recorded']

cols_other = sorted([ _ for _ in RAW_X.columns if _ not in cols_bool + cols_date + cols_ints ])

print('Int  Cols: ', len(cols_ints))
print('Bool Cols: ', len(cols_bool))
print('Date Cols: ', len(cols_date))
print('Othr Cols:', len(cols_other))

Int  Cols:  9
Bool Cols:  2
Date Cols:  1
Othr Cols: 27

Features - Dtypes Check

All features with same dtype grouped are checked here.

bool, date, int

Since there are lots of columns, in this section we will try to see how a specific dtypes columns data looks like and other noticeble things.

In [11]:

# Note: presence of NaN

id 69572 8776 34310 67743 19728 9944 19816 54551 53934 46144
public_meeting True NaN True True True True True True True True
permit False True True True True True True True True True

In [12]:

# Note: In, this columns is shown as object.

id 69572 8776 34310 67743 19728 9944 19816 54551 53934 46144
date_recorded 2011-03-14 2013-03-06 2013-02-25 2013-01-28 2011-07-13 2011-03-13 2012-10-01 2012-10-09 2012-11-03 2011-08-03

In [13]:

# gps_height, amount_tsh, num_private, populaiton, construction_year - all have zeros
# As Tarrifa, our data source(provider) is a mobile platform for collecting data from users. We can consider
#  when user/system did not correct details - they might have opted for zero instead of None values.

amount_tsh gps_height longitude latitude num_private region_code district_code population construction_year
69572 6000.0 1390 34.938093 -9.856322 0 11 5 109 1999
8776 0.0 1399 34.698766 -2.147466 0 20 2 280 2010
34310 25.0 686 37.460664 -3.821329 0 21 4 250 2009
67743 0.0 263 38.486161 -11.155298 0 90 63 58 1986
19728 0.0 0 31.130847 -1.825359 0 18 1 0 0
9944 20.0 0 39.172796 -4.765587 0 4 8 1 2009
19816 0.0 0 33.362410 -3.766365 0 17 3 0 0
54551 0.0 0 32.620617 -4.226198 0 17 3 0 0
53934 0.0 0 32.711100 -5.146712 0 14 6 0 0
46144 0.0 0 30.626991 -1.257051 0 18 1 0 0

Note: amount_tsh, gps_height, population, constructrion_year values have zero's which is certainly not possible. For exampel if population is zero, logically there should not be any water pumps(issues) or region code and logically no person to add this record from Tarrifa. We can expect that zero, are simmilar to null values in object columns, given that data is collect from Tarrifa which is manually added entries/compaints

In [14]:

amount_tsh           float64
gps_height             int64
longitude            float64
latitude             float64
num_private            int64
region_code            int64
district_code          int64
population             int64
construction_year      int64
dtype: object

In [15]:

# num_private - mostly seems to hold zero as per columns 25%, 50%, 75% quartiles
# gps_height - seems to had a sudden jump in 75% quartile
# construction_year - year cannot be zero.

count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
amount_tsh 59400.0 317.650385 2997.574558 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 20.000000 3.500000e+05
gps_height 59400.0 668.297239 693.116350 -90.00000 0.000000 369.000000 1319.250000 2.770000e+03
longitude 59400.0 34.077427 6.567432 0.00000 33.090347 34.908743 37.178387 4.034519e+01
latitude 59400.0 -5.706033 2.946019 -11.64944 -8.540621 -5.021597 -3.326156 -2.000000e-08
num_private 59400.0 0.474141 12.236230 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.776000e+03
region_code 59400.0 15.297003 17.587406 1.00000 5.000000 12.000000 17.000000 9.900000e+01
district_code 59400.0 5.629747 9.633649 0.00000 2.000000 3.000000 5.000000 8.000000e+01
population 59400.0 179.909983 471.482176 0.00000 0.000000 25.000000 215.000000 3.050000e+04
construction_year 59400.0 1300.652475 951.620547 0.00000 0.000000 1986.000000 2004.000000 2.013000e+03

In [16]:


In [17]:
# box plot for int columns

f, axarr = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(12, 10))
counter = 0

for x in range(3):
    for y in range(3):
        col_name = cols_ints[counter]
        counter += 1
        ax = axarr[x][y]
#         ax.set_title(col_name.lower(), fontsize=9)
        sns.boxplot(RAW_X[col_name], ax=ax)

# gps_height: As expected seems have some suddent spikes.
# logitude: We can see some dots at Zero. completely out of its box plot(outlier/wrong data)
# amount_tsh: As expected from percentiles shown in describe, there are high increase in 75% quartile
# construction_year: one value box plot

In [18]:
_ = sns.pairplot(RAW_X[cols_ints])

# logitude suffers from zero(wrong) value

In [19]:
### gps_height
### longitude
### latitude
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
g = sns.pairplot(RAW_X[['latitude', 'longitude', 'gps_height']])

<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x10bc08438>


* `longitude, gps_height` seem to hold lots of zeros


Here we are going to check what kind of data we have, relatively much entropy(variety) is there and other details.

In [20]:

id 69572 8776 34310 67743 19728
basin Lake Nyasa Lake Victoria Pangani Ruvuma / Southern Coast Lake Victoria
extraction_type gravity gravity gravity submersible gravity
extraction_type_class gravity gravity gravity submersible gravity
extraction_type_group gravity gravity gravity submersible gravity
funder Roman Grumeti Lottery Club Unicef Action In A
installer Roman GRUMETI World vision UNICEF Artisan
lga Ludewa Serengeti Simanjiro Nanyumbu Karagwe
management vwc wug vwc vwc other
management_group user-group user-group user-group user-group other
payment pay annually never pay pay per bucket never pay never pay
payment_type annually never pay per bucket never pay never pay
quality_group good good good good good
quantity enough insufficient enough dry seasonal
quantity_group enough insufficient enough dry seasonal
recorded_by GeoData Consultants Ltd GeoData Consultants Ltd GeoData Consultants Ltd GeoData Consultants Ltd GeoData Consultants Ltd
region Iringa Mara Manyara Mtwara Kagera
scheme_management VWC Other VWC VWC NaN
scheme_name Roman NaN Nyumba ya mungu pipe scheme NaN NaN
source spring rainwater harvesting dam machine dbh rainwater harvesting
source_class groundwater surface surface groundwater surface
source_type spring rainwater harvesting dam borehole rainwater harvesting
subvillage Mnyusi B Nyamara Majengo Mahakamani Kyanyamisa
ward Mundindi Natta Ngorika Nanyumbu Nyakasimbi
water_quality soft soft soft soft soft
waterpoint_type communal standpipe communal standpipe communal standpipe multiple communal standpipe multiple communal standpipe
waterpoint_type_group communal standpipe communal standpipe communal standpipe communal standpipe communal standpipe
wpt_name none Zahanati Kwa Mahundi Zahanati Ya Nanyumbu Shuleni

In [21]:
values_counts_bag = [len(RAW_X[column].value_counts()) for column in cols_other]

Example of how np-log transforms data

>>> np.log([0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000])

array([-6.90775528, -4.60517019, -2.30258509,  0.        ,  2.30258509,
        4.60517019,  6.90775528])

As you can see in np-log example, we can learn that when a list of values vary significantly(exponentially) then their logarithms moves linearly. As we(I) feel comfortable in studying linear plot and linear information, we did a np.log to values counts.

In [22]:
cols_vc_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(np.log(values_counts_bag), index=cols_other, columns=['Value Counts'])

In [23]:
print('Values Counts:', values_counts_bag)

print('\nLog of Values Counts:', cols_vc_dataframe.T.values)

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))
_ = sns.distplot(cols_vc_dataframe.T.values, hist=True, kde=False)

_ = plt.title('Historgram of  Object Feature`s (log2 of) Unique Values counts', fontsize=9)
_ = plt.xlabel('Features', fontsize=9)

Values Counts: [9, 18, 7, 13, 1897, 2145, 125, 12, 5, 7, 7, 6, 5, 5, 1, 21, 12, 2696, 10, 3, 7, 19287, 2092, 8, 7, 6, 37400]

Log of Values Counts: [[  2.19722458   2.89037176   1.94591015   2.56494936   7.54802897
    7.67089483   4.82831374   2.48490665   1.60943791   1.94591015
    1.94591015   1.79175947   1.60943791   1.60943791   0.           3.04452244
    2.48490665   7.89952447   2.30258509   1.09861229   1.94591015
    9.86718657   7.64587583   2.07944154   1.94591015   1.79175947

In [24]:
cols_vc_dataframe.plot(kind='barh', figsize=(12, 6), fontsize=8)
_ = plt.plot((2, 2), (0, 38))
_ = plt.plot((4, 4), (0, 38), '-g')
_ = plt.plot((6, 6), (0, 38), '-r')
_ = plt.plot((8, 8), (0, 38), '-y')
print('We seem to have some special categories where value counts are high.')

_ = plt.title('Comparing Unique Values in Object Columns', fontsize=9)
_ = plt.xlabel('Log of Unique Values', fontsize=9)

We seem to have some special categories where value counts are high.

Note:: wpt_name, ward, subvillage, schema_name, installer, funder has lots of categorical values

In [25]:

# we can observe strong similarities in the information

Columns Value Counts Limit: 55 provided(or default)-input param
Columns Available for Plot: 20 provided(or default)-input param

Note: In the above plot, we have two empty plot because of the generic function we created to show plots nicely. No other issues.

In [26]:
cols_vc_limit_fraction = 0.01
cols_vc_limit_value = RAW_X.shape[0] * cols_vc_limit_fraction
cols_vc_log_limit = np.log(cols_vc_limit_value)

print('Total Number of Records:', RAW_X.shape[0], '- Log val is:', np.log(RAW_X.shape[0]))
print('%s percent of Number of Records:' % (cols_vc_limit_fraction * 100),\
      ' - Log val is:',  cols_vc_log_limit)

Total Number of Records: 59400 - Log val is: 10.9920495054
1.0 percent of Number of Records: 594.0  - Log val is: 6.38687931936

Here in this project, cols_other_check refers to list of columns for which caution check is considered. Reason for this check is, we would need more data to explain other columns & target cols with respect to it.

Lets consider these columns with more 5% of values as non categorical values and since our problem statement is choosing which category, we will try to minimise the category and see how our performance changes(improves or not)

To begin we will consider that those categories with more than cols_vc_limit_fraction percentage as the upper limit allowed. Any column with other data will pruged to become some to other information

In [27]:
cols_other_check = []

for col, vc in cols_vc_dataframe.iterrows():
    if col in cols_other:
        if float(vc) > cols_vc_log_limit:
#             print(col.upper())
#             print(str(vc).splitlines()[0])
#             print('---')

# print('Above shown are log transformed value counts')
print('Columns we need to moderate are:', cols_other_check)

Columns we need to moderate are: ['funder', 'installer', 'scheme_name', 'subvillage', 'ward', 'wpt_name']

As printed above, we will work on these columns to check if we can reduce the number of categories to a optimum count so that our models can learn patterns in better way.

Special Checks

Based on intusion and some sign found from above plots, this section to try and understand more about few columns

In [28]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))

_ = sns.distplot(RAW_X.gps_height, hist=True, kde=False, rug=False)

# lots of zeros

In [29]:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))

_ = sns.distplot(RAW_X.population, hist=True, kde=False, rug=False)

# lots of zeros

Checking logitude and latitude

In [30]:
_ = sns.jointplot(x='longitude', y='latitude', data=RAW_X)
_ = plt.xlabel('longitude')
_ = plt.ylabel('latitude')

# longitude has zero issues

In [31]:
aa = RAW_X['longitude latitude region'.split()].copy()

bb = aa.groupby(by=['region']).mean()
bb.columns = ['longitude_mean', 'latitude_mean']
cc = aa.groupby(by=['region']).min()
cc.columns = ['longitude_min', 'latitude_min']
dd = aa.groupby(by=['region']).max()
dd.columns = ['longitude_max', 'latitude_max']

abcd = bb.join(cc).join(dd)[['latitude_max',

_ = abcd.plot(figsize=(12, 3))

In [32]:
_ = sns.jointplot(x='gps_height', y='population', data=RAW_X)
_ = plt.xlabel('gps_height')
_ = plt.ylabel('population')

Columns with Simmilar information

In [33]:
print('Extraction Type:\n', RAW_X.extraction_type.unique().tolist())
print('Extraction Type Class:\n', RAW_X.extraction_type_class.unique().tolist())
print('Extraction Type Group:\n', RAW_X.extraction_type_group.unique().tolist())

Extraction Type:
 ['gravity', 'submersible', 'swn 80', 'nira/tanira', 'india mark ii', 'other', 'ksb', 'mono', 'windmill', 'afridev', 'other - rope pump', 'india mark iii', 'other - swn 81', 'other - play pump', 'cemo', 'climax', 'walimi', 'other - mkulima/shinyanga']

Extraction Type Class:
 ['gravity', 'submersible', 'handpump', 'other', 'motorpump', 'wind-powered', 'rope pump']

Extraction Type Group:
 ['gravity', 'submersible', 'swn 80', 'nira/tanira', 'india mark ii', 'other', 'mono', 'wind-powered', 'afridev', 'rope pump', 'india mark iii', 'other handpump', 'other motorpump']

