In [2]:
board = range(36)

Computing Two Dominoes

In [3]:
placements = []
for i in board:
    if i%6 <> 5:
        for j in range(i+2,36):
            if j%6 != 5:
                placements.append( ((i,i+1), (j,j+1) ))
            if j/6 < 5:
                placements.append( ((i,i+1), (j,j+6) ))
    if i/6 < 5:
        for j in range(i+1,36):
            if j%6 != 5 and j != i+6 and j+1 != i+6:
                placements.append( ((i,i+6),(j,j+1) ))
            if j/6 < 5 and j != i + 6:
                placements.append( ((i,i+6), (j,j+6)) )

In [5]:
d = {}
for p1,p2 in placements:
    if p1 in d:
        d[p1] = [p2]
    if p2 in d:
        d[p2] = [p1]

In [6]:
sum([len(d[k]) for k in d]) / 2


In [39]:
(24*53 + 8*56 + 12*55)/2


In [45]:
[[k[0],k[1],len(d[k])] for k in d]

[[7, 8, 53],
 [15, 21, 53],
 [10, 11, 54],
 [24, 30, 56],
 [28, 29, 54],
 [2, 8, 54],
 [29, 35, 56],
 [8, 9, 53],
 [20, 26, 53],
 [18, 19, 54],
 [16, 22, 53],
 [14, 20, 53],
 [22, 23, 54],
 [31, 32, 55],
 [16, 17, 54],
 [8, 14, 53],
 [27, 33, 54],
 [6, 7, 54],
 [9, 15, 53],
 [12, 13, 54],
 [26, 32, 54],
 [25, 31, 54],
 [25, 26, 53],
 [15, 16, 53],
 [19, 25, 53],
 [33, 34, 55],
 [17, 23, 55],
 [22, 28, 53],
 [27, 28, 53],
 [21, 27, 53],
 [32, 33, 55],
 [4, 10, 54],
 [1, 2, 55],
 [21, 22, 53],
 [5, 11, 56],
 [4, 5, 56],
 [18, 24, 55],
 [23, 29, 55],
 [9, 10, 53],
 [12, 18, 55],
 [3, 9, 54],
 [2, 3, 55],
 [13, 19, 53],
 [6, 12, 55],
 [19, 20, 53],
 [0, 1, 56],
 [11, 17, 55],
 [26, 27, 53],
 [28, 34, 54],
 [13, 14, 53],
 [10, 16, 53],
 [7, 13, 53],
 [0, 6, 56],
 [24, 25, 54],
 [20, 21, 53],
 [30, 31, 56],
 [1, 7, 54],
 [14, 15, 53],
 [3, 4, 55],
 [34, 35, 56]]

Compute 3 dominoes

In [ ]:
placements_3_dominoes = []
for i in board:
    tmp = []
    if i%6 <> 5:
        tmp.append( (i,i+1) )
        for j in range(i+2,36):
            if j%6 != 5 and j != i+6 and j+1 != i+6:
                tmp.append( (j,j+1) )
            if j/6 < 5 and j != i + 6:
                tmp.append( ((i,i+1), (j,j+6) ))
            for k in range(j+1,36):
                if k%6 != 5  and k != i+6 and k+1 != i+6 and k != j+6 and k != j+6:
                    tmp.append( (k,k+1) )
                if k/6 < 5 and :
                    tmp.append( (j,j+6) )
     if i/6 < 5:
        tmp.append( (i,i+6) )
        for j in range(i+1,36):
            if j%6 != 5 and j != i+6:
                tmp.append( (j,j+1) )
            if j/6 < 5 and j != i + 6:
                tmp.append( (j,j+6) )
            for k in range(j+1,36):
                if k%6 != 5 and k != i+6 and k!= j+6

Compute Recursively

In [8]:
horizontal_domino_placements = [ {'end_a':x,'end_b':x+1, 'orientation':'horizontal'} for x in range(35) if x%6 != 5]
vertical_domino_placements = [ {'end_a':x,'end_b':x+6,'orientation':'vertical'} for x in range(30)]
domino_placements = horizontal_domino_placements + vertical_domino_placements
grouped_domino_placements = {}
for d in domino_placements:
    if d['end_a'] in grouped_domino_placements:
        grouped_domino_placements[d['end_a']] = [d]

empty_spaces = [True]*36
def recursivelyPopulateBoard(numDominos,cur_end_a_position):
    global domino_placements
    if numCars == 0
        yield piecePlacementsInUseStack

    if numCars > 0: 
        #attempt to successively place both cars with end_a at current position on board and recurse
        for domino in grouped_domino_placements[cur_end_a_position]:
            if empty_board_spaces[domino['end_a']] and empty_board_spaces[domino['end_b']]
        for groupedCars in grouped_by_end_a_car_placements[cur_end_a_position:]:    
            for car in groupedCars:
                # NOTE: If unable to place a car on the board, then this call falls through to a return
                #       This somehow kills the chain of recursive generator calls which prevents us from
                #       ending up wiht a board only partially populated with the initial car/truck counts.
                if empty_board_spaces[car['end_a']] and empty_board_spaces[car['end_b']]:
                    for gen in recursivelyPopulateBoard(numCars -1 , numTrucks, car['end_a'] + 1):
                        yield gen

In [ ]: