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%matplotlib inline
This will produce what is sometimes called an event related potential / field (ERP/ERF) image.
The EEGLAB example file - containing an experiment with button press responses to simple visual stimuli - is read in and response times are calculated. ROIs are determined by the channel types (in 10/20 channel notation, even channels are right, odd are left, and 'z' are central). The median and the Global Field Power within each channel group is calculated, and the trials are plotted, sorted by response time.
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# Authors: Jona Sassenhagen <>
# License: BSD (3-clause)
import mne
from mne.datasets import testing
from mne import Epochs, io, pick_types
from mne.event import define_target_events
Load EEGLAB example data (a small EEG dataset)
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data_path = testing.data_path()
fname = data_path + "/EEGLAB/test_raw.set"
montage = data_path + "/EEGLAB/test_chans.locs"
event_id = {"rt": 1, "square": 2} # must be specified for str events
eog = {"FPz", "EOG1", "EOG2"}
raw = io.eeglab.read_raw_eeglab(fname, eog=eog, montage=montage,
picks = pick_types(, eeg=True)
events = mne.find_events(raw)
Create Epochs
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# define target events:
# 1. find response times: distance between "square" and "rt" events
# 2. extract A. "square" events B. followed by a button press within 700 msec
tmax = .7
sfreq =["sfreq"]
reference_id, target_id = 2, 1
new_events, rts = define_target_events(events, reference_id, target_id, sfreq,
tmin=0., tmax=tmax, new_id=2)
epochs = Epochs(raw, events=new_events, tmax=tmax + .1,
event_id={"square": 2}, picks=picks)
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# Parameters for plotting
order = rts.argsort() # sorting from fast to slow trials
rois = dict()
for pick, channel in enumerate(epochs.ch_names):
last_char = channel[-1] # for 10/20, last letter codes the hemisphere
roi = ("Midline" if last_char == "z" else
("Left" if int(last_char) % 2 else "Right"))
rois[roi] = rois.get(roi, list()) + [pick]
# The actual plots
for combine_measures in ('gfp', 'median'):
epochs.plot_image(group_by=rois, order=order, overlay_times=rts / 1000.,
sigma=1.5, combine=combine_measures,
ts_args=dict(vlines=[0, rts.mean() / 1000.]))