OpenFermion – Psi4 demo

A codealong of openfermionpsi4_demo.ipynb

Wayne H Nixalo – 2018/6/27

Running Psi4 to populate the OpenFermion MolecularData class

The module provides a user-friendly way of running Psi4 calculations in OpenFermion. The basic idea is that once one generates a MolecularData instance, once can then call Psi4 with a specification of certain options (for instance, how muhc memory to use and what calculations to do_ in order to compute things about the molecule, update the MolecularData object, and save results of the calculation.

The most common calculations users will want in OpenFermion would probabl be self-consistent field (aka Hartree-Fock calulations). Our code uses these "SCF" calculations to compute orbitals integrals, Hartree-Fock, energy, and more. Other common calculations are CISD and FCI calculations which also compute the 1-RDM and 2-RDM associated with their answers; CCSD calculations which also compute the CCSD amplitudes (useful for UCC) and MP2 calculations which can also be used to UCCSD initial guesses. Note that the "delete_input" and "delete_output" options indicate whether to save automatically generated Psi4 input files or not.

To use this plugin, you will need to personally download Psi4. Python code in psi4_template instructs Psi4 (not python) to load the MolecularData object, populate it with information from calculations, and then save then save the MolecularData object as an HDF5. The module run_psi4 uses subprocesses to actually run_psi4 and then loads the pickled MolecularData. Let's look at a simple example where we compute the energy of H$_2$ at various bond lengths.

Warnings: electronic sructure calculations are finicky. They sometimes fail for surprising reasons. If a particular calculation is not converging it is probably necessary to change some of the SCF options set in psi4_template. See the Psi4 documentation for more information or consult an electronic structure theory expert.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
from openfermion.hamiltonians import MolecularData
from openfermionpsi4 import run_psi4

# Set molecule parameters
basis = 'sto-3g'
multiplicity = 1
bond_length_interval = 0.2
n_points = 10

# Set calculation parameters
run_scf = 1
run_mp2 = 1
run_cisd = 0
run_ccsd = 0
run_fci = 1
delete_input = True
delete_output = True

# Generate molecule at different bond lengths
hf_energies = []
fci_energies = []
bond_lengths = []
for point in range(1, n_points + 1):
    bond_length = bond_length_interval * float(point)
    bond_lengths += [bond_length]
    geometry = [('H', (0.,0.,0.)), ('H', (0.,0.,bond_length))]
    molecule = MolecularData(
        geometry, basis, multiplicity,
        description=str(round(bond_length, 2)))
    # Run Psi4
    molecule = run_psi4(molecule, 
    # Print out some results of calculation
    print(f'\nAt bond length of {bond_length} ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:')
    print(f'Hartree-Fock energy of {molecule.hf_energy} Hartree.')
    print(f'MP2 energy of {molecule.mp2_energy} Hartree.')
    print(f'FCI energy of {molecule.fci_energy}')
    print(f'Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is {molecule.nuclear_repulsion}')
    for orbital in range(molecule.n_orbitals):
        print(f'Spatial orbital {orbital} has energy of {molecule.orbital_energies[orbital]}')
    hf_energies += [molecule.hf_energy]
    fci_energies += [molecule.fci_energy]
# Plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(bond_lengths, fci_energies, 'x-'); plt.plot(bond_lengths, hf_energies, 'o-');
plt.ylabel('Energy in Hartree'); plt.xlabel('Bond length in ångstrom')

At bond length of 0.2 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of 0.1641750014148149 Hartree.
MP2 energy of 0.159042663260535 Hartree.
FCI energy of 0.15748212414246954
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 2.64588604295
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.8588245273148681
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 1.5723620302922923

At bond length of 0.4 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -0.9043613977138452 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -0.9114367296997886 Hartree.
FCI energy of -0.9141497082141279
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 1.322943021475
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.745212533290935
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 1.1674163950381238

At bond length of 0.6000000000000001 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -1.1011282431368283 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -1.111331767479406 Hartree.
FCI energy of -1.1162860078265333
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.8819620143166665
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.6408762643991083
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.8380849781488574

At bond length of 0.8 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -1.1108503969854673 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -1.125453091983667 Hartree.
FCI energy of -1.134147666357861
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.6614715107375
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.5544958797639516
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.6126180834930611

At bond length of 1.0 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -1.066108648081752 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -1.0866648035682118 Hartree.
FCI energy of -1.1011503293035887
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.52917720859
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.48444167896153395
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.4575019361641327

At bond length of 1.2000000000000002 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -1.0051067048832327 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -1.0336620966065266 Hartree.
FCI energy of -1.0567407451325899
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.44098100715833327
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.4265026407232457
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.3441268787843517

At bond length of 1.4000000000000001 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -0.9414806527840187 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -0.980568732858937 Hartree.
FCI energy of -1.015468248142692
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.3779837204214285
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.37732282396935907
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.2589019723128322

At bond length of 1.6 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -0.881732447952122 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -0.9342411695719486 Hartree.
FCI energy of -0.9834727280932714
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.33073575536875
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.335296350589184
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.1945979553997846

At bond length of 1.8 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -0.8288481459846255 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -0.8978805380405488 Hartree.
FCI energy of -0.9618169521199156
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.29398733810555555
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.2995632202234615
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.14596029662462143

At bond length of 2.0 ångstrom, molecular hydrogen has:
Hartree-Fock energy of -0.7837926524663108 Hartree.
MP2 energy of -0.8725100604810726 Hartree.
FCI energy of -0.9486411117424082
Nuclear repulsion energy between protons is 0.264588604295
Spatial orbital 0 has energy of -0.26945922244444087
Spatial orbital 1 has energy of 0.10899736813189438
Text(0.5,0,'Bond length in ångstrom')

I don't know what I did but this is cool. 🤓