Implementation of the model presented in the paper 'Multi-Criteria Service Recommendation Based on User Criteria Preferences'

In this notebook we are going to explain how the model presented in the paper 'Multi-Criteria Service Recommendation Based on User Criteria Preferences' was implemented.

To test this implementation a dataset containing reviews from TripAdvisor was chosen. This dataset consists of 878,561 reviews (1.3GB) from 4,333 hotels crawled from TripAdvisor.

The implementation is maninly composed of two big steps, which are data preprocessing and rating prediction.

Data preprocessing

In this step the reviews are filtered in order to obtain only the reviews that are useful for the recommendation purposes. The steps followed to clean the data and get it ready for the recommendation process are:

  • Remove empty user reviews: We remove records that have an empty user ID.
  • Remove missing ratings reviews: We remove records that have some of the rating criteria missing. Not having all criteria can conflict with the linear regression performed to obtain significant criteria.
  • Remove single review hotels: We remove records of hotels that just have one review.
  • Remove users with low reviews: We remove users who have less than 10 reviews.
  • Drop unnecessary fields: We drop unnecessary fields in the records, such as the text of the review.
  • Include extra fields: We include some extra fields to make the data manipulation handier, for this dataset we include the user ID at the top level of the review.

In [ ]:
def remove_empty_user_reviews(reviews):
    Returns a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews made by
    users who have an empty ID

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :return: a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews made by
    users who have an empty ID
    filtered_reviews = [review for review in reviews if
                        review['user_id'] != '']
    return filtered_reviews

def extract_fields(reviews):

    ratings_criteria = [
        # 'sleep_quality',

    for review in reviews:
        # review['user_id'] = get_dictionary_subfield(review, ['author', 'id'])
        review['user_id'] = review['author']['id']
        review['overall_rating'] = review['ratings']['overall']

        ratings = review['ratings']
        for criterion in ratings_criteria:
            if criterion in ratings:
                review[criterion + '_rating'] = review['ratings'][criterion]

def remove_users_with_low_reviews(reviews, min_reviews):
    Returns a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews made by
    users who have made less than min_reviews reviews

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :param min_reviews: the minimum number of reviews a user must have in order
    not to be removed from the reviews list
    :return: a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews made by
    users who have made less than min_reviews reviews
    users = get_user_list(reviews, min_reviews)
    return ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', users)

def remove_single_review_hotels(reviews):
    TODO: Missing, this method is just a stub
    Returns a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews of hotels
    that just have been reviewed once

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :return: a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews of hotels
    that just have been reviewed once
    items = get_item_list(reviews, 2)
    return ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'offering_id', items)

def remove_missing_ratings_reviews(reviews):
    Returns a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews that have
    missing ratings

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :return: a copy of the original reviews list without the reviews that have
    missing ratings
    filtered_reviews = [review for review in reviews if
    return filtered_reviews

def verify_rating_criteria(review):
    Verifies if the given review contains all the ratings criteria required.
    Returns True in case the review contains all the necessary keys. Returns
    False otherwise. For example, if a review contains
    {'ratings': {'cleanliness':3, 'location':4, 'rooms': 5, 'service':3, 'value': 4}, ...}
    It will return True because all the desired criteria is present. But if a
    review contains {'ratings': {'cleanliness':3, 'value': 4}, ...} it will
    return False because it doesn't contain values for 'location', 'rooms' and

    :param review: a dictionary with the review information
    :return: True in case all the desired ratings criteria are present in the
    review, False otherwise
    expected_criteria = [
        # 'sleep_quality',
    expected_criteria = set(expected_criteria)
    actual_criteria = set(review['ratings'])
    return expected_criteria.issubset(actual_criteria)

def clean_reviews(reviews):
    Returns a copy of the original reviews list with only that are useful for
    recommendation purposes

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :return: a copy of the original reviews list with only that are useful for
    recommendation purposes
    filtered_reviews = remove_empty_user_reviews(reviews)
    filtered_reviews = remove_missing_ratings_reviews(filtered_reviews)
    print('Finished remove_missing_ratings_reviews')
    filtered_reviews = remove_users_with_low_reviews(filtered_reviews, 10)
    print('Finished remove_users_with_low_reviews')
    filtered_reviews = remove_single_review_hotels(filtered_reviews)
    print('Finished remove_single_review_hotels')
    return filtered_reviews

def pre_process_reviews():
    Returns a list of preprocessed reviews, where the reviews have been filtered
    to obtain only relevant data, have dropped any fields that are not useful,
    and also have additional fields that are handy to make calculations

    :return: a list of preprocessed reviews
    data_folder = '../../../../../../datasets/TripAdvisor/Four-City/'
    review_file_path = data_folder + 'review.txt'
    # review_file_path = data_folder + 'review-short.json'
    reviews = ETLUtils.load_json_file(review_file_path)

    select_fields = ['ratings', 'author', 'offering_id']
    reviews = ETLUtils.select_fields(select_fields, reviews)
    ETLUtils.drop_fields(['author'], reviews)
    reviews = clean_reviews(reviews)

    return reviews

def create_ratings_matrix(reviews):
    Returns (ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list), where ratings_matrix is a
    list of lists containing the values for all the rating criteria (except
    the overall rating), so for each review a list of rating values is returned.
    overall_ratings_list is a list containing the overall rating for each of the
    reviews. This function verifies that reviews don't have any missing ratings,
    in case there are ratings missing, those are not included in the returning

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :return: (ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list), where ratings_matrix is a
    list of lists containing the values for all the rating criteria (except
    the overall rating), and overall_ratings_list is a list containing the
    overall rating for each of the reviews
    ratings_matrix = []
    overall_ratings_list = []

    missing_count = 0

    for review in reviews:
        ratings = review['ratings']
        ratings_list = []

        rating_criteria = [
            # 'sleep_quality',
        contains_missing_rating = 0

        for criterion in rating_criteria:
            if criterion in ratings:

        missing_count += contains_missing_rating

        # If there are not missing ratings, we add the ratings to the matrix
        # In other words, we are ignoring reviews with missing ratings
        if not contains_missing_rating:
            review['ratings_list'] = ratings_list
            # review['overall_rating'] = ratings['overall']

    # print(missing_count)
    return ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list

def get_user_list(reviews, min_reviews):
    Returns the list of users that have reviewed at least min_reviews hotels

    :param reviews: the list of reviews
    :param min_reviews: the minimum number of reviews
    :return: a list of user IDs
    data_frame = DataFrame(reviews)
    column = 'user_id'
    counts = data_frame.groupby(column).size()
    filtered_counts = counts[counts >= min_reviews]
    # print(filtered_counts)
    num_users = len(filtered_counts)
    num_reviews = filtered_counts.sum()

    print('Number of users: %i' % num_users)
    print('Number of reviews: %i' % num_reviews)

    users = filtered_counts.index.get_level_values(1).tolist()
    return users

def get_groupby_list(reviews, column):
    Groups the reviews by the given column and then returns all the distinct
    column values in a list

    :param reviews: the list of reviews
    :param column: the column which is going to be used to group the data
    :return: a list of all the distinct values of the given column in the
    data_frame = DataFrame(reviews)
    counts = data_frame.groupby(column).size()

    users = counts.index.get_level_values(1).tolist()
    return users

def get_item_list(reviews, min_reviews):
    Returns the list of items that have at least min_reviews

    :param reviews: the list of reviews
    :param min_reviews: the minimum number of reviews
    :return: a list of item IDs
    data_frame = DataFrame(reviews)
    column = 'offering_id'
    counts = data_frame.groupby(column).size()
    filtered_counts = counts[counts >= min_reviews]
    # print(filtered_counts)
    num_items = len(filtered_counts)
    num_reviews = filtered_counts.sum()

    print('Number of items: %i' % num_items)
    print('Number of reviews: %i' % num_reviews)

    items = filtered_counts.index.get_level_values(1).tolist()
    return items

def get_user_average_overall_rating(reviews, user_id, apply_filter=True):
    Returns the average of the overall ratings that this user has given to
    every item he/she has reviewed

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :param user_id: the ID of the user
    :return: the average (or mean) of all the overall ratings that this has
    given to all the items he/she has reviewed
    if apply_filter:
        user_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', [user_id])
        user_reviews = reviews

    ratings_sum = 0.
    ratings_count = len(user_reviews)

    for review in user_reviews:
        ratings_sum += review['overall_rating']

    average_rating = float(ratings_sum) / float(ratings_count)

    return average_rating

def get_criteria_weights(reviews, user_id, apply_filter=True):
    Obtains the weights for each of the criterion of the given user

    :param reviews: a list of all the available reviews
    :param user_id: the ID of the user
    :return: a list with the weights for each of the criterion of the given user
    # filtered_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', [user_id])
    if apply_filter:
        user_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', [user_id])
        user_reviews = reviews

    ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list = create_ratings_matrix(user_reviews)

    overall_ratings_matrix = numpy.vstack(
        [overall_ratings_list, numpy.ones(len(overall_ratings_list))]).T
    m, c = numpy.linalg.lstsq(overall_ratings_matrix, ratings_matrix)[0]

    return m

def get_significant_criteria(criteria_weights):
    Returns (significant_criteria, cluster_name) where significant_criteria is a
    dictionary with the criteria that are significant and their values.
    cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which a user with the obtained
    significant criteria must belong

    :param criteria_weights: a list with the weights for each criterion
    :return: (significant_criteria, cluster_name) where significant_criteria is
    a dictionary with the criteria that are significant and their values.
    cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which a user with the obtained
    significant criteria must belong
    rating_criteria = [
        # 'sleep_quality',

    cluster_name = ''

    significant_criteria = {}
    for index, value in enumerate(criteria_weights):
        # if (0.8 < value < 1.2) or (-1.2 < value < -0.8):
        # if (0.7 < value < 1.3) or (-1.3 < value < -0.7):
        # if (0.5 < value < 1.5) or (-1.5 < value < -0.5):
        # if (0.1 < value < 1.9) or (-1.1 < value < -0.9):
        if True:
            significant_criteria[rating_criteria[index]] = value
            cluster_name += '1'
            cluster_name += '0'

    return significant_criteria, cluster_name

def initialize_users(reviews):
    Builds a dictionary containing all the users in the reviews. Each user
    contains information about its average overall rating, the list of reviews
    that user has made, and the cluster the user belongs to

    :param reviews: the list of reviews
    :return: a dictionary with the users initialized, the keys of the
    dictionaries are the users' ID
    user_ids = get_groupby_list(reviews, 'user_id')
    user_dictionary = {}

    for user_id in user_ids:
        user = User(user_id)
        user_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', [user_id])
        user.average_overall_rating = get_user_average_overall_rating(
            user_reviews, user_id, apply_filter=False)
        user.criteria_weights = get_criteria_weights(
            user_reviews, user_id, apply_filter=False)
        _, user.cluster = get_significant_criteria(user.criteria_weights)
        user_dictionary[user_id] = user

    print('Total users: %i' % len(user_ids))

    return user_dictionary

def get_five_star_hotels_from_user(user_reviews, min_value):
    Returns the list of hotels that this user has reviewed with an average
    overall rating higher than min_value

    :param user_reviews: the reviews the user has made
    :param min_value: the minimum value for the average overall rating that this
    user has given to a hotel
    :return: the list of hotels that this user has reviewed with an average
    overall rating higher than min_value
    data_frame = DataFrame(user_reviews)
    column = 'offering_id'
    counts = data_frame.groupby(column).mean()
    filtered_counts = counts[counts['overall_rating'] >= min_value]

    # print(filtered_counts)

    items = filtered_counts.index.get_level_values(1).tolist()
    return items

We also create some auxiliary functions to help us in the recommendation process. The first function will help us to obtain the list of users that have made for than N reviews. The second function will extract the multi-criteria ratings and overall ratings of each review in a matrix-like form and a list.

