Balanced Trees

Definition of balanced-trees

  • Height balanced
  • Null-path-length balanced
  • Weight balanced

Note: If a tree satisfies the definition of any of such definitions, its height is $\Theta(\ln n)$

Height balancing: AVL-trees

Null-path-length balancing: Red-black Trees

Red-black trees maintain balanced by coloring the nodes red/black (0,1).

Red-black trees are null-path-length balanced. Null-path length going through a subtree must not be greater than another subtree.

Coloring Requirements:

  • Root must b black
  • All children of a red node must b black
  • Any path from the root node to an empty node must have the same number of black nodes

Weight-balanced Trees

  • A null subtree/empty node is any position in a binary tree that a new node can be inserted.

  • The fraction of empty nodes in the left subtree and the right subtrees

  • $BB(\alpha)$: if the fraction on both sides (left and right) remains with the range $[\alpha, 1-\alpha]$

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