Art Style Transfer

This notebook is a re-implementation of the algorithm described in "A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style" ( by Gatys, Ecker and Bethge. Additional details of their method are available at and

An image is generated which combines the content of a photograph with the "style" of a painting. This is accomplished by jointly minimizing the squared difference between feature activation maps of the photo and generated image, and the squared difference of feature correlation between painting and generated image. A total variation penalty is also applied to reduce high frequency noise.

This notebook was originally sourced from Lasagne Recipes, but has been modified to use a GoogLeNet network (pre-trained and pre-loaded), in TensorFlow and given some features to make it easier to experiment with.

Other implementations :

In [ ]:
import tensorflow as tf

import numpy as np
import scipy
import scipy.misc  # for imresize

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

import time

from urllib.request import urlopen  # Python 3+ version (instead of urllib2)

import os # for directory listings
import pickle


Add TensorFlow Slim Model Zoo to path

In [ ]:
import os, sys

tf_zoo_models_dir = './models/tensorflow_zoo'

if not os.path.exists(tf_zoo_models_dir):
    print("Creating %s directory" % (tf_zoo_models_dir,))
if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(tf_zoo_models_dir, 'models', '') ):
    print("Cloning tensorflow model zoo under %s" % (tf_zoo_models_dir, ))
    !cd {tf_zoo_models_dir}; git clone

sys.path.append(tf_zoo_models_dir + "/models/research/slim")

print("Model Zoo model code installed")

The Inception v1 (GoogLeNet) Architecture|

Download the Inception V1 checkpoint

Functions for building the GoogLeNet model with TensorFlow / slim and preprocessing the images are defined in model.inception_v1_tf - which was downloaded from the TensorFlow / slim Model Zoo.

The actual code for the slim model will be here.

In [ ]:
from datasets import dataset_utils

targz = "inception_v1_2016_08_28.tar.gz"
url = ""+targz
checkpoints_dir = './data/tensorflow_zoo/checkpoints'

if not os.path.exists(checkpoints_dir):

if not os.path.isfile( os.path.join(checkpoints_dir, 'inception_v1.ckpt') ):
    tarfilepath = os.path.join(checkpoints_dir, targz)
    if os.path.isfile(tarfilepath):
        import tarfile, 'r:gz').extractall(checkpoints_dir)
        dataset_utils.download_and_uncompress_tarball(url, checkpoints_dir)
    # Get rid of tarfile source (the checkpoint itself will remain)
print("Checkpoint available locally")

In [ ]:
slim = tf.contrib.slim

from nets import inception
from preprocessing import inception_preprocessing

image_size = inception.inception_v1.default_image_size


In [ ]:
def prep_image(im):
    if len(im.shape) == 2:
        im = im[:, :, np.newaxis]
        im = np.repeat(im, 3, axis=2)
    # Resize so smallest dim = 224, preserving aspect ratio
    h, w, _ = im.shape
    if h < w:
        im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, (224, int(w*224/h)))
        im = scipy.misc.imresize(im, (int(h*224/w), 224))

    # Central crop to 224x224
    h, w, _ = im.shape
    im = im[h//2-112:h//2+112, w//2-112:w//2+112]
    rawim = np.copy(im).astype('uint8')
    # Now rescale it to [-1,+1].float32 from [0..255].unit8
    im = ( im.astype('float32')/255.0 - 0.5 ) * 2.0
    return rawim, im

Choose the Photo to be Enhanced

In [ ]:
photos = [ '%s/photos/%s' % (AS_PATH, f) for f in os.listdir('%s/photos/' % AS_PATH) if not f.startswith('.')]
photo_i=-1 # will be incremented in next cell (i.e. to start at [0])

Executing the cell below will iterate through the images in the ./images/art-style/photos directory, so you can choose the one you want

In [ ]:
photo_i += 1
photo = plt.imread(photos[photo_i % len(photos)])
photo_rawim, photo = prep_image(photo)

Choose the photo with the required 'Style'

In [ ]:
styles = [ '%s/styles/%s' % (AS_PATH, f) for f in os.listdir('%s/styles/' % AS_PATH) if not f.startswith('.')]
style_i=-1 # will be incremented in next cell (i.e. to start at [0])

Executing the cell below will iterate through the images in the ./images/art-style/styles directory, so you can choose the one you want

In [ ]:
style_i += 1
style = plt.imread(styles[style_i % len(styles)])
style_rawim, style = prep_image(style)

In [ ]:
def plot_layout(artwork):
    def no_axes():

    plt.subplot2grid( (2,3), (0,0) )

    plt.subplot2grid( (2,3), (1,0) )

    plt.subplot2grid( (2,3), (0,1), colspan=2, rowspan=2 )
    plt.imshow(artwork, interpolation='nearest')


Precompute layer activations for photo and artwork

This takes ~ 20 seconds

In [ ]:

# This creates an image 'placeholder' - image inputs should be (224,224,3).float32 each [-1.0,1.0]
input_image_float = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, 3], name='input_image_float')
#input_image_var = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([image_size,image_size,3], dtype=tf.uint8), name='input_image_var' )

# Define the pre-processing chain within the graph - based on the input 'image' above
#processed_image = inception_preprocessing.preprocess_image(input_image, image_size, image_size, is_training=False)

processed_image = input_image_float
processed_images = tf.expand_dims(processed_image, 0)

print("Model builder starting")

# Here is the actual model zoo model being instantiated :
with slim.arg_scope(inception.inception_v1_arg_scope()):
    _, end_points = inception.inception_v1(processed_images, num_classes=1001, is_training=False)

# Create an operation that loads the pre-trained model from the checkpoint
init_fn = slim.assign_from_checkpoint_fn(
    os.path.join(checkpoints_dir, 'inception_v1.ckpt'),

print("Model defined")

In [ ]:
#[ for v in slim.get_model_variables('InceptionV1') ]

So that gives us a pallette of GoogLeNet layers from which we can choose to pay attention to :

In [ ]:
photo_layers = [
    # used for 'content' in photo - a mid-tier convolutional layer 
    'Mixed_4b',      #Theano : 'inception_4b/output', 
#    'pool4/3x3_s2', 

style_layers = [
    # used for 'style' - conv layers throughout model (not same as content one)
    'Conv2d_1a_7x7', #Theano : 'conv1/7x7_s2',        
    'Conv2d_2c_3x3', #Theano : 'conv2/3x3', 
    'Mixed_3b',      #Theano : 'inception_3b/output',  
    'Mixed_4d',      #Theano : 'inception_4d/output',

#    'conv1/7x7_s2', 'conv2/3x3', 'pool3/3x3_s2', 'inception_5b/output',
all_layers = photo_layers+style_layers

In [ ]:
# Actually, we'll capture more data than necessary, so we can compare the how they look (below)
photo_layers_capture = all_layers  # more minimally = photo_layers
style_layers_capture = all_layers  # more minimally = style_layers

Let's grab (constant) values for all the layers required for the original photo, and the style image :

In [ ]:
# Now let's run the pre-trained model on the photo and the style

with tf.Session() as sess:
    # This is the loader 'op' we defined above
    # This run grabs all the layer constants for the original photo image input
    photo_layers_np =[ end_points[k] for k in photo_layers_capture ], feed_dict={input_image_float: photo})
    for i,l in enumerate(photo_layers_np):
        photo_features[ photo_layers_capture[i] ] = l

    # This run grabs all the layer constants for the style image input
    style_layers_np =[ end_points[k] for k in style_layers_capture ], feed_dict={input_image_float: style})
    for i,l in enumerate(style_layers_np):
        style_features[ style_layers_capture[i] ] = l

    # Helpful display of 
    for i,name in enumerate(all_layers):
        desc = []
        if name in style_layers:
        if name in photo_layers:
        print("  Layer[%d].shape=%18s, = '%s'" % (i, str(l.shape), '+'.join(desc), name,))

Here are what the layers each see (photo on the top, style on the bottom for each set) :

In [ ]:
for name in all_layers:
    print("Layer Name : '%s'" % (name,))
    for i in range(4):
        if name in photo_features:
            plt.subplot(2, 4, i+1)
            plt.imshow(photo_features[ name ][0, :, :, i], interpolation='nearest') # , cmap='gray'
        if name in style_features:
            plt.subplot(2, 4, 4+i+1)
            plt.imshow(style_features[ name ][0, :, :, i], interpolation='nearest') #, cmap='gray'

Define the overall loss / badness function

Let's now create model losses, which involve the end_points evaluated from the generated image, coupled with the appropriate constant layer losses from above :

In [ ]:
art_features = {}
for name in all_layers:  
    art_features[name] = end_points[name]

This defines various measures of difference that we'll use to compare the current output image with the original sources.

