In [0]:
#@title Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Image classification with TensorFlow Lite Model Maker

Model Maker library simplifies the process of adapting and converting a TensorFlow neural-network model to particular input data when deploying this model for on-device ML applications.

This notebook shows an end-to-end example that utilizes this Model Maker library to illustrate the adaption and conversion of a commonly-used image classification model to classify flowers on a mobile device.


To run this example, we first need to install serveral required packages, including Model Maker package that in github repo.

In [0]:
!pip install git+[model_maker]

Import the required packages.

In [0]:
import numpy as np

import tensorflow as tf
assert tf.__version__.startswith('2')

from tensorflow_examples.lite.model_maker.core.data_util.image_dataloader import ImageClassifierDataLoader
from tensorflow_examples.lite.model_maker.core.task import image_classifier
from tensorflow_examples.lite.model_maker.core.task.model_spec import mobilenet_v2_spec
from tensorflow_examples.lite.model_maker.core.task.model_spec import ImageModelSpec

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Simple End-to-End Example

Get the data path

Let's get some images to play with this simple end-to-end example. Hundreds of images is a good start for Model Maker while more data could achieve better accuracy.

In [0]:
image_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file(

You could replace image_path with your own image folders. As for uploading data to colab, you could find the upload button in the left sidebar shown in the image below with the red rectangle. Just have a try to upload a zip file and unzip it. The root file path is the current path.

If you prefer not to upload your images to the cloud, you could try to run the library locally following the guide in github.

Run the example

The example just consists of 4 lines of code as shown below, each of which representing one step of the overall process.

Step 1. Load input data specific to an on-device ML app. Split it to training data and testing data.

In [0]:
data = ImageClassifierDataLoader.from_folder(image_path)
train_data, test_data = data.split(0.9)

Step 2. Customize the TensorFlow model.

In [0]:
model = image_classifier.create(train_data)

Step 3. Evaluate the model.

In [0]:
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(test_data)

Step 4. Export to TensorFlow Lite model.

Here, we export TensorFlow Lite model with metadata which provides a standard for model descriptions. You could download it in the left sidebar same as the uploading part for your own use.

In [0]:

After this simple 4 steps, we could further use TensorFlow Lite model file and label file in on-device applications like in image classification reference app.

Detailed Process

Currently, we support several models such as EfficientNet-Lite* models, MobileNetV2, ResNet50 as pre-trained models for image classification. But it is very flexible to add new pre-trained models to this library with just a few lines of code.

The following walks through this end-to-end example step by step to show more detail.

Step 1: Load Input Data Specific to an On-device ML App

The flower dataset contains 3670 images belonging to 5 classes. Download the archive version of the dataset and untar it.

The dataset has the following directory structure:

|__ daisy
    |______ 100080576_f52e8ee070_n.jpg
    |______ 14167534527_781ceb1b7a_n.jpg
    |______ ...
|__ dandelion
    |______ 10043234166_e6dd915111_n.jpg
    |______ 1426682852_e62169221f_m.jpg
    |______ ...
|__ roses
    |______ 102501987_3cdb8e5394_n.jpg
    |______ 14982802401_a3dfb22afb.jpg
    |______ ...
|__ sunflowers
    |______ 12471791574_bb1be83df4.jpg
    |______ 15122112402_cafa41934f.jpg
    |______ ...
|__ tulips
    |______ 13976522214_ccec508fe7.jpg
    |______ 14487943607_651e8062a1_m.jpg
    |______ ...

In [0]:
image_path = tf.keras.utils.get_file(

Use ImageClassifierDataLoader class to load data.

As for from_folder() method, it could load data from the folder. It assumes that the image data of the same class are in the same subdirectory and the subfolder name is the class name. Currently, JPEG-encoded images and PNG-encoded images are supported.

In [0]:
data = ImageClassifierDataLoader.from_folder(image_path)

Split it to training data (80%), validation data (10%, optional) and testing data (10%).

In [0]:
train_data, rest_data = data.split(0.8)
validation_data, test_data = rest_data.split(0.5)

Show 25 image examples with labels.

In [0]:
for i, (image, label) in enumerate(data.dataset.take(25)):

Step 2: Customize the TensorFlow Model

Create a custom image classifier model based on the loaded data. The default model is EfficientNet-Lite0.

In [0]:
model = image_classifier.create(train_data, validation_data=validation_data)

Have a look at the detailed model structure.

In [0]:

Step 3: Evaluate the Customized Model

Evaluate the result of the model, get the loss and accuracy of the model.

In [0]:
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(test_data)

We could plot the predicted results in 100 test images. Predicted labels with red color are the wrong predicted results while others are correct.

In [0]:
# A helper function that returns 'red'/'black' depending on if its two input
# parameter matches or not.
def get_label_color(val1, val2):
  if val1 == val2:
    return 'black'
    return 'red'

# Then plot 100 test images and their predicted labels.
# If a prediction result is different from the label provided label in "test"
# dataset, we will highlight it in red color.
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 20))
predicts = model.predict_top_k(test_data)
for i, (image, label) in enumerate(test_data.dataset.take(100)):
  ax = plt.subplot(10, 10, i+1)

  predict_label = predicts[i][0][0]
  color = get_label_color(predict_label,
  plt.xlabel('Predicted: %s' % predict_label)

If the accuracy doesn't meet the app requirement, one could refer to Advanced Usage to explore alternatives such as changing to a larger model, adjusting re-training parameters etc.

