Precipitation in the BMI-ed Meteorology component

Goal: In this example, I want to give the Meteorology component a constant scalar precipitation value and check whether it produces output when the model state is updated.

Start with an import and some magic:

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np

Import the Meteorology component and create an instance:

In [ ]:
from topoflow.components.met_base import met_component
m = met_component()

Locate the cfg file and initialize the component:

In [ ]:
cfg_file = './input/meteorology.cfg'

Despite setting a value of 20 mm/hr for P in the cfg file, if I call get_value at this point, the model precip values are zeroed out:

In [ ]:
precip = m.get_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux')  # `P` internally
print type(precip)
print precip.size

Maybe this will change after the first update?

Show the model start, current, and stop times:

In [ ]:
print m.get_start_time(), m.get_current_time(), m.get_end_time()

Advance the model by one time step:

In [ ]:
print '\nCurrent time: {} s'.format(m.get_current_time())

Note that it hasn't precipitated:

In [ ]:
precip = m.get_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux')
print precip

But this might be expected, since the initial precip value retrieved by get_value was also zero.

Try manually setting the precip rate variable to an arbitrary non-zero value:

In [ ]:
new_value = np.array(15, dtype=np.float64)  # set_value doesn't convert to the TF type...
m.set_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux', new_value)
precip = m.get_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux')
print precip

Note that I can't simply give set_value a new value of 15; I need to create a one-element Numpy array with a value of 15 to match what TopoFlow needs internally.

Advance the model by another time step:

In [ ]:
print '\nCurrent time: {} s'.format(m.get_current_time())

Is precipitation being produced?

In [ ]:
precip = m.get_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux')
print precip

No, it's not.

Look at the verbose output from the call to update:

Calling update_P_integral()...
Calling update_P_max()...
Calling update_P_rain()...
   >> Rain is falling...
Calling update_P_snow()...
Calling update_bulk_richardson_number()...
Calling update_bulk_aero_conductance()...
Callilng update_sensible_heat_flux()...
Calling update_saturation_vapor_pressure()...
Calling update_saturation_vapor_pressure()...
Calling update_vapor_pressure()...
Calling update_dew_point()...
Calling update_precipitable_water_content()...
Calling update_vapor_pressure()...
Calling update_latent_heat_flux()...
Calling update_conduction_heat_flux()...
Calling update_advection_heat_flux()...
Calling update_julian_day()...
Calling update_net_shortwave_radiation()...
Calling update_em_air()...
Calling update_net_longwave_radiation()...
Calling update_net_energy_flux()...
Calling read_input_files()...
Reached end of scalar rainfall duration.
  P set to 0 by read_input_files().
Calling write_output_files()...

The fourth line says it's raining, but the second-to-last line looks problematic.

On examining the TopoFlow source code, the following code block starts at line 1827 in

if (self.P_type.lower() != 'scalar'):
    # Precip is unique in this respect.
    # 2/7/13. Note that we don't change P from grid
    # to scalar since that could cause trouble for
    # other comps that use P, so we just zero it out.
    self.P.fill( 0 )
    if (self.DEBUG):
        print 'Reached end of file:', self.P_file
        print '  P set to 0 by read_input_files().'

So if the precipitation rate is a scalar, it's explicitly zeroed out, by design, after every update.

Result: Rain is falling, but it's canceled at the end of every update.