In [1]:
# Always run this first
# NOTE: Do not define new basic variables in this notebook;
#       define them in Variables_Q.ipynb.  Use this notebook
#       to define new expressions built from those variables.

from __future__ import division # This needs to be here, even though it's in Variables_Q.ipynb
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '..') # Look for modules in directory above this one

This collection of absorption terms is possibly incomplete; only Alvi (2001) is used.

See also (the last three referenced by Marsat et al.)

  • Tagoshi, Sasaki (1994)
  • E. Poisson and M. Sasaki, Phys. Rev. D 51, 5753 (1995)
  • H. Tagoshi, S. Mano, and E. Takasugi, Prog. Theor. Phys. 98, 829 (1997), arXiv:gr-qc/9711072
  • K. Chatziioannou, E. Poisson, and N. Yunes, (2012), arXiv:1211.1686

In [2]:
AlviTerms = PNCollection()

In [3]:
    -((M1/M)**3*(1+3*chi1chi1)*chi1_ell + (M2/M)**3*(1+3*chi2chi2)*chi2_ell)/4)

    (M1/M)**4*(1+3*chi1chi1)*(1+sqrt(1-chi1chi1))/2 + (M2/M)**4*(1+3*chi2chi2)*(1+sqrt(1-chi2chi2))/2)

In [4]:
def AbsorptionExpression(AbsorptionTerms=[AlviTerms], PNOrder=frac(7,2)):
    # The following two lines should be removed together
    print("WARNING: Absorption term in EnergyAbsorption.ipynb temporarily disabled.")
    return sympify('0')

    if not AbsorptionTerms:
        return sympify('0')
    return Fcal_coeff*horner(sum([key*(v**n)
                                  for Terms in AbsorptionTerms
                                  for n in range(2*PNOrder+1)
                                  for key,val in Terms.items()
                                  if val.endswith('_{0}'.format(n))]))

In [5]:
# AbsorptionExpression([AlviTerms], frac(7,2))

$$\mathcal{F}_{coeff} \dot{M}_{Alvi 5} v^{5}$$