In [ ]:
def create_ratings_matrix(reviews):
    Returns (ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list), where ratings_matrix is a
    list of lists containing the values for all the rating criteria (except
    the overall rating), so for each review a list of rating values is returned.
    overall_ratings_list is a list containing the overall rating for each of the
    reviews. This function verifies that reviews don't have any missing ratings,
    in case there are ratings missing, those are not included in the returning

    :param reviews: a list of reviews
    :return: (ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list), where ratings_matrix is a
    list of lists containing the values for all the rating criteria (except
    the overall rating), and overall_ratings_list is a list containing the
    overall rating for each of the reviews
    ratings_matrix = []
    overall_ratings_list = []

    missing_count = 0

    for review in reviews:
        ratings = review['ratings']
        ratings_list = []

        rating_criteria = [
            # 'sleep_quality',
        contains_missing_rating = 0

        for criterion in rating_criteria:
            if criterion in ratings:

        missing_count += contains_missing_rating

        # If there are not missing ratings, we add the ratings to the matrix
        # In other words, we are ignoring reviews with missing ratings
        if not contains_missing_rating:
            review['ratings_list'] = ratings_list
            review['overall_rating'] = ratings['overall']

    # print(missing_count)
    return ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list

def get_user_list(reviews, min_reviews):
    Returns the list of users that have reviewed at least min_reviews hotels

    :param reviews: the list of reviews
    :param min_reviews: the minimum number of reviews
    :return: a list of user IDs
    data_frame = DataFrame(reviews)
    column = 'user_id'
    counts = data_frame.groupby(column).size()
    filtered_counts = counts[counts >= min_reviews]
    # print(filtered_counts)
    num_users = len(filtered_counts)
    num_reviews = filtered_counts.sum()

    print('Number of users: %i' % num_users)
    print('Number of reviews: %i' % num_reviews)

    users = filtered_counts.index.get_level_values(1).tolist()
    return users

Rating prediction

In order to predict the overall rating that a user would give to a hotel, we must first determine which criteria are relevant for that user, to do so, we start by performing a linear regression between the overall (y) rating of a user and its multi-criteria ratings (x). This will help us to see how much each criterion influences the overall rating.

To do so, we execute the following function that will return us the weight of each criterion over the overall rating.

In [ ]:
def get_criteria_weights(reviews, user_id):
    Obtains the weights for each of the criterion of the given user

    :param reviews: a list of all the available reviews
    :param user_id: the ID of the user
    :return: a list with the weights for each of the criterion of the given user
    filtered_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', [user_id])

    ratings_matrix, overall_ratings_list = extractor.create_ratings_matrix(

    overall_ratings_matrix = numpy.vstack(
        [overall_ratings_list, numpy.ones(len(overall_ratings_list))]).T
    m, c = numpy.linalg.lstsq(overall_ratings_matrix, ratings_matrix)[0]

    return m

Now that we have the weights for each of the criterion, we must determine, which of this criteria are significant and which are not. We can use the following function to do that. We have set some dummy values for the range.

In [ ]:
def get_significant_criteria(criteria_weights):
    Returns (significant_criteria, cluster_name) where significant_criteria is a
    dictionary with the criteria that are significant and their values.
    cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which a user with the obtained
    significant criteria must belong

    :param criteria_weights: a list with the weights for each criterion
    :return: (significant_criteria, cluster_name) where significant_criteria is
    a dictionary with the criteria that are significant and their values.
    cluster_name is the name of the cluster in which a user with the obtained
    significant criteria must belong
    rating_criteria = [
        # 'sleep_quality',

    cluster_name = ''

    significant_criteria = {}
    for index, value in enumerate(criteria_weights):
        if (0.7 < value < 1.3) or (-1.3 < value < -0.7):
            significant_criteria[rating_criteria[index]] = value
            cluster_name += '1'
            cluster_name += '0'

    return significant_criteria, cluster_name

Having determine which criteria is significant for each user, we can cluster together the users that share exactly the same significant criteria. The next function will do that for us

In [ ]:
def build_user_clusters(reviews):
    Builds a series of clusters for users according to their significant
    criteria. Users that have exactly the same significant criteria will belong
    to the same cluster.

