Embedding and Lookup (TF Hub and Annoy)

This example logs a class (instead of an object instance) as a model.

This allows for custom setup configuration in the class's __init__() method,
and access to logged artifacts at deployment time.

In [1]:
    import verta
except ImportError:
    !pip install verta

This example features:

  • embedding model built around a TensorFlow Hub module
  • nearest neighbor embedding lookup via Annoy
  • verta's Python client logging a class as a model to be instantiated at deployment time
  • predictions against a deployed model

In [2]:
HOST = "app.verta.ai"

PROJECT_NAME = "Film Review Embeddings"
EXPERIMENT_NAME = "TF Hub and Annoy"

In [3]:
# import os
# os.environ['VERTA_EMAIL'] = 
# os.environ['VERTA_DEV_KEY'] =


In [4]:
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import time

import pandas as pd

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_hub as hub

import annoy

In [5]:
    import wget
except ImportError:
    !pip install wget  # you may need pip3
    import wget

Run Workflow

Prepare Data

In [6]:
train_data_url = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/verta-starter/imdb_master.csv"
train_data_filename = wget.detect_filename(train_data_url)
if not os.path.isfile(train_data_filename):

In [7]:
all_reviews = pd.read_csv(train_data_filename, encoding='latin')['review'].values.tolist()
reviews = all_reviews[:2000]  # just a subset for this example


Instantiate Client

In [8]:
from verta import Client
from verta.utils import ModelAPI

client = Client(HOST)
proj = client.set_project(PROJECT_NAME)
expt = client.set_experiment(EXPERIMENT_NAME)
run = client.set_experiment_run()

Build Nearest Neighbor Embedding Index

In [9]:
NN_INDEX_FILENAME = "reviews.ann"

In [10]:
os.environ["TFHUB_CACHE_DIR"] = "tf_cache_dir"

# define graph
g = tf.Graph()
with g.as_default():
    text_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[None])
    encoder = hub.Module("https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder-large/3")
    embed = encoder(text_input)
    init_op = tf.group([tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.tables_initializer()])

# initialize session
sess = tf.Session(graph=g)

# build and save embedding index
t = annoy.AnnoyIndex(EMBEDDING_LENGTH, 'angular')  # Length of item vector that will be indexed
for i, review in enumerate(reviews):
    # produce embedding with TF
    embedding = sess.run(embed, feed_dict={text_input: [review]})
    t.add_item(i, embedding[0])
t.build(10) # 10 trees

In [11]:
run.log_artifact("nn_index", open(NN_INDEX_FILENAME, 'rb'))

Define Model Class

A TensorFlow model—particularly one using TensorFlow Hub and a pre-built Annoy index—will require some setup at deployment time.

To support this, the Verta platform allows a model to be defined as a class that will be instantiated when it's deployed.
This class should have provide the following interface:

  • __init__(self, artifacts) where artifacts is a mapping of artifact keys to filepaths. This will be explained below, but Verta will provide this so you can open these artifact files and set up your model. Other initialization steps would be in this method, as well.
  • predict(self, data) where data—like in other custom Verta models—is a list of input values for the model.

In [12]:
class EmbeddingAndLookupModel:
    def __init__(self, artifacts):
            Mapping of Experiment Run artifact keys to filepaths.
            This is provided by ``run.fetch_artifacts(artifact_keys)``.
        # get artifact filepath from `artifacts` mapping
        annoy_index_filepath = artifacts['nn_index']
        # load embedding index
        self.index = annoy.AnnoyIndex(EMBEDDING_LENGTH, "angular")
        os.environ["TFHUB_CACHE_DIR"] = "tf_cache_dir"
        # define graph
        g = tf.Graph()
        with g.as_default():
            self.text_input = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.string, shape=[None])
            self.encoder = hub.Module("https://tfhub.dev/google/universal-sentence-encoder-large/3")
            self.embed = self.encoder(self.text_input)
            init_op = tf.group([tf.global_variables_initializer(), tf.tables_initializer()])
        self.graph = g
        # initialize session
        self.session = tf.Session(graph=self.graph)
    def predict(self, data):
        predictions = []
        for review in data:
            # embed sentence
            embedding = self.session.run(self.embed, feed_dict={self.text_input: [review]})

            # find closest
                review: self.index.get_nns_by_vector(embedding[0], 10)

        return predictions

Earlier we logged an artifact with the key "nn_index".
You can obtain an artifacts mapping mentioned above using run.fetch_artifacts(keys) to work with locally.
A similar mapping—that works identically—will be passed into __init__() when the model is deployed.

In [13]:
artifacts = run.fetch_artifacts(["nn_index"])

model = EmbeddingAndLookupModel(artifacts=artifacts)

In [14]:
model.predict(["Good film.", "Bad film!"])

Log Model

The keys expected in the artifacts mapping mentioned above must be passed into run.log_model() to be available during deployment!

In [15]:

We also have to make sure we provide every package involved in the model.

In [16]:

Make Live Predictions

Access the Experiment Run through the Verta Web App and deploy it!

In [17]:

Prepare Data

In [18]:
reviews = all_reviews[-2000:]

Load Deployed Model

In [19]:
from verta.deployment import DeployedModel

deployed_model = DeployedModel(HOST, run.id)

Query Deployed Model

In [20]:
for review in reviews: