Star catalogue analysis

Thanks to UCF Physics undergrad Tyler Townsend for contributing to the development of this notebook.

In [ ]:
# Import modules that contain functions we need
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Getting the data

In [ ]:
# Read in data that will be used for the calculations.
# Using pandas read_csv method, we can create a data frame
data = pd.read_csv("")
datatwo = pd.read_csv("")

In [ ]:
# We wish to look at the first 12 rows of our data set


Star map

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fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 4))
plt.scatter(data.ra,data.dec, s=0.01)
plt.xlim(24, 0)
plt.title("All the Stars in the Catalogue")
plt.xlabel('right ascension (hours)')
plt.ylabel('declination (degrees)')

Let's Graph a Constellation!

In [ ]:
# These are the abbreviations for all the constellations

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# This shows just one constellation.
datatwo_con = datatwo.query('con == "UMa"')

#Define a variable called "name" so I don't have to keep renaming the plot title!
name = "Ursa Major"

# This plots where the brightest 15 stars are in the sky
datatwo_con = datatwo_con.sort_values('mag').head(15)

# I graphed first without the line below, to see what it looks like, then
# I added the plt.xlim(25,20) to make it look nicer.

plt.title('%s In the Sky'%(name))
plt.xlabel('right ascension (hours)')
plt.ylabel('declination (degrees)')

Let's Go Back in Time!

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# What did this constellation look like 50,000 years ago??

plt.title('%s Fifty Thousand Years Ago!'%(name))
plt.xlabel('right ascension (hours)')
plt.ylabel('declination (degrees)')

Let's Go Into the Future!

In [ ]:
# Now, let's try looking at what this same constellation will look like in 50,000 years!

plt.title('%s Fifty Thousand Years From Now!'%(name))
plt.xlabel('right ascension (hours)')
plt.ylabel('declination (degrees)')

Now you try one of your own!

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# Make a Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram!


  • The data came from The Astronomy Nexus and their colletion of the Hipparcos, Yale Bright Star, and Gliese catalogues (huge zip file here).
  • Reversed H-R diagram from The Electric Universe
  • Many thanks to Adam Lamee and his colleagues at for basically making this whole thing.