Step 4: Export to TensorFlow Lite Model

Convert the existing model to TensorFlow Lite model format and save the image labels in label file. The default TFLite filename is model.tflite, the default label filename is label.txt.

In [0]:

The TensorFlow Lite model file and label file could be used in image classification reference app.

As for android reference app as an example, we could add flower_classifier.tflite and flower_label.txt in assets folder. Meanwhile, change label filename in code and TensorFlow Lite file name in code. Thus, we could run the retrained float TensorFlow Lite model on the android app.

Here, we also demonstrate how to use the above files to run and evaluate the TensorFlow Lite model.

In [0]:
# Read TensorFlow Lite model from TensorFlow Lite file.
with'model.tflite', 'rb') as f:
  model_content =

# Read label names from label file.
with'labels.txt', 'r') as f:
  label_names ='\n')

# Initialze TensorFlow Lite inpterpreter.
interpreter = tf.lite.Interpreter(model_content=model_content)
input_index = interpreter.get_input_details()[0]['index']
output = interpreter.tensor(interpreter.get_output_details()[0]["index"])

# Run predictions on each test image data and calculate accuracy.
accurate_count = 0
for i, (image, label) in enumerate(test_data.dataset):
    # Pre-processing should remain the same. Currently, just normalize each pixel value and resize image according to the model's specification.
    image, _ = model.preprocess(image, label)
    # Add batch dimension and convert to float32 to match with the model's input
    # data format.
    image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0).numpy()

    # Run inference.
    interpreter.set_tensor(input_index, image)

    # Post-processing: remove batch dimension and find the label with highest
    # probability.
    predict_label = np.argmax(output()[0])
    # Get label name with label index.
    predict_label_name = label_names[predict_label]

    accurate_count += (predict_label == label.numpy())

accuracy = accurate_count * 1.0 / test_data.size
print('TensorFlow Lite model accuracy = %.4f' % accuracy)

Note that preprocessing for inference should be the same as training. Currently, preprocessing contains normalizing each pixel value and resizing the image according to the model's specification. For EfficientNet-Lite0, input image should be normalized to [0, 1] and resized to [224, 224, 3].

Advanced Usage

The create function is the critical part of this library. It uses transfer learning with a pretrained model similiar to the tutorial.

The createfunction contains the following steps:

  1. Split the data into training, validation, testing data according to parameter validation_ratio and test_ratio. The default value of validation_ratio and test_ratio are 0.1 and 0.1.
  2. Download a Image Feature Vector as the base model from TensorFlow Hub. The default pre-trained model is EfficientNet-Lite0.
  3. Add a classifier head with a Dropout Layer with dropout_rate between head layer and pre-trained model. The default dropout_rate is the default dropout_rate value from make_image_classifier_lib by TensorFlow Hub.
  4. Preprocess the raw input data. Currently, preprocessing steps including normalizing the value of each image pixel to model input scale and resizing it to model input size. EfficientNet-Lite0 have the input scale [0, 1] and the input image size [224, 224, 3].
  5. Feed the data into the classifier model. By default, the training parameters such as training epochs, batch size, learning rate, momentum are the default values from make_image_classifier_lib by TensorFlow Hub. Only the classifier head is trained.

In this section, we describe several advanced topics, including switching to a different image classification model, changing the training hyperparameters etc.

Change the model

Change to the model that's supported in this library.

This library supports EfficientNet-Lite models, MobileNetV2, ResNet50 by now. EfficientNet-Lite are a family of image classification models that could achieve state-of-art accuracy and suitable for Edge devices. The default model is EfficientNet-Lite0.

We could switch model to MobileNetV2 by just setting parameter model_spec to mobilenet_v2_spec in create method.

In [0]:
model = image_classifier.create(train_data, model_spec=mobilenet_v2_spec, validation_data=validation_data)

Evaluate the newly retrained MobileNetV2 model to see the accuracy and loss in testing data.

In [0]:
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(test_data)

Change to the model in TensorFlow Hub

Moreover, we could also switch to other new models that inputs an image and outputs a feature vector with TensorFlow Hub format.

As Inception V3 model as an example, we could define inception_v3_spec which is an object of ImageModelSpec and contains the specification of the Inception V3 model.

We need to specify the model name name, the url of the TensorFlow Hub model uri. Meanwhile, the default value of input_image_shape is [224, 224]. We need to change it to [299, 299] for Inception V3 model.

In [0]:
inception_v3_spec = ImageModelSpec(
inception_v3_spec.input_image_shape = [299, 299]

Then, by setting parameter model_spec to inception_v3_spec in create method, we could retrain the Inception V3 model.

The remaining steps are exactly same and we could get a customized InceptionV3 TensorFlow Lite model in the end.

Change your own custom model

If we'd like to use the custom model that's not in TensorFlow Hub, we should create and export ModelSpec in TensorFlow Hub.

Then start to define ImageModelSpec object like the process above.

Change the training hyperparameters

We could also change the training hyperparameters like epochs, dropout_rate and batch_size that could affect the model accuracy. For instance,

  • epochs: more epochs could achieve better accuracy until it converges but training for too many epochs may lead to overfitting.
  • dropout_rate: avoid overfitting.
  • batch_size: number of samples to use in one training step.
  • validation_data: number of samples to use in one training step.

For example, we could train with more epochs.

In [0]:
model = image_classifier.create(train_data, validation_data=validation_data, epochs=10)

Evaluate the newly retrained model with 10 training epochs.

In [0]:
loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(test_data)