In [ ]:
import datetime as dt
import pandas as pd
import ujson as json
from moztelemetry import get_pings, get_pings_properties, get_one_ping_per_client
%pylab inline
Create a set of pings from "saved-session" to build a set of core client data.
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update_channel = "beta"
now =
start = now - dt.timedelta(30)
end = now - dt.timedelta(1)
pings = get_pings(sc, app="Fennec", channel=update_channel,
submission_date=(start.strftime("%Y%m%d"), end.strftime("%Y%m%d")),
build_id=("20100101000000", "99999999999999"),
subset = get_pings_properties(pings, ["clientId",
Remove any pings without a clientId.
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subset = subset.filter(lambda p: p["clientId"] is not None)
print subset.first()
Sanitize the pings and reduce the set of pings to one ping per client per day.
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def transform(ping):
clientId = ping["clientId"] # Should not be None since we filter those out
profileDate = None
profileDaynum = ping["environment/profile/creationDate"]
if profileDaynum is not None:
profileDate = (, 1, 1) + dt.timedelta(int(profileDaynum))).strftime("%Y%m%d")
submissionDate = ping["meta/submissionDate"] # Added via the ingestion process so should not be None
channel = ping["application/channel"]
version = ping["application/version"]
os_version = int(ping["environment/system/os/version"])
memory = ping["environment/system/memoryMB"]
if memory is None:
memory = 0
memory = int(memory)
return [clientId, channel, profileDate, submissionDate, version, os_version, memory]
transformed = get_one_ping_per_client(subset).map(transform)
print transformed.first()
Output the data to CSV.
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grouped = pd.DataFrame(transformed.collect(), columns=["clientid", "channel", "profiledate", "submissiondate", "version", "osversion", "memory"])
!mkdir -p ./output
grouped.to_csv("./output/fennec-clients-" + update_channel + "-" + end.strftime("%Y%m%d") + ".csv", index=False)
s3_output = "s3n://net-mozaws-prod-us-west-2-pipeline-analysis/mfinkle/android-clients-" + update_channel
s3_output += "/v1/channel=" + update_channel + "/end_date=" + end.strftime("%Y%m%d")
grouped = sqlContext.createDataFrame(transformed, ["clientid", "channel", "profiledate", "submissiondate", "version", "osversion", "memory"])