Visualizing Optical Images

For the following $\sim$90 min, you are being tasked (in groups) to visualize optical images. The goal of this exercise is to both manage your work as a group, and to make conscious visualization choices to generate a nice-looking image.

Step 1: Managing time and defining work flow

Here you will decide what tasks each person in the group should work on. Your VERY FIRST step is to decide how much time should be spent on defining tasks and assignments. Beyond that, the specific tasks and workflow are up to you!

Step 2: Image visualization

Load the data for your image and, implementing the workflow from step 1, work as a team to generate a visualization to share at the end of the exercise [upload to Slack].

Hint - you can download images from the PS1 image server

An important caveat

Visualization examples from S5 were made by professionals.

At the end of this exercise, you should be able to articulate what visualization decisions you made and why— as usual, we are primarily concerned with process, so don’t worry if your final product isn’t perfect (if you want, you could always work on it more on your own, or during tomorrow’s hack time!)

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
Carl Brian Jackie Cecilia Joachim Leo Sihao Charee
Bela Daniel Giles Kaze Tianxing David D'Arcy Eve Dongming
Daniel George Eileen Alex Adrian Somayeh George Griffin Qinan
Kirsten Tomas Nora Ioana Nathan Nicholas Jamie Karina
RA: 18h 53m 35.079s RA: 07h 38m 08.51s RA: 11h 14m 47.734s RA: 10h 38m 43.58s RA: 14h 03m 25s RA: 05h 40m 59.0 RA: 12h 30m 49.42338s RA: 03h 19m 48.1s
Dec: +33° 01′ 45.03″ Dec: +38° 52′ 54.9″ Dec: +55° 01′ 08.50″ Dec: +48° 49' 17.7" Dec: −06° 03′ 00″ Dec: −02° 27′ 30.0 Dec: +12° 23′ 28.0439″ Dec: +41° 30′ 42″