Using the Babel-wrapped Meteorology component

In this example, I want to give the Meteorology component a constant scalar precipitation value and see whether it produces output when the model state is updated.

Start with an import and some magic:

In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np

Import the Meteorology component and create an instance:

In [ ]:
from cmt.components import Meteorology

In [ ]:
m = Meteorology()

Locate the cfg file:

In [ ]:
cfg_file = './input/meteorology.cfg'

Initialize the component with the cfg file:

In [ ]:

Note that I set P (the precipitation rate) to 20.0 mm/hr in the cfg file. Why does Meteorology now report a different value?
Aha! On line 552 of, the constant mmph_to_mps is defined:

In [ ]:
mmph_to_mps = (np.float64(1) / np.float64(3600000))

And on line 764 of it's applied the input value of P:

In [ ]:
print 20.0 * mmph_to_mps

So it looks like the [mmph] label in the initialize output should be [m/s]. A typo.

However, if I call get_value at this point, the model precip values are still zeroed out:

In [ ]:
precip = m.get_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux')  # `P` internally
print precip.shape
print precip.min(), precip.max(), precip.mean()

Maybe this will change after the first update?

Show the model start, current, and stop times:

In [ ]:
print m.get_start_time(), m.get_current_time(), m.get_end_time()

Get the model time step:

In [ ]:
time_step = m.get_value('model__time_step')  # `dt` internally
time_step = time_step.max()
print time_step

Advance the model by one time step:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
print m.get_start_time(), m.get_current_time(), m.get_end_time()

Note that it hasn't precipitated:

In [ ]:
precip = m.get_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux')
print precip.min(), precip.max(), precip.mean()

But this might be expected, since the initial value retrieved by get_value was also zero.

Try manually setting the precip rate variable to a non-zero value:

In [ ]:
m.set_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux', 15.0)
precip = m.get_value('atmosphere_water__precipitation_leq-volume_flux')
print precip.shape
print precip.min(), precip.max(), precip.mean()

Advance the model by another time step:

In [ ]:

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