In [34]:
print('Management Group:\n', RAW_X.management_group.unique().tolist())

 ['vwc', 'wug', 'other', 'private operator', 'water board', 'wua', 'company', 'water authority', 'parastatal', 'unknown', 'other - school', 'trust']

Management Group:
 ['user-group', 'other', 'commercial', 'parastatal', 'unknown']

In [35]:
RAW_X[RAW_X.longitude < 5]['region'].unique().tolist()

['Shinyanga', 'Mwanza']

In [36]:
RAW_X[RAW_X.latitude < 5]['region'].unique().tolist()

 'Dar es Salaam']

If we the Geographical Map of Aftica, we can clearly see that these values are not correct.

In [37]:
df = pd.DataFrame.join(RAW_X, RAW_y)

# this is to count
df['sam'] = 1

df.pivot_table(df, index=['status_group'], columns=['basin'],  aggfunc='count')['sam'].T

status_group functional functional needs repair non functional
Internal 4482 557 2746
Lake Nyasa 3324 250 1511
Lake Rukwa 1000 270 1184
Lake Tanganyika 3107 742 2583
Lake Victoria 5100 989 4159
Pangani 5372 477 3091
Rufiji 5068 437 2471
Ruvuma / Southern Coast 1670 326 2497
Wami / Ruvu 3136 269 2582

In [38]:
_ = sns.heatmap(df.pivot_table(df, index=['status_group'], columns=['basin'],  aggfunc='count')['sam'].T)

In [39]:
df.pivot_table(df, index=['status_group'], columns=['region'],  aggfunc='count')['sam'].T

status_group functional functional needs repair non functional
Arusha 2294 175 881
Dar es Salaam 461 3 341
Dodoma 1009 209 983
Iringa 4141 123 1030
Kagera 1727 304 1285
Kigoma 1363 603 850
Kilimanjaro 2640 322 1417
Lindi 460 93 993
Manyara 987 96 500
Mara 886 60 1023
Mbeya 2319 504 1816
Morogoro 2119 300 1587
Mtwara 524 126 1080
Mwanza 1502 183 1417
Pwani 1556 36 1043
Rukwa 707 135 966
Ruvuma 1480 164 996
Shinyanga 2789 635 1558
Singida 1011 128 954
Tabora 848 45 1066
Tanga 1436 73 1038

In [40]:
aa = RAW_X[['region', 'gps_height']].groupby(['region']).min()
aa.columns = ['min']
bb = RAW_X[['region', 'gps_height']].groupby(['region']).mean()
bb.columns = ['mean']
cc = RAW_X[['region', 'gps_height']].groupby(['region']).max()
cc.columns = ['max']

_ = aa.join(bb).join(cc).plot(figsize=(12, 3))

In [41]:
# 11456.7 Dodoma

Arusha 594
Dar es Salaam -63
Dodoma 0
Iringa 443
Kagera 0
Kigoma 768
Kilimanjaro 337
Lindi -51
Manyara 561
Mara 1127
Mbeya 0
Morogoro 0
Mtwara -90
Mwanza 0
Pwani -57
Rukwa 743
Ruvuma 294
Shinyanga 0
Singida 830
Tabora 0
Tanga -39


  • scheme_name has too many null values.
  • longitude has zeros which is not possible.
  • public_meetings, permit, amount_tsh, gps_height, population, constructrion_year columns required interfilling of data has lots of outliers(as zeros)
  • wpt_name, ward, subvillage, schema_name, installer, funder has lots of categorical values

Few columns which seems to hold simmilar kind of information

  • extraction_type, extraction_type_group, extraction_type_class
  • management, management_group
  • scheme_management, scheme_name
  • payment, payment_type
  • water_quality, quality_group
  • source, source_type, source_class
  • waterpoint_type, waterpoint_type_group

Geo Location information: All following parameter are availble for same reason, to find the address.

  • longitude, latitude
  • region
  • district_code within region
  • ward
  • subvillage

Compared to all other geo columns regions columns has complete data.

In [42]:
# clean up for removing any imports other defined function & variables

for each in dir():
    if each not in crazy_list:
        del each

In [43]:
X, y, TEST_X = sam_pickle_load(prefix="tmp/Iteration2_final_")

LOAD PREFIX USED:  tmp/Iteration2_final_

In [44]:
_ = sns.jointplot(x='longitude', y='latitude', data=X)
_ = plt.xlabel('longitude')
_ = plt.ylabel('latitude')

# longitude has zero issues