In [ ]:
def gram_matrix(tensor):
    shape = tensor.get_shape()
    # Get the number of feature channels for the input tensor,
    # which is assumed to be from a convolutional layer with 4-dim.
    num_channels = int(shape[3])

    # Reshape the tensor so it is a 2-dim matrix. This essentially
    # flattens the contents of each feature-channel.
    matrix = tf.reshape(tensor, shape=[-1, num_channels])
    # Calculate the Gram-matrix as the matrix-product of
    # the 2-dim matrix with itself. This calculates the
    # dot-products of all combinations of the feature-channels.
    gram = tf.matmul(tf.transpose(matrix), matrix)
    return gram

def content_loss(P, X, layer):
    p = tf.constant( P[layer] )
    x = X[layer]
    loss = 1./2. * tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(x - p))
    return loss

def style_loss(S, X, layer):
    s = tf.constant( S[layer] )
    x = X[layer]
    S_gram = gram_matrix(s)
    X_gram = gram_matrix(x)
    layer_shape = s.get_shape()
    N = layer_shape[1]
    M = layer_shape[2] * layer_shape[3]
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(X_gram - S_gram)) / (4. * tf.cast( tf.square(N) * tf.square(M), tf.float32))
    return loss

def total_variation_loss_l1(x):
    loss = tf.add( 
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(x[1:,:,:] - x[:-1,:,:])), 
            tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(x[:,1:,:] - x[:,:-1,:]))
    return loss

def total_variation_loss_lX(x):
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(
                tf.square( x[1:,:-1,:] - x[:-1,:-1,:]) + tf.square( x[:-1,1:,:] - x[:-1,:-1,:]),
    return loss

In [ ]:
# And here are some more TF nodes, to compute the losses using the layer values 'saved off' earlier
losses = []

# content loss
cl = 10.
losses.append(cl *1.     * content_loss(photo_features, art_features, 'Mixed_4b'))

# style loss
sl = 2. *1000. *1000.
losses.append(sl *1.     * style_loss(style_features, art_features, 'Conv2d_1a_7x7'))
losses.append(sl *1.     * style_loss(style_features, art_features, 'Conv2d_2c_3x3'))
losses.append(sl *10.    * style_loss(style_features, art_features, 'Mixed_3b'))
losses.append(sl *10.    * style_loss(style_features, art_features, 'Mixed_4d'))

# total variation penalty
vp = 10. /1000. /1000.
losses.append(vp *1.     * total_variation_loss_lX(input_image_float))
#losses.append(vp *1.     * total_variation_loss_l1(input_image_float))

# ['193.694946', '5.038591', '1.713539', '8.238111', '0.034608', '9.986152']
# ['0.473700', '0.034096', '0.010799', '0.021023', '0.164272', '0.539243']
# ['2.659750', '0.238304', '0.073061', '0.190739', '0.806217', '3.915816']
# ['1.098473', '0.169444', '0.245660', '0.109285', '0.938582', '0.028973']
# ['0.603620', '1.707279', '0.498789', '0.181227', '0.060200', '0.002774']
# ['0.788231', '0.920096', '0.358549', '0.806517', '0.256121', '0.002777']

total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(losses)

# And define the overall symbolic gradient operation
total_grad = tf.gradients(total_loss, [input_image_float])[0]

Get Ready for Optimisation by SciPy

This uses the BFGS routine :

  • R. H. Byrd, P. Lu and J. Nocedal. A Limited Memory Algorithm for Bound Constrained Optimization, (1995), SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 16, 5, pp. 1190-1208.

Initialize with the original photo, since going from noise (the code that's commented out) takes many more iterations :

In [ ]:
art_image = photo
#art_image = np.random.uniform(-1.0, +1.0, (image_size, image_size, 3))

x0 = art_image.flatten().astype('float64')

Optimize all those losses, and show the image

To refine the result, just keep hitting 'run' on this cell (each iteration is about 60 seconds) :

In [ ]:
t0 = time.time()

with tf.Session() as sess:
    # This helper function (to interface with scipy.optimize) must close over sess
    def eval_loss_and_grad(x):  # x0 is a 3*image_size*image_size float64 vector
        x_image = x.reshape(image_size,image_size,3).astype('float32')
        x_loss, x_grad = [total_loss, total_grad], feed_dict={input_image_float: x_image} )
        print("\nEval Loss @ ", [ "%.6f" % l for l in x[100:106]], " = ", x_loss)
        #print("Eval Grad = ", [ "%.6f" % l for l in x_grad.flatten()[100:106]] )
        losses_ = losses, feed_dict={input_image_float: x_image} )
        print("Eval loss components = ", [ "%.6f" % l for l in losses_])
        return x_loss.astype('float64'), x_grad.flatten().astype('float64')

    x0, x0_loss, state = scipy.optimize.fmin_l_bfgs_b( eval_loss_and_grad, x0, maxfun=50) 
    iteration += 1

print("Iteration %d, in %.1fsec, Current loss : %.4f" % (iteration, float(time.time() - t0), x0_loss))

art_raw = np.clip( ((x0*0.5 + 0.5) * 255.0), a_min=0.0, a_max=255.0 )
plot_layout( art_raw.reshape(image_size,image_size,3).astype('uint8') )

Now try it on your own images and styles...

In [ ]: