In [1918]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random as rd
from collections import defaultdict

Structure of overall applications.

Get data ready and split into two groups. Group 1 is prop on the impromptu motion on Day 1 and Group 2 is opp on the prepped motion of Day 1. On Day 2, Group 1 is opp on the impromptu and Group 2 is Prop on the impromptu. The alternation continues on Day 3 and Day 4.

Then the same process is applied for each day. First, pairs are formed between countries within groups. The pairs from both groups get paired into 2x2 blocks.

Day 1 to 4, with the sides that groups take alternating Pairs (for both groups) Blocks (update penalty scores)

In [1919]:
rankings = pd.read_csv('WSDCrankings.csv', sep=';')
rankings['penaltyStrength'] = pd.Series(np.repeat(0,62), index=rankings.index) # Create penalty columns
rankings['penaltyPowerdif'] = pd.Series(np.repeat(0,62), index=rankings.index)
rankings = rankings[:60]

nation strength penaltyStrength penaltyPowerdif
0 Australia 0.0689 0 0
1 South Africa 0.0859 0 0
2 Canada 0.0955 0 0
3 England 0.1166 0 0
4 Singapore 0.1300 0 0
5 Ireland 0.1369 0 0
6 Hong Kong 0.2049 0 0
7 Greece 0.2196 0 0
8 Pakistan 0.2285 0 0
9 Malaysia 0.2307 0 0
10 Swaziland 0.2756 0 0
11 Netherlands 0.2769 0 0
12 New Zealand 0.2913 0 0
13 Peru 0.2935 0 0
14 India 0.3369 0 0
15 United Arab Emirates 0.3881 0 0
16 Slovenia 0.3883 0 0
17 Croatia 0.3962 0 0
18 Mexico 0.4098 0 0
19 Estonia 0.4125 0 0
20 Germany 0.4258 0 0
21 Scotland 0.4303 0 0
22 Wales 0.4373 0 0
23 United States 0.4407 0 0
24 Indonesia 0.4494 0 0
25 Philippines 0.4521 0 0
26 Sri Lanka 0.4715 0 0
27 Denmark 0.4787 0 0
28 Thailand 0.4862 0 0
29 China 0.4879 0 0
30 South Korea 0.5198 0 0
31 Israel 0.5861 0 0
32 Barbados 0.6122 0 0
33 Czech Republic 0.6285 0 0
34 Qatar 0.6519 0 0
35 Slovakia 0.6809 0 0
36 Bermuda 0.6942 0 0
37 Argentina 0.7201 0 0
38 Romania 0.7275 0 0
39 Chile 0.7278 0 0
40 Bangaldesh 0.7376 0 0
41 Turkey 0.7408 0 0
42 Nepal 0.7547 0 0
43 Lithuania 0.7622 0 0
44 Palestine 0.7736 0 0
45 Sweden 0.7882 0 0
46 Montenegro 0.8200 0 0
47 Taiwan 0.8285 0 0
48 Mongolia 0.8400 0 0
49 Macau 0.8407 0 0
50 Hungary 0.8434 0 0
51 Bahrain 0.8679 0 0
52 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.8800 0 0
53 Kuwait 0.8945 0 0
54 Zimbabwe 0.9057 0 0
55 Japan 0.9315 0 0
56 Morocco 0.9400 0 0
57 Nigeria 0.9870 0 0
58 Uganda 1.0000 0 0
59 Rwanda 1.0000 0 0

In [1920]:

nation             60
strength           60
penaltyStrength    60
penaltyPowerdif    60
dtype: int64

In [1921]:
group1 = rankings['nation'][range(0,59,2)].as_matrix()
group2 = rankings['nation'][range(1,60,2)].as_matrix()


In [1922]:
# Set up dict to remember what nations have faced on another.
nations = rankings['nation'].as_matrix()
matchUps = defaultdict(list)
for nation in nations:

In [1923]:
averageStrength = rankings['strength'].mean()


In [1924]:
def generatePairs(group):

    # Pair countries based on two criteria: strength and penalty. 
    # Iterate through countries in the group.
    # Take the sum of the difference between the strength and penalty for each combination.
    # Choose partner with lowest sum.
    # Put paired countries on list that are no longer available for partnering.
    # Repeat.
    # Create a table to store all the matches in.
    pairTable = pd.DataFrame(columns=('nation', 'pairno','groupno'))
    pairCount = 0
    # If the group I am matching is group 2, I remove group 1 countries.
    if group is group2: 
        pairCount += 100 # We should be able to identify pairs from group 2. They are pairs with an id > 100.
        groupno = 2
        # Below does the same as a for loop but is more efficient.
        countrieslist = [x for x in rankings['nation'].as_matrix().tolist() if x not in group1]

        groupno = 1
        # Same as above
        countrieslist = [x for x in rankings['nation'].as_matrix().tolist() if x not in group2]

    for countryOne in group:

        if countryOne in countrieslist: # If country was already matched, can't match again.
            # Remove now, so it is not matched with self and is not matched again.
            pairCount += 1 # Get ready to match a pair with this number
            # Filter the table for countries still requiring a matching
            matchableCountries = rankings.loc[rankings['nation'].isin(countrieslist)]

            # Compile a score of strength match, strength penalty and powerdif penalty.
            # Following the logic that the Average strength of a pair is the pair's scores divided by two we can find the 
            # country that brings the pair closest to the average.
            bestMatchStrength = 2 * averageStrength - rankings['strength'].loc[rankings['nation'] == countryOne].values[0]
            strengthError = np.abs(bestMatchStrength - matchableCountries['strength'].values)
            bestPenaltyPowerdif = rankings['penaltyPowerdif'].loc[rankings['nation'] == countryOne].values[0]
            penaltyPowerdifError = np.abs(bestPenaltyPowerdif - matchableCountries['penaltyPowerdif'].values)
            bestPenaltyStrength = rankings['penaltyStrength'].loc[rankings['nation'] == countryOne].values[0]
            penaltyStrengthError = np.abs(bestPenaltyStrength - matchableCountries['penaltyStrength'].values)
            penaltyTotal = strengthError + penaltyPowerdifError + penaltyStrengthError
            indexOfBestMatch = np.argmin(penaltyTotal) # Get index of lowest penalty score.
            bestMatchedCountries = [matchableCountries['nation'].iloc[indexOfBestMatch]]
            bestMatchedCountry = bestMatchedCountries[rd.randint(0,len(bestMatchedCountries) - 1)]
            # Power differential is the difference between the strenghts of the paired nations.
            bestMatchedCountryStrength = rankings['strength'].loc[rankings['nation'] == bestMatchedCountry].values
            countryOneStrenght = rankings['strength'].loc[rankings['nation'] == countryOne].values[0]
            powerdif = np.abs(bestMatchedCountryStrength - countryOneStrenght)
            newPairing = pd.DataFrame({'nation': [countryOne, bestMatchedCountry],
                                       'pairno': [pairCount, pairCount],
                                       'groupno': [groupno, groupno],
                                         'powerdif': [powerdif, powerdif]})
            pairTable = pd.concat([pairTable, newPairing])

In [1925]:
def generateBlocks(pairTable):
    attributesTable = pd.DataFrame(columns=('pairno', 'strength','penalty', 'groupno')) # Table to collect the attributes data.
    pairNumbers = np.unique(pairTable['pairno'].values) # Get all unique pairs.
    averagePowerdif = pairTable['powerdif'].mean()
    nedPair = pairTable['pairno'].loc[pairTable['nation'] == 'Bangaldesh'].values
    for pairNumber in pairNumbers:
        pairCountries = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values # Get the two countries in pair.
        meanStrength = np.mean(rankings['strength'].loc[rankings['nation'].isin(pairCountries)])
        meanPenaltyStrength = np.mean(rankings['penaltyStrength'].loc[rankings['nation'].isin(pairCountries)])
        meanPenaltyPowerdif = np.mean(rankings['penaltyPowerdif'].loc[rankings['nation'].isin(pairCountries)])
        powerdif = np.mean(pairTable['powerdif'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == pairNumber])
        powerdif = powerdif.item(0)
        groupNo = pairTable['groupno'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values[0]
        pairAttributes = pd.DataFrame({'pairno': [pairNumber],
                                       'strength': [meanStrength],
                                       'powerdif': [powerdif],
                                       'groupno': [groupNo],
                                       'penaltyStrength': [meanPenaltyStrength],
                                       'penaltyPowerdif': [meanPenaltyPowerdif],
        attributesTable = pd.concat([attributesTable, pairAttributes]) # Add results to attributes tables.
    # End of for loop.
    # Let's make some blocks!
    unmatchedPairs = pairNumbers.tolist() # List of all pair numbers, because all remain to be matched.
    blockTable = pd.DataFrame(columns=('pairno', 'blockno','penaltyStrength', 'penaltyPowerdif')) # Table with all the blocks.
    blockCount = 0
    attributesTable = attributesTable.sort_values(by = "penaltyStrength")
    pairNumbers = attributesTable['pairno'].values
    if secondTry == True: # If it didn't work sorted by priority, let's scramble the order!
        pairNumbers = rd.sample(pairNumbers, len(pairNumbers))
    for pairNumber in pairNumbers:
        if pairNumber in unmatchedPairs:

            # Get data necessary to sort legal matches.
            groupNo = attributesTable['groupno'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values[0]
            unmatchedPairs.remove(pairNumber) # Remove so pair doesn't match itself.
            blockCount += 1 # Set id for new block.
            # Statement checks if the group is from the other group and filters out already matched pairs.
            matchablePairs = attributesTable.loc[(attributesTable['groupno'] != groupNo) & 
            if len(matchablePairs.index) < 1:
                print("matchablePairs is empty when created. Here is attributesTable.")
            #elif len(matchablePairs.index) < 5:
                #print(["There are fewer than 5 matchable pairs. These are:",matchablePairs['pairno'].values])
            # Also filter out pairs with countries already have been seen.
            pairCountries = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values
            countriesAlreadyMet = [matchUps[pairCountries[0]], matchUps[pairCountries[1]]]
            countriesAlreadyMet = [item for sublist in countriesAlreadyMet for item in sublist]
            countriesAlreadyMet = [item for sublist in countriesAlreadyMet for item in sublist]
            clashPairs = pairTable['pairno'].loc[pairTable['nation'].isin(list(countriesAlreadyMet))].values
            matchablePairs = matchablePairs.loc[~matchablePairs['pairno'].isin(clashPairs)]
            if len(matchablePairs.index) < 1:
                print("matchablePairs goes empty after filtering clashPairs.")
                return "matchablePairs empty!"
            # Vector with absolute error margin strength
            pairStrength = attributesTable['strength'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values[0]
            bestMatchStrength = averageStrength + attributesTable['penaltyStrength'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values[0]
            strengthError = bestMatchStrength - matchablePairs['strength'].values
            # Vector with absolute error margin powerdif
            pairPowerdif = attributesTable['powerdif'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values[0]
            bestMatchPowerdif = averagePowerdif + attributesTable['penaltyPowerdif'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values
            powerdifError = bestMatchPowerdif - matchablePairs['powerdif'].values
            # Also determine quality of match 'the other way around'
            listofErrorsStrength = []
            listofErrorsPowerdif = []
            for otherPair in matchablePairs['pairno'].values:
                otherPairPowerdif = attributesTable['powerdif'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == otherPair].values[0]
                otherBestMatchPowerdif = averagePowerdif + attributesTable['penaltyPowerdif'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == otherPair].values[0]
                otherBestMatchPowerdif = otherBestMatchPowerdif.item(0)
                otherPowerdifError = otherBestMatchPowerdif - pairPowerdif
                otherPowerdifError = otherPowerdifError.item(0)
                otherPairStrength = attributesTable['strength'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == otherPair].values[0]
                otherBestMatchStrength = averageStrength + attributesTable['penaltyStrength'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == otherPair].values[0]
                otherStrengthError = otherBestMatchStrength - pairStrength
            # Vector with overall penalty score          
            if len(listofErrorsPowerdif) < 1: 
                print(['listofErrorsPowerdif is empty!',listofErrorsPowerdif, pairNumber, otherPair])
                print(['Is list of strenghts errors empty?',listofErrorsStrength, pairNumber, otherPair])
                print(['Are there countries to match against?', matchablePairs])
            penaltyScore = sum([np.abs(strengthError)*1.5, np.abs(powerdifError), np.abs(listofErrorsStrength)*1.5, np.abs(listofErrorsPowerdif)]) # Calculate total penalty
                indexOfBestMatchInMatchablePairs = np.argmin(penaltyScore) # Get index of lowest penalty score.
                print("Geen indexOfBestMatchInMatchablePairs!")
            if indexOfBestMatchInMatchablePairs > len(penaltyScore):
                print('Impossible index.')
                bestMatchedPair = matchablePairs['pairno'].iloc[indexOfBestMatchInMatchablePairs]
                print("Geen bestMatchedPair!")
            bestMatchedStrength = matchablePairs['strength'].loc[matchablePairs['pairno'] == bestMatchedPair].values
            bestMatchedPowerdif = matchablePairs['powerdif'].loc[matchablePairs['pairno'] == bestMatchedPair].values
            otherBestMatchStrength = averageStrength + matchablePairs['penaltyStrength'].loc[matchablePairs['pairno'] == bestMatchedPair].values[0]
            otherBestMatchPowerdif = averagePowerdif + matchablePairs['penaltyPowerdif'].loc[matchablePairs['pairno'] == bestMatchedPair].values[0]
            otherBestMatchedPowerdif = listofErrorsPowerdif[indexOfBestMatchInMatchablePairs]
            if pairNumber == nedPair:
                print(bestMatchedPowerdif.tolist() - bestMatchPowerdif)
            elif bestMatchedPair == nedPair:
                print(pairPowerdif.tolist() - bestMatchPowerdif)
            # Calculate the penalty scores for strength and powerdif.
            penaltyPairStrength = averageStrength - bestMatchedStrength # Strength
            penaltyMatchedPairStrength = averageStrength - pairStrength
            penaltyPairPowerdif = averagePowerdif - bestMatchedPowerdif # Powerdif
            penaltyMatchedPairPowerdif = averagePowerdif - attributesTable['powerdif'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values
            if (pairNumber == 1 or bestMatchedPair == 1):
                if pairNumber == 1: 
                    print('Pair 1 is main pair.') 
                    print('Pair 1 is matched pair.')
                print(['powerdif of pair',attributesTable['powerdif'].loc[attributesTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values])
                print(['best match for pair:',bestMatchPowerdif])
                print(['matched powerdif:',bestMatchedPowerdif])
                print(['penalties from block',penaltyPairPowerdif])
            block1 = pd.DataFrame({'pairno': [pairNumber],
                                                  'blockno': blockCount,
                                                  'penaltyStrength': penaltyPairStrength.item(0),
                                                   'penaltyPowerdif': penaltyPairPowerdif.item(0)
            block2 = pd.DataFrame({'pairno': [bestMatchedPair],
                                                  'blockno': blockCount,
                                                  'penaltyStrength': penaltyMatchedPairStrength,
                                                   'penaltyPowerdif': penaltyMatchedPairPowerdif.item(0)
            blockTable = pd.concat([blockTable, block1, block2])
    return blockTable

In [1926]:


In [1927]:
def updatePenalties(blockTable, pairTable):
    # Fetch PairNumber
    for pairNumber in pairTable['pairno'].unique():
        # Get countries in pair
        countryOne = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values[0]
        countryTwo = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values[1]
        # Get pair penalty updates
            strengthUpdate = blockTable['penaltyStrength'].loc[blockTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values
        powerdifUpdate = blockTable['penaltyPowerdif'].loc[blockTable['pairno'] == pairNumber].values
        if pairNumber == 1:
        for country in [countryOne, countryTwo]:
            countryIndex = rankings.loc[rankings['nation'] == country].index
            strengthUpdated = rankings['penaltyStrength'].loc[rankings['nation'] == country] + strengthUpdate
            rankings.set_value(countryIndex, 'penaltyStrength', strengthUpdated)
            powerdifUpdated = rankings['penaltyPowerdif'].loc[rankings['nation'] == country] + powerdifUpdate
            rankings.set_value(countryIndex, 'penaltyPowerdif', powerdifUpdated)
            if (pairNumber == 1 and country == countryOne):
                print(['powerdifUpdated (in rankings):',powerdifUpdated])

    # Don't forget to sort by penalty at the end!

In [ ]:

In [1928]:
def generateDayDraw(dayno): # This function will return a table with the matchups of the day
    pairs1 = generatePairs(group1) # Generate pairs within each group.
    pairs2 = generatePairs(group2)
    pairTable = pd.concat([pairs1,pairs2]) # Concat into one pairTable
    global secondTry
    secondTry = False # First try to create blockTable.
    blockTable = generateBlocks(pairTable)
    if type(blockTable) == str:
        print("blockTable is string, so we are going to try this again!")
        secondTry = True
        while type(blockTable) == str:
            blockTable = generateBlocks(pairTable) # Create blocks. Retry if fail and return string.
    updatePenalties(blockTable, pairTable) # Update penalties based on blocks.
    rankings.sort_values(by = 'penaltyPowerdif', ascending = False)
    # Create matchups from blocks
    dayDraw = pd.DataFrame(columns=('round', 'prop','opp'))
    if dayno == 1:
        dayFirstRound = 1
        daySecondRound = 2
    elif dayno == 2:
        dayFirstRound = 3
        daySecondRound = 4
    elif dayno == 3:
        dayFirstRound = 5
        daySecondRound = 6
    elif dayno == 4:
        dayFirstRound = 7
        daySecondRound = 8
        print("No correct day specified. Please try again!")
    for blockNo in np.unique(blockTable['blockno'].values):
        pairs = blockTable['pairno'].loc[blockTable['blockno'] == blockNo].values
        group1Pair = pairs[pairs < 100]
        group2Pair = pairs[pairs > 100]
        group1CountryOne = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == group1Pair[0]].values[0]
        group1CountryTwo = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == group1Pair[0]].values[1]
        group2CountryOne = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == group2Pair[0]].values[0]
        group2CountryTwo = pairTable['nation'].loc[pairTable['pairno'] == group2Pair[0]].values[1]
        blockCountries = [group1CountryOne,group1CountryTwo,group2CountryOne,group2CountryTwo]
        # Countries from group 1 are prop in the first round and opp in the second round on day 1 and day 3.
        if dayno == 1 or dayno == 3:
            blockDraw = pd.DataFrame({'round': [dayFirstRound, dayFirstRound, daySecondRound, daySecondRound],
                                                      'prop': [group1CountryOne, group1CountryTwo, group2CountryTwo, group2CountryOne],
                                                      'opp': [group2CountryOne, group2CountryTwo, group1CountryOne, group1CountryTwo]
        elif dayno == 2 or dayno == 4:
            blockDraw = pd.DataFrame({'round': [dayFirstRound, dayFirstRound, daySecondRound, daySecondRound],
                                                      'prop': [group2CountryOne, group2CountryTwo, group1CountryTwo, group1CountryOne],
                                                      'opp': [group1CountryOne, group1CountryTwo, group2CountryOne, group2CountryTwo]
        dayDraw = pd.concat([dayDraw, blockDraw])
        # Add countries to the list of 'seen' for next rounds!
        for country in [group1CountryOne,group1CountryTwo]:
        for country in [group2CountryOne,group2CountryTwo]:
    return dayDraw.sort_values(by = 'round')

In [1929]:
def generateDraw():
    matchedPowerdifs = []
    draw = pd.DataFrame(columns=('round', 'prop','opp'))
    for day in range(1,5):
        dayDraw = generateDayDraw(day)
        draw = pd.concat([draw,dayDraw])
    return draw

In [1930]:
draw = generateDraw()

Pair 1 is main pair.
['powerdif of pair', array([ 0.9311])]
['best match for pair:', array([ 0.47129333])]
['matched powerdif:', array([ 0.4947])]
['penalties from block', array([-0.02340667])]
[ 0.16590667]
['powerdifUpdate:', array([-0.02340667])]
['powerdifUpdated (in rankings):', 0   -0.023407
Name: penaltyPowerdif, dtype: float64]
Pair 1 is main pair.
['powerdif of pair', array([ 0.9311])]
['best match for pair:', array([ 0.44788667])]
['matched powerdif:', array([ 0.8704])]
['penalties from block', array([-0.39910667])]
['powerdifUpdate:', array([-0.39910667])]
['powerdifUpdated (in rankings):', 0   -0.422513
Name: penaltyPowerdif, dtype: float64]
[ 0.01812]
Pair 1 is main pair.
['powerdif of pair', array([ 0.9311])]
['best match for pair:', array([ 0.04878])]
['matched powerdif:', array([ 0.3528])]
['penalties from block', array([ 0.11849333])]
['powerdifUpdate:', array([ 0.11849333])]
['powerdifUpdated (in rankings):', 0   -0.30402
Name: penaltyPowerdif, dtype: float64]
Pair 1 is main pair.
['powerdif of pair', array([ 0.9311])]
['best match for pair:', array([ 0.16727333])]
['matched powerdif:', array([ 0.2684])]
['penalties from block', array([ 0.20289333])]
['powerdifUpdate:', array([ 0.20289333])]
['powerdifUpdated (in rankings):', 0   -0.101127
Name: penaltyPowerdif, dtype: float64]

In [1944]:
pd.concat([draw.loc[draw['prop'] == 'Netherlands'], 
           draw.loc[draw['opp'] == 'Netherlands']]).sort_values('round')

opp prop round
0 Netherlands Hong Kong 1
3 Bosnia & Herzegovina Netherlands 2
0 Mexico Netherlands 3
2 Netherlands Bermuda 4
0 Netherlands India 5
3 Palestine Netherlands 6
0 New Zealand Netherlands 7
2 Netherlands Montenegro 8