    :param reviews: the list of reviews
    :return: a dictionary where all the keys are the cluster names and the
    values for those keys are list of users that belong to that cluster

    min_reviews = 10
    user_list = extractor.get_user_list(reviews, min_reviews)
    user_cluster_dictionary = {}

    for user in user_list:
        weights = get_criteria_weights(reviews, user)
        significant_criteria, cluster_name = get_significant_criteria(weights)

        if cluster_name in user_cluster_dictionary:
            user_cluster_dictionary[cluster_name] = [user]

    for key in user_cluster_dictionary.keys():
        print(key, len(user_cluster_dictionary[key]))

    return user_cluster_dictionary

Finally, we implement the function that will predict the overall rating of a user for a hotel.

In [ ]:
def clu_overall(reviews, user_id, user_cluster_dictionary, hotel_id):
    single_review = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', [user_id])
    single_review = ETLUtils.filter_records(single_review, 'offering_id',

    actual_overall_rating = single_review[0]['ratings']['overall']
    # TODO: In case a user has more than one review for the same hotel
    # TODO: take the average of the overall ratings in those reviews

    weights = get_criteria_weights(reviews, user_id)
    significant_criteria, cluster_name = get_significant_criteria(weights)

    # We remove the given user from the cluster in order to avoid bias
    cluster_users = list(user_cluster_dictionary[cluster_name])

    filtered_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'offering_id',
    filtered_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_out_records(filtered_reviews, 'user_id',
    ratings_sum = 0
    ratings_count = 0
    for user in cluster_users:

        user_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(filtered_reviews, 'user_id',

        for review in user_reviews:
            ratings_sum += review['overall_rating']
            ratings_count += 1

    average_rating = 0.
    error = 0.
    if ratings_count > 0:
        average_rating = float(ratings_sum) / float(ratings_count)
        error = abs(average_rating - actual_overall_rating)

    return average_rating, error

To test the accuracy of the prediction we use the mean average error metric.

In [ ]:
def calculate_mean_average_error(reviews, user_cluster_dictionary):
    Calculates the mean average error for the predicted rating

    :param reviews: the list of all reviews
    :param user_cluster_dictionary: a dictionary where all the keys are the
    cluster names and the values for those keys are list of users that belong to
    that cluster
    :return: the mean average error after predicting all the overall ratings
    num_ratings = 0.
    total_error = 0.

    for review in reviews:
        average_rating, error = clu_overall(
            reviews, review['user_id'], user_cluster_dictionary,

        if average_rating != 0:
            total_error += error
            num_ratings += 1

    mean_absolute_error = total_error / num_ratings
    return mean_absolute_error

def main():
    reviews = extractor.pre_process_reviews()
    user_cluster_dictionary = build_user_clusters(reviews)
    mean_absolute_error = calculate_mean_average_error(reviews, user_cluster_dictionary)
    print('Mean Absolute error: %f' % mean_absolute_error)

Cluster Euclidean Distance Collborative Filtering

To enhace the speed performance of the algorithm we create a class where the initalizer method builds up all the necessary information.

In [ ]:
class CluCFEuc:

    def __init__(self): = extractor.pre_process_reviews()
        self.user_dictionary = extractor.initialize_users(
        self.user_cluster_dictionary = fourcity_clusterer.build_user_clusters(
        self.users = extractor.get_groupby_list(, 'user_id')
        self.items = extractor.get_groupby_list(, 'offering_id')
        self.user_reviews_dictionary = fourcity_clusterer.build_user_reviews_dictionary(, self.users)

    def clu_cf_euc(self, user_id, hotel_id):

        average_overall_rating = self.user_dictionary[

        cluster_name = self.user_dictionary[user_id].cluster

        # We remove the given user from the cluster in order to avoid bias
        cluster_users = list(self.user_cluster_dictionary[cluster_name])

        similarities_sum = 0.
        similarities_ratings_sum = 0.
        for cluster_user in cluster_users:
            cluster_user_overall_rating = self.user_dictionary[cluster_user].average_overall_rating
            users_similarity = self.calculate_users_similarity(cluster_user, user_id)
            user_item_rating = fourcity_clusterer.get_user_item_overall_rating(
                self.user_reviews_dictionary[user_id], user_id, hotel_id)

            if user_item_rating is not None:
                similarities_sum += users_similarity
                similarities_ratings_sum += users_similarity * (user_item_rating - cluster_user_overall_rating)
        predicted_rating = None
        error = None

        if similarities_sum > 0:
            predicted_rating = \
                average_overall_rating + similarities_ratings_sum / similarities_sum

            if predicted_rating > 5:
                predicted_rating = 5
            elif predicted_rating < 1:
                predicted_rating = 1

            error = abs(predicted_rating - average_overall_rating)
            # print('Predicted rating: %f' % predicted_rating)

        # print('Average overall rating: %f' % average_overall_rating)

        return predicted_rating, error

    def clu_cf_euc_list(self):
        predicted_ratings = []
        errors = []

        index = 0
        print('Total reviews: %i' % len(

        for review in
            print('Index: %i' % index)
            index += 1

            predicted_rating, error = self.clu_cf_euc(
                review['user_id'], review['offering_id'])

        return predicted_ratings, errors

    def clu_cf_euc_items(self):
        predicted_ratings = {}
        errors = []

        index = 0
        print('CluCFEuc Items')
        print('Total reviews: %i' % len(

        for user in self.users:
            print('Index: %i' % index)
            index += 1
            predicted_ratings[user] = {}

            five_star_hotels = extractor.get_five_star_hotels_from_user(self.user_reviews_dictionary[user], 4.5)

            for item in self.items:
                predicted_rating, _ = self.clu_cf_euc(user, item)
                # predicted_ratings[user][item] = self.clu_cf_euc(, user, item)
                if predicted_rating is not None:
                    predicted_ratings[user][item] = predicted_rating


        return predicted_ratings, errors

    def calculate_users_similarity(self, user_id1, user_id2):
        Calculates the similarity between two users based on how similar are their
        ratings in the reviews

        :param user_id1: the ID of user 1
        :param user_id2: the ID of user 2
        :return: a float with the similarity between the two users. Since this
        function is based on euclidean distance to calculate the similarity, a
        similarity of 0 indicates that the users share exactly the same tastes
        user_weights1 = self.user_dictionary[user_id1].criteria_weights
        user_weights2 = self.user_dictionary[user_id2].criteria_weights

        return fourcity_clusterer.calculate_euclidean_distance(user_weights1, user_weights2)

Results of Cluster Collaborative Filtering Euclidean Distance Algorithm


Range open (one cluster)

Mean Absolute error: 0.614083
Root mean square error: 0.842096
--- 327.711871862 seconds ---

Range [0.8, 1.2] or [-1.2, -0.8]

Mean Absolute error: 0.621729
Root mean square error: 0.841825
--- 127.151209831 seconds ---

Range [0.7, 1.3] or [-1.3, -0.7]

Mean Absolute error: 0.626290
Root mean square error: 0.839320
--- 119.938344002 seconds ---

Range [0.1, 1.9] or [-1.9, -0.1]

Mean Absolute error: 0.631229
Root mean square error: 0.839463
--- 230.939920902 seconds ---

Range [0.5, 1.5] or [-1.5, -0.5]

Mean Absolute error: 0.632573
Root mean square error: 0.837022
--- 133.390977859 seconds ---

Data Analysis