Data Analysis Template

This notebook is a template for data analysis and includes some useful code for calculations and plotting.

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# import software packages
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
inline_rc = dict(mpl.rcParams)

Raw data

This is an example of making a data table.

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# enter column labels and raw data (with same # of values)
table1 = pd.DataFrame.from_items([
        ('column1', [0,1,2,3]), 
        ('column2', [0,2,4,6])
# display data table


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# Uncomment the next line to make your graphs look like

# to make normal-looking plots again execute:

In [ ]:
# set variables = data['column label']
x = table1['column1']
y = table1['column2']

# this makes a scatterplot of the data
# plt.scatter(x values, y values)
plt.scatter(x, y)

# calculate a trendline equation
# np.polyfit( x values, y values, polynomial order)
trend1 = np.polyfit(x, y, 1)

# plot trendline
# plt.plot(x values, y values, other parameters)
plt.plot(x, np.poly1d(trend1)(x), label='trendline')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

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# display the trendline's coefficients (slope, y-int)

Do calculations with the data

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# create a new empty column
table1['column3'] = ''

Here's an example of calculating the difference between the values in column 2:

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# np.diff() calculates the difference between a value and the one after it
z = np.diff(x)

# fill column 3 with values from the formula (z) above:
table1['column3'] = pd.DataFrame.from_items([('', z)])

# display the data table

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# NaN and Inf values cause problems with math and plotting.
# Make a new table using only selected rows and columns
table2 = table1.loc[0:2,['column1', 'column2', 'column3']] # this keeps rows 0 through 2

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# set new variables to plot
x2 = table2['column1']
y2 = table2['column3']

Now you can copy the code above to plot your new data table.

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# code for plotting table2 can go here