• Stitch
  • 4B compatibility

In [3]:
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import plotly.offline as py
import plotly.graph_objs as go

import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module='numpy')

In [4]:
import sys
from plot_utils import plot1d, plot_heatmap
import mantid
import mantid.simpleapi as api

In [5]:
import event_reduction
from event_reduction import load_data, get_wl_range, get_peak, quicknxs_scale, get_q_binning, EventReflectivity
import datasets

<module 'datasets' from '/SNS/users/m2d/git/reflectivity_ui/test/notebooks/datasets.pyc'>

In [6]:
#data_id = '30891'
data_id = '30806'
#data_id = '30889'
#data_id = '30906'
data_sc, data_db = datasets.retrieve(data_id)

peak_center = data_sc['peak_pos']
peak = data_sc['peak']
peak_bck = data_sc['bck']
beam = data_sc['beam']
tof = data_sc['tof']

norm_peak = data_db['peak']
norm_bck = data_db['bck']
norm_beam = data_db['beam']

ref_path = data_sc['ref']
ref_cst_path = data_sc['refcst']
ref_scale = data_sc['scale']

In [7]:
ws_sc = load_data(run=data_sc['sc'])
ws_db = load_data(run=data_db['sc'])

CPU times: user 6.51 s, sys: 952 ms, total: 7.46 s
Wall time: 8.66 s

In [8]:


In [143]:

theta = ws_sc.getRun()['SANGLE'].getStatistics().mean * np.pi / 180.
#theta = 0.0110254156154/2.0

event_refl = EventReflectivity(ws_sc, ws_db,
                               signal_peak=peak, signal_bck=peak_bck,
                               norm_peak=norm_peak, norm_bck=norm_bck,
                               signal_low_res=beam, norm_low_res=norm_beam,
                               q_min=None, q_step=-0.02, q_max=None,

_scale = quicknxs_scale(theta, peak, beam, norm_peak, norm_beam)
print("Quicknxs scale = %s" % _scale)
print("Reference scale = %s" % ref_scale)

sample-det: 2.297
pixel: 0.0007
WL: 2.75 7.95
Q: 0.00520159301485 0.0150373325338
Theta = 0.00329074641931
Quicknxs scale = 1.59615298878
Reference scale = 1.0
CPU times: user 1.14 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 1.14 ms
Wall time: 931 µs

Compute event-based reflectivity

Old Mantid algorithm takes 1.3 sec to compute reflectivity

In [144]:

q_bins, evt_r, evt_dr = event_refl.specular()

# Scale to compare to QuickNXS results
refl = evt_r * _scale * ref_scale
d_refl = evt_dr * _scale * ref_scale

CPU times: user 728 ms, sys: 1.21 ms, total: 729 ms
Wall time: 728 ms

In [146]:
# EventReflectivity.DELTA_KZ_VS_QZ
# EventReflectivity.KZI_VS_KZF

if 1:
    #qx_bins, qz_bins, _refl_2d, _d_refl_2d = event_refl.off_specular(x_min=-0.00003, x_max=0.000035, x_npts=25,
    #                                                             z_min=-0.001, z_max=0.035, z_npts=100,
    qx_bins, qz_bins, _refl_2d, _d_refl_2d = event_refl.off_specular(x_min=-0.0002, x_max=0.0001, x_npts=50,
                                                                 z_min=-0.001, z_max=0.06, z_npts=100,
                                                                 bck_in_q=[9e-5, 22e-5],
elif 1:
    qx_bins, qz_bins, _refl_2d, _d_refl_2d = event_refl.off_specular(x_min=-0.015, x_max=0.022, x_npts=40,
                                                                 z_min=-0.002, z_max=0.03, z_npts=80,
#                                                                 z_min=-0.001, z_max=0.06, z_npts=100,
                                                                 x_axis=EventReflectivity.DELTA_KZ_VS_QZ )

elif 1:
    qx_bins, qz_bins, _refl_2d, _d_refl_2d = event_refl.off_specular(z_min=-0.01, z_max=0.015, z_npts=50,
                                                                 x_min=0.004, x_max=0.015, x_npts=50,
                                                                 x_axis=EventReflectivity.KZI_VS_KZF )

#qx_bins, qz_bins, _refl_2d, _d_refl_2d = event_refl.off_specular(bck_in_q=[0.002, 0.004])
#qx_bins, qz_bins, _refl_2d, _d_refl_2d = event_refl.off_specular(bck_in_q=[-0.0018, 0.0018])

refl_2d = _refl_2d * _scale * ref_scale
d_refl_2d = _d_refl_2d * _scale * ref_scale

CPU times: user 5.48 s, sys: 10.5 s, total: 15.9 s
Wall time: 8.11 s

In [147]:
print ref_cst_path
print ref_path
spec_data_cst = np.loadtxt(ref_cst_path)
spec_data = np.loadtxt(ref_path)

q_bins = event_refl.q_bins
q_middle = [(q_bins[i+1]+q_bins[i])/2.0 for i in range(len(q_bins)-1)]

_plot_list = [[q_middle, refl, d_refl],
              [spec_data.T[0], spec_data.T[1], spec_data.T[2]],
              [spec_data_cst.T[0], spec_data_cst.T[1], spec_data_cst.T[2]],
_plot_names = ["Events 1d", "Old", "Old cst-Q"]

if True:
    # Qx range for the specular ridge in 2D
    _z, _spec, _d_spec = event_refl.slice(-0.0015, 0.00311, normalize=False)
    #_z, _spec, _d_spec = event_refl.slice(-1.3e-5, 1.3e-5, normalize=False)

    _sum_scale = 1.0

    _spec *= _scale * ref_scale * _sum_scale
    _d_spec *= _scale * ref_scale * _sum_scale

    _z_middle = [(_z[i+1]+_z[i])/2.0 for i in range(len(_z)-1)]

    _plot_list.append([_z_middle, _spec, _d_spec])
    _plot_names.append("Events 2D")


plot1d(_plot_list, _plot_names, x_log=True, y_log=True, x_title='Q')


In [141]:
plot_heatmap(qx_bins, qz_bins, np.log(refl_2d).T)