In this notebook we are going to explain how the Recommender system called Clu_CF_Euc that appears in the paper 'Multi-Criteria Service Recommendation Based on User Criteria Preferences' is implemented.
To implement this recommender system we have created a class called CluCFEuc which contains several methods, the most important of all which is predict_rating(user_id, item_id).
In the following sections we are going to describe the most important parts of the CluCFEuc class
In the firsts versions of this class the recommendations took a long time to be computed and that because a lot of calculations had to be done each time a rating of an item was to be predicted for a user. To solve this, many of the calculations are done before engaging recommendations and are stored as attributes of the object. The information that is pre-calculated is:
Additionally, the user IDs and the item IDs that are present in the training data are also stored in attributes for easy access.
The following is the code of the initializer method:
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def __init__(self, reviews): = reviews
self.user_dictionary = extractor.initialize_users(
print('Users Initialized')
self.user_cluster_dictionary = fourcity_clusterer.build_user_clusters(
print('User cluster built')
self.user_ids = extractor.get_groupby_list(, 'user_id')
self.item_ids = extractor.get_groupby_list(, 'offering_id')
self.user_reviews_dictionary = fourcity_clusterer.build_user_reviews_dictionary(, self.user_ids)
print('User reviews dictionary built')
self.user_similarity_matrix = {}
print('Users similarities matrix built')
def initialize_users(reviews):
Builds a dictionary containing all the users in the reviews. Each user
contains information about its average overall rating, the list of reviews
that user has made, and the cluster the user belongs to
:param reviews: the list of reviews
:return: a dictionary with the users initialized, the keys of the
dictionaries are the users' ID
user_ids = get_groupby_list(reviews, 'user_id')
user_dictionary = {}
for user_id in user_ids:
user = User(user_id)
user_reviews = ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', [user_id])
user.average_overall_rating = get_user_average_overall_rating(
user_reviews, user_id, apply_filter=False)
user.criteria_weights = get_criteria_weights(
user_reviews, user_id, apply_filter=False)
_, user.cluster = get_significant_criteria(user.criteria_weights)
user_dictionary[user_id] = user
user.item_ratings = get_user_item_ratings(user_reviews)
print('Total users: %i' % len(user_ids))
return user_dictionary
def build_user_clusters(reviews):
Builds a series of clusters for users according to their significant
criteria. Users that have exactly the same significant criteria will belong
to the same cluster.
:param reviews: the list of reviews
:return: a dictionary where all the keys are the cluster names and the
values for those keys are list of users that belong to that cluster
user_list = extractor.get_groupby_list(reviews, 'user_id')
user_cluster_dictionary = {}
for user in user_list:
weights = extractor.get_criteria_weights(reviews, user)
significant_criteria, cluster_name = extractor.get_significant_criteria(weights)
if cluster_name in user_cluster_dictionary:
user_cluster_dictionary[cluster_name] = [user]
return user_cluster_dictionary
def build_user_reviews_dictionary(reviews, users):
Builds a dictionary that contains all the reviews the users have made where
the key is the user ID and the value is a list of the reviews this user has
:param reviews: a list of reviews
:param users: the list of users to be considered
:return: a dictionary that contains all the reviews the users have made
where the key is the user ID and the value is a list of the reviews this
user has made.
user_reviews_dictionary = {}
for user in users:
user_reviews_dictionary[user] =\
ETLUtils.filter_records(reviews, 'user_id', user)
return user_reviews_dictionary
def calculate_users_similarity(self, user_id1, user_id2):
Calculates the similarity between two users based on how similar are their
ratings in the reviews
:param user_id1: the ID of user 1
:param user_id2: the ID of user 2
:return: a float with the similarity between the two users. Since this
function is based on euclidean distance to calculate the similarity, a
similarity of 0 indicates that the users share exactly the same tastes
user_weights1 = self.user_dictionary[user_id1].criteria_weights
user_weights2 = self.user_dictionary[user_id2].criteria_weights
return fourcity_clusterer.calculate_euclidean_distance(user_weights1, user_weights2)
def build_user_similarities_matrix(self):
Builds a matrix that contains the similarity between every pair of users
in the dataset of this recommender system. This is particularly useful
to prevent repeating the same calculations in each cycle
for user1 in self.user_ids:
self.user_similarity_matrix[user1] = {}
for user2 in self.user_ids:
self.user_similarity_matrix[user1][user2] = self.calculate_users_similarity(user1, user2)
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def predict_rating(self, user_id, item_id):
Predicts the rating the user will give to the hotel
:param user_id: the ID of the user
:param item_id: the ID of the hotel
:return: a float between 1 and 5 with the predicted rating
if user_id not in self.user_reviews_dictionary:
return None
cluster_name = self.user_dictionary[user_id].cluster
# We remove the given user from the cluster in order to avoid bias
cluster_users = list(self.user_cluster_dictionary[cluster_name])
similarities_sum = 0.
similarities_ratings_sum = 0.
for cluster_user in cluster_users:
cluster_user_overall_rating = self.user_dictionary[cluster_user].average_overall_rating
users_similarity = self.user_similarity_matrix[cluster_user][user_id]
if item_id in self.user_dictionary[cluster_user].item_ratings:
cluster_user_item_rating = self.user_dictionary[cluster_user].item_ratings[item_id]
similarities_sum += users_similarity
similarities_ratings_sum += users_similarity * (cluster_user_item_rating - cluster_user_overall_rating)
predicted_rating = None
if similarities_sum > 0:
user_average_rating = self.user_dictionary[user_id].average_overall_rating
predicted_rating = \
user_average_rating + similarities_ratings_sum / similarities_sum
# We cut the rating to the limits of the range
if predicted_rating > 5:
predicted_rating = 5
elif predicted_rating < 1:
predicted_rating = 1
return predicted_rating
The above method will return a value in the range [1, 5] with the predicted value. We can now proceed to perform an evaluation of the recommender system performace.
To evaluate this recommender system we use two kinds of metrics: accuracy metrics and relevance metrics.
The metrics used to evaluate the accuracy of this algorithm are the mean absolute error (MAE) and the root mean square error (RMSE)
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def predict_ratings_list(self, reviews):
For each one of the reviews this method predicts the rating for the
user and item contained in the review and also returns the error
between the predicted rating and the actual rating the user gave to the
:param reviews: a list of reviews (the test data)
:return: a tuple with a list of the predicted ratings and the list of
errors for those predictions
predicted_ratings = []
errors = []
index = 0
print('Total reviews: %i' % len(
for review in reviews:
# print('Index: %i' % index)
index += 1
user_id = review['user_id']
hotel_id = review['offering_id']
predicted_rating = self.predict_rating(user_id, hotel_id)
actual_rating = None
if hotel_id in self.user_dictionary[user_id].item_ratings:
actual_rating = self.user_dictionary[user_id].item_ratings[hotel_id]
error = None
if predicted_rating is not None and actual_rating is not None:
error = abs(predicted_rating - actual_rating)
return predicted_ratings, errors
The above method takes a list of reviews (test dataset) and predicts the rating a user would give to the item that appears in each review. It returns a pair composed of a list of all predicted ratings and a list of the errors of the predicted ratings. With this information now we can go on and proceed to calculate the MAE and RMSE.
We perform a K-Fold evaluation with the dataset splitted into 80-20 and take the average of the MAE and RMSE in 5 cycles, as shown below:
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def perform_clu_overall_cross_validation():
# reviews = extractor.pre_process_reviews()
reviews = extractor.load_json_file('/Users/fpena/tmp/filtered_reviews.json')
for i in xrange(0, 5):
train, test = ETLUtils.split_train_test(reviews)
user_cluster_dictionary = fourcity_clusterer.build_user_clusters(train)
_, errors = fourcity_clusterer.clu_overall_list(test, user_cluster_dictionary)
mean_absolute_error = calculate_mean_average_error(errors)
print('Mean Absolute error: %f' % mean_absolute_error)
root_mean_square_error = calculate_root_mean_square_error(errors)
print('Root mean square error: %f' % root_mean_square_error)
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def calculate_user_recall(self, user, n):
Calculates the recall of this recommender system for a given user.
The recall is defined as the number of correct hits divided by the
total number of items that this user likes
:param user: the user ID
:param n: the number of items to be displayed to the user
:return: the recall of this recommender system
num_hits = 0
favorite_items = extractor.get_five_star_hotels_from_user(self.user_reviews_dictionary[user], 4.5)
if not favorite_items:
return None
items = self.item_ids + favorite_items
length = n + len(favorite_items)
predicted_ratings = self.predict_user_ratings(user, items)
sorted_ratings = sorted(predicted_ratings.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
sorted_ratings = sorted_ratings[:length]
for item, rating in sorted_ratings:
if item in favorite_items:
print('Item: %s\t Rating: %f' % (item, rating))
num_hits += 1
recall = float(num_hits) / float(len(favorite_items))
return recall
def calculate_recall(self, users, n):
Calculates the recall of this recommender system for a list of users.
The recall is defined as the number of correct hits divided by the
total number of items that this user likes. This method returns the
average of the recalls for each user
:param users: a list with the IDs of the users
:param n: the number of items to be displayed to the user
:return: the recall of this recommender system
total_recall = 0
num_cycles = 0
index = 0
for user in users:
print('Index %i' % index)
index += 1
recall = self.calculate_user_recall(user, n)
if recall is not None:
total_recall += recall
num_cycles += 1
print('Recall: %f' % recall)
average_recall = total_recall / float(num_cycles)
print('Average recall: %f' % average_recall)
return average_recall
def perform_clu_cf_euc_top_n_validation():
reviews = extractor.load_json_file('/Users/fpena/tmp/filtered_reviews.json')
clusterer = CluCFEuc(reviews)
users = extractor.get_groupby_list(reviews, 'user_id')
clusterer.calculate_recall(users, 10)
Mean absolute error: 0.643860
Root mean square error: 0.836126
--- 329.206673861 seconds ---
Mean Absolute error: 0.725547
Root mean square error: 0.978313
--- 330.151209831 seconds ---
Mean absolute error: 0.703855
Root mean square error: 0.933754
--- 326.090766191 seconds ---
Mean absolute error: 0.721087
Root mean square error: 0.962147
--- 319.189477921 seconds ---
Mean Absolute error: 0.631229
Root mean square error: 0.839463
--- 230.939920902 seconds ---
Final mean absolute error: 0.743690
Final root mean square error: 0.930624
--- 285.975922108 seconds ---
Final mean absolute error: 0.650432
Final root mean square error: 0.826167
--- 463.971400023 seconds ---
Without trim (open range)
Average recall: 0.016286
Average precision: 0.0016286
--- 1193.08387589 seconds —
With trim (range [1,5])
Average recall: 0.015881
Average precision: 0.0015881
--- 1346.18048596 seconds —
With trim (open range)
Average recall: 0.495125
Average precision: 0.00099025
--- 1083.18167305 seconds —
Without trim (range [1,5])
Average recall: 0.495721
Average precision: 0.000991442
--- 1097.08114195 seconds —