In [1945]:
rankings['strength'].loc[rankings['nation'].isin([item for sublist in matchUps['Netherlands'] for item in sublist])]

6     0.2049
12    0.2913
14    0.3369
18    0.4098
36    0.6942
44    0.7736
46    0.8200
52    0.8800
Name: strength, dtype: float64

In [1946]:
rankings['strength'].loc[rankings['nation'].isin([item for sublist in matchUps['Netherlands'] for item in sublist])].mean()


In [1947]:

 ['Hong Kong', 'Bosnia & Herzegovina'],
 ['Mexico', 'Bermuda'],
 ['India', 'Palestine'],
 ['New Zealand', 'Montenegro']]

In [1935]:
rankings.sort_values(by = "penaltyPowerdif", ascending = False)

nation strength penaltyStrength penaltyPowerdif
15 United Arab Emirates 0.3881 0.076203 0.408873
37 Argentina 0.7201 0.076203 0.408873
24 Indonesia 0.4494 0.005153 0.254973
40 Bangaldesh 0.7376 0.005153 0.254973
25 Philippines 0.4521 -0.016947 0.178173
31 Israel 0.5861 -0.016947 0.178173
3 England 0.1166 -0.022097 0.171473
57 Nigeria 0.9870 -0.022097 0.171473
5 Ireland 0.1369 -0.050747 0.152973
55 Japan 0.9315 -0.050747 0.152973
8 Pakistan 0.2285 -0.055297 0.143473
50 Hungary 0.8434 -0.055297 0.143473
9 Malaysia 0.2307 0.050753 0.139773
51 Bahrain 0.8679 0.050753 0.139773
33 Czech Republic 0.6285 -0.017147 0.131373
21 Scotland 0.4303 -0.017147 0.131373
53 Kuwait 0.8945 0.078453 0.110973
7 Greece 0.2196 0.078453 0.110973
26 Sri Lanka 0.4715 -0.093097 0.068473
30 South Korea 0.5198 -0.093097 0.068473
23 United States 0.4407 -0.046747 0.067173
41 Turkey 0.7408 -0.046747 0.067173
16 Slovenia 0.3883 -0.109347 0.061973
38 Romania 0.7275 -0.109347 0.061973
46 Montenegro 0.8200 -0.039147 0.026573
12 New Zealand 0.2913 -0.039147 0.026573
54 Zimbabwe 0.9057 -0.051747 -0.010427
4 Singapore 0.1300 -0.051747 -0.010427
44 Palestine 0.7736 0.009953 -0.014627
14 India 0.3369 0.009953 -0.014627
27 Denmark 0.4787 0.016553 -0.017627
43 Lithuania 0.7622 0.016553 -0.017627
34 Qatar 0.6519 0.066953 -0.036027
20 Germany 0.4258 0.066953 -0.036027
47 Taiwan 0.8285 0.010103 -0.039727
11 Netherlands 0.2769 0.010103 -0.039727
2 Canada 0.0955 -0.073347 -0.042027
56 Morocco 0.9400 -0.073347 -0.042027
48 Mongolia 0.8400 0.011803 -0.044927
10 Swaziland 0.2756 0.011803 -0.044927
6 Hong Kong 0.2049 0.043703 -0.047127
52 Bosnia & Herzegovina 0.8800 0.043703 -0.047127
58 Uganda 1.0000 -0.088197 -0.101127
0 Australia 0.0689 -0.088197 -0.101127
36 Bermuda 0.6942 0.012453 -0.124627
18 Mexico 0.4098 0.012453 -0.124627
45 Sweden 0.7882 0.074003 -0.158127
13 Peru 0.2935 0.074003 -0.158127
42 Nepal 0.7547 -0.010097 -0.197327
28 Thailand 0.4862 -0.010097 -0.197327
39 Chile 0.7278 0.051853 -0.197827
17 Croatia 0.3962 0.051853 -0.197827
49 Macau 0.8407 0.109603 -0.209127
29 China 0.4879 0.109603 -0.209127
32 Barbados 0.6122 -0.060547 -0.212027
22 Wales 0.4373 -0.060547 -0.212027
1 South Africa 0.0859 0.061053 -0.228427
59 Rwanda 1.0000 0.061053 -0.228427
35 Slovakia 0.6809 0.055903 -0.235127
19 Estonia 0.4125 0.055903 -0.235127

In [1936]:


In [1937]:
